
Why I live in Southern California

iluvcarats|1293140589|2804934 said:
because black ice, blizzards and ice storms happen in certain parts of the country, but not in LA. The title of the thread is "why I live in Southern CA" get it?

Ahhhh . . . I see!

And I think you just reiterated the entire point of Kenny's thread: "I live in Southern CA because black ice, blizzards and ice storms happen in certain parts of the country but not in LA."
No, not really. I guess I just don't think car accidents are funny. Or clubbing baby seals or fires or mudslides.
iLander|1293140947|2804940 said:
iluvcarats|1293140589|2804934 said:
because black ice, blizzards and ice storms happen in certain parts of the country, but not in LA. The title of the thread is "why I live in Southern CA" get it?

Ahhhh . . . I see!

And I think you just reiterated the entire point of Kenny's thread: "I live in Southern CA because black ice, blizzards and ice storms happen in certain parts of the country but not in LA."

Well, I don't watch videos of CA earthquakes for a good laugh, but maybe that's just me...
Wow. I did not find ANYTHING funny about that video. I thought it was horrific and hope no one was hurt. I lost control of my car once on ice. Luckily I ended up in a ditch and did not hit any other cars but it was scary not being able to control my car. The experience did make me thankful that *I LIVE IN THE SOUTH* because three people stopped to help me. One pulled me out with his truck. I have lived in other parts of the country before and never received that kind of selflessness from complete strangers in a car situation.

I guess everyone is entitled to their own sense of humor but Southern CA is certainly not spared of naturally disasters or unfortunate weather.
I lived a good part of my life in upstate NY and I feel that some of you are taking this way too seriously. This isn't a video about a "natural disaster." And if Kenny (and I at this point) would rather live in a warm climate, I can tell you not having to deal with winter driving conditions is a legitimate factor in that decision.
Danny, I think people are upset by the idea of laughing at other people's misfortune. The fact that this video is considered "entertainment" is beyond my understanding. Of course you can live where ever you want!

ETA: it is a video of the result of bad weather which resulted in a bad day for lots of people.
Well, maybe if a school bus was involved. That would have been hilarios :roll:

And BTW, ice storms are natural disasters. We had one a while back where everyone lost power. Some for up to two weeks.