Really just my engagement ring and my hot pink spinel ring.
My engagement ring for the obvious reasons - my husband and I picked it out together, it's the prettiest blue, and was my first "fancy" jewelry and launched me into PS and bling obsession. I haven't worn it all year because fuzz started catching under the prongs and the last time I noticed that happening the stone fell out shortly thereafter, so I've got to take it to have the prongs checked/tightened but I keep forgetting except on days when I don't have the time!
My pink spinel ring because since I joined PS and saw @chrono's and Bright-Ice's hot pink spinel halos, they were top of my wishlist, the ONE piece I wanted above all else. I bought the stone fairly early on and got it set for my 30th birthday... and promptly stopped buying for basically three years because I was so fulfilled.
Since you said five...
My mint garnet ring. Love the stone, love the setting. This is another I have to have tightened before I can wear it again. I can hear the stone moving and I couldn't always.
And idk that I have a SENTIMENTAL attachment to this, but I bought this ring for my birthday last year from NKOTB and I've been feeling the red so much lately I've worn it all year so far. It's always red but in some lighting it's INSANE.
Ok... to round it out, I SAVED FROM THE TRASH a platinum and sapphire ring that belonged to my grandmother and her mother before her. When my grandmother's alzheimers got bad enough so she had to be moved to a memory ward, my mom and aunts went through the jewelry and sorted it into "fine, costume, and trash" so it could be distributed by the method my grandmother laid out. I just so happened to pop by to visit my grandmother that day and looked in the trash. Pulled out all the sparkly things to check that they were really trash and thank god I did. It was crusted with dirt and the shank was both very thin and bent, so I can see why it looked like junk. One of the sapphires is basically black and every now and then I think about getting it replaced to match the other one but ... idk, idk. I can't ever decide if they matched to start with and one is a later replacement, or if they were like this from the start and if the latter is the case I'd prefer to just leave it as-is. I don't ever wear it but I like to look at it.
I only have one piece really that means a lot to me and you can guess what that piece is. The Cartier Black Opal ring my parents gave me years ago. It was the ring my dad bought for my mom at the fifth avenue in Manhattan Cartier store in 1972. He insisted on buying it for her despite her protests as it was a lot of money for them. But it was and is a breathtaking ring and my dad fell in love with it at first sight and my mom came around haha. Anyway fast forward decades later and they wanted me to have it as they couldn't afford to insure it and my mom was no longer wearing it. So I accepted as I had always drooled over that ring and I cherish it. To me it represents the true love my parents share for each other and by extension for their family. My parents have been married for 55 (56 in December) years and have a wonderful relationship. Always there for each other through it all and well we all know how challenging life can be. Anyway this ring represents their true love and is my most sentimental piece of jewelry.
Photos do not do it justice.
(No editing short of cropping was done to this photo).
Second try!
My 1.67ct heart shaped Ruby, bought partly with money that was due to my late partner for decorating my house. We had 4 good years together, and he provided the missing fireworks that I sought. He was a great travelling companion too. I still miss him to this day and he died over 10 years ago from a canal boat accident.
I don't have a hand shot of this to hand as I seldom wear it as it is a bit too grand and sparkly for work wear.
My mum's Ruby cabochon, I was there when she purchased it from a big mainland Chinese department store many years. She gave it to me about 15 years ago. Again, I seldom wear it as it has prongs and I do not wish to lose the centre stone like I did with another ring of hers during one drunken work rated event!
My concave cut Amethyst from Richard Homer, paid a lot for the stone, with money given to me for my 50th birthday towards the cost. The design is based on Theo Fennell's Bombe ring designs, with sky blue Topaz side stones cut by Doug Menadue. Again, I seldom wear it, DOH.
My small heart shaped Ruby ring, made so that I could wear a heart shape Ruby on a daily basis to remind me of my late partner.
Not a CS, however I am very fond of this Sea of Cortez mabe ring. The mabe was purchased from an eBay vendor many years ago, originally intended to be a pendant, however it is too small for my chunky neck and frame.
I met Douglas of Sea of Cortez fame at an annual pearl related event in LA in 2016, and he instantly recognised it as one of his.
What a great thread!
By and far the most sentimental piece I own is my Fiona pendant. It is a memorial piece for our beloved Shetland sheepdog that passed last year, the stone on the top is a spinel and then the heart-shaped moonstone below. She was born in June and passed in August which is why I went with spinel and moonstone. On top of being sentimental for that reason it was also a collaboration of sorts, the moonstone was gifted by Bron and the paperclip chain was a recent aquisition from another PS'er. So very special.
Next is this garnet pendant which we gifted my husband's grandmother and it made its way back to us when she went into a nursing home.
Finally this pink sapphire ring, originally it was in a platinum Art Deco setting but I found this new setting to reset it into. My mom's favorite color was pink and she passed when I was eight so I consider this my Evelyn ring because it reminds me so much of her.
This ring is divine, as is the story attached to it. Thanks for sharing!I only have one piece really that means a lot to me and you can guess what that piece is. The Cartier Black Opal ring my parents gave me years ago. It was the ring my dad bought for my mom at the fifth avenue in Manhattan Cartier store in 1972. He insisted on buying it for her despite her protests as it was a lot of money for them. But it was and is a breathtaking ring and my dad fell in love with it at first sight and my mom came around haha. Anyway fast forward decades later and they wanted me to have it as they couldn't afford to insure it and my mom was no longer wearing it. So I accepted as I had always drooled over that ring and I cherish it. To me it represents the true love my parents share for each other and by extension for their family. My parents have been married for 55 (56 in December) years and have a wonderful relationship. Always there for each other through it all and well we all know how challenging life can be. Anyway this ring represents their true love and is my most sentimental piece of jewelry.
Photos do not do it justice.
(No editing short of cropping was done to this photo).