
Whats the smallest in diamond size you could go?

Dreamer_D|1305695609|2924601 said:
Case and point -- lots of ladies have commented that they have comparatively large diamonds for their social spheres and have *never* received any rude comments on their diamond size. I wager those same women rarely are on the receiving end of negative comments about their bodies or clothing or what have you, either, either because they don't choose to associate with rude and insulting people, or because they have a confidence that does not invite such rudeness. Alternatively, those women might not pay attention to so-called diamond (or other) insults because they don't care what othrs think. But any ways you slice it, it is not about diamonds. If someone wants to take you down a peg for some reason, they will latch onto whatever obvious thing they can critique that they think will hurt you.

Exactly! thank you so much for saying this!!
1 carat is as small as I would go, to answer your question, AN. :wavey:
This is so interesting because a smaller D IF or a tiny red dot of a diamond can cost more than many honkers out there.

Yet everyone focuses on size as if they assume everyone buys the largest diamond they can afford, which is so not true.
TravelingGal|1304959500|2916343 said:
Autumnovember|1304959181|2916336 said:
lbbaber|1304958982|2916327 said:
Autumnovember|1304957039|2916284 said:
Obviously it goes both ways, thats exactly what I was pointing out. *MY* point is that people with larger stones hear a lot more flack about large stones than people with small ones. What was the point of the thread that asked what the largest size diamond they would comfortable wearing?

Same thing, reverse question.

Hmmmm, people with larger stones hear ALOT more flack? Really? I cant speak from experience bc my 1.61ct is neither large nor small but that statement almost seems comical to me. We are on a forum that uses "DSS" and "upgrade" as often as we use the words "blingy". Come on now!

When and if my stone ever grows to be a honker, I will gladly take those jabs :D

Yep, and I'll stand by that. It's a lot easier to bash a large stone than it is a small stone. Search earlier threads...its an obvious observation. So if it sounds 'comical' to you, so be it. We'll agree to disagree.

AN, a larger stone may inspire more outright, forthwith opinions, but smaller stones get WAY more flack. Often in a more subversive way. In fact, in the post just above the one you made here, you describe a smaller stone ring as "sweet." Which implies "awwww, isn't that just darling, cute, kiddie like."

A woman who is wearing that ring my not think it's "sweet", but elegant, classy, etc.

kenny|1305708786|2924652 said:
This is so interesting because a smaller D IF or a tiny red dot of a diamond can cost more than many honkers out there.

Yet everyone focuses on size as if they assume everyone buys the largest diamond they can afford, which is so not true.

So true. I don't get it either. honestly I think the cost is also not something to oogle. get something that you love, that inspires you, that makes you feel like you have something you love and is special.

I remember a few years ago I used to see Hummers and Hummer2s everywhere. Haven't seen one for a long time... have you? people have to break streotypes and mental blocks & create their own style. That's why I love the fact that Yssie got unplated White Gold, you collect these gorgeous stones, and others get sapphire or gemstones for engagement rings. I am so inspired by bold people like that.
LadyBlue|1304960873|2916374 said:
I see it this way. For example. I wants a 5 carats round, a lot of people think is too big for a round, but I love it my hand, so I don't care what other people think, because the stone speaks to me.

Now let's say I have .30 round. I feel is too small but it is what my DH could afford. Then everybody thinks and says, that is such a small stone. They would not like it or wear it. This would make me feel sad, because this is not my dream stone, this stone does not speak to me, this is only what I could afford.

Just for reference I will wear any size, if that is what I could afford. My dream size is 3, but I as you said, if my DH had proposed with a .25 I would wear it. That is why I don’t think there is not such a thing as too small, because no matter the size of the stone I would had said yes.

My husband is very very anti-diamond so I would take any size! I have no diamonds (unless you count the chips in a pair of super cheap hoop earings). I have to admit though that I would feel self conscious about a small diamond (which is exactly why DH hates them). They have become such a status symbol that people seem to assume things about your income based on the size of your diamond. That's just silly imho because as kenny said, some small diamonds are worth more than larger.

