
Why are we talking diamonds at this time?


Dec 7, 2004
As the title says: Why are we talking diamonds at this time?

What size center stone should I get?
What color or clarity?
What type of studs should I buy?
The list of topics goes on and on.

I think it is selfish. We are all living through an epidemic of such huge proportions to our health, safety, welfare.
This thing is spreading and not under control. People are scared. Mental illness is surfacing.

And we are talking diamonds? Really?

I am not saying shut the forum down, but have some priorities. I am sure that people on ventilators would love to have the discussion about diamonds, but they cannot.

What I think should be shut down is the topics above and all the other selfish stuff.

Wishing good health to all PSers And your family.
As Kenny always says...people vary. If you find diamond threads to be selfish then I say don't participate in those threads.

I for one can use the distraction during this stressful time.

BTW, there are several threads on the Diamond Hangout forum discussing the CV.
As the title says: Why are we talking diamonds at this time?

What size center stone should I get?
What color or clarity?
What type of studs should I buy?
The list of topics goes on and on.

I think it is selfish. We are all living through an epidemic of such huge proportions to our health, safety, welfare.
This thing is spreading and not under control. People are scared. Mental illness is surfacing.

And we are talking diamonds? Really?

I am not saying shut the forum down, but have some priorities. I am sure that people on ventilators would love to have the discussion about diamonds, but they cannot.

What I think should be shut down is the topics above and all the other selfish stuff.

Wishing good health to all PSers And your family.

I see what you’re saying, but social distancing is impacting everyone on different levels.
This forum creates an “escape”...even momentarily...for many.
There are those out there who are still hoping to be able to make dreams come true, and propose to the loves of their lives, at some point, and the virus, and pandemic is not going to squash those dreams.
Many have been financially impacted by this pandemic. Not everyone who seeks escape from the frightening circumstances surrounding our entire human population is purchasing diamonds or jewelry of any kind. Those who ARE should be encouraged to TRY to maintain life as usual, while practicing safe social distancing.
This is all online, and even the media is encouraging consumers to turn to online resources, rather than entering brick & mortar stores of ANY kind.
Pharmacies and grocery stores are providing delivery services, restaurants are providing more online ordering and delivery services.
Diamond vendors do the same.
Televisions are saturated with gloom and doom.
PriceScope provides solace in the face of chaos.
We all pray for those fighting for their lives.
I work in healthcare. I’m on the front lines.
My brother spent his wedding anniversary, yesterday, at a COVID-19 response center, serving his community.
This affects us all.
Coping with it is different for everyone.
I do hope you and your family are safe and well.
Virtual hugs from PA, USA. :cool2:
Have you considered that for some people, constant 24/7 rolling news portraying the end of the world, which we can do basically nothing about, is distressing?

And that constant handwringing angst, with no escape, causes increased stress in individuals, which can cause physiological reactions, which can in itself cause illness, both physically and mentally, when we should be trying to be healthy and remain in a positive frame of mind?

Personally speaking, I'm fed up watching the news. Yes, the spread is similar in most countries in terms of numbers. Yes, people are going to die. Yes, it is terrible. But no, I can't do anything to really influence the outcome, other than maintain personal hygiene and respect personal space, so what is the point in constant stress about it?

If I or others get it, it seems inevitable, whether now or in six months time. It is not going to go away or be cured or be able to be vaccinated against any time soon, and the actions underway now are merely delaying the inevitable, so that medical care facilities aren't deluged.

Not being able to go to the shops to buy things I need (other than food), not being able to see my mother on Mother's day, not being able to exercise, not being able to even go out for a walk unless I have a dog or am travelling to or from work (if the UK implement France-style ultra-lockdown)... It is basically nationwide House Arrest for many people. If we cannot escape into the internet, depression is a very real threat.

In times of darkness we need some light - without hope, or at least without distractions that invoke some sort of normality, humankind is lost.

