
Wisdom Teeth Out Now, or Next Week?

Hmmm...I've only had one of mine out (because it was hurting a bit as it was coming in), but maybe I should have them all taken. The one that I had taken out was actually one of the bottom ones, and my other bottom one felt similarly painful as it was coming in, but I put off taking it out (I had a lot going on with school at the time), and then it seemed to come in straight. You have me scared now though, especially since my dentist was concerned before it came in, since it seemed to be positioned at a weird angle.

Mine had already erupted, so my oral surgeon just gave me novocaine, and then pulled it. I didn't really feel anything, and since it was only on one side, I was able to eat pretty well. I insisted that my mother take me to Chick-fil-a afterward, and then to the mall - LOL. Looking back, the mall was probably not the best idea, since I still had the gauze in my mouth, and the blood started to make me nauseous.

I remember that the dentist prescribed some painkillers to me, but they made me feel bad, so I only took them once. I can't remember the exact symptoms, but I think that I felt like my heart was beating really rapidly.

I actually went to my then-boyfriend's college the next night and attended a basketball game, and I wasn't even taking Advil anymore.

Is your oral surgeon okay with you waiting until next week to have yours removed? I'm certainly not an expert, but it seems like it's a bad idea to wait, especially considering the agony that you're in. In any case, I hope that you experience some relief soon!

Oh, and btw, why do all of these horrible things always happen over holiday weekends? I suddenly developed the worst UTI of my life early Sunday morning, and I had never experienced anything like it before. I thought that I could wait until today to see a doctor, but after a few hours, it became very apparent that I would never make it! I ended up going to urgent care for an antibiotics prescription, and I'm feeling much better now - but wow. I never understood the pain that other women talk about until now.
Shihtzulover--You are a trooper! Chick-fil-a? The mall? I'm impressed.

Now I'm wondering if maybe I should just have the *ssh*le pulled tomorrow and then go back for the other three on Monday. I hate to go in twice, but maybe it's the best way to cope with the pain now and still be around for all of the pre-wedding and wedding day activities. My fear with this plan is that I won't go back in for the other three until I'm in horrible pain with another tooth, though, because I'm so terrified of dental work. Actually, I know I'll probably leave the three remaining teeth in my mouth if I only have the one pulled.

And YES! Why do these things happen at such inopportune times? Seriously! I broke my elbow the week before roller derby tryouts two summers ago, it was terrible! I hope you're feeling better!

I laugh every time I see your Shih Tzu in your avatar. On our daily walk yesterday a little boy ran over and asked to pet my dogs. When he knelt down to pet my Shih Tzu Willie he looked up at me and said (in a super cute little boy voice) "Is he grumpy?" I said "No, why do you ask?" and he said "Well, he looks really grumpy!" Ha! It was so funny. Willie does look grumpy--is that a Shih Tzu trait? Does yours?
One thing to add about IV sedation - it's less likely to cause nausea and vomiting than gas anesthesia. Just another point in its favor.
Haven, just wanted to offer another perspective: I had all four wisdom teeth (which were not impacted) pulled at the age of 28. I also had elective upper palate surgery at the same time. I was KNOCKED OUT, and glad that I was. I was swollen for at least 5 weeks...I have no idea if I'd only had W. teeth pulled I would've been so swollen. If I were you, I'd get this yucky one of yours taken care of toute de suite, and then go back and have the other 3 done since it's your sister's wedding you'll be in. If you didn't have this wedding to attend, I'd say get them all pulled at once and be done.

Your circumstances seem a bit more involved than most. But I think you can pull off the one and be o.k. Best of luck to you, whatever your decision. Btw, I had mine done by a guy in Elmhurst...who is doing yours? Mine was fabulous, even though I woke up during the last 15 min. of surgery and had to be given another shot of whatever it was they gave me to knock me out. I told him that, in recovery, by pulling on his scrubbed-leg and "talking" to him with a mouth full of gauze and a lot of eye antics. LOL. Everything turned out fine, and my mouth is soooo much happier now! I'd do it again in a heartbeat! (I want to say "Dr. Doerfler" was his name?) Eh, that could've been my orthodontist. Idk.
I had mine out when I was younger...maybe like 16 or not super young, and I remember my boyfriend bringing me spaghetti from my favorite Greek diner, so I was at least that old and maybe even older.

Honestly, I don't remember the "pain" at all. Now, I say this because my teeth were impacted and the doctor thought I'd be worse off than I was. It was uncomfortable for the first day or so, but I took some pain killers (low dose) and got rest, and iced it...and it wasn't debilitating in the least. I remember my Mom being shocked that I wasn't more swollen.

