Oh no need to apologize! I love the pics! I love all the pics that have been posted! I wouldn't call that a hijack at all, lol. I don't mind at all if a thread ends up somewhere else, I mean, as long as it has lead to something productive or something fabulous to look at And we have certainly achieved both!
I don't know if I will still do the blue halo for the AVC. Although I totally agree that I should go G color if I did.
There's a small chance that I might still be able to buy a blue diamond as a keystone instead, as I had originally planned, since it's on hold by someone else, but not yet definitely sold, and if it's not sold I can buy it , but I'm trying to not hope too much because those situations usually don't pan out well for me (the person who has it on hold usually ends up buying it). I was the dummy who put it on hold at first, cancelled the deal, and then someone else jumped on it, and now I regret it--HARD. It's blue enough to put into a double white halo. My inspiration would be that blue Tiffany double halo actually. But at this point I'm just dreaming because I think I messed up and I think I've lost out on something special. *cries*
Thank you all for talking this through with me! It's definitely helped a lot.
And I am just do obsessed with at orchid ring. Sososososososo obsessed. So amazing!!!!!!!!!!