People also have different priorities. I hate how a recently engaged friend keeps on getting comments about her "baby diamond" and her "cute adorable ring." I'm in the "talk money" category of friendship with the guy in the relationship so people keep on saying things like "Wow, I thought his business was going really well. Is he ok?" He's fine, he just has completely different priorities (that his fiance supports although I'm sure she'd love a bigger diamond). For example, he is planning a wedding with a budget of $35k (paying cash for everything) and he just bought a house with a $120k downpayment. Everybody knows he bought a house and is planning a wedding, but most of them seem to use his fiance's 0.75 carat solitaire as the marker of his success.

I have to admit that this perception that diamond size is proportional to income would make me hesitant to post any future diamond purchases on this board. DH and I are both successful in our careers, but I don't think either of us could ever justify spending the amount of money necessary for a substantial diamond. There have been too many posts in Rocky Talk about people looking for "baby diamonds" to make me feel anything less than uncomfortable about posting a 0.50 carat diamond.

So I guess I retract my earlier answer. I would be happy with any size if the world consisted of just DH and I and outside influences weren't a consideration. With public perception like it is, I would probably feel a tingling of self consciousness with anything under 1.25 carats.
I honestly would be happy with nearly any size. I do think it'd be hard to wear a .05 as a solitaire though. ;)) That being said, both of the stones I have right now are around .30 and my toe ring has .10 stones in it. I love the idea of smaller colored stones, or even small stones in general! I don't feel like super large stones would look good on my hands, but would love to have a fair sized pendant some day. Any which way will make me happy!
CherryBlossom|1305708255|2924649 said:
Autumnovember|1304899200|2915702 said:
Amys Bling|1304898863|2915695 said:
I too, go to school/clinicals in a very poor area so at times I am not as comfortable. However, I thought about it and wondered how I would feel if my stone was smaller and I STILL don't think I'd be comfortable wearing it there. A friend and I were walking down one of the streets in a poor neighborhood and I twisted my ring around so the diamond was facing my palm...her diamond is smaller than mine and I was just as nervous for her as I was for myself.

Okay, I need to say this because I think there are many times we read/hear things and don't speak up and on this matter I have to say something even if it ruffles some feathers. I had a VERY difficult taking a lot of the things that you were saying seriously due to the comments you made about poor people and being in a poor area. The fact you mentioned turning your ring around in your palm or being afraid to walk in a "poor area" Are you seriously afraid of the people you work with and the area you work in? are you afraid of all poor people? I am doing my residency in a hospital in Los Angeles and I have go to Compton, East Los Angeles, etc. on a regular basis. It's "poor" area but frankly I have never felt afraid of the poor people that I work with, nor have I ever put myself in a position where I feel unsafe in the location where I am working/walking around in. I would never talk about it the way you described. I just don't understand those comments one bit and was actually offended by them.

I wouldn't wear my ring in the hospital because it would snag on gloves. I would just war a simple band. But that would not have ANYTHING to do w/ poor people being around. I don't understand why them being "poor" and you feeling "safe" had to keep getting brought up :(

It's a practical concern. I grew up poor, and in a poor neighborhood, and, dude, it is because of that experience that I know that flaunting disproportionate wealth is a dumb idea. 9 times out of 10, all it gets you is a dirty look: the 10th time, it gets your ass kicked or mugged. (Okay, statistically, this is off-base: in thousands of times of coming home late, my dad was only violently mugged three times ... but, nevertheless, there's a reason why he's the one who paranoically asks me if I'm remembering to conceal my jewels on the train.)

Can this also happen in a wealthy area? Why, yes! Criminals do not come exclusively from the lower socioeconomic classes, and criminals are not quarantined to specific sectors: in point of fact, the smarter criminals will be very interested in visiting the areas more likely to net them wealthier victims. But generally speaking, they don't. Why?

Cops. Wealthy areas are more likely to have more visible and more active law enforcement. This is a social disparity that we should all be protesting and working against, right alongside poor districts getting worse stakes in the educational dept., but, nevertheless, it's our current reality. I don't think AB was being inappropriate in observing that big bling is inappropriate to certain settings.
Dreamer_D|1305695609|2924601 said:
I don't think large diamond get more flack than small. I think that some *people* like to give more flack because they are rude and insecure, and and some people seem to attrack flack from their so-called friends or supposedly loving family because they are sensitive and perhaps a little insecure. And somehow those two types of people end up in relationships with one another, more often than not. In those relationships, if the insults were not about diamond size, then they would be about body shape or hair or WHATEVER. Some relationships just involve a lot of crap slinging. And sometimes diamond size gets pulled into that fray.

