
Would you lend a friend $$$?

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Date: 8/15/2008 11:02:44 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
I''m so sad that so many people have been ungrateful with you fellow PSers

It depends on what the reason is for borrowing money. I have no problem loaning someone money for a little gas until they get paid, or lunch if someone eats theirs or something. My brother and I have always been generous when it comes to food.

I will not loan money to someone that blows their money elsewhere. I used to be really good friends with a co-worker, and when one of us was short on cash, the other would buy lunch. We always traded off and it was awesome. Then she seperated from her husband...and suddenly she was a completely different person. She would blow all of her money on alcohol on the weekends and then ask me for money. I gave her some at first, not knowing she changed so much, but I learned real quick what she was doing. She had a two year old baby at home and she turned into a total (excuse me for language) slut. She slept around and got pregnant twice and aborted both times (in a years time), and the second time after she got fired for never coming to work, she had the cajones to ask me for $100 to help her to do it! Needless to say, I said no.

We aren''t really friends anymore, and I miss the old person she was. But I don''t miss the new one at all.
OK - I have to correct this because I''ve seen the word spelled like this here a lot.

Cajones are drawers, like in furniture. hahaaha (or at least in my country they are).
Date: 8/15/2008 2:29:58 AM
Author: diamondfan
DF, be repro granny and go get that dough!!! Send the DF collection agency after them.
no proof. Chinese people lend money to friends and relatives base on trust, no signing of an IOU or anything like that. anyway, my money is "GONE WITH THE WIND"
Date: 8/15/2008 3:07:26 PM
Author: claudinam

Date: 8/15/2008 11:02:44 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
I''m so sad that so many people have been ungrateful with you fellow PSers

It depends on what the reason is for borrowing money. I have no problem loaning someone money for a little gas until they get paid, or lunch if someone eats theirs or something. My brother and I have always been generous when it comes to food.

I will not loan money to someone that blows their money elsewhere. I used to be really good friends with a co-worker, and when one of us was short on cash, the other would buy lunch. We always traded off and it was awesome. Then she seperated from her husband...and suddenly she was a completely different person. She would blow all of her money on alcohol on the weekends and then ask me for money. I gave her some at first, not knowing she changed so much, but I learned real quick what she was doing. She had a two year old baby at home and she turned into a total (excuse me for language) slut. She slept around and got pregnant twice and aborted both times (in a years time), and the second time after she got fired for never coming to work, she had the cajones to ask me for $100 to help her to do it! Needless to say, I said no.

We aren''t really friends anymore, and I miss the old person she was. But I don''t miss the new one at all.
OK - I have to correct this because I''ve seen the word spelled like this here a lot.

Cajones are drawers, like in furniture. hahaaha (or at least in my country they are).
what does that word mean?
just say "balls"
DF, let it go, if you get it back it was meant to be!!! (teasing)

I will not make comments on someone''s culture that I do not know a lot about. If that is what is done, it works for and against you, and it is something you are used to doing.

I could deal if I were raised that way, but money issues derail many friendships and it is awkward to say the least.
Date: 8/15/2008 4:07:51 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 8/15/2008 3:07:26 PM
Author: claudinam

Date: 8/15/2008 11:02:44 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
I''m so sad that so many people have been ungrateful with you fellow PSers

It depends on what the reason is for borrowing money. I have no problem loaning someone money for a little gas until they get paid, or lunch if someone eats theirs or something. My brother and I have always been generous when it comes to food.

I will not loan money to someone that blows their money elsewhere. I used to be really good friends with a co-worker, and when one of us was short on cash, the other would buy lunch. We always traded off and it was awesome. Then she seperated from her husband...and suddenly she was a completely different person. She would blow all of her money on alcohol on the weekends and then ask me for money. I gave her some at first, not knowing she changed so much, but I learned real quick what she was doing. She had a two year old baby at home and she turned into a total (excuse me for language) slut. She slept around and got pregnant twice and aborted both times (in a years time), and the second time after she got fired for never coming to work, she had the cajones to ask me for $100 to help her to do it! Needless to say, I said no.

We aren''t really friends anymore, and I miss the old person she was. But I don''t miss the new one at all.
OK - I have to correct this because I''ve seen the word spelled like this here a lot.

