
WINK rocks again – check THIS out!!!!

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The man is technically correct. Worn together long enough the wear will be slightly accelarated. I am not sure how much rubbing they would get but the wear will be greater than if you wore them separately.

Asthetically, the additional wear might be worth it, but that is a question only you and he can answer... For dinner at McDonalds, well, I gotta go with him, but I expect better of him on your romantic trip! LOL Please tell me a romantic get away is not just an excuse for McDonalds...

Yeah, "Hey Baby you can SuperSize it tonight!" "Nothing but the best"

Boy that sounds familiar.
On 8/14/2004 2:21:02 AM Wink wrote:

For dinner at McDonalds, well, I gotta go with him, but I expect better of him on your romantic trip! LOL Please tell me a romantic get away is not just an excuse for McDonalds...



LOL !!!!

For my B-day a little while back, cflutist offered to treat me to a special dinner (something better than McDonalds) - said she knew a pizza joint that was rated #1 in the area, but it had sawdust on the floor, got crowded with beer drinking. noisy party-goers, and was in a "funky" building.

Quote "Wouldn't you rather go to XXXXXXX?" - a very nice, dress up, probably at least 4 star restaurant (who's menus have all sorts of stuff that I need a translator for... like Penne Margherita???)

I got a GREAT B-day dinner - we had pizza...

The place was just as she described it - I loved it, the pizza was great, and the micro-brewery beer was delicious too. And the people were a blast....

On the other hand, cflutist was definitely way out of her this day, she still can't get it out of her mind that we ate in a restaurant WITH SAWDUST ON THE FLOOR!!!!

So when we go on vacation, she gets to pick the restaurants (mostly), because food is a major part of her life (and, believe it or not, she can eat more than me!). Most of the time, I'm out of my element in those places.....

I'd guesstimate that on a typical vacation, food is a very close 2nd to the actual lodging...

The restaurant where I proposed is typical of her choice.

With what we spend on food on our big vacations, cflutist could have an 3 ct oval diamond ring to match her pear by now...

Ok, it's a slight exaggeration

PS - she's already experiencing the shrinkage syndrome on her new bracelet!
I love it, sawdust on the floor usually comes with good food, it has to. There was a double decker restaurant here in Boise many years ago with a sawdust on the floor, free in the shell peanuts, eat them throw the shells on the floor place in the lower level. Upper level owned by the same people was a fancy French restaurant with rich sauces etc. Upstairs was gone in a very short time, in spite of all the rave reviews by the hoi poloi, downstairs was a fixture for many years.

I don't remember what ever happened to it, just remember it was there for a LOOONNNNGGGGGG time.

Hope you guys have a great trip!

about two bracelets on hand....

How does the old one look as (the front part of) a necklace? It could easily become one if you wanted.
Wow !!! How very lucky you (both) are!

Love, love, love it!


Here's a picture that websailor took while on our mini-vacation. I felt naked in this pic because I only had one bracelet (the new one from Wink) on per websailor's wishes. Websailor likes the rainbow colors from the diamonds' dispersion.

And guess what, no McDonalds, but we did have ice cream for dinner the first night, pizza for dinner the second night, and dinner at an Italian restaurant on our actual anniversary.

small P8140836.JPG
Holy cow.
THAT is a bracelet, cflutist, to end ALL bracelets.

Does shrinkage syndrome apply to bracelets, because all of a sudden, my 6 ct tennis is lookin' mighty puny...
Gasp, I was just blinded! Does Wink have liability coverage for supplying such a blinding piece?
On 8/18/2004 12:37:09 PM Jennifer5973 wrote:

Does shrinkage syndrome apply to bracelets, because all of a sudden, my 6 ct tennis is lookin' mighty puny...

Yes, it does apply, the new bracelet started to look smaller and smaller until I got home ... when I put the old 6.5 ct one back on, it looked so puny next to my new one from Wink. See, your eyes play tricks on you.
WOW! I love that picture with all the colors flashing! Congrats again on a great new acquisition as well as your anniversary.
On 8/18/2004 1:01:06 PM cflutist wrote:

Yes, it does apply, the new bracelet started to look smaller and smaller until I got home ... when I put the old 6.5 ct one back on, it looked so puny next to my new one from Wink. See, your eyes play tricks on you.----------------[/quote]

Well, then, I am in trouble...but I am cut off for a while over here, so I will live through you for as long as I can.
First, Websailor has big smile
on face due to vacation. Had fun in the little Gold Rush towns, had some great meals (yes, I mean the ice cream and the pizza...oh, and we went to some hoity-toity Italian place too....needed a translator for the menu...)

Second, yes, for some crazy reason cflutist did start saying her bracelet seems small...started saying that the day after she got it... Maybe those folks who keep their jewelery locked away in the safe deposit box and only wear it occasionally are smarter than those who wear it all the time???

Third, for Wink, can we return the bracelet? cflutist is constantly red-faced now... people keep seeing this blinding light from her wrist, and then they grab her arm (like in the elevator at work this morning when she had her laptop slung over one shoulder, her purse over the other, carrying her lunch in a bag and coffee in her left hand....this Guy lifted her arm up so he could see it better). What is a gal to do when even guys are noticing her bracelet and asking about it???

I mean, come on, how many GUYS notice any jewelery (okay, other than whether the left ring finger is occupied, or a pendant leading to, uummm, other points).

And then she's constantly twisting her wrist around and flexing it in the sun....a sure case of carpal tunnel to come...

