
Your Bouquet...AFTER the wedding?

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I hung mine upside down in the dark for weeks and sprayed it with Acrylic a few times during those weeks. Did the same with my DH''s bout. It preserved some of the color and I display it now. I left it wrapped with the broach on it from the day we got married, no changes there. Here''s a photo of my display case in my living room. It has a vintage purse collection in the lower shelves. The bouquet shelf has my ring bearer pillow, groom''s bout and my wedding purse. The top shelf is our sand ceremony bottle.

My bouquet was peonies and sweet pea and delicate spring flowers so I don''t think it would have looked good preserved. I took mine on the plane to Bali and we had the best service. We got upgrades, a cake, and a whole row to ourselves on the plane. Plus, the flowers made the stale plane air smell so good. I threw it away in the Singapore airport but I figured it was better to throw it away in a far off, exotic place than at home in VA. I am glad I took it with me because I loved y bouquet so much!
I thought you always tossed it to the unmarried ladies. Do people always make two, one for tossing and one for keeping?
Date: 3/13/2009 1:51:45 PM
Author: dboatsupreme
I thought you always tossed it to the unmarried ladies. Do people always make two, one for tossing and one for keeping?
Generally there''s a toss bouquet. So a smaller one to throw to the guests.
Date: 3/12/2009 7:43:03 PM
Author: indecisive
My bouquet was peonies and sweet pea and delicate spring flowers so I don''t think it would have looked good preserved. I took mine on the plane to Bali and we had the best service. We got upgrades, a cake, and a whole row to ourselves on the plane. Plus, the flowers made the stale plane air smell so good. I threw it away in the Singapore airport but I figured it was better to throw it away in a far off, exotic place than at home in VA. I am glad I took it with me because I loved y bouquet so much!

I love this idea indecisive!
Date: 3/12/2009 6:55:59 AM
Author: honey22
Not sure yet, I will probably just leave them to dry at my Mum''s house?
Yep, my mother store mine at her house for years and years, [I forgot it at the reception] she was burried holding it last year.
Mine is still hanging upside-down on a hanger in my closet, next to my wedding dress that I was going to have preserved. I''ve been married for 2 and a half years. I swear I''ll get to it someday.
My parents hung it upside down in their was daisies, larkspur, dagwood etc -so these weren''t flowers that would keep. I''m not sure where it is now...I thought I took it back with me once after visiting them, but maybe I forgot?
What AWESOME ideas!! Also great for my friend who got married last August. I saw her bouquet dried out sitting in a closet. I LOVE the heart wreath. I''m thinking, however, the shadow boxes are something you could do yourself for FAR less money. The candles are a GREAT idea, too, but I would probably do that for anniversary flowers or something; not my actual bouquet. :)

You PS girls are the best!!
You''re welcome. I attached a picture of my friends. Sorry it''s not the best picture. It''s much nicer in person. Please post pictures of yours when it''s done.

My Mom had mine freeze dried along with my husband''s bout and my tiara. It''s in a really nice octagonal box, and sits in our armoire with glass doors. I''m so happy I have it, as the colours I chose for our wedding are throughout our house, so it makes sense as decoration, too.
I saw this a while ago on the net. For folks into sustainability issues, this is pretty cool.

Here''s what the website says:

At we recycle your wedding bouquet into high quality hand crafted paper that is used to to create thank-you acknowledgment note cards. Also special about our paper is that in the manufacturing process we embed 12 varieties of perennial wildflower seeds. The recipient of your note card then plants the card to create a perpetual wildflower garden.
We had the bouquet professionally freeze-dried and mounted in a Victorian oval frame. If you click on the link provided earlier, there is an example. We had this done 14 years ago and it stills looks fresh and beautiful. It's hanging in our bedroom, but would also look good in other rooms in our home. I recommend it. Of course, I had a small bouquet for tossing to the single ladies
I am throwing mine, because that is the tradition. I don''t feel that a bride is suppossed to hold on to her bouquet, it is meant for the lucky single gal who catches it. I guess I just feel that the bride carries it with her all day - so it absorbs every aspect of the wedding, and that is the reason why the bride throws that particular bouquet. It''s just that any wedding I have been to where the bouquet is a toss bouquet - I don''t even want to catch it. It has no symbolism, it is smaller, and it just feels like a rip-off! It is kind of selfish to keep your bouquet - in my opinion - not saying people who save it our selfish so please don''t take offence. I will also throw my actual garter, even though the one I purchased came with a toss garter - it is the symbolism of it.
Mine is in a crystal vase, on top of my living room bookcase. It dried perfectly.

I also have the hydrangea wreaths that were on our chapel doors; one is hung over the fireplace, and one is on the french door out to our patio.
Date: 3/13/2009 1:51:45 PM
Author: dboatsupreme
I thought you always tossed it to the unmarried ladies. Do people always make two, one for tossing and one for keeping?
No bouquet toss or garter toss at my wedding. I loved my bouquet; no one was taking my gorgeous flowers!
I am planning on having my bouquet made into rosaries for my FI''s mom and 2 aunts who are paying for our cake as a ''thank you.'' I am also going to have a bracelet made for my mom and myself. I will probably use this company.
My friend dried her''s and then bought a really nice glass display box to put a few other sentimental items. It is gorgeous and I plan to do the same thing. And yes I will probably pay to buy the items or have it professionally dried.
violet! your bouquet is GORGEOUS! I want to do that now, but I''m sooo not crafty and I live in a tiny you think I could do it?! I could probably leave it at my parents'' house to dry...but what do you mean that you sprayed it with acrylic?

sorry, I''m a DIY dummy!
After my sister''s wedding, her MIL sent the bouquet to a company that freeze dried and framed it in something similar to a shadow box. It hangs on her bedroom wall next to a portrait from the wedding. It''s beautiful. I''ll see if I can take a picture of it and post it here. I''ll get the company''s name too.

I''ll probably do the same thing to my bouquet.
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