Ara Ann|1305811469|2925600 said:AmeliaG|1305810987|2925594 said:Ara Ann|1305809911|2925583 said:My husband was recently hit on by a female acquaintance who knows he is happily married and was not looking to stray...didn't stop her from trying though.Makes me sick.
But he had the choice to say no and he did. Your husband was a real man and acted like it. I really don't have sympathy for married men who have affairs and then blame it on the 'seductive' actions of their mistress. Arnie didn't have any control over what this woman did but Maria surely could have expected him to have control over what he did. There's got to be a point where the man takes responsibility for his own actions regardless of what situation he was in.
I agree with you 100%, however, I think they are both equally to blame, but he is the one getting hung out to dry, while she seems to be getting a free pass. She was married too! So Maria wasn't the only one cheated on.
Seems this way across the board too, with other guys, why aren't the women being held accountable in the same way, for becoming involved with a married man?
Interesting question, I think if the woman was married at least her husband would hold her accountable. Men tend to have less tolerance for their wives having affairs much less giving birth to a child that is not his. I'd be curious to see what happened to that marriage. But I think the real answer to your question re: public condemnation is that Arnie is a public figure and so is his wife; whereas no one heard of the maid before. If the other woman is also a public figure (like Elizabeth Taylor when she went off with Eddie Fisher), she wil also get a lot of public condemnation. Elizabeth Taylor definitely caught a lot of flak.