Finally, she would'nt even go swimming in the hotel pool, even though it was in the high 90's... I think she was afraid the weight would drag her down and she would drown.

So can we return this big trouble maker?

Just kidding! Wild horses couldn't get it off her wrist.

PS - For those who want to get cflutist to "lighten up", keep asking her when her "cast off's auction" starts.... We might still be able to convince her there is a solution to her "one-bracelet" on a wrist or "two-bracelets" on a wrist dilemma. She's still in a swooning, weak-moment state (almost like after the proposal), so catch her now while she's still a bit weak!
On 8/18/2004 7:52:25 PM Jennifer5973 wrote:


Well, then, I am in trouble...but I am cut off for a while over here, so I will live through you for as long as I can.

I know how you feel -- I was cut off after my "final" upgrade, and am just now squeaking small things back in.

Websailor -- you are a saint! I love my DH, but he doesn't have anywhere near your patience!
On 8/18/2004 9:53:53 PM websailor wrote:

Third, for Wink, can we return the bracelet? cflutist is constantly red-faced now... people keep seeing this blinding light from her wrist, and then they grab her arm (like in the elevator at work this morning when she had her laptop slung over one shoulder, her purse over the other, carrying her lunch in a bag and coffee in her left hand....this Guy lifted her arm up so he could see it better). What is a gal to do when even guys are noticing her bracelet and asking about it???

I mean, come on, how many GUYS notice any jewelery (okay, other than whether the left ring finger is occupied, or a pendant leading to, uummm, other points).

And then she's constantly twisting her wrist around and flexing it in the sun....a sure case of carpal tunnel to come...

Finally, she would'nt even go swimming in the hotel pool, even though it was in the high 90's... I think she was afraid the weight would drag her down and she would drown.

So can we return this big trouble maker?

You can try! Might be dangerous to your long term health and happiness though!

Personally I think you might need to get her another one to balance her, otherwize she is going to be spending some BIG bucks with the chiropractor.

On 8/18/2004 9:53:53 PM websailor wrote:

Finally, she would'nt even go swimming in the hotel pool, even though it was in the high 90's... I think she was afraid the weight would drag her down and she would drown.

I didn't go swimming in the hotel pool because I could see that there was suntan oil floating on the surface and we all know that stuff loves to stick to diamonds, which then causes them to look dull and lifeless. In fact in the old days, if memory serves me, they used grease belts in diamond mining operations since diamonds love to stick to grease.
This is true, but I would be more concerned with that NASTY chlorine which will honey comb the alloys out of your gold leaving you with a set of weak prongs that could snap at the slightest provecation.

I happen to know you have a great cleaning kit that would remove that nasty old suntan oil...

On 8/20/2004 12:28:00 AM Wink wrote:

This is true, but I would be more concerned with that NASTY chlorine which will honey come the alloys out of your gold leaving you with a set of weak prongs that could snap at the slightest provecation.

I happen to know you have a great cleaning kit that would remove that nasty old suntan oil...


Wink, good point about the chlorine. I forgot about that. Okay then, I didn't go swimming because I didn't want to leave my new bracelet unattended in the hotel room.

p.s. the cleaning kit was at home, however I will confess to using bath gel and an old toothbrush for a quick freshen up of my diamonds while traveling
. At home however, bath gel in the shower cleans your body and your diamonds at the same time (and doesn't leave soap scum on the shower door) !!!!
While out basking in the warm CA sun today, websailor solved the problem of what to do with cflutist's old bracelet ... just give it to "pool bear".

While we are at it, why don't we solve the one bracelet, two bracelet dilemma too !!!

Lucky bear! And what a lucky lady! That bracelet is STUNNING!
I did have a lot of fun doing our pool Bear pictures, but that got me wondering...

Other than Paris Hilton, do you know anyone who actually does put jewelry on their pets?????
I thought I had it all figured out until I noticed that there were two different women in the office who had diamond bracelets on both wrists. One lady actually had 3 diamond bracelets on. Hey Rome wasn't built in a day. Since I still can't decide whether I should wear:

1 - both bracelets on my right wrist, or
2 - new bracelet on right wrist, old bracelet on left wrist, or
3 - wear only the new bracelet on a daily basis, and both for special ocassions,

What's your vote?
I like the idea of both on the same wrist for special occasions.

As for everyday wear, it doesn't matter if you wear just one or one on each wrist. It sounds like either choice will be fine since your colleagues seem to be sporting major blings themselves.
I vote either option 1 or 3.

I like two bracelets on one wrist. hey--you have an 10.5 cts+'s already "out there" Go for both.
Web sailor- I am giving some serious thought to getting a teeny little H&A to put on a little "necklace" (a/k/a name tag) for my cat...princess Gracie! She IS a princess and deserves a diamond. The only reason I don't think I will is b/c they never ever ever go outside so I think a collar would just bug her. She deserves it!
On 8/22/2004 11:24:40 PM websailor wrote:

I did have a lot of fun doing our pool Bear pictures, but that got me wondering...

Other than Paris Hilton, do you know anyone who actually does put jewelry on their pets?????

Yeah, there was some guy who made a very public deal of designing his ring and putting photos up every step of the way and the lady found out and got really cranky and turned him down. He put it on his dog I think... It was just before my time so I only saw the picture of the dog and never read the thread, but it is here somewhere...


I remember reading that topic! So hilarious in a way - he had tons of pics of the dog in various poses.

And sad because his girl turned him down and he was kinda bitter about it.

I think it was probably for the better myself...and at least the dog was cute!
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