Case and point -- lots of ladies have commented that they have comparatively large diamonds for their social spheres and have *never* received any rude comments on their diamond size. I wager those same women rarely are on the receiving end of negative comments about their bodies or clothing or what have you, either, either because they don't choose to associate with rude and insulting people, or because they have a confidence that does not invite such rudeness. Alternatively, those women might not pay attention to so-called diamond (or other) insults because they don't care what othrs think. But any ways you slice it, it is not about diamonds. If someone wants to take you down a peg for some reason, they will latch onto whatever obvious thing they can critique that they think will hurt you.

Great post, Dreamer, and the second paragraph describes me (and I'm assuming you and a lot of other PSers) perfectly.
I'd wear anything from .25 carats proudly (though in my heart of hearts I'd like something larger!). Honestly, I want to live abroad, and in some areas it's just plain not smart to wear bling. In others, large bling is rather gauche, and in still others I could rock a couple of carats and not have anybody give me the side-eye. But as for what looks good on my size 6 finger, I could easily rock .25ct without feeling it was too small.

And add me to the list of people that doesn't seem to associate with rude people, and doesn't hesitate to call people out on being rude (which generally scares them off, reinforcing point #1). I do make a concious effort to avoid the language so many people are talking about when they show off smaller rings - but then, that's me in general. I'm a gusher. And when faced with an included maul ring, I'll still gush, because the beauty of an engagement ring is what it symbolizes. But it does make my bling-loving heart happy when I can gush over the ring as much as I gush over the symbolism.
princesss|1305733117|2924822 said:
I'd wear anything from .25 carats proudly (though in my heart of hearts I'd like something larger!). Honestly, I want to live abroad, and in some areas it's just plain not smart to wear bling. In others, large bling is rather gauche, and in still others I could rock a couple of carats and not have anybody give me the side-eye. But as for what looks good on my size 6 finger, I could easily rock .25ct without feeling it was too small.

And add me to the list of people that doesn't seem to associate with rude people, and doesn't hesitate to call people out on being rude (which generally scares them off, reinforcing point #1). I do make a concious effort to avoid the language so many people are talking about when they show off smaller rings - but then, that's me in general. I'm a gusher. And when faced with an included maul ring, I'll still gush, because the beauty of an engagement ring is what it symbolizes. But it does make my bling-loving heart happy when I can gush over the ring as much as I gush over the symbolism.

Add me to this list too. I've not had any of my friends say anything negative about my ring. They gushed, and then asked my FI how I got him to buy it :lol:
rosetta|1305741881|2924915 said:
princesss|1305733117|2924822 said:
I'd wear anything from .25 carats proudly (though in my heart of hearts I'd like something larger!). Honestly, I want to live abroad, and in some areas it's just plain not smart to wear bling. In others, large bling is rather gauche, and in still others I could rock a couple of carats and not have anybody give me the side-eye. But as for what looks good on my size 6 finger, I could easily rock .25ct without feeling it was too small.

And add me to the list of people that doesn't seem to associate with rude people, and doesn't hesitate to call people out on being rude (which generally scares them off, reinforcing point #1). I do make a concious effort to avoid the language so many people are talking about when they show off smaller rings - but then, that's me in general. I'm a gusher. And when faced with an included maul ring, I'll still gush, because the beauty of an engagement ring is what it symbolizes. But it does make my bling-loving heart happy when I can gush over the ring as much as I gush over the symbolism.

Add me to this list too. I've not had any of my friends say anything negative about my ring. They gushed, and then asked my FI how I got him to buy it :lol:

+1. Great post. I love that one of DHs friends wives who has a ring at least twice the size of mine tells me constantly how jealous she is of my ring. She will look at all the rings of all the other wives...all of which are larger than mine, but still comes back and tells me she is just in love with the style and sentiment behind it. I may not have a honker, and others are jealous not of the size...but they do get jealous none the less.
chemgirl|1305716845|2924675 said:
My husband is very very anti-diamond so I would take any size! I have no diamonds (unless you count the chips in a pair of super cheap hoop earings). I have to admit though that I would feel self conscious about a small diamond (which is exactly why DH hates them). They have become such a status symbol that people seem to assume things about your income based on the size of your diamond. That's just silly imho because as kenny said, some small diamonds are worth more than larger.

