
Would you be annoyed if someone copied your custom jewelry designs?


No I wouldn't mind if someone copied my design.
But in the case of the above situation that was a lousy thing for her to do to her "friend" and I would question if that person was truly my friend. My conclusion would be no.

But moving I wouldn't mind at all. As others have pointed out there is very little that is original and unique. However it isn't OK to steal a designer's creation and copy it exactly without their permission IMO. There is an artist I am thinking of who a PSer used and then someone else had it copied and it caused a brouhaha. And I remember thinking it wasn't OK. As @yssie points out it is their livelihood. But IIRC the copy wasn't good. Don;t ask me for details as I don't remember them anyway.

Personally I believe (in many cases not all) "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
I had friends copy my style in the past and it never bothered me.
In college I dyed part of my hair blue. A friend did the same. It didn't bother me.
If I had friends who decided they wanted to start wearing antique old cut jewelry it wouldn't bother me.
If I had a friend who decided she wanted to copy the exact ring setting I have it wouldn't bother me.

But then again I really don't have anything unique or original in my wardrobe including jewelry.
So I guess I really cannot put myself in their shoes.
I *think* I wouldn't mind at all.
That's the best I can say at this time.

That it wouldn't change how I feel about the piece.
It wouldn't matter to me if it was a bad copy. I might feel sorry for my friend but if they loved it I wouldn't want to spoil their joy.

And to answer your question about if the piece meant something significant to you...that's a hard one for me because I don't really attach significance to jewelry or things. I mean I do think I have a few special pieces that mean something to me but in the end, the truth is they are just things. To me. So while at this time I say oh this piece is special to me it is still just a piece and I don't really attach emotional significance to any thing. But that is me and I totally get why others feel differently. 100% understand. Just sharing my thoughts.

In the case of @AllAboardTheBlingTrain 's mom. I wouldn't be OK with that. Why did she go behind her back? Why didn't she ask your mom hey I love this can I copy it? So yeah not cool.

All very fair points. That’s why I mentioned the thing about “asking permission” because I think it’s very different if someone at least runs it by you and makes sure you’re ok with the idea. I don’t know why the lady didn’t ask my mom if it was cool, or at the very least didn’t wait until mom wore it once or twice.

I do think though that if you think it’s uncool to rip off a designer’s design, why would it not be uncool to rip off an individual’s design? Especially since in many cases you’d be getting a different jeweler to make it as compared to the original? For me, they’re both uncool if there’s no permission granted. I think some things have leeway - by all means, get a 6 prong solitaire setting by any jeweler, Tiffany doesn’t have a monopoly on that - but if you wouldn’t copy a Cartier Love bracelet, don’t copy something that looks distinctive and unusual enough that you wouldn’t see it in every jeweler’s case or a million versions on IG or Pinterest.
All very fair points. That’s why I mentioned the thing about “asking permission” because I think it’s very different if someone at least runs it by you and makes sure you’re ok with the idea. I don’t know why the lady didn’t ask my mom if it was cool, or at the very least didn’t wait until mom wore it once or twice.

I do think though that if you think it’s uncool to rip off a designer’s design, why would it not be uncool to rip off an individual’s design? Especially since in many cases you’d be getting a different jeweler to make it as compared to the original? For me, they’re both uncool if there’s no permission granted. I think some things have leeway - by all means, get a 6 prong solitaire setting by any jeweler, Tiffany doesn’t have a monopoly on that - but if you wouldn’t copy a Cartier Love bracelet, don’t copy something that looks distinctive and unusual enough that you wouldn’t see it in every jeweler’s case or a million versions on IG or Pinterest.

Because it is that person's livelihood. I understand your points though but this is just how I feel. Personally I would NEVER copy someone else's individual design without their permission. That's me. But I was just speaking in terms of generalities. Vendor=their livelihood. But I understand both points of view. And when in doubt it is always a good rule of thumb to ASK permission. That's my philosophy anyway. Any gray area just ask before you do anything.
I do think though that if you think it’s uncool to rip off a designer’s design, why would it not be uncool to rip off an individual’s design?

