
Who Hates Bush?

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Date: 11/3/2005 4:58:07 PM
Anonymous Wrote:
But I feel its better for all the fighting to be going on over there then in my kids school yard.

I am sorry to hear about your losses. But what about all the Iraqi civilians who have died as a result of this war? Better them than us? Moreover, what evidence is there that we are any safer having invaded Iraq? Iraq was not responsible for 9/11 nor were they in possession of any WMDs. I fail to understand why the argument that we are safer now continues to be propagated with all that we know now (and probably knew then!).
Date: 11/3/2005 11:46:27 AM
Author: jcrow

not only that people voted for him, but still really like him and don''t really see that there is something wrong....
One of my relatives voted for Bush and she still loves him! It''s impossible for me to even handle a phone conversation with her because she''s so fanatical about politics and also religion. I watched Michael Moore''s 9/11 and mentioned this to her and she yelled at me over the phone, "MICHAEL MOORE IS A PIG!!!" I was like oh my god, this chick is off her rocker, especially since she HADN''T even seen the movie!
I hate Bush.

I did NOT vote for him.

Our country has become a fanatical religious mess. I think everyone should live and practice what they choose, but I am not Christian and I feel as though I am being overlooked. Church and state are NOT THE SAME FRIKKEN THING!

Not to mention all the lying that''s gone on and is still going on. I''ll get worked up if I keep typing...

Now all my family and friends who DID vote for him (for tax benefits...) all regret it.
style="WIDTH: 99%; HEIGHT: 165px">Date: 11/3/2005 7:26:51 PM
Author: KittenKat

Now all my family and friends who DID vote for him (for tax benefits...) all regret it.
just curious: did they actually get any tax benefits? and what has changed their minds?

peace, movie zombie
In some ways I''m disapointed in Bush. Of course I can say that about every president I remember (and have said it regardless of who I have voted for).

Did I hate any of them. No. Do I truely respect all of them. No.

I think extending "hate" to a president - or the vast majority of people - is not warranted. I save that for a very select few who have realy gone out of their way to personnaly - with intent - made (or tried to make) my life miserable. Then, usually the hate dies a few years after they are out of my life. I have better things to move on to.

Oh GEEZ, please do NOT get me started on this man. I thoroughly and utterly DESPISE Bush! I did NOT vote for him nor can I understand why in the world any one did (the first OR second time), and the sad part is not only CAN''T all the individuals I know that voted for him tell me why they did so, but now they too LOATHE him and his administration and the direction they have taken our country. Well guess what? Too little, too late. So many people just truly do not understand what a privilege it is to vote, and take the task WAY too lightly in my opinion.
It soooooo should have been Gore.
movie zombie -

Some have big businesses - and they say they get tax breaks... Otherwise, I think they identify with Republicans of 20 years ago. They are NOT the same Republican party that exists today.

They''ve changed their minds due what is coming out in about the admin, what is going on in Iraq and all the social issues Bush brings to the table.

Most of my family / friends who have a ton of money and called themselves Republicans - are completely to the left socially. Pro-choice, etc.

One of my hardcore Christian, right-wing friends - has changed her tune due to the shady ways of our administration. We used to have great debates - but now she''s moving to my side! ;-)
i guess
i''m the only Republican here.
I''m with you storm.
Mine and Dancing Fire.

What do you like most about the president?
I''m not trolling to pounce on you.
I''m sincerely curious.
Date: 11/4/2005 8:48:22 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
i guess
i'm the only Republican here.

It's possible to be a Republican AND hate Bush. There are plenty of moderate Republicans out there who no longer support this president. In one recent CBS poll, his approval rating had dropped as low as 35%, the lowest of any president since Nixon. Clearly, this is not just about being a Republican or a Democrat. I happen to be a very left-leaning Democrat, but we're not the only ones outraged by the current administration.
Hmm... I do not really want to get into a debate about this... So I will simply say... that when I voted for BUSH, I voted on what I thought and still think would be the best for this country. I was NOT going to vote Kerry/Edwards either. What I find interesting, is although I may have had questions, I was one of those people that, when it came down to the line, I voted based on my moral beliefs. And no matter how bad things might have been to me or anyone else, I could neither condone nor vote for a group that I do not trust nor like their politics. Bush was the choice of more than half the people that VOTED in the United States... (I do not want to even get started on what my opinions are about people that are complaining that did not take the time to vote.) It is funny that some people see the "evil bad mean terrible horrible Bush" and do not see the negative in the Democratic party aS WELL. But I stand behind my belief that Bush was the BEST choice out of choices at the last election.

I am neither a conspiracy theorist ( I have 0 respect for those who are) or 100% trusting of my governement.. I think they are all weasels.. ALL of them. I think that Michael Moore is an a$$ because there were so many people that did not stop to look into the facts about what he was doing, editing, cutting and selective interviews in order to fullfill his political agenda. I think people that say they are going to be human targets (like Sean Penn) should have stayed there.. but they left before the first bombs were dropped. I think that the media lets us hear what makes good news and most people do not take the time to read between the lines. And people that can''t make up their mind about what they support (kerry) does not make me want to vote for him.

