
Why can't we wish people dead?

Oh my. While not to the same degree, I can sympathize with this feeling regarding people who are supposed to love you, but act in the opposite way. I hope you reach a point soon, where you don't even think about her. Hugs.

She was a learning tool for my son - that sometimes,

*Not everyone is good, sometimes people choose to be ugly on the inside.

*Always be aware of your surrounds and the people you allow in your circle.

*Friends close friends can become a bigger and better part of our lives - even if we aren’t blood related ❤️

*** and most important, how crucial it is to take time and maintain relationships with people you love, throughout your life. Because at the end, that is who will be by your side.
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I definitely wish people dead. Back when COVID first hit and a certain public figure finally got it and it wasn’t looking good for a while, I joined twitter just because I wanted to know the moment they died from it. I did not get my wish. I’m still wishing.

I have also wished some others dead. There are crimes against children, for example, that make me wish the perpetrators dead.

Of course none of this means I support a death penalty. The risk of killing innocents and the biases in the justice system preclude that for me, even in the case of those I wish dead. But wishes are fantasies and in my fantasies only the truly guilty are punished.
Oh, hell yeah! I actually think, "Just die, mother******!"

I will definitely dance when certain people die, such as my daughter's abusive ex-boyfriend. When his grandma and dad died a few months apart, I thought "good. They are the reason he is the way he is. And I hope his pain is deep."

My MIL was horrible. I never wished her dead, but when she did die, all of us were "eh" about it.
I don’t wish people dead but don’t blame people who do. We had a friend commit suicide and that really softened me about people in general. But I absolutely wish that people who make other people miserable get the same cruel treatment in life, and always hope I and the people they hurt can play spectator.
Oh, hell yeah! I actually think, "Just die, mother******!"

I will definitely dance when certain people die, such as my daughter's abusive ex-boyfriend. When his grandma and dad died a few months apart, I thought "good. They are the reason he is the way he is. And I hope his pain is deep."

My MIL was horrible. I never wished her dead, but when she did die, all of us were "eh" about it.

You know, I totally understand this. It might not be the way I feel, but I get it.
only once
a PM i despised
when he died i was happy