
#JOTW Whiteflash GTG - Blindingly Beautiful Bling!!!

It was just coincidence that it happened during the GTG - it was the culmination of a year plus search!
@MissGotRocks Were you able to compare your new stone with other ACAs of similar specs in person? I'm asking because I'm wondering if there is a visual difference between the ACAs or if they are all similar performance.
I certainly could have compared it with others but didn't. I had been stalking their inventory for over a year and this particular stone had the color, clarity and numbers that interested me. My only reservation was about the size as I had not really intended to go to a 2.5 carat stone. However, once I knew it was available I have to admit that the size was alluring to me. As luck would have it, I was going down to WF for the GTG so decided to not make a decision until I saw the stone.

In terms of light performance, I have no doubt that the stones all perform at an optimal level to achieve the ACA designation. I already had a G VS1 ACA and really didn't want to give up on either of those criteria. I just wanted a stone that was a bit larger than the 2.19 I had. The crown, pavilion and depth numbers fell in the area that I liked as a personal preference - my mind clean numbers I guess. So that made my search more specific rather than comparing stones and choosing in that way - this stone ticked all the boxes (except for being larger) that I had been waiting to come along for more than a year!
Fabulous pictures. I enjoy seeing everyone's pretty bling. It looks like a wonderful time.
Would anyone be willing to share what the goodie bags look like and what was in them? :D
Would anyone be willing to share what the goodie bags look like and what was in them? :D

I don't have any photos and maybe that's a question Andrey should answer but I will say my favorite things in there were educational goodies. It was very kind of all involved. :)
That E-W emerald cut is TO DIE.
ACK!!!!! This is amazing!
Keeping the party going...

Loving the bangle on the left :love::love: Didn't Grace have something similar on her site recently?
so for some reason I didn't really pay attention to the title or the OP dialogue..... i just started looking at at pics and thinking OMG who's collection is this???? :lol::lol::lol:CRAZY amount of gorgeous! then I went back and reread... So many outstanding pieces.
Loving the bangle on the left :love::love: Didn't Grace have something similar on her site recently?

I know she's done a bunch of conversions so it's totally possible! I wish this beauty were mine, but sadly she's not - absolutely gorgeous though and now on my wish list!