@mrs-b Your photos are fascinating…I loved seeing how it will be put together…I laughed when you wrote migraine instead of milgrain. Yes…resets can cause migraines..![]()
I received these (incredibly annoying!) photos from Amy at DKJ the other day and thought people might be interested in seeing them. They're annoying because they're smaller and less clear than I would have liked, but perhaps anyone with better eyesight than me might enjoy seeing the process.
Lots of polishing and refining the individual components!
Firstly, all the individual bits - the decals for the back, the shanks, baskets, and the wraps:
Polishing baskets:
Polishing the shank of the solitaire:
And lastly - finally giving SOME idea of how this is going to look when done - the basket and the shank have been attached and are now being polished, before having the wraps and the back decal attached, after which the migraine will be done by the engraver and the stones set.
Some people think a cast ring is a straightforward process. But there is a GREAT deal of hand work that goes into it. So this is just for anyone who wanted to get an idea of what's involved.
Ugh - it's auto correct. It doesn't recognize 'migraine' and automatically changes it. I've given up trying to fix them all.
I'm glad you like the photos tho.![]()
I've been admiring the work of this jeweler on Instagram. He hand carves everything from wax. The other day he posted a handcarved "baguette" eternity in 14k white gold. I contacted him, actually talked to him on the phone... and he's making one for me. I just think it's uber cool that he carves out faceted metal and it looks like diamonds. Can't wait to get this!
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I absolutely love it! Do you know the mm of the band? I love the thickness of it!
It’s a tick over 2 mm….
@mrs-b are these hand forged? Cast? They look incredible- love the progress shots…that gallery!!!! Swoon!
The individual components are cast, but every single piece is hand finished, then they're hand assembled. There's so much hand work that goes into a well made cast ring, I don't really see the point in going with fully hand forged.
They look remarkable so far! So excited to see the final products!
Thank you! I got mine from Asia but I know that @ILikeShiny and @ccuheartnurse got theirs from IDJ so maybe you can try IDJ? Their threads:
#TBT - Christmas came early! IDJ station tennis bracelet
After years of looking at tennis bracelets, this is my year to get one! It was going to be a Christmas present but, since it was finished now and we have three big Christmas parties this weekend, SO said I could have it early :appl: For the design: I struggled with this part the most. I knew I...www.pricescope.com
For tennis bracelets, how important are H&A's?
I'm starting to explore acquiring one and have been presented with the option of getting precision cuts (from a PS recommended vendor) instead of H&A to keep the cost down. At a diamond in the .10 - .15 range, will it make much of a difference? It doesn't have to be best of the best, but we'd...www.pricescope.com
Mine has a mix of smaller and bigger diamonds. The bigger bezels are approx 5.1mm and the smaller ones are approx 4.1mm adding to 3.8 ctw over 18cm.
@icy_jade I love that bracelet! Does it flip? I’ve considered a similar style but stopped before pulling the trigger b/c I feel like I read someone say that theirs flipped.
@mrs-b this is getting very exciting! It is really cool to see the process. Thank you for sharing. This will be a stunning wedding set!