
Would you let this sway your vote for President?

packrat said:
I dig him.

So do I. Why can't someone like him run for president?
lulu said:
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Mahatma Gandhi

lulu said:
To me, how a person believes animals should be treated is a fundamental part of their character. And I vote for character first.

Polished|1456288256|3994775 said:
Lulu you write one brilliant post, then follow it up with another. If a person lacked the imagination to care about what effect performing unnatural circus poses might have on an elephant. If they were incapable of thinking through the type of life and conditions an elephant might have to endure, in order for humans to make a profit from it; what else would be ignorantly overlooked doesn't bear thinking about.

Exactly. Thank you Lulu, Polished, Kristie, packrat, Stracci and amc. We don't operate in a vacuum and the kind of person who becomes POTUS matters.

Lulu, that is my favorite quote and I worded the same quote above in one of my first few posts in this thread. Indeed I agree wholeheartedly with this quote
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Telephone, I am talking about what the candidates have done and their voting record re animal rights (for those who have had political life previously) thus far. We can only go on what we have thus far and I agree actions speak volumes over words every single time.
amc80|1456288768|3994778 said:
packrat said:
I dig him.

So do I. Why can't someone like him run for president?

I wish he would. Or Mike Rowe. Would never happen tho--they'd have to get into bed w/bazillionaires in order to afford to campaign, and that goes against who they are, so..I'm afraid we're just doomed to deal w/politicians rather than real people.
missy|1456310449|3994848 said:
Telephone, I am talking about what the candidates have done and their voting record re animal rights (for those who have had political life previously) thus far. We can only go on what we have thus far and I agree actions speak volumes over words every single time.
Exactly. I wish more folk did background research for the issues they care about!
So, I've been busy, and I didn't realize until recently some posters thought I had something to answer for.

I do not hate animals. I just do not believe that animal rights is something that should sway my vote for president. Most animal legislation should be dealt with at the local, state level, in my opinion. States have very different needs with regards to their animal husbandry, Montana for instance has different needs than Rhode Island.

And for what it's worth, we have dogs and cats who were shelter rescues, we obviously keep bees because bees are so, so important to our entire ecosystem. We buy our meat from local farmers that we know, we grow as much food as we can, and what we can't grow is bought through a CSA from local farmers. This winter I am going to start making my own cheese, in addition to making my own soap and body products, cleaners and so on. We walk the walk here, and I do not hate animals. It just doesn't sway my Presidential vote.

And for the record, we support Bernie Sanders.