
Whiteflash Slays Classic 6 Prong Solitaire :)

Your new stone and setting are gorgeous!!! What a traumatic story :eek-2:! I'm so glad that you have a beautiful ring on your hand again!
Your new stone and setting are gorgeous!!! What a traumatic story :eek-2:! I'm so glad that you have a beautiful ring on your hand again!

Thank you, @tyty333! I was in utter disbelief when I found what was left of the original ring and was hoping it was just one of my CZ rings from Amazon that somehow fell inside. But noooo, it was the ACA! :eek2::-o:cry2: Definitely a day I will never forget.

I am a grateful, lucky duck to be able to wear a pretty ring again. :razz:
Wow what a crazy story!!!! I’m so happy to know that at least it has a wonderful ending with such a spectacularly beautiful ring! DH did amazing :kiss2: congrats and enjoy (and be extra careful in the kitchen!!!!)!
Your new ring and diamond is gorgeous.
Lol, @SimoneDi! Thank you! Yes, Mr. Tweety deserves some major credit! If you can solder e-rings and wedding rings together, do you think WF can solder the ring on my hand? :lol:
Haha, probably best not to try that but your new ring is really stunning. I am happy that you listened to your instincts and went with a larger K diamond. I am glad that there is a happy ending after the unfortunate experience and that everyone (minus the ring, RIP) was ok!
Have you tried your new ring with your different bands? Curious to see more photos :roll2:
I first saw the pics and thought you did a quick upgrade cos you found a 2.9. But OMG the blender horror story is just INSANE!! So glad to know that no one drank the ACA smoothie. Your new ring is absolutely gorgeous!! I guess sometimes crazy things happen for a reason;)2
What exactly did the diamond look like after a twirl in the blender?
What exactly did the diamond look like after a twirl in the blender?

Get your smelling salts.

This picture is so awful.

RIP indeed, @SimoneDi. The ACA was sent back to WF along with its remains for repair but there was obviously no resurrecting this. I was able to identify my short lived beloved only by its rose gold donut. :cry2:



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Get your smelling salts.

This picture is so awful.

RIP indeed, @SimoneDi. The ACA was sent back to WF along with its remains for repair but there was obviously no resurrecting this. I was able to identify my short lived beloved only by its rose gold donut. :cry2:


Wow, but was the diamond chipped, or crushed or anything.
Get your smelling salts.

This picture is so awful.

RIP indeed, @SimoneDi. The ACA was sent back to WF along with its remains for repair but there was obviously no resurrecting this. I was able to identify my short lived beloved only by its rose gold donut. :cry2:

Not for the faint-hearted :shock: thank you for sharing and I am again sorry that you had to go thought that. Luckily, you had insurance and a good team in WF so you were able to turn a negative situation into a positive experience! I love what WF did with your white gold setting. Did your rg diamond band also get damages, or is it safe?
Not for the faint-hearted :shock: thank you for sharing and I am again sorry that you had to go thought that. Luckily, you had insurance and a good team in WF so you were able to turn a negative situation into a positive experience! I love what WF did with your white gold setting. Did your rg diamond band also get damages, or is it safe?

Thank you for understanding, @SimoneDi! I appreciate the natural curiosity but it was such an awful and surreal incident that I don’t want to keep reliving!

Whiteflash definitely turned a negative into a positive and gave my existing white gold setting new life!

I’m still trying to figure out the wedding band situation. My other bands are safe although I’ve always found it a challenge to pair a wedding ring with a knife edge.

9C53CC5A-3830-4604-89B2-C6B4AFD0A81E.jpeg C49C4592-57FB-412F-8F77-7C6E3B54F3F1.jpeg

I thought I’d try something different with a blue and white band but I don’t love it and the rolling ring is a lot of metal. I’d love to find something complementary that isn’t “too much” although I might just go with a plain white gold or platinum band!
Thank you for understanding, @SimoneDi! I appreciate the natural curiosity but it was such an awful and surreal incident that I don’t want to keep reliving!

Whiteflash definitely turned a negative into a positive and gave my existing white gold setting new life!

