
You know you''re a PSer when.....

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Oh that is defiantely something I would do. I miss my ring soo much, I cannot wait to get it back put it in the US and take a bazillion photos!
LOL I also am the cleaning crazy when I am out with people, the last time I was out with my boss and a coworker and lunch and I commanded my boss''s ring which was horribly dirty and then she was amazed when I gave it back all clean and shiny!!
OK- I think I''ve got you all beat..........

The reasons so far are defining us "DIAMOND Crazed" people

You KNOW you''re a PSer WHEN...........

While on vacation with your family at the BEACH
you leave, drive 25 minutes down the shore to a "Cyber Cafe"
just to log on to PS- so you don''t miss anything.

You KNOW you''re a PSer when........................

While your child is in the hospital for Cardiac Surgery
you sneak into the Cardiac Conference room, find a computer still logged in


Now, I ask you..... TOP THAT
Yup and Nan also managed to update the folder while Angello was in the hospital. That was amazing. Thanks Nan!!!
You DO take the cake, Nan.

And to add to YOUR list . . . like when you called me from your cell phone from Homestead Gardens (local nursery for those not in MD) to tell me you were stalking a woman with ginormous ring (talking really quiet so she could not hear you as you crept closer).
Date: 1/14/2006 9:08:53 PM
Author: diamondlil
You DO take the cake, Nan.

And to add to YOUR list . . . like when you called me from your cell phone from Homestead Gardens (local nursery for those not in MD) to tell me you were stalking a woman with ginormous ring (talking really quiet so she could not hear you as you crept closer).


Nan you got me beat.

I am imagining the visuala and audibles on this--and giggling hysterically.
Date: 1/14/2006 9:08:53 PM
Author: diamondlil
You DO take the cake, Nan.

And to add to YOUR list . . . like when you called me from your cell phone from Homestead Gardens (local nursery for those not in MD) to tell me you were stalking a woman with ginormous ring (talking really quiet so she could not hear you as you crept closer).

OMG...LOL! She ought to get PSer of the Year award.

Nan, you DEFINITELY take the grand prize!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 1/14/2006 9:08:53 PM
Author: diamondlil
You DO take the cake, Nan.

And to add to YOUR list . . . like when you called me from your cell phone from Homestead Gardens (local nursery for those not in MD) to tell me you were stalking a woman with ginormous ring (talking really quiet so she could not hear you as you crept closer).
LOL! That is the absolute best! All I have is my annoyed fiance most of the time. And I nudge and nudge and try to get him to look but he won''t even try just out of principle.

I''m glad I''m not the only diamond stalker! I agree with the other poster that said how hard it is to see this rock a few feet away but you can''t get close enough to enjoy it.
Date: 1/14/2006 9:31:03 PM
Author: Princess V

Date: 1/14/2006 9:08:53 PM
Author: diamondlil
You DO take the cake, Nan.

And to add to YOUR list . . . like when you called me from your cell phone from Homestead Gardens (local nursery for those not in MD) to tell me you were stalking a woman with ginormous ring (talking really quiet so she could not hear you as you crept closer).

OMG...LOL! She ought to get PSer of the Year award.
stalker of the year award.
Date: 1/14/2006 9:08:53 PM
Author: diamondlil
You DO take the cake, Nan.

And to add to YOUR list . . . like when you called me from your cell phone from Homestead Gardens (local nursery for those not in MD) to tell me you were stalking a woman with ginormous ring (talking really quiet so she could not hear you as you crept closer).
OMIGOD, that is absolutely hysterical! I love it

one of my classmates got engaged over christmas, and I kept walking by her to try and get a better view of the ring. she probably thought I was nuts
oh well!
Date: 1/14/2006 9:08:53 PM
Author: diamondlil
You DO take the cake, Nan.

And to add to YOUR list . . . like when you called me from your cell phone from Homestead Gardens (local nursery for those not in MD) to tell me you were stalking a woman with ginormous ring (talking really quiet so she could not hear you as you crept closer).