People also have different priorities. I hate how a recently engaged friend keeps on getting comments about her "baby diamond" and her "cute adorable ring." I'm in the "talk money" category of friendship with the guy in the relationship so people keep on saying things like "Wow, I thought his business was going really well. Is he ok?" He's fine, he just has completely different priorities (that his fiance supports although I'm sure she'd love a bigger diamond). For example, he is planning a wedding with a budget of $35k (paying cash for everything) and he just bought a house with a $120k downpayment. Everybody knows he bought a house and is planning a wedding, but most of them seem to use his fiance's 0.75 carat solitaire as the marker of his success.

I have to admit that this perception that diamond size is proportional to income would make me hesitant to post any future diamond purchases on this board. DH and I are both successful in our careers, but I don't think either of us could ever justify spending the amount of money necessary for a substantial diamond. There have been too many posts in Rocky Talk about people looking for "baby diamonds" to make me feel anything less than uncomfortable about posting a 0.50 carat diamond.

So I guess I retract my earlier answer. I would be happy with any size if the world consisted of just DH and I and outside influences weren't a consideration. With public perception like it is, I would probably feel a tingling of self consciousness with anything under 1.25 carats.

I just wanted to comment on this post and say how obnoxious it is that people try to guess a guy's income from the girl's diamond e-ring. I know its true but its still obnoxious as hell. Diamonds are too pretty to be simply income gauges. Hmmm, that may be why in my circles, the girls are gunning for smaller, more perfect diamonds and the guys are gunning for larger diamonds no matter the quality. For the guy, a smaller diamond can reflect badly on his income which can get kinda personal. Honestly before I came to Pricescope, I hadn't seen many women really want to go for larger diamonds in their e-rings (by larger I mean significantly more than 1 carat).
I am an Australian physician working largely with old aged pensioners, both in hospital and home visiting. I do wear my engagement ring to work, an ideal cut 1 carat, but I wouldnt be comfortable wearing anything much larger. Not because I think anyone will steal it but because these people really struggle to make ends meet on $ 13 thousand a year and it seems rude to me to wear something that costs more than their annual income!
I did in the past work in a hospice service that visited peoples homes in central Sydney and I didnt wear anything that marked me out as a target in places like the public housing towers in Redfern that had major drug/crime problems. Why invite trouble?
Not that I wouldnt like a fabulous ring to wear on my right hand, I just wouldnt wear it to work, it would fit in fine in my local neighbourhood, kids schools etc.....
thing2of2|1305728944|2924774 said:
Dreamer_D|1305695609|2924601 said:
I don't think large diamond get more flack than small. I think that some *people* like to give more flack because they are rude and insecure, and and some people seem to attrack flack from their so-called friends or supposedly loving family because they are sensitive and perhaps a little insecure. And somehow those two types of people end up in relationships with one another, more often than not. In those relationships, if the insults were not about diamond size, then they would be about body shape or hair or WHATEVER. Some relationships just involve a lot of crap slinging. And sometimes diamond size gets pulled into that fray.

Case and point -- lots of ladies have commented that they have comparatively large diamonds for their social spheres and have *never* received any rude comments on their diamond size. I wager those same women rarely are on the receiving end of negative comments about their bodies or clothing or what have you, either, either because they don't choose to associate with rude and insulting people, or because they have a confidence that does not invite such rudeness. Alternatively, those women might not pay attention to so-called diamond (or other) insults because they don't care what othrs think. But any ways you slice it, it is not about diamonds. If someone wants to take you down a peg for some reason, they will latch onto whatever obvious thing they can critique that they think will hurt you.

Great post, Dreamer, and the second paragraph describes me (and I'm assuming you and a lot of other PSers) perfectly.
Really interesting post, Dreamer. I was thinking about this thread (as well as other threads that discuss strangers and friends saying rude things) and wondering why some people seem to experience more rude comments than others.