Now you can talk allll about how much you hate him and how he just makes you sooooo mad. And that is fine, but you are STUCK with him till 2008.. whether you like it or not. He is not going to be impeached, the democratic party is NOT going to get him kicked out. If someone wants to change my mind then I would like to hear sound ideas as to what we SHOULD do about the war than what happened and how they do not like the war... blah blah blah... even good ole ketchup thought the war was a good thing.

And as for the war for oil.... to say that the iraqis are all mad because we only came into the country to control the oil.. to those that beleive that I think they should grow up and listen. I was listening to the BBC yesterday, one man was saying that he thought the war was fo the oil, but that the US could not leave them now.. and then I heard another man give and interview and break down in the middle of it with tears, talking about how grateful he was to the US for freeing his people from the faction that was killing his people. He keep crying and thanking the United States for giving him a chance and an opportunity. People can scream allll they want about oil... but I think that man will always be the bigger imapct to me.

So kenny, that is what I like about the President
Date: 11/4/2005 9:49:40 PM
Author: MINE!!
It is funny that some people see the 'evil bad mean terrible horrible Bush' and do not see the negative in the Democratic party aS WELL. But I stand behind my belief that Bush was the BEST choice out of choices at the last election.

And people that can't make up their mind about what they support (kerry) does not make me want to vote for him

Is this your primary complaint against Kerry? I'm not wanting to put you on the defensive, I'm just curious as to what some people found so objectionable about him. I understand that some were opposed to Kerry for ideological reasons (i.e. don't believe in the priniciples of the Democratic party), but I fail to undertstand what was so awful about him voting for the war and then, when the truth came out that there weren't any WMDs, changing his mind. Isn't that how much of the population reacted to the news that we had been led into war on false pretenses? It seems important for a politician to be able to change his/her mind in the face of new information. The Republicans spun that by saying that he was a "flip-flopper," but it made perfect sense to me. I do not offer my support to policitians blindly (i.e. Democrats good, Republicans bad). I always thought that McCain would have made a fine president (not that I would have voted for him) even though I disagree with him on many issues. But he's a thinking man and I respect that. That's more than I can say for Bush, unfortunately, and I think in light of recent events, his reactionary politics are much more dangerous than what some called Kerry's "flip-flopping".

ETA I don't want to sound combative. This is such an emotional issue for so many of us and it's hard not to take these things personally, whatever side you're on. I've always been hesitant to get involved in political discussions here. Such a sensitive topic!!
Mine thank you for taking the time to write your thoughtful post.
I respect you.
the only president i don''t like is Carter.
the best president was Regan.
i also like the OLD Bush.
Date: 11/4/2005 9:49:40 PM
Author: MINE!!
I am neither a conspiracy theorist ( I have 0 respect for those who are) or 100% trusting of my governement
You probably shouldn''t debate about this. Your comments extended beyond your reasons for liking Bush.

I think that conspiracies exist and anyone who doesn''t feel they are apart of a world full of corruption is blindly naive.
Oh my gosh, please try this.
Go to

1. Type in Failure, DON''T click on "Search", click on "I''m feeling lucky"

So funny! (To me at least!)
i was thinking of posting that here too.
Politics is and--in my opinion as a voter in this country--has always been a messy, shady and complex dirty, but necessary arena. To side 100% with any party solely on the fact it is a choice of party--and not per issue--is dangerous. When I vote, I vote per issue, per situation, per stance...not as a Democrat, not as a Republican, or a Liberal or anything else. I am swayed by the need, not the man, the group or the money. I have never been one to follow a crowd without thinking through the issues and deciding on my own. Personally, I have found peace of mind in doing just that. I feel sorry for those who feel that they need to "go with the crowd" on such important choices as to whom to vote for or what party to be affiliated with. It appears--at times of voting with the crucial status of our world--that those prone to this necessity do so to seek out validation for their warped sense of what may or may not be right.

One crucial fact we must all remember is that the information all of us are able to obtain--whether it be by tv, phone, news, newspaper, internet or whatever--is highly filtered and screened. The only people who know a sense of what is truly going on, and I do say a "sense" because we all know that that information is tweaked in house with the advisors and the president himself, are those intimately involved.

I just had to share my 0.2 cents and it was not intended to insult, be combative or imply anything to anyone. I am oh so grateful to live in a country where no one tells me the hell how to vote, think, move, breathe, etc., regarding political issues. If I support one political figure or not, I do it privately. I do not need validation nor do I seek it. I feel its a waste of time to debate alot of issues that we have no say in anyways. On those issues that we have a voice, yes, we should--at the appropriate times--raise our voices...But just to start an additional wave of negativity in our country? No.

