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- Jul 23, 2006
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I would hope most people about to get engaged know its coming, because its a big step to spend the rest of your life with someone without even talking about it. When the proposal came for me it was such a surprise.
He caught me off guard even though i knew a proposal was coming. We were in antigua and his sister had gotten married there the day before. He was so mad she decided to get married there (we were originally just going on a vacation with his sis and her then bf...he proposed 3 weeks b4 we left and they decided to get married there) Anyways i woke up really early and wanted a picture of the spectacular sunrise.
he was still asleep. he heard me get up and asked where i was going at 5:30 am. i told the beach for pics. he was still half asleep and said i''m coming too. i waited outside the door for like 5 mins and thought he fell back asleep. the sun was coming up over the mountains fast and i didnt want to miss the pics, so i went to the beach. i was sitting on the sand just looking at the water when he came up to me and said "i thought you were going to wait for me? lets go for a walk." we went for a walk on the beach...which we were the only people on... and were talking and being mushy---not out of the ordinary when he dropped to his knee in the sand by the water and asked me to be his wife. i stood there stunned at like 6 in the morning and cried.
then he told me the reason he was mad his sis was getting married there was because he''d have to wait 2 days longer to propose and he said he was so nervous already about getting the ring through security (they searched his bag w/the ring and took it out...he told the guyto please put it back cuz it was an er---the guy did---great security at jfk--lol--..i was looking at a magazine w/his sister) and then keeping it in the hotel room and chance me finding it.
'');" height=15 alt="Insert smilie
" src="" width="15 border=0"> He was going to propose to me that night at sunset on the beach, but when i woke up and he looked outside he said the beach was deserted and beautiful---and he couldn''t wait anymore