(And I've not even touched on those losing their jobs, those losing their companies, those losing their houses, the potential for supply chain breakdowns and lack of food available...)
Talking about diamonds is no different than watching movies, listening to music, etc. Its a distraction from the reality of what life has become.
There is no harm in having a refuge from cold reality. I’m sure we are all very well aware people are sick and dying and on ventilators.
Some have family members affected, and many of us will be affected ourselves.
It’s a time to extend kindness to everyone, and share joy where we can.
If you find diamond threads discouraging, please, do not participate in them. Hopefully you can find something else to bring you relief or distraction right now.
Distraction. Holding onto a light at the end of the tunnel. Extra free time and wishing to spend at least some of it on something other than worry, sadness, anxiety, fear, despair, etc. Continuing to plan for a future that was put on hold in an effort to keep ahold of hope, joy, normalcy.

I am fully immersed in the shit show this pandemic has created. I welcome a post or a thread on something other than CV for the few precious moments of relief it offers. It is easy to avoid it offends.
WillyDiamond, if you are uncomfortable discussing/reading about diamonds, I recommend you avoid those forums. I for one do not find the "humorous" memes re the virus to be funny at all but recognize others find humor in them - so I avoid opening/looking at those memes but am happy others can find some relief and humor in them.

For myself, I don't find it helpful behavior to dictate how other people should use their time or what may be appropriate topics during this pandemic; I am saving my attention for what I need to get through this, and what my family/community need to get through this, and yes, that includes pursuing hobbies and having celebrations and finding reasons to laugh and smile. It includes washing my hands a million times a day and making sure I have on hand the favorite and necessary things my 83-year-old mother (with multiple co-morbidities) requires to make her daily life bearable - happily, that includes regular conversations relating to what she wants to give people in her life for this year's birthdays and Christmas 2020. None of those presents are diamonds, but she sure loves it when I clean her wedding set and her diamonds shine.

For our household, it cannot be all gloom and doom, and for our individual sanity, we each of us take a little time every day to focus on things that bring us joy.

Even during this pandemic, people have birthdays, anniversaries, marriages, engagements, births, adoptions - even during this pandemic, life is happening and celebrations mark these events. If we can't gather to celebrate, we can still plan and hope and dream, even as we prepare for and endure the pandemic.
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I want to see something pretty in this world. May that be bunch of puppies/bunnies cuddling or a nice sparkly diamond that some PS-er bought. I want to enjoy all of that. I love and admire diamonds (on other people's hands as well) and I can't just stare at my very light beige colored walls.
For some, diamond's sparkle is the light at the end of today's tunnel, let them have it.
Looking at things as awesome as Diamonds and Gemstones (or anything else for that matter) and talking to the mostly wonderful people in this community reminds us all that there is still beauty, kindness, compassion, humour and grace in the world...

That doesn't mean we aren't taking Corona seriously, look how many posts there are about how we are, how our friends and families are, what we are buying (food and supplies), what is unavailable to us and things like postal shipments and deliveries, what music are we listening to and how are we going to spend our time in isolation. There are posts about possible vaccines, and possible cures, there are posts appreciating all the front line workers out there that are dealing with this crisis.

If we all have to be isolated, I for one am glad I'm a member of PS!!!!! And I'd like to know how all the PSers are (that they are all O.K) and have beautiful things shared at a time when we could all use something to take our minds off COVID - 19.
#selfcare! As a nurse with mental health training I would encourage everyone to try to have time in their day for relaxing and doing something they enjoy!
With the current advice about social distancing, online forums like this become a lifeline for many.
Take care everyone! x
It’s important at this time to be able to escape a little bit from reality to maintain one’s sanity. This is the new normal for a long time to come. We have to be able to compartmentalize to get through this. It’s ok to laugh and to enjoy things. We can’t live doom and gloom 24/7. That doesn’t make anything better. IMO.
i have not been able to affotd to buy any jewlery the entire relatively short time ive been here but i have enjoyed viewing the sparkle from afair and enjoying other's journey

its also very much a coping mechanism, even before the covid 19 thing i had spent the previous year taking pleasure watching to see what brooch the Queen was going to wear to church each week
now ive always been pro The Queen but if you had told me two years ago id be doing that id laugh in your face

now, here, i get to talk to the person wearing the prertty sparkles

from an economic perspective if people can afford to support your favourite bussiness, im certainly not going to say don't buy a diamond right now

and yet i do have moments like the OP and i think Whaaaat ?