Ha!!! You''re telling my secrets. shhhhhh

It was so bad that day that my Daughter actually thought the woman was following us!
Some of my funniest shananigans in diamond stalking turn out to be two fold. I have been in stores and restaurants with DH or my kids and I am trying to see someone''s jewelry without letting on to my DH or kids about what I am doing. Therefore, I am trying to inconspicuously spy on someone else and also be inconspicuous to my family in my endeavors. They will finally say to me, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and I of course say, "Nothing, why?" Then they finally catch on that it must be jewelery related and start telling me that I have issues. OK, so I have issues. I could be on crack . . . how''s that for issues????? Just because I want to oogle someone''s ring doesn''t make me a fruitcake. Does it?!?!?!?!?!?!? I have hung around counters, doubled back in aisles, gone to the bathroom when I didn''t need to, and started unrelated conversations with someone just to look at their jewelery.

I guess I do have issues. . .shhhh!
We''re all perfectly normal here. It''s just that no one else understands us! We have to stick together in our diamond obsession.
I had to give up diamond stalking.
scared too many people.
If ya ever saw me ya would know why. LOL

One of our clients had the nastiest large princess cut ring, bad cut, yellow, visible inlcusions, about 2ct, nastly looking setting, and anytime I see her I cant help think you poor thing having to wear that.
She is one of those people that talks wwith her hands so she is always waving it around too.
Sometimes its more than I can stand not to go eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

But she is a sweet lady and id never say anything of course and she seems to like it.
Guilty as charged! I''m so glad to find fellow "stalkers" on PS.
I am very guilty of this. My kids know it all too well. We could be anywhere and I get this look of concentration, and they are like which ring are you staring at mom. So bad, but fun!!!
This is great.
I have found that diamond stalking is a two way street.
When I went in to Starbucks today the cashier said "oh You''re the lady with the beautiful diamond band."
Ha- she remembered me!
I might not remember someones name, face, or where I know them from, but I never forget a piece of jewelry. I think there''s a special spot in our brains for just such info.
Such agony and dissapointment!

It was a *different* set of friends who came! No J. Lo Asscher for me. However, the new set of friends were recently married -- and she "loved" jewelery as well. So we promptly swapped e-rings at the table to ooh and ahh. She had a nice (not H&A.. but ok cut) 1.30ish stone in a band of invisbly set 10pt princesses Then her wedding band was 15 pt invisbly set princesses. When she wore it on the table the stone on the set looked like 2ct - up close it was that the edge of the round stopped and the w-band picked up with a flash of sparkle. Nice set. Yellow gold is not for me - but it definately highlighed her stone.

Other friend got a .5 solitare pendant for New years.. so enough to look at.

Dissaaaa pppppoooointed! LOL!
there were so many times that i wanted to show my boyfriend, now FI, a ring, that we made up a diamond code... for us it''s ice. anything to do with the word ice. if i am grocery shopping and spot the woman 3 people back of me in the check out line with a stunning ring, i nudge my FI and say something like... "oh yeah, and later today we need to pick up some more ice." that''s the hint. works everytime. i still think he thinks i am nuts, but whatever. at least he can enjoy the diamonds too...

gotta love PS!
missgotrocks, I could have written your last post! I am always leaning over trying to get a better look at someone''s ring, sometimes walking by when I don''t need to or reaching for an item off the shelf that I have no intention of buying. My son gives me the "what are you doing?" and I also say "nothing" to which he lets out a big sigh and tells me I need help. It''s so obvious to my husband and son what I''m doing but I probably do come across as strange to other people! LOL! Like, why is that lady standing so close to me and why does she keep staring at my hand?
Date: 1/14/2006 2:29:22 PM
Author: laney
Ok - now that everyone has outed themselves... LOL...

You know you are a PSer when...

You bring in your WF sparkle sparkle cleaner to work to clean a CO-WORKERS ring, because it''s too dirty for YOU to look at.

And yes, I brought my travel toothbrush, got some hot water to soak her rings in right at her DESK!

