
Why are we talking diamonds at this time?

You are all so very kind. Thanks so much @DevonRex and @Ibrakeforpossums. I feel done too. No one will replace my hand raised babies. Everything feels so empty. Right now we all have very few distractions due to quarantine, reduced work, etc. Most of my family members are technically retired head doctors in the risky age group but they continue working. I kind of wish too that I became a doctor like I originally wanted to but I really love my work, my passion.

About the brain tumor we do not know. We only know that it is very agressive. Surgery will be Monday but if necessary tomorrow. We will know more. He no longer has a clue about anything. He fell apart after our cats died.
Poor Willy..don’t be silly. This is my guilty pleasure looking at pretty things. When I need another distraction I head to real estate listings and dream about moving. ( that is not happening either). Mental illness is surfacing during these times? Uh, no, the inability to handle life is the issue. legitimate “mental illness” is a disgnoses...whining and complaining and constantly bring up the anxiety just adds to the “problem”. Move along
When I need another distraction I head to real estate listings and dream about moving. ( that is not happening either)

I too find this a highly effective (and very enjoyable) distraction!

Daydreaming about, and actually planning and purchasing, bigger/better/nicer/more beautiful/more pleasant/more efficient things is part of human nature and what drives us to strive forwards and attain more. Rather than criticising human nature, OP, why not celebrate the fact that it’s that same drive that is pushing scientists to dream big in finding a cure for the world’s current situation? Different skills set, different manifestation of human ability, but it’s the same underlying push for more/better/achieving that we need right now.

There’s countless artists, scientists and geniuses whose theories and ideas have been sparked in a dream during a moment of idle thinking. Rigid, parallel, run-of-the-mill thinking is exactly what we don’t need right now, and that’s exactly what constraining people’s thoughts and actions would achieve.
You are all so very kind. Thanks so much @DevonRex and @Ibrakeforpossums. I feel done too. No one will replace my hand raised babies. Everything feels so empty. Right now we all have very few distractions due to quarantine, reduced work, etc. Most of my family members are technically retired head doctors in the risky age group but they continue working. I kind of wish too that I became a doctor like I originally wanted to but I really love my work, my passion.

About the brain tumor we do not know. We only know that it is very agressive. Surgery will be Monday but if necessary tomorrow. We will know more. He no longer has a clue about anything. He fell apart after our cats died.

Sending you continued good wishes and hoping tomorrow's surgery goes as well as possible. I am so sorry @Sunstorm and yes anyone who has cared for loved ones who are very ill (and who then die :( ) understands at least a little bit the heartbreak and trauma involved.

Sending you gentle hugs across the many miles dear friend.
Awww thank you so much for your continued support my dear friend @missy and sending hugs and kisses back!
I could try doing this on my wine forum, but I'd be run off with pitchforks.

oh I want to be invited to the wine forum!!!! that sounds fun!
Why come to a diamond forum and ask such a question? If it insults your sensibilities, stay away. Are you enjoying all the attention now? I suspect you are.
I hope I don't sound rude because I truly don't mean to. But I could ask why does anyone ever talk about anything lighthearted or frivolous ever when so much is wrong in the world even without this virus around. People starving and sick and dying. People are struggling in many different ways, including myself. Which is why i rarely have a purchase to post really outside the fashion jewellery forum. Even that that is very rare occurence because we pretty much have little to no spare cash at all and what we do get I usually use to bring some light to my 1 year old's life instead of shineys. Should many here feel guilty and not post because they struggle less than me and others monetarily? I say absolutely not! That would be kind of ridiculous to expect of people.

Besides I LOVE seeing all the things the lovely ladies here have in their jewellery boxes! It's probably my favourite part of my day to come here and have a look at all the pretties new and old. And getting to talk about or at least read all the things the very smart ladies here have to say is really interesting to me. I'm quite glad to have a place like this where I can come together with others who enjoy shineys as much as I do! I love this place so much and I am very glad that it is here. Especially now when everything is so much more anxiety inducing than usual.
Thank you ladies for being so wonderful <3<3<3
The world has always been flawed.....we can’t fix that. Enjoy the pretties...we (America) still have it pretty nice in the BIG picture.
As the title says: Why are we talking diamonds at this time?