And I 100% think it was uncool for your mom's friend to do what she did. I don't think there is way of coming back from that either IMO. She showed who she is and IMO when people show us who they are we should listen.
And I 100% think it was uncool for your mom's friend to do what she did. I don't think there is way of coming back from that either IMO. She showed who she is and IMO when people show us who they are we should listen.

Oh yeah, absolutely! That being said my mom isn’t one to sweat stuff like this. She told me to consider it a cheap lesson. Shes still socially friends with that woman, though she never shows her any of her WIP projects anymore. It still cracks me up that her idea of revenge was to essentially take back the “social power” haha. Not a single bitter word exchanged but the record set straight.
Oh yeah, absolutely! That being said my mom isn’t one to sweat stuff like this. She told me to consider it a cheap lesson. Shes still socially friends with that woman, though she never shows her any of her WIP projects anymore. It still cracks me up that her idea of revenge was to essentially take back the “social power” haha. Not a single bitter word exchanged but the record set straight.

Totally get it. For me I am not thinking of the jewelry issue now but rather her actions show me she is not a true friend or nice person and yeah I’m making judgments. It’s ok. We all judge. But I get why it’s not worth the energy for your mom. Not if it would upset her social circle. Just wanted to expand upon what I meant. It’s not about that specific piece but rather shows , to me, she is not my friend. I hope that makes sense.
It wouldn’t bother me because most of my jewelry is vintage or antique, even if it is copied by design, old pieces to me have a soul. There is no copying the history of a piece, a good design replication sure but that element will always be missing.

Actually my DK ring was inspired by a PS’er, it was a pendant she had designed for her daughter and it was on David’s IG. I didn’t know at the time it was a PS’ers piece, despite making my own changes, I would have asked if she minded me using the design beforehand. Luckily she was super cool about it so it all worked out.
What bothers me the most is her friend knew her husband wanted to surprise her with this custom ring. She copied it and wore it BEFORE he could surprise her with it. I think what her friend did was just awful. There’s some passive aggression in there for her to do that. It would be another thing if she did it after he surprised her mom.
I contend that unless you did all the design work yourself, down to the minutiae, and your vendor was merely the bench… The incarnation of your idea that your jeweller brought to life belongs to your jeweller first and foremost ::)
A jeweler bringing an idea to life isnt the scenario I had in mind :)
But I think the results of ‘whose design it is’ are ultimately the same either way. Plenty of jewelers have that spelled out in their shop policies.
It’s their business to maintain and support- not mine.

Some are nice in that they mention their customers contribution or even say it’s their customers design.
Then there’s the opposite when you do a layout down to the minutiae, and the jeweler posts claims all that time and decision making work as their own doing. But I digress.

Certainly agree with plenty of others the environment of online community vs IRL community interaction changes feelings as to OP’s questions.

Does this woman want your Dad? Makes me wonder exactly who she was trying to hurt or get the attention of? Your Mom...or was it to steal the thunder of Dad or get his attention...? I'm not suggesting anything about your father, please understand. I just have personally known 2 different women to set their sights on a married man and behave so bizarre in ways like this...Fatal Attraction-esque.
I had a neighbor copy-cat me years ago. A few of us neighbors would sit out front so our young kids could play together and we all became friendly.

But we found one family increasingly annoying. They asked us for way too much help with... everything, when we had our hands full with our own stuff, their kid was wild and she seemed like a know-it-all.

Then she copy-catted me. I noticed a few things in clothing choice and home decor. But tbh she usually did it better, which was extremely unfair when I was not told there would be a contest. :lol-2:

Now I think it's funny that I was so mad and belatedly feel kind of sorry for her. At the same time she'd pull upstaging stunts, she also seemed to really want my and the others' friendship. Now I'm thinking she may have actually been trying to show that she was worthy of our friendship, but misunderstanding the social rules, maybe a bit spectrum-ish.

I have seen that a couple more times through the years and gotten the idea that they think if they can prove they are the best one, then naturally everyone will admire them and want to be their friend. :eek-2:

But at the time that didn't even occur to me and I was so annoyed. I would have been flattered if she said she liked this hairstyle twist or that living room color scheme thing I did and wanted to do it too. But she never did so it came across as almost weirdly aggressive or something like that.