Cajones are drawers, like in furniture. hahaaha (or at least in my country they are).
what does that word mean?
just say ''balls''
DF, that''s what it means!
terms are.
Date: 8/14/2008 11:50:52 PM
Author: OUpeargirl
I think everyone has given you really great advice. I would have trouble being friends with someone who did that to me.

Sorry to threadjack- but thanks for all of the compliments on my kitty!
OK another brief, brief second, I promise, Bliss! What is the kitty''s name?
If you like your friend and think you can help her out and can afford the $500 dollars then by all means go for it.If on the other hand it would put financial strain on you then perhaps lend her less.Whatever amount it is think about it like this: It would be a bonus if you get it back and you may not so go with your comfort level.
Date: 8/15/2008 5:07:27 PM
Author: claudinam

Date: 8/15/2008 4:07:51 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 8/15/2008 3:07:26 PM
Author: claudinam

Date: 8/15/2008 11:02:44 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
I''m so sad that so many people have been ungrateful with you fellow PSers

It depends on what the reason is for borrowing money. I have no problem loaning someone money for a little gas until they get paid, or lunch if someone eats theirs or something. My brother and I have always been generous when it comes to food.

I will not loan money to someone that blows their money elsewhere. I used to be really good friends with a co-worker, and when one of us was short on cash, the other would buy lunch. We always traded off and it was awesome. Then she seperated from her husband...and suddenly she was a completely different person. She would blow all of her money on alcohol on the weekends and then ask me for money. I gave her some at first, not knowing she changed so much, but I learned real quick what she was doing. She had a two year old baby at home and she turned into a total (excuse me for language) slut. She slept around and got pregnant twice and aborted both times (in a years time), and the second time after she got fired for never coming to work, she had the cajones to ask me for $100 to help her to do it! Needless to say, I said no.

We aren''t really friends anymore, and I miss the old person she was. But I don''t miss the new one at all.
OK - I have to correct this because I''ve seen the word spelled like this here a lot.

Cajones are drawers, like in furniture. hahaaha (or at least in my country they are).
what does that word mean?
just say ''balls''
DF, that''s what it means!
LOL. Sorry, I say that irl, so it just came out here. Yes, I meant balls. The word is actually slang nowadays.

And claudinam, that''s funny - I have never seen it spelled with an O. My mom is from Mexico, too. Curious.
Date: 8/15/2008 3:07:26 PM
Author: claudinam

Date: 8/15/2008 11:02:44 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
I'm so sad that so many people have been ungrateful with you fellow PSers

It depends on what the reason is for borrowing money. I have no problem loaning someone money for a little gas until they get paid, or lunch if someone eats theirs or something. My brother and I have always been generous when it comes to food.

I will not loan money to someone that blows their money elsewhere. I used to be really good friends with a co-worker, and when one of us was short on cash, the other would buy lunch. We always traded off and it was awesome. Then she seperated from her husband...and suddenly she was a completely different person. She would blow all of her money on alcohol on the weekends and then ask me for money. I gave her some at first, not knowing she changed so much, but I learned real quick what she was doing. She had a two year old baby at home and she turned into a total (excuse me for language) slut. She slept around and got pregnant twice and aborted both times (in a years time), and the second time after she got fired for never coming to work, she had the cajones to ask me for $100 to help her to do it! Needless to say, I said no.

We aren't really friends anymore, and I miss the old person she was. But I don't miss the new one at all.
OK - I have to correct this because I've seen the word spelled like this here a lot.

Cajones are drawers, like in furniture. hahaaha (or at least in my country they are).

As for the OP question, I will depending on what's for. I know that if you lend someone money, then it should be at their discretion how they use that money and the only thing you can control is whether they pay it back or not. But for me, I would have a hard time saying yes to a friend that asks for money to support a Coach addiction LOL.
Date: 8/15/2008 5:07:27 PM
Author: claudinam

Date: 8/15/2008 4:07:51 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 8/15/2008 3:07:26 PM
Author: claudinam

OK - I have to correct this because I''ve seen the word spelled like this here a lot.

Cajones are drawers, like in furniture. hahaaha (or at least in my country they are).
what does that word mean?
just say ''balls''
DF, that''s what it means!
i know
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