
Who wants to see my haul from today?

My most recent acquisition is a vintage gold setting that I plan on setting a pink sapphire in. No pictures to share until I get it BUT in the meantime sharing this amazing Baden and Foss moonstone ring that I am crushing hard on.

Then this morning I see this tag sale listing for tomorrow and in one of the pictures is an entire table of sterling jewelry :-o And its in an affluent town. The universe is really testing my willpower lately :confused2:

I did just recently buy a small purple sapphire off LT (maybe some of you caught that listing) so I'm waiting on that, couldn't pass it up for $60.

A picture of the Baden ring...le sigh

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Okay so this is the plan, take this sapphire out of this setting (it really doesn't belong in it anyways) and put it into the setting below but in yellow gold. I paid less than $75 for the setting so if it all works out that will be :dance:

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Okay so this is the plan, take this sapphire out of this setting (it really doesn't belong in it anyways) and put it into the setting below but in yellow gold. I paid less than $75 for the setting so if it all works out that will be :dance:

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So pretty! Cant wait to see ththe finished product.:kiss2:
Guys, is it bad when the pawn shop that you frequent calls you because you didn't go in that week? No lie the Cheers lady called me because I didn't go in Tuesday. Well we chatted and I told her I would be in soon, DH came home early so I took some me time and went to Cheers.

While I was there a couple came in selling loose diamonds (this literally never happens) and well I might have snagged a 5mm for the Art Deco setting I'm pulling the pink sapphire out of! Like what are the chances? Weighs .48 with a 5mm spread, through the loupe there is a feather under the table but it doesn't reach the surfaceand it's eye-clean. $350 for the diamond, I have it on layaway. Oh and there was a larger diamond at .62 carats the same lady brought in :lickout:
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Guys, is it bad when the pawn shop that you frequent calls you because you didn't go in that week? No lie the Cheers lady called me because I didn't go in Tuesday. Well we chatted and I told her I would be in soon, DH came home early so I took some me time and went to Cheers.

While I was there a couple came in selling loose diamonds (this literally never happens) and well I might have snagged a 5mm for the Art Deco setting I'm pulling the pink sapphire out of! Like what are the chances? Weighs .48 with a 5mm spread, through the loupe there is a feather under the table but it doesn't reach the surfaceand it's eye-clean. $350 for the diamond, I have it on layaway. Oh and there was a larger diamond at .62 carats the same lady brought in :lickout:
@StephanieLynn I thought maybe she felt bad about last time you visited.
Good going today and good luck for tomorrow!
Can't wait to see the new diamond in your setting, @StephanieLynn !
You go girl!!! sounds like they know a really faithful customer when they see one! I can't wait to see the finished pretties!!
That's so funny, @StephanieLynn ! A jewelry wellness check! Sounds like the Cheers lady was worried something bad had happened to you.

P.S. I'm going to send you a reply to your email this weekend so we can get together again. I've been crazy busy!
Thanks @LorettaB, she really is the nicest person so I believe when I didn't show she was genuinely concerned. She told me she's going to have some start putting stuff on Ebay for her so I'm excited about that.

@natasha-cupcake, can you imagine if your jeweler called just to check in? :lol:

It has been a crazy month for me too, no worries. My rabbit has actually been really sick so that's been keeping me busy. We will figure out a plan, two PS peeps together at a flea out! :Up_to_something2:
Good morning folks,

Confession, I have been a bad PS'er, yesterday I got the vintage ring to put the pink sapphire in and forgot to take a pic before I brought it to the jeweler o_O The setting is a little wonky and out of round by the jeweler said he can fix it no problem. The seller was not sure what the clear stone was when she sold it but it is a zircon, so I have my first zircon now lol!

Unfortunately there will be no pictures to share of the Art Deco ring I was going to set a diamond into because we had to sink $1,000 into our rabbit this month (and it looks like we will have to put her to sleep anyways :(2) so I had to take the Cheers diamond off layaway, now is just not the time for that. However I will have a pink sapphire ring to wear in about two weeks for the total cost of $140 (cost of the setting plus costs to resize it and mount the sapphire).

The Cheers lady also gave me a rosary last week that turned out to be Italian and sterling silver! I'll try to snap a pic to share.

Anyone else find some treasure lately or have project news to share?
Well, I scored this nice pizzelle maker at Goodwill for 4.99!
I've been wanting one for a long time, and they are hard to find in my neck of the woods!
My Grammy made the best pizzelles, and I miss her so much. I hope I can make them as good!


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I have never seen one of those @stracci2000 so they probably aren't common here either, now you will be the star of the show at the holidays!
I have never seen one of those @stracci2000 so they probably aren't common here either, now you will be the star of the show at the holidays!
Ah, but Steph, isn't your DHs family Italian?
Every Italian cook has to make pizzelles! I can't believe it took me this long to get one.
I've been hooked on thrifting videos lately. I'm very big on wanting pyrex. If you gals pick up things other than jewels, I'd love to see that stuff also. Or even pics of things you left on the shelf. My thrift stores have nothing decent, ever. I go in weekly, mainly looking for vintage housewares.
@lyra it's so funny you mention Pyrex because the place I was at today has so much old houseware stuff like that, I'll take a pic next time I'm there. Also I don't know if you have a Savers or Goodwill but I have seen some
Good stuff there too.

@stracci2000, yup DH's fam is Italian but oddly they don't make pizzelles, not in the 18 years we've been together anyway!
Got Thimbles?

