
What's your favorite mobile app and why?

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
I'm a Luddite who prefers to use a desktop for most things, but I'm so curious. Please share!
IG, eBay - email - most things really! Haha. Unless there isn’t a site a mobile interface.
The Dunkin’ app :)
Third-party? Other than paid news subscriptions and Spotify, I think my most-used are GoogleMaps, Morningstar (more granular view of how the market has done or is doing), TurboScan (there are a bunch of different "scanning" apps for turning a photo of a document into an emailable pdf), Shazam (what is that song?! -- in a restaurant or in a movie), and a faithful emulator of my favorite old-school RPN calculator (that's how cool I am). Also WhatsApp when we travel internationally. My spouse has a bunch of EV charging-station-finder apps that are really great if you want to locate a nonexistent or now-broken charger in the middle of nowhere :mrgreen2:.
Third-party? Other than paid news subscriptions and Spotify, I think my most-used are GoogleMaps, Morningstar (more granular view of how the market has done or is doing), TurboScan (there are a bunch of different "scanning" apps for turning a photo of a document into an emailable pdf), Shazam (what is that song?! -- in a restaurant or in a movie), and a faithful emulator of my favorite old-school RPN calculator (that's how cool I am). Also WhatsApp when we travel internationally. My spouse has a bunch of EV charging-station-finder apps that are really great if you want to locate a nonexistent or now-broken charger in the middle of nowhere :mrgreen2:.

I hear you on the EV charging station finder apps, always an an exercise in frustration. I do love the Google Translate app for traveling internationally.
Would that be this one (which still works)?

Omg! It could be (!) but in this particular case it's Free42 which is not ideal but it lives up to its name! I like the "portrait" better than the "landscape" HP layouts. Have a 35s on my (physical) desktop right now!
Merlin bird app. I felt like it was Christmas day when I uploaded it to my phone. The app lets you record the bird sounds you hear and identifies the birds you are hearing. It shows a picture of each bird and every time they sing it highlights the bird so you learn through repetition the different calls and songs each bird makes. I hadn't seen my bluebirds for awhile but thanks to Merlin I know they are still close by. =)2
Merlin bird app. I felt like it was Christmas day when I uploaded it to my phone. The app lets you record the bird sounds you hear and identifies the birds you are hearing. It shows a picture of each bird and every time they sing it highlights the bird so you learn through repetition the different calls and songs each bird makes. I hadn't seen my bluebirds for awhile but thanks to Merlin I know they are still close by. =)2

That is FABU!!!! Me lubs birdies!
That is FABU!!!! Me lubs birdies!

Oh girl it is cray cray in my yard right now. These birds, they get to know you. The crows start cawing for me in the late afternoon to throw them out some peanuts. They perch on a tree that looks into my living room window and start begging for peanuts if they can see me through the window.

So I gave them some a few hours ago, went out and came back to them screaming at me when I got out of my car. What is happening?

They were upset because a red shouldered hawk was hunting next door. The hawk had a chipmunk in it's talons and they were going nuts. They made such a ruckus that the hawk turned to look at them, lost his grip and the chippie escaped. They then chased him.

Birds are amazing and I love them. So much of my landscaping is devoted to their survival. Tiny ponds, trees, late flowering perennials for the hummingbirds before they migrate. The goldfinches are tearing up my wildflower garden and the northern flickers are disturbing the mulch. I love them all.
Oh girl it is cray cray in my yard right now. These birds, they get to know you. The crows start cawing for me in the late afternoon to throw them out some peanuts. They perch on a tree that looks into my living room window and start begging for peanuts if they can see me through the window.

So I gave them some a few hours ago, went out and came back to them screaming at me when I got out of my car. What is happening?

They were upset because a red shouldered hawk was hunting next door. The hawk had a chipmunk in it's talons and they were going nuts. They made such a ruckus that the hawk turned to look at them, lost his grip and the chippie escaped. They then chased him.

Birds are amazing and I love them. So much of my landscaping is devoted to their survival. Tiny ponds, trees, late flowering perennials for the hummingbirds before they migrate. The goldfinches are tearing up my wildflower garden and the northern flickers are disturbing the mulch. I love them all.

You're a great mother nature. In my old house--the crows did the same thing to me. I fed them--and they waited, sitting on my BBQ looking through the kitchen window. No squawking, just patiently waiting for their "share".

Where we are now--the birds are always on guard bc of the significant coyote population. I can tell when the coyotes are near bc there is such a ruckus! Those coyotes are wily--they jump up to get a bird! Not sure how successful they are, but the birds make a coordinated effort to stay safe.