I've spent much of my life thinking that people might be exaggerating their experiences with rude people, but now I'm wondering if I was being unfair. I have met a few oddly rude people over the last few years, but they're usually strangers or new acquaintances and not friends or people with whom I regularly associate. I'm thinking of one particular friend who really seems to get entangled in these drama-filled situations with her other friends and acquaintances on a regular basis, and she IS sensitive and she IS a bit insecure, so now I can see how she makes herself a target for rude people. Interesting. This friend of mine also likes to attract a lot of attention (think the girl in the bar who giggles and yells *just* a bit higher than everyone else,) so it stands to reason that she'd attract positive and negative attention.
Maybe 10pt? One of my best friends has a gorgeous ring with maybe a 10pt center. It's bright and white and I've never seen a setting quite like it (no prongs). They could afford something much bigger, but there's something about it that is so classy and delicate and a little bit unconventional - almost a statement. They also have the best relationship of anyone I know.
It's all about the setting, and with a small stone it becomes so much easier to have something perfect looking. I wouldn't wear a tall, prongy solitaire. But I would do a bezel or semi-bezel or some sort of pretty antique setting in a second.
For me, .85 in an oval. I have side stones in rings that are smaller of course, but I am talking about the center stone. I just don't like small stones and really prefer 3+ in a diamond center stone. My MIL has 2 carat side stones in her 3 stone ring and I covet that piece like crazy. It is a visual monster, lol.

I do have large hands and I am self conscious about rings looking 'lost' on me.
First I have to say that I visit PS everyday but rarely post here. But when I read this post, I can't help it to feel that I have to say something.

I agree totally with some posters here that you can only get hurt if you allow others to hurt you. Really, I never understand why people with huge ring would feel hurt by comments saying their ring is too big. At the end of the day, aren't we now live in the world where big diamond = wealth, success and power? So why should you be hurt by being associated with those 3 words? Shouldn't you feel proud about that? In fact, I kind of get the feeling that many people complain about this issue just becoz they wanna get the attention that they own BIG HUGE rock!!! Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the original poster is one of these people.

Now turning to the original question, I think the smallest Size of diamond I am comfortable to wear is 0.41 carat princess cut. That is the exact size that I'm wearing on my ring finger today. No, it is not my e-ring, I didn't wear it becoz of financial constraint or social constraint. I wear it becoz I feel like it.

I consider myself very fortunate becoz I married the love of my life who can also afford my obsession with diamonds. This may sound bad but I told my DH at the time we started ring shopping that I couldnt have an e-ring that was smaller than 3 carats simply becoz of my family's social circle. So my DH got me a most beautiful 3.51 princess cut in my dream setting. I love my ring but somehow, I just don't like to wear it. It is not comfortable in everyday life. So what I did was to make a "cute" version of my e-ring with a 0.41 carat princess cut in the same, but smaller scale of my e-ring. In my daily life, I switch between this ring, a 5 pointer eternity ring, a 1 carat round with pink diamond halo or a 0.37 fancy pink heart shape bezel set solitaire. They are much more comfortable.

Now to the point about rude comment, in the past 3 years with my e-ring, do I ever get rude comment? No!!! I do get interesting comments like "wow...that's a huge ring" or "you can hit people to death with that ring" or something of this sort one in a while. But I never take it too personally and never see the point of feeling bad about it. It is a big sparkly ring and people just happened to notice it. So what?

To the original poster, I don't think your e-ring with 2.5 carat center is anywhere near too big. It is a good size, so wear it in good health.
sweetpigtail|1305864911|2926309 said:
This may sound bad but I told my DH at the time we started ring shopping that I couldnt have an e-ring that was smaller than 3 carats simply becoz of my family's social circle. So my DH got me a most beautiful 3.51 princess cut in my dream setting. I love my ring but somehow, I just don't like to wear it. It is not comfortable in everyday life. So what I did was to make a "cute" version of my e-ring with a 0.41 carat princess cut in the same, but smaller scale of my e-ring.

If you don't mind my asking, why is the 3 carats uncomfortable for you to wear on a daily basis if it was the minimum you needed to fit into your family's social circle? I don't mean to be critical because I can understand both concerns but just not together. It looks like not being comfortable wearing it daily defeats the purpose of having a diamond that fits into your family's social circle.

But maybe there's something I'm missing and I truly don't mean to offend.
I love diamonds. Big. Small. Doesn't matter to me. I'm naturally drawn to a large honker of a diamond much more, though.