Like Mrs_Strizzle, I'm also wondering about the special ring copy-catter's motives now.
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Does this woman want your Dad? Makes me wonder exactly who she was trying to hurt or get the attention of? Your Mom...or was it to steal the thunder of Dad or get his attention...? I'm not suggesting anything about your father, please understand. I just have personally known 2 different women to set their sights on a married man and behave so bizarre in ways like this...Fatal Attraction-esque.

I don’t think it was to get my dad’s attention or anything, she never flirted with him or tried to get close to him. She was just one of those people who needed to be the centre of attention all the time. I think she wanted the compliments/attention associated with having a unique and striking new shiny and she wanted people to think my mom copied her because mom has an amazing eye for design and a really strong sense of style. She was probably jealous of that more than anything else. I do think she probably disliked my mom or maybe disliked that her husband wanted to do something nice for her. She had a history of being nasty with my mom (though to be fair, nasty with others as well) with her comments and then being like “oh darling I’m just joking!” If called out on it. Like I remember my mom telling me this story of how once this woman apparently lost her studs at a party or something and my mom was suggesting she call the venue, host etc. And she turns around and tells my mom “oh who cares, they were my small pair. Just about the size of yours.”

Charming lady :lol:

Though I didn’t make this thread to shit all over her haha, this story (of the ring) is years old. I just thought of the question because i was in a similar awkward position of someone wanting to copy something very meaningful of mine but we’ve since talked it out and resolved it (she is going to adapt the design so it isn’t an exact copy).
I don’t think it was to get my dad’s attention or anything, she never flirted with him or tried to get close to him. She was just one of those people who needed to be the centre of attention all the time. I think she wanted the compliments/attention associated with having a unique and striking new shiny and she wanted people to think my mom copied her because mom has an amazing eye for design and a really strong sense of style. She was probably jealous of that more than anything else. I do think she probably disliked my mom or maybe disliked that her husband wanted to do something nice for her. She had a history of being nasty with my mom (though to be fair, nasty with others as well) with her comments and then being like “oh darling I’m just joking!” If called out on it. Like I remember my mom telling me this story of how once this woman apparently lost her studs at a party or something and my mom was suggesting she call the venue, host etc. And she turns around and tells my mom “oh who cares, they were my small pair. Just about the size of yours.”

Charming lady :lol:

Though I didn’t make this thread to shit all over her haha, this story (of the ring) is years old. I just thought of the question because i was in a similar awkward position of someone wanting to copy something very meaningful of mine but we’ve since talked it out and resolved it (she is going to adapt the design so it isn’t an exact copy).

After I posted i thought I shouldn't have, since I'm not typically a pot-stirrer and of course it's out of line to make anyone worry/anxious when I have no idea what I'm talking about! She certainly does sound like quite the gem though!
After I posted i thought I shouldn't have, since I'm not typically a pot-stirrer and of course it's out of line to make anyone worry/anxious when I have no idea what I'm talking about! She certainly does sound like quite the gem though!

I thought you brought up some good points because as far as I recall, we hadn't yet gotten into the WHY of this strange behavior. I, for one, find it interesting. :)
Do you think you would feel differently if it was friends of yours who copied the ring, and got it made by a vendor who gave them good workmanship, so it’s comparable to yours?

I feel like if I was in your case, I’d feel similarly in that if it was a stranger, or someone who had a clear “knockoff” version of my things, I wouldn’t care. Honestly, since you’ve had a chance to wear it and it’s become a part of your usual aesthetic, if I were you in the hypothetical I posed above, it wouldn’t bother me even if my friends copied it because in my head it would be established as my design. I think the actual fact of the matter that copies exist of my custom designs wouldnt bother me, but I would like to be known as the “originator” of those at least in my own circle.

I think I’d feel about the same regardless of quality or context. The part that feels weird is because the particular ring is a personalized signet that tells our family’s story through images. It’s odd to me that anyone else would want to wear that story, if that makes sense. But if they do, I guess go for it.

In the situation you describe with your mom I think my reaction/response would be less about the ring and more about the friend’s behavior, which I would definitely find off putting.
Yes and no. For basic pieces, I don't care. I recently had a certain style of earrings made by DKJ and ended up doing them both for my daughter and my best girlfriend. I love them and think everyone should have them, if they like hoops!