I’m still trying to figure out the wedding band situation. My other bands are safe although I’ve always found it a challenge to pair a wedding ring with a knife edge.

9C53CC5A-3830-4604-89B2-C6B4AFD0A81E.jpeg C49C4592-57FB-412F-8F77-7C6E3B54F3F1.jpeg

I thought I’d try something different with a blue and white band but I don’t love it and the rolling ring is a lot of metal. I’d love to find something complementary that isn’t “too much” although I might just go with a plain white gold or platinum band!

Right, I understand completely! I was really asking for photos of the new pretty with some bands, but I think that you sharing the damaged ring helps other people be aware so that it hopefully doesn’t happen for anyone else.

I actually like the alternating sapphire and diamonds band, but you need to love it. An all sapphire or all ruby band might also be interesting or plan, or an engraved band. Take your time trying out different options and enjoy your new beauty!
Right, I understand completely! I was really asking for photos of the new pretty with some bands, but I think that you sharing the damaged ring helps other people be aware so that it hopefully doesn’t happen for anyone else.

I actually like the alternating sapphire and diamonds band, but you need to love it. An all sapphire or all ruby band might also be interesting or plan, or an engraved band. Take your time trying out different options and enjoy your new beauty!

Thank you! Yes, I understood from your previous post that you were talking about wedding band pics and I was happy to share ‘em. I always appreciate your feedback and enjoy deliberating about rings with you!

Eternity bands are pretty and luxe but usually need more babying than half eternities/seven stones and I want something less fussy. My concern with yellow/red/warm stones was that it might reflect on the K color ACA. When deliberating about which shank color to use, WF said a yellow gold shank made the stone look whiter due for the contrast but it did make the stone shoot out more yellow fire. I definitely want to keep the look on the cooler side so I’m looking forward to exploring new options. :mrgreen2:

Well, I have a Kitchen Aid blender (for margaritas) and that thing crushes "ice" like no tomorrow. I can easily see how much damage a blender would do.

Glad you are recovered--your new ring is gorgeous.


Well, I have a Kitchen Aid blender (for margaritas) and that thing crushes "ice" like no tomorrow. I can easily see how much damage a blender would do.

Glad you are recovered--your new ring is gorgeous.


Thank you! It sure was a “buzzkill”, @canuk-gal, I’ll tell you that! But I’m thankful for the happy ending. Whiteflash certainly made me whole again.

Also tagging @MissGotRocks since she wanted to see more pics yesterday. :D

P.S.S. @SimoneDi I thought of you when I saw this eternity ring for sale this weekend. It that may pique your interest since you mentioned rubies. :)
Thank you! It sure was a “buzzkill”, @canuk-gal, I’ll tell you that! But I’m thankful for the happy ending. Whiteflash certainly made me whole again.

Also tagging @MissGotRocks since she wanted to see more pics yesterday. :D

P.S.S. @SimoneDi I thought of you when I saw this eternity ring for sale this weekend. It that may pique your interest since you mentioned rubies. :)

Thanks for the additional pictures! The new diamond looks huge on your finger and again, I am so glad this all worked out for you! Amazing how the setting was left in little chips but the diamond intact - save for chips and damage. We can certainly now see how much harder a diamond is than gold!
Wow what a story :shock: I’m glad WF helped you with a gorgeous replacement. Your new ring looks classy and beautiful
Get your smelling salts.

This picture is so awful.

RIP indeed, @SimoneDi. The ACA was sent back to WF along with its remains for repair but there was obviously no resurrecting this. I was able to identify my short lived beloved only by its rose gold donut. :cry2:


Vitamix? Mine destroys everything.

Your new ring is so beautiful!
Beautiful! I think I definitely need an ACA in my life.
I'm so sorry to hear about your other ring. So the blender killed the stone as well?
Edit - Oh, I saw the remains but did the poor diamond get all chipped?
Sorry about your dismond smoothie.
But your new ring is amazing!!! What a sparkle. And it looks at least 4 carat on your hand
what a gorgeous stone and ring! I love those pastel arrows showing up in one shot....
I have a K and I love it.