What size center stone should I get?
What color or clarity?
What type of studs should I buy?
The list of topics goes on and on.

I think it is selfish. We are all living through an epidemic of such huge proportions to our health, safety, welfare.
This thing is spreading and not under control. People are scared. Mental illness is surfacing.

And we are talking diamonds? Really?

I am not saying shut the forum down, but have some priorities. I am sure that people on ventilators would love to have the discussion about diamonds, but they cannot.

What I think should be shut down is the topics above and all the other selfish stuff.

Wishing good health to all PSers And your family.

I really thought hard whether to reply to this because I already replied to a similar thread. But somehow need to get this off my chest.

Not everyone in this forum is here because we have a sense on entitlement, burgeois or indifference. Some of us have an understanding of what is going on out there in the world. I’ve been in extreme community quarantine or lockdown since March 15 and haven’t seen anyone of my friends or family for close to 4 weeks. Some of us like this forum because it keeps us from going bonkers and gives us a sense of normalcy. Just because we post and comment here doesn’t mean it’s all we do 24/7. In my spare time I helped raise $10,000 US to buy and donate PPE’s, Masks and Acrylic Boxes to frontliners in a country where the minimum wage is $11/day. So forgive us if in some spare time we have we post and comment here because it helps our mental health to be able to chat with others. Forgive us if we post and comment here to kill time for us to actually stay home instead of going out there and talking to others in the streets.

Why stop at shaming us for posting and commenting in the forums? Why not ask us to stop eating because there’s food shortage? Or stop wearing masks and PPEs because there’s also a shortage? Stop driving my car because public transport has been banned due to social distancing? Why not stop wearing jewelry all together because life is hard out there? The demands will never cease once you open that pandora’s box.

I for one feel no guilt or shame to post or comment here.
I think it's silly of me to even address such a question, but I'm going to anyway.

Why talk about diamonds at this time?

The past 6 months have sucked for me. My dad and my husband both died. And, now there's this COVID-19 crud, and I have to go to work for my job in a hospital. My position is not excused from work nor allowed to work from home.

So, if sitting at my pond watching my ducks, buying diamonds, or eating chocolate makes me feel better, that's what I am going to do.
I think it's silly of me to even address such a question, but I'm going to anyway.

Why talk about diamonds at this time?

The past 6 months have sucked for me. My dad and my husband both died. And, now there's this COVID-19 crud, and I have to go to work for my job in a hospital. My position is not excused from work nor allowed to work from home.

So, if sitting at my pond watching my ducks, buying diamonds, or eating chocolate makes me feel better, that's what I am going to do.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of good wishes. Stay safe and be well. Gentle hugs.
Thanks for your kindness, Missy.
I am glad we have this board at times like this, as it provides a sense of continuity in addition to being a valuable resource.

I have decided to get myself a diamond tennis bracelet as a celebration bling when this blows over.

Could not justify it before, however, in light of the current circumstances, it reaffirms my believe to live life to the full.

I read the long thread on tennis bracelet, and decided on my own specification based on my budget.

And I shall wear it with joy as much as I can, to remind myself how lucky I am to be alive and well, when so many have left this earth due to this virus.

DK :))
Welcome to this place @HollyJane, where most are kind to each other and passionate about the beauty that exists in gems and jewelry. I, too, am very sorry for your losses.
@HollyJane my sincere condolences for your for your hubbie and your dad

stay safe at work, and what ever your job entails, thank you
Enjoy watching the ducks
I think it's silly of me to even address such a question, but I'm going to anyway.

Why talk about diamonds at this time?

The past 6 months have sucked for me. My dad and my husband both died. And, now there's this COVID-19 crud, and I have to go to work for my job in a hospital. My position is not excused from work nor allowed to work from home.

So, if sitting at my pond watching my ducks, buying diamonds, or eating chocolate makes me feel better, that's what I am going to do.

That is terrible, so sorry for your loss! Wishing you peace & healing!
Btw, watching ducks & eating chocolate sounds fantastic to me
I'm so sorry @HollyJane . You deserve any little bit of peace and enjoyment you can find. Stay safe out there.