I had the "twilight sleep" aka you're 2nd option. I don't remember the surgery at all, but I do remember my dad stuffing me in the back seat of his car afterwards. I didn't eat solid food for a few days, I lived on the Greek diner pasta, jello, ice cream, applesauce and other soft stuff, it wasn't the best but certainly manageable.

I would say yank those suckers out NOW.

It's nice you're willing to delay the procedure until after your sisters wedding, but seriously, if you're in severe pain you're not going to want to be at the wedding AT ALL, let alone smile and dance and socialize. Dealing with it at this point, you have sometime to heal, and I would doubt that you'd still have extreme swelling by then.
tina sparkle|1306900657|2935123 said:
i'm afraid the recovery time for all four wisdom teeth is going to be longer than four days. there's a good chance you'll be swollen, especially considering your history, and in quite a bit of pain. would it be possible to just remove the painful tooth now so you can at least get some relief but still be sort of okay for the wedding, and then have the other three extracted later?

i had a wisdom tooth removed right before christmas so i feel for you!

ditto! It took me a solid 5-7 days for the bruising and swelling to go down and no longer be noticable. I was also was pretty sick to my stomach from the prescribed painkillers for the first two days until I switched to extra strength asprin.

Maybe deal with the painful tooth/side now and wait on the others? to be honest though, I was happy to get all four out at once and not go through it twice.... tough call!
Haven, I am so sorry that you are going through this. What an awful decision to have to make. :(( I had my wisdom teeth out under general anesthesia so many years ago that I'm sure things have changed so much, my experience wouldn't be relavent to what you would have. I hope that you can get some relief from the pain, whichever route you take. Hang in there....hugs to you...
Haven, I had all 4 of mine removed when I was 21. I spent a few agonizing days on meds waiting for the infection to subside a bit before they could schedule the surgery, so I wouldn't recommend waiting nearly a full week for this if I were in your shoes. I don't think I could have withstood trying to attend a function like that with the discomfort I was in.

Similar to you, only one of them was an immediate problem, but all four were likely to cause problems so I got them extracted simultaneously. I don't know if this still holds true today, but at that time, the insurance companies would only cover the procedure if you were extracting three or more. If that's still the case, I'm not sure I'd split the surgery into two parts.

For what it's worth, I was put out under sodium pentathol shot, and I didn't recall a thing. I had mine pulled on a Friday afternoon around 4pm, and I felt pretty under the weather for the balance of that evening and went to bed early. However, by the next day, I was much improved and even stopped by the local mall that next evening. I was fortunate enough to have no bruising or swelling (likely due to only having one soft impacted tooth instead of multiple), and I had no bruising or swelling - you couldn't even tell to look at me.

The relief was beyond description, so I'd probably choose to get them done right away even if it meant taking the risk of bruising/swelling for the wedding. I'd rely on Photoshop to help minimize the appearance in photographs and just do it.

Best of luck, whatever you choose!
Haven, I haven't had a chance to read thru everyone's responses, but are your wisdom teeth impacted (meaning stuck in the gums) or are they all visible in your mouth? I had two of my non-impacted ones out in my mid 20's and it was easy. I had no sedation, just local novacain. However, my other two were impacted, so I waited till I was having pain and then decided to get that one removed. This was in my late twenties. It was a REALLY bad experience for me. Painful and traumatic. I always say I am keeping my last wisdom tooth forever. If all of your wisdom teeth are not impacted, and you are in so much pain that you wont be able to enjoy that wedding, then I say get them out today!
This is such a difficult question, because people's response to and recovery from surgery varies so widely.

All I can say is, I would get the surgery done now. You have Thurs, Fri, Sat to recover. You will probably still be swollen, but I would rather look a little worse than be either in agony or completely subdued from meds until and on Sunday.

I had my wisdom teeth removed all four at once as well. I was still in my early twenties, so I may have recovered more quickly than you will now, but I'm pretty sure I was out for a day, medicated but functional the second, and on the third I was okay.

All the best in the next few days! Keeping my fingers crossed that either way your pain is manageable, your recovery swift and your experience of the wedding an enjoyable one!
Oh no-I'm sorry you're in pain, Haven! I've had bad tooth pain before and it is not fun. Can your dentist or doctor do something with the flap now that will help it feel better until next week? Could they just cut it off? Is it infected? Maybe a strong antibiotic would help ease the infection and the pain.

I had all 4 wisdom teeth out around age 22 or 23. None of mine were poking through the gums at all, and I was put completely under with IV sedation. The same day I had the surgery done I was knocked out all day and the day after surgery I used the prescribed painkillers so was pretty loopy. On the third day I stopped using the prescribed stuff (I think it was Percoset) and switched to Tylenol and was fine. My face was swollen but not horribly so.

Have you ever had surgery before? Are you a fast healer or a slow healer? I think some bodies heal more quickly than others. I'm a fast healer in general, so I'd probably be tempted to go for the surgery, just because I wouldn't want to be miserable during my sister's wedding.

Hugs and I hope you feel better soon!
Haven, I had all 4 of mine pulled at 26.

I just got a drug that made me a bit loopy, and they used local anesthetic. I had no impacted teeth. My surgery was simple, easy, and I hardly had any pain. I took Tylenol 3 for 2 days and was fine after that. The only thing that was still a problem was eating food. I was REALLY paranoid about dry socket, so I stayed on soft foods for almost a full week! I'm sure that was a little bit of overkill, but I was paranoid. I didn't have any swelling.

I guess I had a pretty easy extraction. I definitely felt fine 4 days later though! Good luck!
Haven, I'm so sorry you are in pain! Ouchers!

I'm probably the worst case scenario- mine were a nightmare. I had them out when I was 18 or 19. All four were impacted and I swelled to an unrecognizable state and was in horrific pain for days, which included earaches thanks to all the pressure from the swelling. I don't think I looked normal for a couple weeks and the bruising was pretty bad.

That horror story aside, yours sound pretty straightforward as they aren't impacted, which I would hope would make the recovery and procedure easier. I'd almost say get the one bothering you done this week and tackle the rest next week. Whatever you decide- HAVE THEM KNOCK YOU OUT! I think I had the equivalent of 15 years ago's twilight. It wasn't general anesthesia- some sort of gas and I don't remember a darn thing about it. No way would have have wisdom teeth done while I'm awake to witness it.
Argh, poor Haven! Yank the *******, and wait a while for the other three: frankly, having had all 4 impacted wisdom teeth out simultaneously, I would always counsel people to do first one side, and then the other, as it's nice to be able to eat solid food on at leastone side of your mouth.

I had a pretty bad recovery with mine - a Vicodin-and-ice-cream diet for 5 days - and I looked like a chipmunk for about three. But if you only have one out, I'm thinking you should be okay - and maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who has a quick recovery (which, judging from this thread, there's a more than 50% chance). Good luck, and keep us updated - we worry!
I'd say a lot depends on the skill of the oral surgeon. I do anesthetics every now and again for different oral surgeons. One has us do IV sedation that's so heavy it's practically a GA (basically the same as for a colonoscopy, so that the patients remember nothing but are still breathing on their own). He's so fast that most people are done within 20-30min, from IV start to walking to the recovery room. If I had to choose, that'd be the way I'd go (either that or the IV sedation I had when mine were taken out at 18 or so). The others have us do general anesthetics with intubation and everything, because these are people who couldn't handle doing the procedures under lighter sedation. They're probably done within 40min or so. We always give the patients dexamethasone to try to prevent nausea after anesthesia and swelling from the surgery. Some of the teeth pop right out, others are harder to get at and need the gums cutting open and bone drilled away. If your teeth have already erupted, hopefully they won't be too awful to get out. If the roots break off during the extraction, that would make things a little more complicated.
If I was in agony from my teeth, I'd probably opt to have them pulled right away as opposed to waiting. Hope you get something sorted out!
Allison makes an interesting point about making sure insurance covers two separate extractions, but I would definitely get this sucker removed ASAP if I were you.

If you're still a little swollen and in a bit of pain for the wedding, I still think that is 10x better than the pain you're in right now.

I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed when I was 14--I did swell and I remember sucking on some tea bags to prevent dry socket, but within a few days I felt relatively normal. My husband had allf four of his out when he was 19--I remember him calling me from a mini golf course after his surgery...he had no swelling at all and very little pain.

My colleague started experiencing the pain you are in about 2 weeks ago. I was leaving the next day for a short vacation, so she told her oral surgeon to schedule the surgery when I got back...I think it was 5 days away. The reasoning was that we are the only two people on this account and she needed to cover for me. I told her to just have it done right away because the pain would be unbearable. She held out for one more day, then had the surgery because it was too much to bear. She had them out on a Friday and was back at work on Monday with no swelling or pain.

I hate the thought of you trying to get through the day in the kind of pain you're in. I would rather take the risk and have them out!

Get antibiotics NOW and have them pulled next week.

Mine felt like you're describing and the thing that helped the most was the antibiotics I took for the infection (the cause of most of my pain).

I had 2 of mine pulled in December and was pretty much out of it for the day of and the day after.... unfortunately the next few days were EXCRUTIATING and then I started taking higher pain med doses and was pretty sick to the stomach and tired/groggy/floaty until I could start tapering off (a couple of weeks later).

The first week or so I could manage pudding, soup, soggy broccoli. Got a bit better after that.

Dry socket is MISERABLE (but not as bad as I had feared it could be after reading how awful it is). Everything I read said to clean carefully to avoid dry socket.... I cleaned TOO well and it was because of that that I did get dry socket :rolleyes:

Make sure you have a baby toothbrush because the super-soft baby bristles are a lot less painful when you're recovering than even a soft-bristle adult brush.

ETA: Normally I wouldn't say how miserable the recovery was to someone about to go in (especially when it is clear it isn't an optional procedure!), but I really wanted to offer you another experience since you have a wedding in just a few days.
I rescheduled the surgery for Monday.

I'm really going to be second-guessing this decision all weekend, I'm sure, but there it is.

I woke up this morning in a bit *less* pain than I was in yesterday, which I took to be a good sign. I called my oral surgeon, and he said (of course) that there's no way to tell what kind of condition I'll be in by Sunday, but that my recovery may be a bit more complicated than the average wisdom tooth extraction because of my very long roots, strong bones, and advanced age. (ADVANCED AGE!) This tooth started hurting me on Friday, so I figure I've made it this long, right? What's five more days? (Am I a fool?! No, don't answer that.)

SO, I moved the surgery up to Monday and here's hoping that I actually last that long.

I'm taking ibuprofen and amoxicillin. I just got back from a long walk with the dogs and it is so lovely outside that I actually forgot about the ******* for a while on the walk, which I take to be a good sign.

I've never had surgery before so I have no idea how I will react to any of this. I don't want to be out of commission for all of my sister's pre-wedding activities and whatnot, so I'm just going to pretend the ******* is a little prince and he's not causing me any pain whatsoever. My fear about getting something done now is that I would have a bad reaction to some meds and would have to stay in and miss everything. I do not take medications often, so it's always an unknown.

There it is. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful tips, insight, advice, and wisdom. I'm going to go suck on some ice and think happy thoughts. Maybe I'll have some wine--can I do that while taking these meds? :cheeky:
Thank you for the advice, TooPatient. I just started the amoxicillin yesterday and maybe that is why I'm feeling better already this morning. I have a fear of dry socket too, so I really appreciate your warning. I used to over-brush my teeth as a child, so I do have some issues with over-cleansing. When I was reading about dry socket yesterday I kept thinking "Oh my gosh, how am I going to make it two days without really rinsing out my mouth?!" I'll do it, though, because I do NOT want to get dry socket.

GAH. This stuff is just so gross and painful. Why couldn't I be more evolved and have no wisdom teeth at all?
Glad to hear you got the meds...hoping everything works out and you are in less pain! And when you do get the surgery I hope it goes as smoothly as mine did :)
Haven|1306947703|2935448 said:
Thank you for the advice, TooPatient. I just started the amoxicillin yesterday and maybe that is why I'm feeling better already this morning. I have a fear of dry socket too, so I really appreciate your warning. I used to over-brush my teeth as a child, so I do have some issues with over-cleansing. When I was reading about dry socket yesterday I kept thinking "Oh my gosh, how am I going to make it two days without really rinsing out my mouth?!" I'll do it, though, because I do NOT want to get dry socket.

GAH. This stuff is just so gross and painful. Why couldn't I be more evolved and have no wisdom teeth at all?

I made a comment like that after having mine out! Wouldn't it be nice!

If you do have ANY signs of dry socket, let them know ASAP. I had lots of aches and other indicators but thought that it was just part of the "normal" recovery. Even when I was pretty sure I had a problem, I didn't call them for several days because of the bad things I'd heard about the treatment for the stuff --- you know something? The treatment wasn't NEARLY as bad as the misery I'd been living with before speaking up. The worst part of the treatment was the awful taste in my mouth for days (easily a week) after.

FWIW, I ignored my dry socket and wound up having to have 2 treatments to get it better.
im sorry about your tooth pain.I can relate. When ever i have oral surgery the post pain has always been worse.I would say wait if you possibly can,knowing that right after the i dos that you can be in the dentists chair.
jewelerman|1306949163|2935461 said:
im sorry about your tooth pain.I can relate. When ever i have oral surgery the post pain has always been worse.I would say wait if you possibly can,knowing that right after the i dos that you can be in the dentists chair.
Jewelerman--Thank you. This post made me feel better about my decision to wait until Monday. I'll end up missing the day after brunch, but that will be so worth it to get these teeth out of my head!
Ugh, tooth pain is miserable!!!

I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out. I had no issues the first two days but on the 3rd day after surgery is when I started having some problems. Starting with an infection which put me out on the couch for quite some time and then dry socket that just added to the misery.

I would wait until after the wedding...its just too unpredictable.
I think you are in this much pain you should go ahead and get it done, IF you can. Most oral surgeons can't fit you in at the last minute, so if yours will, you are lucky. Don't put yourself in a situation where you may be having an infection or making things worse by waiting.

I was 36 37? when had all 4 pulled out. Dentist recommended an oral surgeon because one of the tooth's roots were hooking into the jawbone but they otherwise were not impacted. I also don't like the idea of full anesthesia so did the laughing gas instead. Hmm my oral surgeon (chief surgeon becaue it was a tricky case) was also good looking. Is this a technique to distract us from the crappy stuff soon to follow? I did have swelling but felt pretty much back to normal after 2, 3 days. But everyone is different. I'd just DO it and get it done with.
Alcohol and ibuprofen are usually OK together (of course I have to give you the "moderation" disclaimer, as binge drinking isn't healthy even in the absence of medications). It's alcohol and tylenol that can act synergistically to mess up the liver. And you shouldn't mix alcohol with narcotics if you do get a prescription for one of those. They're both sedating and could leave you completely zonked out for the wedding.
As a long time wisdom-teeth sufferer, I thought I'd chime in. I've had EIGHT teeth pulled now. Four were when I was 14 or so (to make room to straighten my teeth for braces), I had my bottom two wisdom teeth removed at 18, and my top two removed in February, just before my 26th bday. The wisdom teeth at 18: HORRIBLE experience! Both teeth were through the gum (I understand it makes a big difference if they have to "go in after them".). I had nitrous, Demerol, and Valium. I was woozy and a mess. I still heard the cracking and drill and it was horrible. This was done by a normal dentist. Afterward, my jaws were puffy like a chipmunk and I looked like I had been punched repeatedly. I also slept for almost two days afterward and bled profusely.

NOW the good news! :appl: Top two wisdom teeth in February (at 26). I went to an oral surgeon. We talked about anesthesia options and though I'm terrified of needles, I went for the general anesthesia. I went in on Friday morning, scared to death, they inserted the IV, I had time to say "Oh wow! I feel it already!" and was out. I woke up about a half hour later to my husband asking me when we should schedule my follow up appointment :roll: and asking if I was still cold. I changed the gauze twice and could drink and have pudding that night. No real swelling, I took the pain meds for two days and didn't really need them after that. I followed the instructions to not eat hard or sharp/pointy food and had no problems whatsoever. I had a follow up appointment two weeks later and was mostly healed and back to eating normal food.

My top teeth were supra-imposed (poking out just below my normal molars) so I didn't have the pain you are already experiencing but I would think if you already have pain and swelling, the sooner the better! Good luck!
Oh Haven, so sorry about the timing on this. There's nothing quite like dental pain; it can make you crazy. I had all four of mine out when I was 16 because my orthodontist didn't want them knocking all my brace-work out of wack. I only have 24 teeth. That's all there's room for. I was lucky to have mine taken out by a oral surgeon, but I did have two black eyes for a few days.
I feel your pain, Haven. I had 2 complete sets of wisdom teeth. Recovery took about a week and and I was put under by general anesthesia. My situation was a bit unique because of the second set. The uppers were so high up in my sinus cavities, so yes, I did look like a chipmunk for a few days (I just looked like I was 3 years old again). The lowers were tricky. I too, had really long roots. The second set of roots were wrapped around a particular nerve. If the nerve were to sever during surgery, I could have had a numb lower lip for the rest of my life. My surgeon was very careful to chip away those teeth in pieces away from the nerve instead of just extracting the whole tooth and risk breaking the nerve. It took about 45 minutes longer but I was very appreciative.

Pain meds were Percocet and advil. I am completely non-functional on narcotics. I literally can't lift my head after 2 days of narcotics. I had a lot of pain and the narcotics were absolutely necessary.

If I were in your situation - I think I would go ahead with the surgery and show up to the wedding with chipmunk cheeks and a little loopy from drugs. I'm sure you'll love the wedding pics about 10 years from now. And since you'll be on vicodin (or equivalent) you're likely to have the best time of anyone.

Good luck with your decision.
Maybe add something like orajel or other topical analgesic to help with the pain at the site until Monday? At least have it on hand. And are you taking ibuprofen 800? If not that's what I'd up the dosage to.