
why do people wear sims? are they trying to impress their friends?

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I have a friend who wears a sim because she wanted something sparkly but was worried about "blood diamonds" and other questionable origins.
What would be one situation when wearing impressive jewelry actually does make a good first impression ? Anywhere
I would never wear "real" diamond earrings! I would be too paranoid, I lose earrings like you would not believe! I even have the backs that screw on...and manage to lose them as well! All of my rings have real diamonds though...

But really, why does it matter, or does anyone get hurt if someone chooses a sim vs. a diamond...whatever their reasons may be for their decision?

If it makes you happy...go for it!
i do find big sims tacky.

but imo, it's far tackier to expend so much energy passing judgment on meaningless decisions like what people choose to wear.
i find big diamonds tacky too!

LOL...because your SELLING them!!! LOL....
AAACK!!!! "Becasue YOU'RE selling them"... I always do that...
OMG- I need to type more slowly...
On 6/18/2004 3:06:04 PM Wink wrote:



No offense, please, MMM
... but I'm with Wink... I LOOOOVE big diamonds, too!!!! mmmmmm!
LOL...none taken.....but how big we talkin'?...I'm thinking anything over 10 carats is "big"
On 6/18/2004 4:10:24 PM moremoremore wrote:

LOL...none taken.....but how big we talkin'?...I'm thinking anything over 10 carats is 'big'

Wow! Good question...
I guess it all does come down to perception and perspective, huh?!!!

When I think "big" I think 2-3 carats... I've never seen a 10 carat diamond, but if it were well-cut, I think I would probably still LOVE


On 6/18/2004 9:25:30 AM strmrdr wrote:

In my opinion anyone that wears any jewlery either fake or real just to impress people has some serious issues and the judgemental people that are impressed by it have even worse issues.

My tongue-in-cheek point to vtigger in asking the question was that there ARE reasons people choose to wear CZs other than "just to impress their friends".

On 6/18/2004 2:22:36 PM CaptAubrey wrote:

i do find big sims tacky.

but imo, it's far tackier to expend so much energy passing judgment on meaningless decisions like what people choose to wear.


AMEN! Well, WELL said, Capn! (as always)


On 6/18/2004 2:39:03 PM moremoremore wrote:

i find big diamonds tacky too!

Uh-oh......I feel a slapping coming on for you MMM....

where's F&I?

On 6/18/2004 4:25:54 PM aljdewey wrote:

On 6/18/2004 2:39:03 PM moremoremore wrote:

i find big diamonds tacky too!

Uh-oh......I feel a slapping coming on for you MMM....

where's F&I?


Nah...I was still chuckling over the "Give me a bread" (in the best Jon Stossel voice) comment. As noted, mmm was hungry & I chalk up the "big" comment to lack of food. How can a big diamond be tacky? Must not be in her right mind.

It's Friday. Can we add Tiffany to the mix? Where's the duck when you need him?
I live in an area where there is a lot of "old" money...and a lot of the older women seem to be sporting diamonds about the size of a small country! I occasionally wonder if all of the stones are authentic...but then the ladies get into their Bentleys and roll away!

I'm assuming that they all must have carpel tunnel syndrome from holding their wrists up!!
I find people who buy D IF diamonds from Tiffanys to be tacky!
Even though F&I wants to be one of them deep down inside.

Big diamonds are NEVER tacky. Okay well maybe 10c. But anything under is fair game!
LOL...I guess I'll just have to stick to a 9.99 carat....
On 6/18/2004 5:27:06 PM fire&ice wrote:


Nah...I was still chuckling over the 'Give me a bread' (in the best Jon Stossel voice) comment. As noted, mmm was hungry & I chalk up the 'big' comment to lack of food. How can a big diamond be tacky? Must not be in her right mind.


Me too. I thought maybe it was an Atkins moment!

back to the point tho...I bought a bunch of sims in my earring quest to try to get my fickle mind to decide if I wanted small and discrete, medium and boring, or big and bold! Everytime I lost one, it set me back a year as I realized that it could have been real! I would never wear a sim ring -- I stare at it too much and knowing it wasn't the real deal would bother me.

Also, on the moissanite topic....I have a friend with moissanite earrings. Call me a color snob, but they often look almost brown, at best a sort of dingy yellow. Is this typical or does moissanite have color variation? No offense to those who like/have moissanite.... I'm just surprised that I can see the difference so much in her earrings, and really don't know much about it.
Charles and Colvard does not offer the Asscher cut. Thought you would like to know.

My moissanites are pretty white. I love them, they sparkle like mad. THere are good diamonds and crappy ones too. Same thing for the moissanite, good batches and crappy ones too. I deal with someone that hand picks his stones. THats always a plus.
Is the moissanite on ShopNBC any good? I must admit--I've been tempted... although i am not really into the TV shopping.
On 6/18/2004 8:19:27 PM Jennifer5973 wrote:

Is the moissanite on ShopNBC any good?

I believe that ALL moissanite is manufactured by Charles and Colvard ONLY, and to the same "standards". I really don't think there are any different "grades" of it.
On 6/18/2004 3:15:20 PM moremoremore wrote:

AAACK!!!! 'Becasue YOU'RE selling them'... I always do that...----------------

Well that does tint my bias a bit, but I really do love

Yes, that's true, moissanites are pretty much standard. In the "near colorless" range up to 2 carats and in the I-J-K for 3ct +, and VVS-VS.