My DH and reminisce when we had an Owl visit. I wish we had more of them but sadly it was one off.

Yanno some ladies get Cartier and Tiffany from their DH's--I get Steiners!!! But they are such nice binoculars. lol
You're a great mother nature. In my old house--the crows did the same thing to me. I fed them--and they waited, sitting on my BBQ looking through the kitchen window. No squawking, just patiently waiting for their "share".

Where we are now--the birds are always on guard bc of the significant coyote population. I can tell when the coyotes are near bc there is such a ruckus! Those coyotes are wily--they jump up to get a bird! Not sure how successful they are, but the birds make a coordinated effort to stay safe.

My DH and reminisce when we had an Owl visit. I wish we had more of them but sadly it was one off.

Yanno some ladies get Cartier and Tiffany from their DH's--I get Steiners!!! But they are such nice binoculars. lol

That owl visit must have been special. :)
Are your binoculars night vision? If not can I recommend that you try one of the night vision binoculars you can get on Amazon? I paid about $100 for one just to try it out and it's amazing. It even records video. It is so fun to see the night critters and honestly, the cheap one I got still shows a crystal clear image of anything I am looking at. Technology can be amazing.
That owl visit must have been special. :)
Are your binoculars night vision? If not can I recommend that you try one of the night vision binoculars you can get on Amazon? I paid about $100 for one just to try it out and it's amazing. It even records video. It is so fun to see the night critters and honestly, the cheap one I got still shows a crystal clear image of anything I am looking at. Technology can be amazing.

No night vision. Prolly banned in Canada LOL.
Merlin bird app. I felt like it was Christmas day when I uploaded it to my phone. The app lets you record the bird sounds you hear and identifies the birds you are hearing. It shows a picture of each bird and every time they sing it highlights the bird so you learn through repetition the different calls and songs each bird makes. I hadn't seen my bluebirds for awhile but thanks to Merlin I know they are still close by. =)2

Oh, that's so cool! Like Shazam but for birds.
Merlin bird app. I felt like it was Christmas day when I uploaded it to my phone. The app lets you record the bird sounds you hear and identifies the birds you are hearing. It shows a picture of each bird and every time they sing it highlights the bird so you learn through repetition the different calls and songs each bird makes. I hadn't seen my bluebirds for awhile but thanks to Merlin I know they are still close by. =)2

+1 for Merlin bird app! It's excellent. I love how it "whispers" the bird names. Not sure how that setting works, just that the first day I used it, it whispered "Western Meadowlark" to me. :lol: Since then, it's just been a visual notification of the type of birds.

Another good bird app is iBirdPro, although it took me forever to load it onto a newer phone. I think they're up to modern times, now. :bigsmile:
I like the Merlin Bird app as well, but also Picture Bird. If I take a photo that isn't quite great, they have a feature called Bird Photo AI Enhancer that usually does a really good job of making my photo more clear. Sometimes I don't like the result, most times I do.

I also like Camera+. I have one of the cheaper iphones and this app improves my close up photos.

I like Samsung Food for saving recipes.

However, my most used are probably IG, email, Messages, and White Noise and AccuWeather.....
By default it tracks your location 24/7 and sends the data online.
Oh @Karl_K, don't be such a killjoy!
You're not supposed to read the terms and conditions you agree to.
Juck click the button.

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Merlin bird app.

My neighbors probably think I've lost my marbles when they see me standing under a tree holding my phone up over my head trying to capture that soft chirp I can't identify on my own.
I like the Merlin Bird app as well, but also Picture Bird. If I take a photo that isn't quite great, they have a feature called Bird Photo AI Enhancer that usually does a really good job of making my photo more clear. Sometimes I don't like the result, most times I do.

I also like Camera+. I have one of the cheaper iphones and this app improves my close up photos.

I like Samsung Food for saving recipes.

However, my most used are probably IG, email, Messages, and White Noise and AccuWeather.....

I'm going to check out Samsung Food as I'm always looking for new recipes.
Poshmark, my local grocer, clothing stores like anthro, urban, and free people, Instagram, obviously my gmails, Reddit, weather, idk basically everything is an app and I use it.
According to my battery usage info, my 3 most used apps are WhatsApp, Instagram and Reddit; so I’d say those two along with Google Maps (I can get lost on a straight road) and a banking/payment app (I HATEEEEE carrying a wallet around).

I just saw a Steller's Jay. My first one!!! Stunning and what interesting sounds it made!!! Wish I had the app!!

Not so much as "favourites", however, I have 9 different parking apps on my phone as it makes life so much easier!

DK :lol-2: