
Worth it to downgrade size in order to get ACAs? Thoughts appreciated.

I am in so much trouble if I like it. Because I just found out that there is no sales tax where I am right now...that sweetens the deal for sure .Currently they have a pair of Ks in that 15k mark and nothing else in their inventory comes close to that price range right now. I will have to hope that either my eyes aren't bothered by the difference in the cut, or that they are bothered by the color, or that if I am blown away, that my other half is also blown away. :shock: Anyway will keep everyone posted and @RunningwithScissors I'm still interested in a TX GTG in the fall!!!
This is a good point; it’s just a bit hard (for me anyway) to put so much $$ up front mainly just to look at something, even if you can return. And then if I really am crazy for the higher performance- it’s in my house! And I will have to send back until I sell my others. In a physical store it really is “just looking”. But it’s a total mind thing bc yes it would be better to see under normal lighting circumstances.

@daisygrl is completely RIGHT. I totally forgot because you have to love it where you will be living with them. Yeah. And I say this with nothing but the most sincere love for a fellow diamond fanatic. Time to be a big girl and suck it up and order them to be delivered to your house so you can do a real life comparison. We all do at some point. It’s a rite of passage. The ordering of a big stone that makes you wanna puke when you think of something that expensive being sent in the mail. We understand. You can do it!!!
@LLJsmom I did I ordered the K though and not the I bc I’m less convinced I can go down in size than color. ;)
@LLJsmom I did I ordered the K though and not the I bc I’m less convinced I can go down in size than color. ;-)

Yay!!! I’m so excited for you. Now you’ll know for sure, one way or the other. No more wondering. Can’t wait to see how you feel.
Yay!!! I’m so excited for you. Now you’ll know for sure, one way or the other. No more wondering. Can’t wait to see how you feel.

Btw different topic but earlier you mentioned you like to wear one statement piece at a time; does this mean you alternate w your three stone and OEC? You don’t wear one on the right hand?
Btw different topic but earlier you mentioned you like to wear one statement piece at a time; does this mean you alternate w your three stone and OEC? You don’t wear one on the right hand?

I don’t wear any significant stone on my right hand. I struggle finding just the “right” RHR. My OEC is hibernating right now. :) I’m wearing my three stone primarily.
@LLJsmom I did I ordered the K though and not the I bc I’m less convinced I can go down in size than color. ;-)

Curious to see what you think about them.

I have owned two pairs of modern round cut earrings. Both were smaller though. One was lightbox and they were the halo style, so the centers were maybe .30ish?

The others were .45 and .44

My .44 and .45 scored excellent on the HCA, but I found them sterile.
I don’t wear any significant stone on my right hand. I struggle finding just the “right” RHR. My OEC is hibernating right now. :) I’m wearing my three stone primarily.

I have an unrelated question. As someone that has never owned a modern round of any size, but really hates how difficult it is to upgrade old cuts because of no upgrade program, do you like both equally? Is there a reason why you think you don't reach for the oec any more?

I have been planning on doing a larger old cut stone in the 4.5 to 5 carat range. It would be lower color, because that's what I tend to like with the old cuts. I don't like anything above a K in an old cut.

But sometimes I do wonder if I bought a super ideal, if I would like it. They are a lot more expensive per carat though. I also don't care for sleek modern settings for myself. I like filigree, engraving and embellishments. I feel like modern stones may not be at home in those settings.

But it would make upgrading easier. As well as resale if I change my mind later.
I have an unrelated question. As someone that has never owned a modern round of any size, but really hates how difficult it is to upgrade old cuts because of no upgrade program, do you like both equally? Is there a reason why you think you don't reach for the oec any more?

I have been planning on doing a larger old cut stone in the 4.5 to 5 carat range. It would be lower color, because that's what I tend to like with the old cuts. I don't like anything above a K in an old cut.

But sometimes I do wonder if I bought a super ideal, if I would like it. They are a lot more expensive per carat though. I also don't care for sleek modern settings for myself. I like filigree, engraving and embellishments. I feel like modern stones may not be at home in those settings.

But it would make upgrading easier. As well as resale if I change my mind later.

The caveat is that I'm kinda weird in that I tend to wear things in phases. If I like something I will wear/use for an extended period, 3-5 years, and not switch out. So it's not that I don't love my OEC. I do. But I get bored of things too. So I've had MK for almost 4 years, and my eyes are ready for something new, like an ACA. I love the ACA, and I gravitate towards it because it is something that is new to my eyes, and it is gorgeous to me. But I will admit that it definitely does NOT have the shimmery, metallic-y floral facets of my OEC, which I love. And I also do not love vintage style settings with an MRB. My mind cannot combine them. Something keeps trying to be something it's not. I am fine with modern minimalist settings, so this simple 3 stone with my new MRB works.

What you say about a super ideal through a vendor like WF is true, that changes and upgrades are a simple job. But how useful is it if you don't really love MRBs. In the past, I've tried other MRBs (non-super ideals), and didn't love them. I do love this one. However, I think there are people that just love old cuts more, like @missy , and there are people like me, that can love both. But I am picky. I only love super ideal MRBs, and really well cut OECs. There is such a thing as "too-wonky" for me.

Sorry, that probably didn't answer your question. I guess seeing a super ideal in the color and size you want in real life would be the only way to answer that question.
The caveat is that I'm kinda weird in that I tend to wear things in phases. If I like something I will wear/use for an extended period, 3-5 years, and not switch out. So it's not that I don't love my OEC. I do. But I get bored of things too. So I've had MK for almost 4 years, and my eyes are ready for something new, like an ACA. I love the ACA, and I gravitate towards it because it is something that is new to my eyes, and it is gorgeous to me. But I will admit that it definitely does NOT have the shimmery, metallic-y floral facets of my OEC, which I love. And I also do not love vintage style settings with an MRB. My mind cannot combine them. Something keeps trying to be something it's not. I am fine with modern minimalist settings, so this simple 3 stone with my new MRB works.

What you say about a super ideal through a vendor like WF is true, that changes and upgrades are a simple job. But how useful is it if you don't really love MRBs. In the past, I've tried other MRBs (non-super ideals), and didn't love them. I do love this one. However, I think there are people that just love old cuts more, like @missy , and there are people like me, that can love both. But I am picky. I only love super ideal MRBs, and really well cut OECs. There is such a thing as "too-wonky" for me.

Sorry, that probably didn't answer your question. I guess seeing a super ideal in the color and size you want in real life would be the only way to answer that question.

I think this actually helps. In the past, I have not liked the modern round stones I have owned.

I know that they were nicely cut as well with the recommended proportions that come from the forum.

I actually like wonky stones. I do not like perfectly cut old cut anything. Usually for me, I like them more rustic. I usually don't like the modern cut old style stones either. I can appreciate the symmetry,but I don't think it's my thing.

The size that I would want is probably cost prohibitive in a super ideal for me. I also don't like really white stones either, and most of the time anything below a J is rare. My old studs were J and those were white to me.

Good food for thought!
To me it's worth it.
IMO cut is king.
I think this actually helps. In the past, I have not liked the modern round stones I have owned.

I know that they were nicely cut as well with the recommended proportions that come from the forum.

I actually like wonky stones. I do not like perfectly cut old cut anything. Usually for me, I like them more rustic. I usually don't like the modern cut old style stones either. I can appreciate the symmetry,but I don't think it's my thing.

The size that I would want is probably cost prohibitive in a super ideal for me. I also don't like really white stones either, and most of the time anything below a J is rare. My old studs were J and those were white to me.

Good food for thought!

Sorry I don’t mean to derail. But I totally relate to this dilemma. I want to like MRBs - their performance is down to a science and it seems so much easier to get a great one with super ideal vendors out there. I keep second guessing if the upgrade programs are worth it…but MRBs I’ve seen just don’t thrill me, so I’ve wondered if just maaaaybe a super ideal would? If you ever take the plunge, I’d be curious to hear your thoughts! I have so many other shapes I’d probably get before an MRB, (all antiques) but I am curious…
Just finishing this journey. It is all about your comfort level. My choice was to go the 3X GIA route. I am beyond happy with my 3.0.. But if you've had ACA or you covete that extra sparkle then keep these and save up. I stare at my stones under the loupe and out the car window and in the mirror and I am thrilled.
But I really do get and understand the ACA is truly a cut above and its all your personal comfort level.
Hey guys I thought you would be interested in an update. Verdict - I don't know but leaning toward keeping my current pair. Impressions - I can definitely see a difference in the ACA in particular symmetry-wise. Also, the face up size is bigger. That is in part because this stone is 1.58 and not 1.50 like my earrings, but also the superior cut makes it look bigger. Also, even though it's K, to my eyes it doesn't look two grades lower than my I ones. BUT I have to say that it's not like a "knock you in the face" difference to me. Now like I said before, I wish I had my time machine where I could go back and buy these studs instead of the ones that I bought at the time. Then I would be in the WF upgrade system and have the ACAs. Ugh. But my first impressions are that it is probably not worth it to take a hit on my current studs by selling them. Also, the company I bought them from also does upgrades but with more restrictions. So I am also thinking of funneling that extra $$ into that, and just being more discerning with the GIA reports. But I also don't have much time anymore to think about it bc it turns out I have to leave town way sooner than I expected so will have to return and rebuy the stone if I decide to go with WF. :/

So here are some IG videos; ACA is on the right side, earring on the left. I have one vid of all of them (so swipe), but that is the hardest to take bc of the fact that you can't get all three stones balanced. And I'm posting pics below after the video links.

With still photos, the ACA quality is actually more noticeable than in real life to me.

What do YOU guys think?


Here ACA in ring holder; both earrings between fingers

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Hey guys I thought you would be interested in an update. Verdict - I don't know but leaning toward keeping my current pair. Impressions - I can definitely see a difference in the ACA in particular symmetry-wise. Also, the face up size is bigger. That is in part because this stone is 1.58 and not 1.50 like my earrings, but also the superior cut makes it look bigger. Also, even though it's K, to my eyes it doesn't look two grades lower than my I ones. BUT I have to say that it's not like a "knock you in the face" difference to me. Now like I said before, I wish I had my time machine where I could go back and buy these studs instead of the ones that I bought at the time. Then I would be in the WF upgrade system and have the ACAs. Ugh. But my first impressions are that it is probably not worth it to take a hit on my current studs by selling them. Also, the company I bought them from also does upgrades but with more restrictions. So I am also thinking of funneling that extra $$ into that, and just being more discerning with the GIA reports. So here are some IG videos; ACA is on the right side, earring on the left. I have one vid of all of them (so swipe), but that is the hardest to take bc of the fact that you can't get all three stones balanced. And I'm posting pics below after the video links.

What do YOU guys think?



Gorgeous! *edit duh i see your earring stud i know which is which. At first I didn't know which was which. That should be a good feeling for you haha, since yours is cut so well at first appearances nothing popped out at me to that big of a difference
Gorgeous! Which stone is which? Which is the ACA and which is yours?

@Sprinkles&Stones the ACA is on the right (on one of the pictures it is on the top). My earring is on the left; with the one with all three the ACA is in the ring holder. You can tell which are my earrings as well because of the prongs since they are set in three prong martinis.
@Sprinkles&Stones the ACA is on the right (on one of the pictures it is on the top). My earring is on the left; with the one with all three the ACA is in the ring holder. You can tell which are my earrings as well because of the prongs since they are set in three prong martinis.

I was a ditz and multitasking haha! I saw your prongs and was like DUH that's her original! oops! but in other words, they looks so close that i really had to look at it to tell which was which, if I hadn't been a multitasking dummy :)
@Sprinkles&Stones no worries!! It does make me feel better about ACA vs my inferior GIA :)
Glad you got to see and make that decision for yourself. Mind clean.
Thank you for answering a question that I have always wondered about! I’m glad that you have clarity now.
The faceting on the ACA does look crisper in some photos. But not enough for the price difference, for earrings, for me would be the verdict. I think if it was a ring you may feel different.
Imo you’re making the right decision, and most importantly you’ve let your eyes take that call. Other people’s opinions and pictures can be valuable ofc but nothing is a substitute for simply seeing it yourself. And I agree with you, there is a slight difference, but not enough of a difference to justify the thousands of dollars. The size difference is negligible, and i think in the videos they actually look remarkably similar. Super valuable exercise, this!
I am so happy for you. Now you know. And those questions in your head can be put to rest, and you can choose the best path for you on your diamond journey. Your diamonds look great. And you can move forward with your stud upgrade. Best result ever.
I haven’t read this entire thread, so this is a tl;dr kind of comment, but a very interesting topic since so many threads on this forum talk about looking for best quality and mind-cleanliness. I’m not an expert in MRBs but I could tell right away from the pictures which was the ACA and which was your earring. From the videos though, I could only tell a subtle difference in performance I think because I knew which was the ACA. I bet if the videos were taken from a typical viewing distance on the ear, I would definitely not know the difference.
If this was a make me a deal kind of game show where you offered me thousands of dollars scot free vs picking out the better performing diamond with the prize of keeping it, I would take the thousands of dollars and walk.
I haven’t read this entire thread, so this is a tl;dr kind of comment, but a very interesting topic since so many threads on this forum talk about looking for best quality and mind-cleanliness. I’m not an expert in MRBs but I could tell right away from the pictures which was the ACA and which was your earring. From the videos though, I could only tell a subtle difference in performance I think because I knew which was the ACA. I bet if the videos were taken from a typical viewing distance on the ear, I would definitely not know the difference.
If this was a make me a deal kind of game show where you offered me thousands of dollars scot free vs picking out the better performing diamond with the prize of keeping it, I would take the thousands of dollars and walk.

Yes! I even remarked that the still photos showed that premium cut in a more obvious way. I’m glad this thread got revived- I hope it’s helpful to others.
For me, as long as they were well cut I would not take the cut in size as studs to me, are more for other people to look at than me.