She was happy afterward! :)

I also made her promise to clean it more often. For my enjoyment. :)

i have SO done this!! i bring my US cleaner and it''s a ring cleanin'' celebration!
Oh, I have brought my jar of ammonia and Dawn to work many times to clean rings. I fuss at everyone for their dirty old rings. I check prongs for everyone periodically too - they think I am a hoot but love the service all the same. WHY DO FOLKS WANT TO WEAR DIRTY DIAMONDS? I ask them if their teeth are dirty or if their hair is clean - they scream at me Nooooooo! Then why is your jewelery dirty?????? I tell them no one will ever buy you new diamonds if you don''t take care of what you have!
Date: 1/17/2006 7:14:15 PM
Author: MissGotRocks
Oh, I have brought my jar of ammonia and Dawn to work many times to clean rings. I fuss at everyone for their dirty old rings. I check prongs for everyone periodically too - they think I am a hoot but love the service all the same. WHY DO FOLKS WANT TO WEAR DIRTY DIAMONDS? I ask them if their teeth are dirty or if their hair is clean - they scream at me Nooooooo! Then why is your jewelery dirty?????? I tell them no one will ever buy you new diamonds if you don''t take care of what you have!
MissGotRocks, I absolutely agree you with you. I have heard many people say they want only D, VVS quality stones, the cut must be excellent etc but they NEVER clean their diamonds. And then they complain it doesn''t sparkle.

Just the other day, one of my co-workers was wearing her 1.2 ct ering and it was just stunning because she''d just cleaned it. Plus her ring size is 3! That helps too...
I offer to clean my friends rings or any jewelry every time they come over. Heehee. I love to see the clean sparklies afterwards!
My friend got engaged about half a year ago and to this day, everytime she comes over, I''m basically having a conversation with her ring. LOL.
I''m both relieved and nervous after reading these posts... I''m finally honest w/myself about what this has developed into for me.
I don''t think it''s come to defs. #1 & #3 just yet. Well, sometimes a bit of #1.


"fet·ish also fet·ich (f?t''?sh, f?''t?sh)
(1)An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.

(2)An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: made a fetish of punctuality.

(3)Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.

(4)An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.

[French fétiche, from Portuguese feitiço, artificial, charm, from Latin fact?cius, artificial. See factitious.]"
You know when you''re a PSer when.... you really have to go to the bathroom but instead of just going, you unplug the laptop from the wall and take it into the bathroom to finish up the post or just to use as reading material. Wireless is great...
Oh my Gosh! This is hilarious!

7/1 ... I can just see you creeping up to that lady!!! LMAO!!!

OK ... Ok...

You know that your a PS''r when:

1. Your husband would like to pencil himself in some of his own computer time because your always on it!

2. When your own father pulls up in the drive-way and see''s that someone is on the computer, and your own son (14 yrs) says "Oh, look I just saw a big hand flash up on the screen, it''s Mom ... she''s looking at jewelry again!"

3. When your daughter (14 yrs) pulls up a chair next to you and wants to look and talk diamond lingo too! When your daughter goes to school and educates her girlfriends on the latest new diamond cut and setting trends!

4. When your co-workers and boss come to you for advice on diamonds and settings!

5. When you remember your frequently returning surgery patients by their jewelry!

6. When you would rather check out PS & Jewelry then go to bed!

I am sure I could continue ... but I seriously should put myself to bed !

Have a great day to all!
i teach high school. at the inroductory sessions at the beginnng of each school year, there is a teacher from a neighboring school who has a round cape colored 2-3 carat diamond on a wide yellow gold band. I love to sit to her left so I can admire.

I am one of those scary people who get too close. i have learned to ask first. "may i get a close look at your _____?"

i like akoya pearls too. last weekend I was at the galleria mall in houston. there was a lady with a fab strand of cultured pearls. i asked before i got too close. such orient! that metallic look!
wow! I gushed and she was very flattered. she knew the value of what she wore.
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