Maybe if you had ''put out'' earlier, you may have got the ring?!
Of course not! I am not condoning using sex as a bargaining tool, but this is exactly what you are doing. You are suggesting that we should hold out on giving him the goods in order to get the ring. That''s totally appalling!
At least when we get a proposal, we will be sure it''s for the right reasons, and not because he was so sexually frustrated that he saw no other way out!!
I have jokingly had this conversation with my partner about holding out from now on, and he has told me quite seriously that if that''s how I feel and if it''s important to me, then he is happy to go without until we are married - because he respects me. A true man, one who sees past the sex and to the relationship underneath. I would NOT want to be married to a man who only hurried up the proposal to get laid - disgusting.