
Why can't we wish people dead?

My own spiritual belief (as an atheist who leans towards Buddhism) is that suffering, no matter who it is by (person, animal, etc) is bad. Suffering is suffering whether it is Mother Teresa or Charles Mason doing the suffering. I don't wish any more suffering in the world and believe it is wrong to do so. Wishing to increase suffering is needless, emotionally retaliatory and self indulgent.

That being said, I could see where having a specific person die may actually help alleviate suffering, such as a serial killer or child rapist or someone like Hitler. So I guess wishing an evil person dead (to end suffering) may be okay. But from a practical standpoint, I am busy and have better things to spend my time/energy/thoughts on.
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And I believe that wishing a loved one who is experiencing a painful death to be dead and finally over their suffering is okay. For the record I believe doctor assisted suicide for terminally ill people who are in pain should be legal like it is in Switzerland.

For me I would much rather have "lights out" than a long slow agonizing death.
I think mostly it's superstition. Many people believe wishing something bad on someone else tempts the universe into sending something bad your way. Same with good things. We "knock on wood" when a plan seems to be going our way.
I'm not quite a "death wisher", but I've been known to wish diarrhea on people on occassion. Like the time when I woke up one morning and found my car sitting on bricks with all 4 tires missing :eek-2: And I'm not sorry about it ;))

For me that is like wishing poutine because it would give me said condition.
Everytime I read about someone doing something bad to animals I wish that person dead, in a most unpleasant way. Troubles me not at all.
Here is a list of ”people” the world would be a better place without. If they all dropped dead - I would feel nothing but relief. I say “people” because I firmly believe they are not human.

These are the authors and co-authors of the atrocity that is Texas’ SB 8.

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There will always be people who behave maliciously with bad intent. Always. We can eliminate as many of them as possible but we will never be free of them. Instead we must do all we can to fight evil and wrong whenever we can.


Let's put all our energy into righting the wrongs in this world as best as we can instead of the energy it takes to hate and wish others dead. Just saying we have limited resources including our energy and we can and should put it to good use to triumph against evil.

And yes that new law in Texas is pure evil IMO. And it hurts those who need it most. This new law disproportionately impacts low-income women and women of color. Those who do not have the financial means to travel to go to another state for an abortion.

So yeah even if all those responsible for this latest draconian law were eliminated others would take their place. We have to keep fighting the good fight. We owe it to women and decent humans everywhere.
We don't have to wish anyone dead. Natural Selection, as in Survival of the Fittest is taking place in Red states now. Intelligence is a factor in survival. When you want a virus to dare to try to attack your body, I think the virus wins.

Sorry Missy, I couldn't, refrain, after all. I blame Yssie, she encouraged me.

We don't have to wish anyone dead. Natural Selection, as in Survival of the Fittest is taking place in Red states now. Intelligence is a factor in survival. When you want a virus to dare to try to attack your body, I think the virus wins.

Sorry Missy, I couldn't, refrain, after all. I blame Yssie, she encouraged me.



No need to apologize to me @smitcompton. I believe you should feel how you feel and let it out. Don't hold it in as that is not healthy. Vent and cry and say what you mean. It is cathartic in every way.

And as for death I do think that is too easy an end for some. What I really wish is for people to get exactly what they deserve. Too often death is too good for them.


And I cannot resist.

Hi Missy,

My comments were to be taken lightly. You gave an explanation, I think several times lately, about your disapproval of expressing wanting people dead. It was just my way of acknowledging having read your thoughts. I have no trouble letting things out. I shall not be light with you again, as I may get another serious bit of advise. Sorry. Actually I thought I was being funny. Blame Yssie!

Hi Missy,

My comments were to be taken lightly. You gave an explanation, I think several times lately, about your disapproval of expressing wanting people dead. It was just my way of acknowledging having read your thoughts. I have no trouble letting things out. I shall not be light with you again, as I may get another serious bit of advise. Sorry. Actually I thought I was being funny. Blame Yssie!


I thought this was pretty funny too.:cheeky:



I could never be mad at @yssie. ❤️
Nor you Annette. :halo:

And maybe I came across a bit too strongly.
I personally don’t wish bad things on other people but I don’t (usually) judge anyone else for doing so. Until I’ve walked in your shoes and all that jazz.
My own spiritual belief (as an atheist who leans towards Buddhism) is that suffering, no matter who it is by (person, animal, etc) is bad. Suffering is suffering whether it is Mother Teresa or Charles Mason doing the suffering. I don't wish any more suffering in the world and believe it is wrong to do so. Wishing to increase suffering is needless, emotionally retaliatory and self indulgent.

That being said, I could see where having a specific person die may actually help alleviate suffering, such as a serial killer or child rapist or someone like Hitler. So I guess wishing an evil person dead (to end suffering) may be okay. But from a practical standpoint, I am busy and have better things to spend my time/energy/thoughts on.

100% agree.
Hi Missy,

My comments were to be taken lightly. You gave an explanation, I think several times lately, about your disapproval of expressing wanting people dead. It was just my way of acknowledging having read your thoughts. I have no trouble letting things out. I shall not be light with you again, as I may get another serious bit of advise. Sorry. Actually I thought I was being funny. Blame Yssie!


It was very apparent to anyone who has read your posts for years that you were being funny. You have a great sense of humor Annette. Please don’t ever change.
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Not directed at you Annette in any way shape or form.
I don’t think I’ve ever wished someone dead. Death is too good for some people. I’ve certainly wished people out of my life and fortunately it’s within my power to make that wish come true, mostly. For the ones where that isn’t within my power, I’ve all occasionally wished some people fired. And even assisted it’s implementation - for the greater good of course.
I just don't want to allow depraved people to pass any of their depravity on to me. And imo becoming the type of person who wishes death on other human beings would amount to myself being brought to a lower and more depraved level. So I try to limit it to wishing they'd be stopped, or relief rather than joy if they do pass away. Which I'm sure makes no difference at all to anyone but me but I feel better that way.
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Virtue signaling by self-styled paragons of perfection make me gag. What's the difference between wishing someone ill, wishing them gone, wishing karma catches up with them, taking some pleasure when justice is done and wishing someone dead -- none, there is no difference although some will hypocritically argue it's a matter of degree. Who is evil, what level of evil permits us to wish death upon another and who decides? Outside of the bounds of the law, the individual decides.

If you want to wish someone dead, do it. Congratulations on being human. No wrathful cosmic force is going to flatten you with retribution.

If you don't wish someone dead, good on you. Congratulations for being human. May your neck remain unbent from the weight of your halo.

Let he/she/it/them/ve/xe/ze/zie who is without sin cast the first stone...(apologies to those who will be incensed by my effort to bring biblical quotes into the 21st century).
^ yssie made me do it.

Oh Matata, I do enjoy reading you. You have a much needed edge to your thinking. Since, we have Yssie as our foil now, I will let it out and say that lately, on occasion, I have found threads to be preachy and full of cliques that most of us have known since we are 10 from our good parents. I don't see repeating these to the mature women on PS as enlightening. I think our paragons of virtue may think by rote at times.

I prefer less preachy. I like Bible quotes at times. They don't sound so rote to me if you know them.


Hereafter, I will accept responsibility for my own posts. No more blame. I am mature now.