I have only received a few rude comments, almost exclusively from strangers or people I have just met, but they don't equate how much DH makes as much as how much he loves me. I find that completely ludicrous. My diamond is just shy of 2 carats (a very nice size for the Midwest) and I can't count how many times someone has said "oh, he must really love you." Whaaaaa? What does love have to do with diamond size? Drives me bonkers. How would they feel if I looked at their smaller diamond and said "aww, it's a shame your husband doesn't seem to love you quite as much, does he?" Bleh, even typing that gave me a horrible taste in my mouth. I really do need to think of an appropriate response for the next time someone says that to me. I'm open to suggestions....

My very best friend has a .75 solitaire set in this absolutely stunning three-sided pave setting. It is sooo terribly delicate and sparkles like no other. Whenever we get together, we will inevitably trade rings for a while so I can gush over her icy-white diamond in that gorgeous setting and she admires the size of mine and makes jokes about getting a workout on her hand from lugging it around. I get so used to my ring and wonder if I could ever go down in size, but I know I could rock any size diamond as long as it sparkles!
Travel Goddess|1305910134|2926623 said:
... I can't count how many times someone has said "oh, he must really love you." Whaaaaa? What does love have to do with diamond size? Drives me bonkers. How would they feel if I looked at their smaller diamond and said "aww, it's a shame your husband doesn't seem to love you quite as much, does he?" Bleh, even typing that gave me a horrible taste in my mouth. I really do need to think of an appropriate response for the next time someone says that to me. I'm open to suggestions....

Eugh, I have NO idea what one CAN say. That said, I have an inappropriate turn of mind, so ...

"Nah, he's just over-compensating."

"And they said size didn't matter ..."

Or, alternately, depending on mood ...

"You know how they say that it's not the size of the waves, it's the motion of the ocean? FALSE. Size matters, baby."

I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. :ugeek:
Very naughty, Circe. :naughty: :lol:
AmeliaG|1305905009|2926568 said:
sweetpigtail|1305864911|2926309 said:
This may sound bad but I told my DH at the time we started ring shopping that I couldnt have an e-ring that was smaller than 3 carats simply becoz of my family's social circle. So my DH got me a most beautiful 3.51 princess cut in my dream setting. I love my ring but somehow, I just don't like to wear it. It is not comfortable in everyday life. So what I did was to make a "cute" version of my e-ring with a 0.41 carat princess cut in the same, but smaller scale of my e-ring.

If you don't mind my asking, why is the 3 carats uncomfortable for you to wear on a daily basis if it was the minimum you needed to fit into your family's social circle? I don't mean to be critical because I can understand both concerns but just not together. It looks like not being comfortable wearing it daily defeats the purpose of having a diamond that fits into your family's social circle.

But maybe there's something I'm missing and I truly don't mean to offend.
yep,sounds weird to me... :bigsmile:
I could honestly wear any size diamond and be completely happy with it. If I had a 25 pointer, I'd set it in a simple but modern tension setting. Lovely! If I had a half carat stone, I'd set it in an Etoile style setting - clean and classic! Love love love.

BUT if I had to set a diamond in one of those high solitaire Stuller settings with the monster prongs, the lowest I could go would be 1.5 carats. If I'm being honest with myself, maybe 2.5 carats for optimum happiness if I had to choose a plain solitaire setting. If I had an ornate halo setting, the lowest I could go would be a carat. Something about those settings makes me want a certain "look" for it to look right on my hand...just kind of how I always imagined it to be.

Otherwise, if I was free to pick any setting - I could be happy with any size. Something about a 40 pointer set in a platinum band the same width makes my heart skip a beat. And if there were budget constraints, I'd just as happily go for a plain platinum band or 5-stone band and be thrilled.
The quote regarding clinicals and turning your ring around was AN, not mine and the way it was quoted was misleading... If you read back on earlier pages you will see what I am referring to... The way it is quoted makes it look line I was saying that so I am confused why you have a hard time taking me seriously???? Many people here don't wear certain things while traveling, etc. I don't like to show up at someone's house wearing an expensive luxury item while they can't afford food, heat etc. I just think it's rude. I never indicated anything about feeling unsafe.
AmeliaG|1305905009|2926568 said:
sweetpigtail|1305864911|2926309 said:
This may sound bad but I told my DH at the time we started ring shopping that I couldnt have an e-ring that was smaller than 3 carats simply becoz of my family's social circle. So my DH got me a most beautiful 3.51 princess cut in my dream setting. I love my ring but somehow, I just don't like to wear it. It is not comfortable in everyday life. So what I did was to make a "cute" version of my e-ring with a 0.41 carat princess cut in the same, but smaller scale of my e-ring.

