
Your adult children can & will make you crazy...sigh...

Dee*Jay|1400021427|3672078 said:
Jimmianne|1399911137|3671052 said:

My DD just called - she said she is buying a Flemish Giant Rabbit baby to ease the pain of not getting the dog : )
She is so excited. This is better. I just googled the rabbits and they are enormous! This should be exotic enough for now.
The whole thing is making me smile a lot...
a LOT more than the idea of a 70% wolf hybrid.

Holy sh!t. I'd never heard of these so I just looked them up. Wow.

One of my roommates had a rabbit in college. The thing was a misery to own. Grumpy, chewed every wire in the house (look up Rabbit electrocutions this a a VERY common problem), left poop pellets everywhere. And the thing BIT. And it left random pee at places. Litter box trained my aunt Fanny.

I can't image the poop a rabbit that size will leave. Plus it will be able to get to every wire in the house.

*shudder* A giant rabbit is like a nightmare pet for me. Plus they only live 5 years!
Yay about the hybrid. Hmm, has she ever been bit by a rabbit? :rodent: We had a dwarf rabbit before we had kids. It was not a nice bunny. I hope she goes for a small dog instead, lol!
That's kind of a big random jump, to go from a big dog to a big rabbit. I had a friend that wanted a dog and her husband said no. So then she was convinced she was going to have a pet skunk. I researched on the internet and said maybe not such a good idea. Then it was one of those little pigs. You can litter train them (the skunks too) and wouldn't that be so cute, a pig to snuggle w/in bed? Weeks went by...then she just went out and came home w/a dog. B/c it was cute and had big ears. So I dunno...maybe it would be best to wait and do some research on what type of pet would be best for her?
Can you tell her to look up Shiloh Shepards?

I think that would be a great pet for her. They are FABULOUS dogs, not common, and great with families.
^Yes, wire-chewing can be a problem as well as carpet chewing. I owned a rabbit for a time (in college) and as I said , it was a bit more work vs. rewards for me. The rabbit poop thing would be a major issue for me too - it's the reason why I won't own cats because if you can't do your "business" outside (like my dogs :)) ) then you can't be my pet (no litter boxes for me). Rabbits can be wonderful pets of some folks though, so who's to say that the rabbit won't work out for Jimmianne's daughter? Just encourage her to do her research, which it sounds like she did with the hybrid dog.