
Why did you choose your current profile picture?

I took this picture of my wedding set the night I was married and even though it's a pretty awful pic I've been too lazy too change it!
I made this photo my avatar several years ago, and now I can't change it because I did that once and found myself replying to . . . myself, because I didn't recognize that it was me because I didn't recognize the new avatar. And that's just plain embarrassing. (At least I was in agreement with myself.)

I chose this picture because my sweet little Geddy looked so adorable in his cone of shame. He had an emergency surgery and I couldn't resist taking a picture of him in the cone.
Autumnovember|1314464480|3001640 said:
The little guy in my pic is a Russian cartoon character that I've always loved growing up. I have stuffed animals of him and all :)
AN...change your avatar to "pink"... :naughty:
It's my new ring that I will be getting soon, so I put it up to look at while I wait for the real thing! :naughty:
He's my darling. Well, he's my parents' darling, but he's far more tolerant of the hat than any of the other critters. And I like them in hats.

I've thought about changing it but I never actually will - I know I recognize posters by their avatars, and I hardly ever bother checking the names under unfamiliar pictures, and I can't be the only one...

Haven - LOL!
I chose it because it was a cute picture of my kitty Olivia and I got tired of the weird generic knight man I was using before! Although first avatar might have been a different photo of Olivia. I can't remember...but I'm lazy and I always know posters by their avatars, so I doubt I'll ever change it!
My profile image used to be 2 rings I had made for me - the photo was taken by the Etsy vendor - but then I noticed the vendor was using the same image on the Etsy store website for "reserved for" orders so I decided to just go with the PS default nothing image. Maybe when I get a camera and take pictures of my little treasures I'll decide to put up something more representative and memorable. I definitely notice others' profile pics and when they change them.

eta- edited for typo/missed word
Dancing Fire|1314486420|3002186 said:
Autumnovember|1314464480|3001640 said:
The little guy in my pic is a Russian cartoon character that I've always loved growing up. I have stuffed animals of him and all :)
AN...change your avatar to "pink"... :naughty:

Hahahaha...sinfully pink is rather....shy. She only likes to take the stage when being used :)
Well mine kind of does what it says on the tin! Plus it's my favourite picture of my diamond, taken when it was still a loose stone.
I think mine is still my dog. I can't see avatars when I use Firefox for whatever reason but I still know who everyone is by their screen name. I didn't choose mine for any particular's just a cute picture of her.
Haven|1314486392|3002185 said:
I made this photo my avatar several years ago, and now I can't change it because I did that once and found myself replying to . . . myself, because I didn't recognize that it was me because I didn't recognize the new avatar. And that's just plain embarrassing. (At least I was in agreement with myself.)
Where's the emoticon for DYING with laughter?! Exactly what I'd do, only I'd never have the cojones to admit it. You're terrific, Haven!

--- Laurie
I love change and everything new, and was changing my avatars all the time, and sometimes the pictures were distorted. And then I decided to choose one that I could at least stick with for a while without a strong urge to change it.
Laila619|1314486539|3002193 said:
It's my new ring that I will be getting soon, so I put it up to look at while I wait for the real thing! :naughty:

Laila - :appl: I love your new ring!

Lottie - He is the cutest! He looks like he's up to something!

AN - I too wondered who the little guy was. Super-cute!

Bean - I wondered about that pendant! Did you start a thread? Looks like OECs maybe? Jealous and love!

Effe - Looks like an amazing view. I wondered about your avatar too!

AFM - Because she's soooooooooooooo cute! I've changed my avatar around quite a bit and will probably do so again!
To try to match my name & love of diamonds. BUT, I think my name is sooo cheesy (couldn't think of a better one qucikly enough) & I want to change it at some point.
Mine is boring. I used to use a photo of my daughter. I changed it once a month and I think my PS buddies enjoyed seeing her grow up. Then she got older and I no longer felt comfortable posting photos of her on a public site. So, back to my wedding set I went.
Loves Vintage, thank you my friend! :wavey: I sure love your adorable pup avatar! I would also love to see the beautiful little S sometime. :bigsmile:
Laila!!! :wavey: Head on over to the NB thread!!! WE MISS YOU THERE!!! I would love to see a recent picture of L too!!!!!!!!! I posted some photos not too long ago. I'm tempted to post a picture of her here. Haha. But, I must restrain myself!!!!!! I would love to hear what L is up to these days too. Just a little update? Pretty please. :saint: ===> intended to be a little praying emotie, but this is as close as I could find!
It is one of my favorite photos of my ering. And definitely one of the few in which you can see the arrows.
thing2of2|1314487174|3002215 said:
I chose it because it was a cute picture of my kitty Olivia and I got tired of the weird generic knight man I was using before! Although first avatar might have been a different photo of Olivia. I can't remember...but I'm lazy and I always know posters by their avatars, so I doubt I'll ever change it!

She's gorgeous thing! But I gotta say, she looks more - um. determined? than *cute*, exactly, in your current pic :bigsmile: Kinda like our cat Garett watching the sweet innocent lil' birdies on the other side of the glass...
I originally started out in colored stones and used a colored stone I owned as my profile pic. As time passed, I sold most of my stones (since I didn't get them set) and it felt sort of odd to have an avatar of something I no longer owned. So I ended up choosing my phoenix pendant as my avatar since the pendant has a special meaning to me and it was one of my first CS projects (which coincidentally, I had made before I joined PS.)
My profile picture is the last piece of jewelry I purchased. BGD millegrained bezel studs.
Mine is of my beloved kitty Haley. Normally she has crazy eyes in photos so I was surprised to get this very relaxed shot of her. I'm not really in to changing my avatar so I just left it at this over the years.
Laila619|1314486539|3002193 said:
It's my new ring that I will be getting soon, so I put it up to look at while I wait for the real thing! :naughty:

Me either - I want to see hand shots!!
Mine is of a fish that wouldn't leave me alone in Tahiti. He was a total ham and kept coming up to my camera, so i snapped a few of him.. it's so cute that i bought a nemo frame from disney and put his pic on my desk. He takes me back to paradise.
I love all the avatars!

I miss your daughter, Tacori - she is too cute! But I understand your concerns and your first duty is to her.

My own avatar is a group shot of some stones I owe. There are tourmalines, garnets, sunstones, tanzanite, emerald and all sorts of goodies there. Since I a major CS addict, it seems very appropriate. Don't let the image fool you, though: most of the stones are smaller than PS usual. I like small stones.
Mine is part of a picture of the Chihuly sculpture on the ceiling of the Bellagio. It totally blew me away, and I like having a colourful avatar so I can easily see where my posts are. I am also one of the lazy ones who identifies people by their avatars, so I have no plans to change mine.
I chose my avatar last Halloween. The toddler thread was a little more active then and we usually changed avatars with holidays/seasons. I haven't changed it since because I haven't been on the actual website in ages. I get on PS through my phone and don't use the computer much at home. I would love to change it. Maybe one of these days I'll remember and jump on the computer :cheeky:
I had one of PS's generic people symbol avatars for a long time and decided I needed an avatar related to jewelry. So I chose this one. He's wearing what actually is an earl's gold coronet not a crown but let's be honest. Both he and his coronet are easy on the eyes.
I juuuust changed mine to one of the glamour shots that Whiteflash sent of my Danielle band I got earlier this year. Before, it was my purple spinel ring. I know I don't like it when people switch a lot, so I'll be leaving this one for a while.