If you can''t change it to make it better, then stop gripping. If you have a creative and helpful way to steer our government, then, yes, please scream it out loud. Too much of the time that is not the case. I have no favorite president because they have all failed at something at some time and that''s cuz their human and error.

Hate is a very toxic and strong word. Be careful how you use it...there is too much hate in the world already and we need to re-think what we really "hate."

Again, just my 0.2 cents...
Date: 11/9/2005 6:04:33 PM
Author: DeannaBana
Hate is a very toxic and strong word. Be careful how you use it...there is too much hate in the world already and we need to re-think what we really 'hate.'

White phosphorous is very strong and toxic, too. If it touches human skin it burns it to the bone, although clothes are unaffected. Movie Zombie posted a BBC article alleging that the United States has used this, a chemical weapon, against civilians in Falluja. (Using it against the miltary, as mustard gas was used in World War I, would also be illegal.)

Over in, "Around the World" I have suggested that we all follow this story now that the allegation has been made by the BBC. Let's see if, after investigation, it proves to be true. If it is true, do you think, "hate" should not be used in referring to Bush? Or would you agree with me that it doesn't come close to the strength and toxicity of white phosphorous which he, as Commander-in-Chief, bears responsibility for if this allegation is true.

I just got back from Europe a few weeks ago, and you should hear the way Europeans talk about Bush! They LOVE Americans, but they just cannot believe that we would elect such an idiot!
They say they have to turn off the television when he comes on because they cannot stand to listen to him speak! Crazy thing is, my fiance or I could not think of anything in rebuttal to defend Mr. Bush. And that is sad!

I wonder if those who are arguing that this topic should be moved to another area: Did this strike a chord with you or something? It is hard to swallow that our Commander and Chief has created nothing but a mess for this country! (Economy, jobs, gas prices, national deficit, just to name a few.....)
My fiance & I have relatives in France, Germany, Israel & a few other places and you are absolutely right about how much they dislike Bush. In my opinion, Bush has made the U.S.A. THE most unliked country on the planet. But, what can we do? Like another person said we are stuck with him a few more years.
Date: 11/4/2005 9:49:40 PM
Author: MINE!!
Hmm... I do not really want to get into a debate about this... So I will simply say... that when I voted for BUSH, I voted on what I thought and still think would be the best for this country. I was NOT going to vote Kerry/Edwards either. What I find interesting, is although I may have had questions, I was one of those people that, when it came down to the line, I voted based on my moral beliefs. And no matter how bad things might have been to me or anyone else, I could neither condone nor vote for a group that I do not trust nor like their politics. Bush was the choice of more than half the people that VOTED in the United States... (I do not want to even get started on what my opinions are about people that are complaining that did not take the time to vote.) It is funny that some people see the ''evil bad mean terrible horrible Bush'' and do not see the negative in the Democratic party aS WELL. But I stand behind my belief that Bush was the BEST choice out of choices at the last election.

I am neither a conspiracy theorist ( I have 0 respect for those who are) or 100% trusting of my governement.. I think they are all weasels.. ALL of them. I think that Michael Moore is an a$$ because there were so many people that did not stop to look into the facts about what he was doing, editing, cutting and selective interviews in order to fullfill his political agenda. I think people that say they are going to be human targets (like Sean Penn) should have stayed there.. but they left before the first bombs were dropped. I think that the media lets us hear what makes good news and most people do not take the time to read between the lines. And people that can''t make up their mind about what they support (kerry) does not make me want to vote for him.

Now you can talk allll about how much you hate him and how he just makes you sooooo mad. And that is fine, but you are STUCK with him till 2008.. whether you like it or not. He is not going to be impeached, the democratic party is NOT going to get him kicked out. If someone wants to change my mind then I would like to hear sound ideas as to what we SHOULD do about the war than what happened and how they do not like the war... blah blah blah... even good ole ketchup thought the war was a good thing.

And as for the war for oil.... to say that the iraqis are all mad because we only came into the country to control the oil.. to those that beleive that I think they should grow up and listen. I was listening to the BBC yesterday, one man was saying that he thought the war was fo the oil, but that the US could not leave them now.. and then I heard another man give and interview and break down in the middle of it with tears, talking about how grateful he was to the US for freeing his people from the faction that was killing his people. He keep crying and thanking the United States for giving him a chance and an opportunity. People can scream allll they want about oil... but I think that man will always be the bigger imapct to me.

So kenny, that is what I like about the President
MINE! I agree with you.

Michael Moore manipulated his film with cut and paste techniques, which distorted the truth. It was disgusting. I live and work in the Middle East and see viewpoints from different angles. The western media have distorted the picture in many ways and have failed to balance its reporting, which is criminal and undemocratic. They criticise and show the negative rather than any of the positive in Iraq. There are many Iraqis going up to the US forces and crying and thanking them for their freedom, it happens on a daily basis. The majority of Iraqi people would rather be in the current situation than under the cruelty and brutality of Saddam Hussain.
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