If someone knocked off Beloved, tho, or the bands that go with it, I wouldn't be best pleased. That was my design and was made to represent my marriage. Granted, I copied the prong style exactly from a Victorian bypass ring I bought, but there's a LOT more to Beloved than just prong style, and if someone duplicated her with the exact combo of her many elements, I wouldn't love it.

My Holly band is pretty precious to me also, tho if anyone else wanted to do the same with a different floral motif, I wouldn't mind.

I also recently designed my Southern Cross locket, and I've never seen a locket like that. If someone wanted to copy that, tho, I wouldn't mind. In fact - good luck to them; that locket cost a motza to take from 'design-to-reality', mostly because of the amount of 18kt yellow gold in it. The chain alone cost me 2k on sale, and that was by far the least of it. So if someone wants that locket THAT much - have at it.

Mostly, if it's someone I know, especially on PS, I think it's only manners to ask. I'm easy to reach - just reach out! I do know that pieces of mine have been duplicated multiple times from people who have seen them on PS, and, as I recall, I've only been asked once by a PSer. So that's a tad disappointing. I always tell DKJ to feel free to reproduce them if asked - but that still doesn't negate that it's polite to ask me, too. DKJ always asks me, so I've always said yes. But because they ask me, I'm aware of how many people have taken my designs to them and asked for them to be copied exactly. My designs really are mine - down to 5/100ths of a mm. When I was doing CADs for Beloved Past Present and Future, I know I dropped the angle of the side stones 3% at one point. I mean, this is pretty specific stuff.

So Beloved and my Holly ring are pretty sacred. After that, I'm always going to say yes.
Yes and no. For basic pieces, I don't care. I recently had a certain style of earrings made by DKJ and ended up doing them both for my daughter and my best girlfriend. I love them and think everyone should have them, if they like hoops!

If someone knocked off Beloved, tho, or the bands that go with it, I wouldn't be best pleased. That was my design and was made to represent my marriage. Granted, I copied the prong style exactly from a Victorian bypass ring I bought, but there's a LOT more to Beloved than just prong style, and if someone duplicated her with the exact combo of her many elements, I wouldn't love it.

My Holly band is pretty precious to me also, tho if anyone else wanted to do the same with a different floral motif, I wouldn't mind.

I also recently designed my Southern Cross locket, and I've never seen a locket like that. If someone wanted to copy that, tho, I wouldn't mind. In fact - good luck to them; that locket cost a motza to take from 'design-to-reality', mostly because of the amount of 18kt yellow gold in it. The chain alone cost me 2k on sale, and that was by far the least of it. So if someone wants that locket THAT much - have at it.

Mostly, if it's someone I know, especially on PS, I think it's only manners to ask. I'm easy to reach - just reach out! I do know that pieces of mine have been duplicated multiple times from people who have seen them on PS, and, as I recall, I've only been asked once by a PSer. So that's a tad disappointing. I always tell DKJ to feel free to reproduce them if asked - but that still doesn't negate that it's polite to ask me, too. DKJ always asks me, so I've always said yes. But because they ask me, I'm aware of how many people have taken my designs to them and asked for them to be copied exactly. My designs really are mine - down to 5/100ths of a mm. When I was doing CADs for Beloved Past Present and Future, I know I dropped the angle of the side stones 3% at one point. I mean, this is pretty specific stuff.

So Beloved and my Holly ring are pretty sacred. After that, I'm always going to say yes.

This echoes closest to how I feel about my own jewelry. Most of it I’d be like happy or indifferent if someone copied. But things that are meaningful would upset me.
Generally no, I'd be really flattered but if it's a situation like what happened to the OP's mum, I will end that friendship.

It's not about the jewelry though. It's whole sneaky nasty vibe behind it! It's just not decent!!!
If the piece of jewelry was pretty unusual and someone in my circle copied it, I'd be annoyed. Someone online who I'm probably never going to meet? I'd take it as a compliment.