but then i see on the news countless stories of selfish hoarding and shops with empty shelves leaving old and vaunrable people with no bread or toilet paper
buying a diamond is not going to deprive any one else out of a basic necessity

everybody stay safe and be sensible
@WillyDiamond, you're entitled to your opinion but please don't make people feel bad and guilty at a time like this. There's nothing wrong with some distraction from the fear and anxiety people are feeling right now. Do you recommend we all just sit and stare at a wall because of the virus? Is it ok to watch Netflix? Is it ok for me to paint? Is it silly for me to do calligraphy? Is it wrong to look at jewelry online? I am very well aware that people are suffering horribly, to the point I am not doing well. Honestly, for my mental health I need a little distraction. If certain threads/forums are bothering you then just don't go in them. Or take a break from PS. As others have said, there are discussions going on in Hangout that are bringing people comfort.

I just don't think judging anybody right now is healthy or productive. I wish you all the best during this really difficult time.
While I understand your point to a certain extent, you must understand other points of view. It is distraction and while we are all housebound, we need to see and hear about something besides death and destruction. I received new diamond studs a week ago and as stated, had it been a week later I might not have taken the leap. However, I did and that’s that. I posted them last evening as I finally had my head in a place to consider doing so. I in no way meant it to distress anyone. We are all in the same boat of uncertainty and fear and buying diamonds in no way changes that. It is, as others have said, a distraction for us. If this really bothers you, perhaps a break would be in order for you. We all process things differently and what offends one may delight another.

Hang in there - let us hope that the future will bring renewed optimism for us all!
i gotta give a little understanding and caring out to any about to be married person
it must feel right now, to them that pretty much all the sparkle is being wiped off their big day
of course they can postpone the party or reduce the guest list or just hold off a some months but who hasn't in the last week felt overwelmed and has spent time focused on things that don't matter so much when taken into the context of the whole picture
Perfect and true responses, ladies and gents. Let’s focus on positives and whatever makes you happy and gets you through the day, whether that’s diamonds or springtime flowers.
Why are you passing judgment on others and calling them selfish for looking at and considering diamonds now?

Should everyone just give up all their hobbies or other areas of their lives, read the news 24/7, talk about it all the time, and create even more anxiety and fear around them, which really doesn't serve any purpose other than well...create more anxiety?

Yes, this is serious business. But it is NOT the zombie apocalypse.

People still need a semblance of normalcy. Life still needs to go on. And as many others have said, it serves as a pleasant distraction and also as a form of hope- be it for an impending engagement or a future anniversary to look forward to.
In addition to all the other good responses, have you considered that vendors need to make a living and employ others who also need to make a living? Should they just go bankrupt overnight because you deem it in poor taste to shop for diamonds?
It is a fair question. But why then read a novel? Why play a board game with your child? Why try a new recipe? Why buy fresh flowers? Because life and joy still need to be celebrated, and we need to be good to ourselves and our loved ones. I think (possibly?) some people feel diamonds don’t fall into the same category as more “simple” pleasures because they are a high-ticket commodity item — sort of like Marie Antoinette saying, Let the poor eat cake when they had no bread. But this is not a community that flaunts consumption for the sake of consumption. Mostly, these are people very knowledgeable about gems who happen to love them just like others love stereo equipment or whatever. I have not read one post on here by anyone who is insensitive to sufferers of the virus.

There ARE threads dedicated to a little humor in these dark times, and I guess humor can be divisive. Some find it offensive. I have always felt there are times when you have to laugh so that you do not cry.
I've always been a philosophical person- thinking of why things are as they are.
What is my purpose here?

It was about September 16th 2001.
The city had re-opened and I was sitting at my desk- the same one I still have.
I was thinking to myself- the world is over..... if you remember, it was a very tense time.
Then the phone rang. A lady in California called to ask about a ring.
I realized that people really need distractions from the harsh realities we face. I found purpose.
Material things are just that- things. But humans can derive value from objects in ways that may not seem obvious at first.....
I know that holding a guitar makes me feel better.
But I totally get why you asked Willy
The point is, that talking about diamonds is always selfish. Not only in times of coronavirus. There is so much pain and suffering everyday in the world, only this time we are directly affected which usually we are not.
Why? Because I can't spend all day worrying.

