
Will I ever be done? Are you done?

You know my name! (Melting :) Thank you....
You're welcome :) Take care.
Robyn, I joined PS after my Mom pass away. It served as a distraction. (I was lurking before, and when she died, I decided not to go forward to my ering reset. After she passed away, I joined PS and that was the beginning.)
Thanks, Grannie, VL, endlesssummer, ilovegemstones, and HotPozzum for the replies. Silksapphire, I only have 1 completed ring so far, and ironically, it's a white diamond center. I am "finishing" collecting a few more CSs, and then I think I am going to set my first CS. I'm not sure which one.
Robyn, that was a very touching post for me. I have been feeling like I am wasting money I should be saving and feeling guilty. Your post reminds me that I enjoy my gemstones and sparklies and that is my ownly form of recreation as I am older. I have been thinking I am too near the end of my life that I can't justify more but I think you have changed my mind. My daughter and granddaughters don't like my jewelry. They say it is too big for them. Well, I'm going to continue "playing" and let them worry about what to do with it when I'm gone. It's a lot cheaper than sitting on a bar stool.
Grannie|1392171947|3613275 said:
It's a lot cheaper than sitting on a bar stool.

True. It's nice to have a hobby that keeps you out of trouble.
Um, I think if I was TL or Chrono, I'd probably be done, too. I mean, where do you go from there??? ;)

As for the guilt, I, too, feel it sometimes. But then I have days like today...There was a fair amount of stress, and a lot of annoyances, but I was wearing a ring (bought from a fellow PSer), and the sun was shining (for the first time in what felt like a while), and the stone just sparkled, and flashed all kinds of bright pink, purple and orange, and I literally held my breath to take in its beauty. Portable art! :praise:
Wow. Yes I think my mom' s passing made me active here. I lurked without a voice for many years. It's clear we share a love for these beautiful earth gifts. As long as we keep it in balance with our incomes we will all be okay. My daughter cares little about my stones...however...there may be a grandchild in my future who just might get it!
Robyn, you must be my sister from another mister :)

I didn't have as much interest in gemstones or jewelry until my mother passed away, and perhaps your daughter will change with time. I realized, pieces of jewelry are handed down from one woman to another, and you can wear them and admire them and think of your loved one as always having given you that gift. Yes, you can honor and remember without a piece of jewelry, but the materials used for precious/fine jewelry (diamonds, gold, platinum, and the harder CSs) makes it lasting, and having a beautiful token for people who love through "gifts" (one of the "love" languages) does not hurt.

I have other things from my mom that I cannot use, or take up a lot of space, but those jewels, I will keep. If I ever part with them, it will out of love or need, and my mom would have wanted me to part with them on both accounts.

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