
Yet another issues update...

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I spent the day with my mother today, and while we were getting ice cream (Laura Secord
), we talked about it. Apparently my father told E after the fight that once she has stated her opinion and issued her "warning", her job is done and she should let it go. I hope she understands that, my brother and I would be much happier for it! Her badgering us about her pessimistic views on our relationship doesn''t help us any. When we got home, we each wrote a letter to E, read them out loud and got out the anger and pain we feel, and then I tore up my letter; mom decided to keep hers. We figure that even if that doesn''t really help E, at least it helps us get rid of the toxic emotions that we have.

Indie - Don''t worry about me while your wedding day is so near! Thanks for the kind words, and enjoy your day!

Galateia - It feels great to hear that, I really appreciate it.

Kit - Thank you for taking the time to write. I believe she is depressed and that she needs help. I mentioned it to my mother today, and I intend to find a way to talk about this to my sister so she gets help. Family therapy could be a great idea, thanks for suggesting it. I also agree that while she thinks she does, she doesn''t "get" the relationships my brother and I have with our SOs. And as you say, nothing can change that until she has a relationship of her own. About her grief on losing a role in my life... I tried to explain to her that she is not losing me. I''m not sure she really sees it that way, or wants to see it that way... She just keeps saying she feels it''s her duty to make sure I''m aware of the possibilities. Finally, just like you, I do try to understand the reason behind people''s hurtful behaviour. I find it helps me to be more understanding and less resentful. I know why she does it, and I understand parts of it. I just don''t know how to fix it. Thanks again.

Ebree - Thanks for the hugs and friendly reminder.

jas - I would never wish that kind of thing to anyone, but it is nice to know that someone understands. Thank you, and good luck with your own sister.

fire&ice - Agreeing to disagree is something E unfortunately has a lot of difficulties with. She''s a "my way or no way" kind of person, you know? I really hope that at some point we could reach that kind of agreement.

bee - Thank you. I really wish she could find a great guy too, so she finally understands what it''s like.

Mara - Thank you for your wise words. I think that letting things go for a little while is the best thing to do right now. Hopefully we can resolve this at some point.

ladykemma - You may be right. It''s getting pretty obvious that those discussions about relationships are not exactly a good idea because she can''t agree to disagree.

dixie - Deciding what I''m willing to accept from her is not something I had considered. Thank you for the idea. I did treat myself a bit today with my mom... We went for ice cream and I got a new purse. Nothing fancy or expensive, but I''m still happy about it!

aljdewey - Thank you SO much for the big hugs. I could almost feel them. Thank you for sharing your story as well. I really hope my sister''s story will have a happier ending...

Finding_Neverland - Twins are something, aren''t they? You and my mother would probably have a lot of things to talk about! E and I are just like your girls. We are opposites in everything, heck we even have opposite dominant hands! But it''s true, nobody will ever be as close to me than her, and we have a bond that I will never have with anyone else, not even my husband. I truly hope she will come around.

Again, thank you everyone.
Oh, anchor! I''m so sorry! That sounds like a horrible situation and I''m so sorry you and your family had to deal with that kind of stress. I don''t have any advice, just hoping that things start to look up with your sister. You seem amazingly level-headed given the situation...

I''m so sorry you are having to deal with this right now. Some people have no clue how to let you know they care without going overboard and I''m sure she''ll come around and (hopefully) feel bad for putting any kind of damper on your wedding planning... and I''ve learned by lots and lots of experience that some people just cannot be happy for seomone else''s happiness if they aren''t happy themselves. That''s worded kind of weird, but I just mean that when she grows up a bit, she''ll probably recognize what she''s put you through now and regret it, but it''s not something she''s going to be aware of right now in the present. She doesn''t seem like the type who can help but to project her fears, etc on the people closest to her, and despite the fight, I''m sure she really *is* trying to think of you and your needs, just not in the way you need her to. (sigh) Don''t worry about losing your sister -- she''ll eventually adapt and be there -- but please DO enjoy this time of planning with your fiance and stay positive! lots and lots of (((hugs)))


My sister and I have talked twice over IM since Saturday, she even initiated the first conversation. We didn''t talk about the fight, IM is certainly not the way to go for this kind of discussion, and the conversations were pretty normal. On Saturday I told her about the apartment J and I found and are moving into on May 1st, and yesterday she told me that the University of Western Australia has accepted her exchange request for next year, from July 07 to July 08. She was happy for me and I was happy for her and that''s that. It''s somewhat more distant than it used to be, but I expect our relationship may stay that way now. It''s not lost, but it''s definitely changed. I''m not sure how I feel about that... like I''m not as hurt as I should be, or something. I think it was necessary that the ''cord'' was cut, but I''ll probably miss having my sister as my best friend. Everything happens for a reason though, so it''s probably for the best.

If she leaves in July, we''ll have to go shopping for her dress in June at the latest, but until then I''ve decided not to talk to her about the wedding. It sucks, but I just can''t stand the angst it causes.

I''m sure you are feeling a sense of loss based on the (figurative) distance between you and your sister. I''m so sorry, and so impressed with the mature manure which you are handling this. Kudos to you, and my thoughts are with you.
Thanks for your kind words, Kimberly. If she leaves in July, I''d like to spend some time with her before then, but I guess that''s up to her. It''s pretty sad to see her alienate herself from the family.
You''re so welcome! I just noticed I typed "mature manure" instead of "mature manor" and the edit button is missing! Perhaps I was thinking of her crappy behavior when I typed it! ha ha ha

Take good care of yourself!
Anchor, I''m glad to hear things are somewhat better w/your sister. You''re probably right, the relationship with your sister has likely changed but from what you''ve said before, that''s a good thing! Maybe it will be distant for a bit and then your relationship will evolve into a better one. Friendships change over the years, and I think that''s normal. Even though she''s your sister, it still is a relationship that takes work to maintain. Maybe her time away will help her w/everything and maybe you can even visit while she''s there!
Date: 3/15/2007 5:39:37 PM
Author: KimberlyH
You''re so welcome! I just noticed I typed ''mature manure'' instead of ''mature manor'' and the edit button is missing! Perhaps I was thinking of her crappy behavior when I typed it! ha ha ha

Take good care of yourself!
I''m sure you mean "manner", even...
but I knew what you meant!

dixie - Yeah, the 12 months away might help her. She took her decision yesterday and she''s officially leaving for Australia sometime before July 23rd 07(start of 1st term) and coming back sometime after June 30th 08 (end of 2nd term). She''ll probably be back around 3 or 4 weeks before the wedding, so it''s fine.
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