If someone in my circle copied my style in any way, it would probably annoy me, not just in terms of jewelry. There's nothing you can do about someone copying you, though - you can't stop them! I guess that's why the saying about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery exists - to give the annoyed party some comfort!

When I was 15, someone in my class used to copy me. It didn't bother me that much. But we went on a school trip, and she had had her hair cut so much like mine that when I showed my trip photos around, everyone pointed at her and said to me, "Oh, there's you!" It was a little bit Single White Female! Later on she found her own style groove, thankfully!
If the piece of jewelry was pretty unusual and someone in my circle copied it, I'd be annoyed. Someone online who I'm probably never going to meet? I'd take it as a compliment.

If someone in my circle copied my style in any way, it would probably annoy me, not just in terms of jewelry. There's nothing you can do about someone copying you, though - you can't stop them! I guess that's why the saying about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery exists - to give the annoyed party some comfort!

When I was 15, someone in my class used to copy me. It didn't bother me that much. But we went on a school trip, and she had had her hair cut so much like mine that when I showed my trip photos around, everyone pointed at her and said to me, "Oh, there's you!" It was a little bit Single White Female! Later on she found her own style groove, thankfully!

Oh that would be annoying! I've never been such an inspiration for someone that they've copied my style or anything but it would annoy me, especially if they did it a lot.
When I designed my engagement ring re set it was based on aspects of other rings that I had seen and loved, especially those from the Art Deco era.
As for someone close to me copying my ring design, very unlikely. The reset alone (sans diamonds) was more than most my friends entire ring.
Have I seen other friends rings and loved them?
Have I ever wanted to then copy / recreate their design?
I think in your immediate circle ie friends and family it’s poor form to exactly copy someone else’s design. Admire yes, copy no.
Be inspired by another’s design but tweak it to make it your own.
When I designed my engagement ring re set it was based on aspects of other rings that I had seen and loved, especially those from the Art Deco era.
As for someone close to me copying my ring design, very unlikely. The reset alone (sans diamonds) was more than most my friends entire ring.
Have I seen other friends rings and loved them?
Have I ever wanted to then copy / recreate their design?
I think in your immediate circle ie friends and family it’s poor form to exactly copy someone else’s design. Admire yes, copy no.
Be inspired by another’s design but tweak it to make it your own.

I fully agree! Also some things lend themselves a bit easier to copying than others - a simple solitaire setting with no tweaks/changes can be copied inadvertently and I don't think anyone expects to "own" such a design. But anything where someone has put in real design effort - tweaks are appreciated imo.
When I was doing CADs for Beloved Past Present and Future, I know I dropped the angle of the side stones 3% at one point. I mean, this is pretty specific stuff.

This is why I find it so odd that anyone would want exact copies of your pieces. Those pieces are designed to look fantastic on YOU. Differences in finger size, stone size, and overall hand shape will throw off a whole ring composition. Same goes for ear and face shape with earrings. People who copy your pieces may find that their copies don't look as pretty as your originals do in your pictures and they won't understand why.

Mr Klass probably get lots of really vague complaints from those people. I do not envy the customer service professional who has to deal with them.
Years ago I saw a gorgeous pair of earrings in a jewelry store. I wanted them, but to be my ideal I would have wanted to make small changes to them. I blundered into designing my ideal pair of earrings here with the help of Pricescope members and ultimately of Whiteflash. In the end Whiteflash gave me my earrings then started to sell the earrings, which they named after me.

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Years ago I saw a gorgeous pair of earrings in a jewelry store. I wanted them, but to be my ideal I would have wanted to make small changes to them. I blundered into designing my ideal pair of earrings here with the help of Pricescope members and ultimately of Whiteflash. In the end Whiteflash gave me my earrings then started to sell the earrings, which they named after me.

So lovely to hear from you!!! Do you wear these gorgeous earrings a lot? I sure hope so!
Years ago I saw a gorgeous pair of earrings in a jewelry store. I wanted them, but to be my ideal I would have wanted to make small changes to them. I blundered into designing my ideal pair of earrings here with the help of Pricescope members and ultimately of Whiteflash. In the end Whiteflash gave me my earrings then started to sell the earrings, which they named after me.

I think it’s wonderful of WF to credit you with the design!