My grandfather survived the 1918 Spainish Flu epidemic, but said he came very close to dying for a few days. More than 16,000 Virginians died and tens of millions died worldwide. He didn't spend any time worrying about the next epidemic and died in 1981 at the age of 90.

I would like to buy my wife something nice for her 65th birthday next week, but we decided to wait until we can safely go shopping, etc.

Meanwhile, I would like to get her a pair of these...

commemorative jewelry.jpg

I'll be 70 later this year and still like a good laugh. Here's one of my new friends...

the best of 2020 so far.jpeg

Exactly what @Roselina said: These discussions about diamonds, put in the context of need and suffering around the world, have always been gratuitous. Diamonds are luxury goods by definition. The only difference is that right now that need and suffering is hitting much closer to home than usual.

So let me ask you, @WillyDiamond - how were you comfortable ignoring the world’s pains to chit chat about diamonds prior to this? Where was your conscience then? Or does it activate only when issues come to your personal doorstep?

...Kindly spare the rest of us the hypocrisy.
And this too shall pass. Let us not live as if it will not. Welcome the sunshine (if you’re fortunate to see it today). Look for reasons to smile and laugh. There are so many opportunities even in this pandemic to count your blessings and to be a blessing to others.
There was sadness, death, grief, tragedy and worry before this pandemic and that will not change after this is over. Yet we lived our lives then as we should now (with social distancing and even isolation).
For us personally the last few years have been a long trial with multiple incidents of tragedy and personal loss. So perhaps my perspective is based on knowing what we have already come through and not only survived but thrived, drawn closer together with family and friends and stronger in the end.
So yes, I’m looking at diamonds. I’m planting spring flowers. I am helping a niece plan a wedding. I am continuing to put one foot in front of the other because I truly don‘t know any other way to face these situations.
I am also continuing to volunteer with our school district supplemental food program for kids Who live daily with food insecurity. It is needed now more than usual. I am offering to assist shopping for elderly friends and neighbors who should not even be out at all. I am very involved with a person with mental health needs who will need extra support as we become more isolated. I am intentionally ordering some food for delivery and tipping generously because people in our town who work in food service desperately need the support.
What I am not doing is sitting around and wringing my hands with worry and woe...I just don’t have time for that.
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I don’t feel bad or guilty looking at diamonds. I am on my lunch break at this time as I work in a busy ICU. I have to go to work- I am a nurse, no breaks for us. I have a torn rotator cuff that needs to be repaired but I was told by the ortho physician that no elective surgeries are being gone at this time. “We must make sacrifices as health care professionals and take care of those that need our help”. So I am in pain,
pulling and lifting on patients and trying not to mess up the 25% of the tendon that I have left on my dominant shoulder. Surgery won’t be any time soon. I feel like I am somewhat sacrificing myself for this epidemic because of my shoulder. So do I feel bad about looking at jewelry? Absolutely NOT!
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I don’t feel bad or guilty looking at diamonds. I am on my lunch break at this time as I work in a busy ICU. I have to go to work- I am a nurse, no breaks for us. I have a torn rotator cuff that needs to be repaired but I was told by the ortho physician that no elective surgeries are being gone at this time. “We must make sacrifices as health care professionals and take care of those that need our help”. So I am in pain,
pulling and lifting on patients and trying not to mess up the 25% of the tendon that I have left on my dominant shoulder. Surgery won’t be any time soon. I feel like I am somewhat sacrificing myself for this epidemic because of my shoulder. So do I feel bad about looking at jewelry? Absolutely NOT!

Thank you for what you are doing.
I am laid off without pay and my retirement money for next year is crashing away but looking at pretty things and seeing other people enjoying gives me respite from my current situation. If you take offense, like any thread, don’t read it. Take a break from PS. I understand where you are coming from.