My moissanite man has figured out a way to heat treat moissanite. The treatment is just like treating sapphires, the result is permanent and it makes a MUCH whiter moissanite. Its pretty amazing. But Charles and Colvard claims that there is no such treatment and the stones return to their original color in about 1 month. I've had my stone much longer than that and it's the same as I first received it. He has been heat treating moissanites for more than 2 years and no one has ever complained that their stone went back to their original color. Fascinating! I am happy camper!
What's with the jewelery police? Frankly, I LOVE diamonds and gemstones for the natural wonders that they are. Who's to say people can't appreciate the man-made wonders as well...Real boobs, fake boobs, each one had a follower. So what?

Cubic Zirconia are not evil, they just have different uses. So what's the issue with people buying plastic hairclips, versus leather ones? Is there an issue with people who buy fake leather shoes? Does it bother you to see people wearing plastic helmets, instead of fur and animal skin hats?

Technology has given us the capacity to eat on dishes and throw them out, wear shoes in water without ruining them, and basically has enabled a disposable society. Is this wrong? No. But everyone has their emphasis of importance, especially when it comes to our finances and our investing of it. Some people buy diamonds because they are "forever". Some buy things that MAY NOT be forever, so why does it bother you?

Frankly, some sims are just as lovely when in good quality, as some real diamonds. But I wear diamonds when I want to adorn myself. I wear sims when I want to keep myself adorned without crying about losing it. Special occasions warrant my "good" jewels, and cruises, vacations and clubbing get my sims. SO WHAT?!

Am I suddenly tacky because I don't want to have my ring fly off in a dark crowded club or some cold waterway while scuba diving or snorkeling? Well this tacky girl will have no problem, because I neither perosnally care what people think of anything I wear, either in jewelery or clothes?

When it comes down to it, you can wear real diamonds, real diamonds, etc, but a person is judged on what they have accomplished in life and what they stand for, whatever they wear. So why no stink about the FAKE tiffany settings people get on this site? Why by this theory, only people with REAL tiffany's solitaires and such would be exempt...Frankly, who cares what you wear, but wear it well, in good health and enjoy it, as YOU are the one wearing it!

And why do people CARE what others wear? Why do people feel the need to find their place on the totem pole of society? Who cares? Are these material items truly what measure a man/woman? Then why do people who own lots of real jewelery act like such nasty people?
I agree 100%, Nicrez...And horror of horrors, i am looking into a (gasp) moissanite for a fun right hand ring. Who really cares? I don't care. I sometimes question my insatiable appetitie for jewelry. Just think how much more financially secure I could be, or move my retirement age up, or give more money to my animal charities, if I wasn't so indulgent...?

I have many friends who have a very nice engagement diamonds, and maybe studs, and then wear sims for other pieces (especially tennis bracelets in gold and believeable sizes) ...perhaps, they are a lot smarter than I am. And these are educated, professional women with good jobs, driving new cars, living in nice houses.

But while we're talking about jewelry snobbery, let's not forget the snobbery that exists not just around sims but around not having a diamond with absolutely perfect statistics...I see that a lot. Ideal diamonds are magnificent--no doubt about it--but many diamonds without those exact proportions are beautiful and full of fire & sparkle. Maybe we need to go even further--never mind the great debate over sims vs diamonds...maybe the bar goes higher and we say that your real diamond is garbage if it's not AGS 0?
that would really stink for all the fancy lovers out there...

anyway, well-said Nicrez...But I do continue to draw the line at the 12 ct purple CZ rings on home shopping--real or fake, they are just wack!
On 6/22/2004 1:59:30 PM Jennifer5973 wrote:

But while we're talking about jewelry snobbery, let's not forget the snobbery that exists not just around sims but around not having a diamond with absolutely perfect statistics...I see that a lot. Ideal diamonds are magnificent--no doubt about it--but many diamonds without those exact proportions are beautiful and full of fire & sparkle. Maybe we need to go even further--never mind the great debate over sims vs diamonds...maybe the bar goes higher and we say that your real diamond is garbage if it's not AGS 0?


You go girl!
On 6/22/2004 1:59:30 PM Jennifer5973 wrote:

I Maybe we need to go even further--never mind the great debate over sims vs diamonds...maybe the bar goes higher and we say that your real diamond is garbage if it's not AGS 0?
that would really stink for all the fancy lovers out there...


Allright Jennifer and Nicrez!!!

Let's not stop at AGS0, what about 8* recuts! And none of us fancy lovers or people with anything else but 8* and AGS0 have the right to say that our diamond sparkles and is firey since someone is right there to accuse us of saying that our diamond glows in the dark!
Nicrez quote:

What's with the jewelery police? Frankly, I LOVE diamonds and gemstones for the natural wonders that they are. Who's to say people can't appreciate the man-made wonders as well...Real boobs, fake boobs, each one had a follower. So what?

Since you brought up the subject, why would any woman in their right mind would buy a pair of fake boobs.Talk about no self confidence. And health risks. You would figure a woman would prefer a pair diamond earrings(or a diamond ,i don't think a woman would just buy 1 boob). why pay so much for a pair of silicone? ain't nothing like the real thing no matter it's diamond or boobs.
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