
Your opinion on this diamond and light performance software!

If I understood your post correctly, your total out-of-pocket cost was $8,231 USD, after the 3% discount and addition of 24% VAT. Effectively a 21% add for you.

So to get to base cost of the diamond, we do simple math: $8,231 / 1.21 = $6,802 wire price

Using the PS diamond search, I cranked down the search parameters to get you a sample pool that closely represented what you actually bought. I see prices from about $5,930 to $8,727.

To dissect those prices further, around $7,000+ is where you begin to dip into H&A stones if you would have used a supplier like JA. There is one JA TH stone listed at $6,500 but it has a cluster of clouds on the table and I wonder if it's truly eye clean in all lighting environments.

So I think you paid on the upper end for virtual inventory, but I also think you got a stone with highly sought after cut proportions (57 table, 61.8 depth, 34.5/40.8, etc) that we would have recommended.

Customized PS Diamond Search

Filter Criteria:
1.00 to 1.06 carats
G color only
VS2 clarity only
None to faint fluorescence only
55 to 57 table
60.5 to 62 depth
Excellent to ideal symmetry
Excellent to ideal polish
GIA or AGS labs only
In-house or virtual inventory

All correct, I had done the same search (on both JA and BN) and my stone fell in the upper end of the range. I found a very similar one, 1.03 ct, for $300 less and the image seemed look great. If 7000+ is the begin of H&A, my choice to take a diamond without pictures wasn't smart...we can say "stupid"
Interesting thread Pietro, and it looks like a nice stone.
For the record we do ship ASET scopes to Italy, but then you may have had issues returning jewellery.

I've seen and it's 130$, shipping is more expensive than product! You should think about expanding and entering the Italian/European market :) :) :)

Of course it would arrive after the return time of the ring, but I'm thinking to take it just out of curiosity.

Thank you!
I think you got a fair price for a highly desirable stone. It’s the right size, color and clarity that will appeal to most folks. It’s GIA 3X and it has ideal proportions.

I didn’t sift through all the results but if I were searching for myself or others I would prefer a 34.5/40.8 or 35/40.6 combo. Along with a 54-57 table, 60.5-62 depth, 75-80 LGF and 45-55 stars. Numerically your stone hit all that criteria and quite frankly most 3X stones don’t.

Those proportions are going to land you in the HCA range of 1.3 to 1.7 which is right where you want to be. Effectively it’s telling you in numerical value that the proportions all work with each other.

Yes, it would have been nice/wise to get at least an idealscope image but for having no real knowledge you did damn good. The videos you posted looks good with no major issues. Maybe it’s the higher end of the dollar range but it’s also a better stone than most as well.

You did well. Hopefully you can relax and enjoy the ring. After all you get to propose and spend the rest of your life with your soon to be fiancé. Good luck on the proposal!
@Pie88tro : con la scusa di voler cambiare montatura, vai con l'anello in un paio di gioiellerie e fatti mostrare solitari di caratura simile al tuo...scoprirai che il tuo diamante non ha rivali per ritorno di luce e che, con la cifra che hai speso, hai acquistato un diamante che in Italia ti sarebbe costato in blister almeno il 20% in più ; poi, se, consideri anelli firmati (ReCarlo e Crivelli ☹ in fascia media; Damiani, Cartier e Tiffany in fascia alta), scoprirai che hai comprato ottimamente secondo criterio di rapporto qualità/prezzo.
La faccina ☹ è riferita sia a Recarlo che Crivelli , oltre a tutte le marche commerciali di fascia media che sono tanto di moda in Italia
At all the not Italian-speaking PSers: I suggested to Pie88tro to go to the brick and mortar's with his diamond and to do a side by side comparison with the ones available at the shop.
ah ma sei italiano anche tu! :) grazie, anche io sono convinto che sia così e per questo ho evitato di andare in gioielleria a farmi prendere per il naso, con le loro belle luci, come davvero fan (quasi) tutti. Ho preferito puntare sulla qualità del diamante (basandomi sui numeri) perché una cosa che non sopporto è spendere male i soldi e pagare solamente per il "brand". Come già scritto, avrei potuto gestirla meglio per quanto riguarda le immagini, ma è comunque direi che è andata bene così e, come dici tu, ho risparmiato sicuramente il 20% avendo qualcosa di superiore alla media. Certo, mi fosse arrivata una pietra tagliata male, per il reso e acquistarne un altra mi sarei bruciato più del 20% risparmiato...poi se vuoi ti racconto l'esperienza con FedEx Italia perché anche quella rasenta l'assurdo.
@Pie88tro : sono 100% italiana e vivo nel nord-est.
Sinceramente sei stato molto coraggioso ad ordinare oltreoceano: tra IVA, diritti di dogana e problemi di trasporto, ordinare in un paese extra UE è veramente impresa difficile e costosa per noi residenti in poi devi fare il reso, il tutto diventa un incubo!
Sei stato diligente nella scelta del diamante, non solo nella classiche 4 C , ma anche nello scegliere le percentuali di (tavola/profondità/...) del taglio in modo da cadere negli stretti parametri del vero Excellent : di diamanti ne sai sicuramente più tu che la maggior parte dei venditori ; senza offesa, ma quelli dei centri commerciali sono veramente ignoranti e vendono schifezze a prezzi altissimi; i gioiellieri di gamma medio-alta ci considerano dei "rompib.lle" perché ci mettiamo a leggere le percentuali e non ci accontentiamo della scritta excellent sul certificato.
Tu hai acquistato un signor diamante, vanne fiero!
Un consiglio da chi ci è già passata: Pricescope è un forum fantastico per approfondire la conoscenza dei diamanti, ma è un forum che "scatena anche una brutta bestia", ossia l'ansia che ciò che si è acquistato non sia mai "perfetto" e all'altezza di questo forum...
To all the not Italian-speaking PSers: talking about how expensive (Italian VAT at 22%, import duties and shipping cost) and difficult is purchasing from no UE countries.
At all the not Italian-speaking PSers: I suggested to Pie88tro to go to the brick and mortar's with his diamond and to do a side by side comparison with the ones available at the shop.

It’s important that when doing this he looks in a variety of lighting conditions. It’s no secret that jewelers invest in high powered lighting which can make frozen spit look good.

Comparing in various conditions such as back office under normal lighting, perhaps by a window, maybe outside in diffused lighting or possibly even under the counter where there is considerably less light.

It’s very important to ask the jeweler for permission prior to moving the diamond to some of these locations so there are no trust issues.

In the ASET video above it shows the effects of how a stone can change drastically in low lighting conditions. In the video, the larger 1 carat stone “shrinks” in size and isn’t as bright as the 0.80 carat stone that is better cut.
I obviously decided to keep the diamond.

I want to thank everyone who replied, members in this forum are all competent, kind and helpful and this is a rarity!!

Good life!

I obviously decided to keep the diamond.

I want to thank everyone who replied, members in this forum are all competent, kind and helpful and this is a rarity!!

Good life!


Excellent decision, good luck with the proposal mate!