Today we walked down to the post office and I decided to stop in the vintage shop around the corner. They cleaned out an estate of a woman who had a huge thimble collection, lots of Looney Tunes bone china, there is also an Essex Steam Train building made in Great Britain and a shamrock one. I'm actually keeping Sylvester and the shamrock and selling the rest.

Then for pewter thimbles it was Disney and Precious moments and oh what do I find but a Cheers thimble! Keeping that one of course.

Finally this old box $3 had to have it, it has like a clip on the top, it was too cool to leave behind.

As we were walking around my four year old is saying "Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike what day is it Mike?".
In case you don't know the reference it comes from this commercial:

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@StephanieLynn fun finds! Sorry about your rabbit. They're such sweet fluffballs.
Thanks @JPie she is a very sweet bunny despite having to deal with all the medication we've had to give her. She is currently being treated for E. Cuniculi and she has a uterine tumor which has started spontaneously bleeding and that is the real issue.
Thanks @JPie she is a very sweet bunny despite having to deal with all the medication we've had to give her. She is currently being treated for E. Cuniculi and she has a uterine tumor which has started spontaneously bleeding and that is the real issue.

:cry2: Poor bunny.
I'm so sorry about your bunny, @StephanieLynn
Rabbits are such beautiful animals. Can you share a photo?
@stracci2000, she has a couple pics here:
I did have a thread with her wearing hats but I can't find it.

Had to promise my 12 year old I wouldn't put her to sleep while he was at school unless totally necessary. Honestly that is the worst part is going through this with the kids. And Fiona was just in August....ugh.
I'm sorry she's suffering. But any pet in Stephanie's house lives a pampered life, for sure. This beautiful bunny has been a lucky girl.
When we go to the State Fair, I always make sure to see all the beautiful bunnies. I want to hug them all.
aw thanks @stracci2000, sometimes I think the animals live better than we do!

I'm probably biased since mine is a lop but the lops have very sweet dispositions, she has never once tried to bite me despite having to pick her up twice a day and give her medication and pills, she has been a good sport through it all.
Sterling! This is what makes me get out to the sales on my day off.

A sterling cordial tray, Thrift store $2

Towle Sterling Paul Revere bowl with teal enamel lining
Estate sale, $1

Antique sterling tie pin with an interesting jelly opal, Goodwill $4.99


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Great finds, love the color of the enamel on the sterling bowl, so pretty @stracci2000

Since you are an estate saler do you find you have to haggle a lot or are things priced low enough that you pay what they ask? Just curious, DH has taught me to be a better haggler, I used to just pay the sticker price and he would lose his mind like "no, you're doing it all wrong" :lol-2:
Great finds, love the color of the enamel on the sterling bowl, so pretty @stracci2000

Since you are an estate saler do you find you have to haggle a lot or are things priced low enough that you pay what they ask? Just curious, DH has taught me to be a better haggler, I used to just pay the sticker price and he would lose his mind like "no, you're doing it all wrong" :lol-2:
Some estate sales run by companies are 2-3 days long. They will have fixed prices the first day, and then 25% off the second day, and then 50% off the third day. Or something like that. So I don't try to make deals at these types of sales.
Other sales, like those that are put on by the family of the deceased, will take offers. Things are usually much cheaper at family-run sales. Like lots of stuff under $5.

There was a guy who kept renting empty houses and filling them with art, paintings, bronzes, etc., and calling it an "estate sale". He had an authentic Japanese 1894 woodblock print that I really wanted. He was asking 250.00. I offered him 175 and he actually laughed at me, the jerk.:angryfire: Then, months later, there was an estate sale that turned out to be this guy again, in another house. The same print was marked down to 150.00. That time, I laughed and walked out.

Sometimes you can ask them if they are taking offers, in which case you can start low 60-75%, and come to an agreement. Usually, if I am holding an armload of stuff, I will estimate how much all the things will cost, and then offer 75%. They may counter-offer for something in the middle.

I was at a sale last month, and the lady had a 25-30 pt. diamond solitaire ring. It looked clean, 'cause I louped it. I think the lady was surprised when I did that! Anyway, she wanted 225, then quickly said she would take 150.
The prongs needed work, and it really wan't anything super special. I probably could've talked her down a little more, but I passed.
Oh yes the art of the bundle, that's one of my favorites too. I was at a tag sale last year and they had a big cardboard box of kid's pajamas for my four year old, lots of stuff in there but it was the afternoon so I just asked how much for the whole box and walked away paying $5!

That is funny about sticking it to the Japanese print guy, what a jerk, so good on you for giving it back to him. I don't really go to estate sales but that's where the Cheers lady gets some of her stuff from, she does a lot of tools and coins though. She told me last time I was there that there is a regular guy who comes in who is supposed to be bringing in "buckets of costume jewelry". He does house clean outs, can't wait for that call!
I know the spirit of this thread is light and fun but I just need to bury this here.

We put BunBun to sleep today, it was a week of debating but she had a uterine tumor and it was actively bleeding plus she was being treated for a fungal infection that might have spread to her brain. She really had so many things going on that a good outcome was not likely.

Well I came home and DH comes out and asks how did it go, I told him it was fine but I didn't stay with her, he was shocked "you didn't stay!?" No, thanks for making me feel awful about it. My thought was it was best to keep it together for our 12 year old son, had I stayed I would have been a mess, for this reason he usually goes, he believes every animal should have us there with them.

I get it but he was being an insensitive jerk. He wasn't the one that had to put Fiona to sleep less than a year ago and honestly dealing with having to put another pet down today brought all those feelings back.

Anyways just needed to get that out and off my chest.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad BunBun had a good life with you.