If you don't mind my asking, why is the 3 carats uncomfortable for you to wear on a daily basis if it was the minimum you needed to fit into your family's social circle? I don't mean to be critical because I can understand both concerns but just not together. It looks like not being comfortable wearing it daily defeats the purpose of having a diamond that fits into your family's social circle.

But maybe there's something I'm missing and I truly don't mean to offend.

Don't worry... I'm not offended.

The reason for it is very simple. My parents and their relatives have this habit of judging someone's achievement by the ring he can get (I know, it sounds horrible, but some people are just like that). So this is why I ask for a bigger diamond and since i know that my DH has no financial problem to get me one, that was what we got.

But to wear such ring on the daily basis, when it keeps banging or catching on things, is not very comfortable, at least to me. And since I don't live with my parents or meet my relatives everyday, I much prefer something more low key and comfortable. At the end of the day, to me, e-ring is a symbol to show my parents that my DH can provide a comfortable living for me. what piece of jewelry I choose to wear is another issue.

I hope that make sense.
Dancing Fire|1305931419|2926903 said:
AmeliaG|1305905009|2926568 said:
sweetpigtail|1305864911|2926309 said:
This may sound bad but I told my DH at the time we started ring shopping that I couldnt have an e-ring that was smaller than 3 carats simply becoz of my family's social circle. So my DH got me a most beautiful 3.51 princess cut in my dream setting. I love my ring but somehow, I just don't like to wear it. It is not comfortable in everyday life. So what I did was to make a "cute" version of my e-ring with a 0.41 carat princess cut in the same, but smaller scale of my e-ring.

If you don't mind my asking, why is the 3 carats uncomfortable for you to wear on a daily basis if it was the minimum you needed to fit into your family's social circle? I don't mean to be critical because I can understand both concerns but just not together. It looks like not being comfortable wearing it daily defeats the purpose of having a diamond that fits into your family's social circle.

But maybe there's something I'm missing and I truly don't mean to offend.
yep,sounds weird to me... :bigsmile:

This is not a clear cut of what wins over what, but a more grey area. I got the good size ring to show my parents and relatives that my DH can provide and on the other hand, i choose to wear simple rings on the daily basis for comfort. I only wear my e-ring when I go to family gathering or formal events.
sweetpigtail|1306093426|2927880 said:
AmeliaG|1305905009|2926568 said:
sweetpigtail|1305864911|2926309 said:
This may sound bad but I told my DH at the time we started ring shopping that I couldnt have an e-ring that was smaller than 3 carats simply becoz of my family's social circle. So my DH got me a most beautiful 3.51 princess cut in my dream setting. I love my ring but somehow, I just don't like to wear it. It is not comfortable in everyday life. So what I did was to make a "cute" version of my e-ring with a 0.41 carat princess cut in the same, but smaller scale of my e-ring.

If you don't mind my asking, why is the 3 carats uncomfortable for you to wear on a daily basis if it was the minimum you needed to fit into your family's social circle? I don't mean to be critical because I can understand both concerns but just not together. It looks like not being comfortable wearing it daily defeats the purpose of having a diamond that fits into your family's social circle.

But maybe there's something I'm missing and I truly don't mean to offend.

Don't worry... I'm not offended.

The reason for it is very simple. My parents and their relatives have this habit of judging someone's achievement by the ring he can get (I know, it sounds horrible, but some people are just like that). So this is why I ask for a bigger diamond and since i know that my DH has no financial problem to get me one, that was what we got.

But to wear such ring on the daily basis, when it keeps banging or catching on things, is not very comfortable, at least to me. And since I don't live with my parents or meet my relatives everyday, I much prefer something more low key and comfortable. At the end of the day, to me, e-ring is a symbol to show my parents that my DH can provide a comfortable living for me. what piece of jewelry I choose to wear is another issue.

I hope that make sense.

Thanks for explaining. That sounds perfectly understandable. Families can be like that; my father will tell anyone and everyone that my mom's diamond is flawless. She couldn't care less so she lets him brag. After being on Pricescope, I'm horrified at the cut but they're both happy. Its only about a carat so she's perfectly comfortable wearing it every day but she does get annoyed at his bragging sometimes.