
Bought Engagement ring. How did I do? On a budget


Apr 15, 2024

Unfortunately I didn't find this site until after my purchase. I don't have a lot of money and it took me quite a while to save up for a 2k max loose diamond budget. My future wife deserves the best and being the nerd I am I wanted to really maximize my budget. I have been looking for a diamond for forever that fit into ideal/excellent cut ranges with good color that was around the average ring 1.2 ct weight. I obviously went with a lab grown as I couldn't afford this on natural, and no argument for natural diamonds could convince me lab grown is a poor choice or worth the price jump.

Here is the diamond:

How did I do?

I spent so much time looking at different tables of ideal pavilion and crown angles, table size, and depth(Etc.) I finally found this one for right at $1900. From my research there is a lot of variation in Gia "excellent" cut diamonds, but everything on this one seemed to fit more towards the "ideal" range. What do you all think? Should I look for a different one or was this a good find on a 2k loose budget? I will probably go with a solitaire ring to be upgraded later so I have enough for a nice wedding band. It would make me feel better to know my effort in finding this wasn't a waste and if it was I'd appreciate help! Thanks so much!


Feb 23, 2014
I wouldn't say I'm a perfect judge of stone so I wouldn't be able to help with that, though have you comparison shopped at say, for example? Also I wouldn't spend the extra $$ on a D color, or a VVS clarity. If I were on a budget, I'd get a GH color, and SI1 as I never look at my diamonds under a loupe. Then either do a dance that I saved money on a stone that was pretty indistinguisable to a D VVS1 (personally), or put that money saved towards a setting and wedding bands.


Apr 15, 2024
I know it might sound silly, but I felt like there was a certain amount I wanted to spend and I didn't want to feel like I was cheeping out so I wanted to spend as close to my budget as I could. I felt like between 1-1.25 would make her friends never even ask her if it was lab created, natural, or fake because it wouldn't look so big as I couldn't afford. Just an average size. If I went less ideal on the color/inclusions I could get up to 1.5-2 ct and I just felt like that would be too much if that makes sense. So i was just trying to find the most "ideal" on the 3 other C's i could at the 1-1.25 range. Specifically I wanted one that really was brilliant and sparkled as much as possible. I've seen girls with rings like that and even when they are small it makes you notice them (at least to me) and I wanted that for my girlfriend.

I guess my main question is will this diamond have that extra sparkle you don't always see with its angles and cut?
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Jul 30, 2010
I think you can get a better cut lab from Brian Gavin or Whiteflash for your budget, along with all the advanced images that show you why it’s better cut than others.


Dec 16, 2007
That is very nicely cut, you did well.

Is your girlfriend on board with lab diamonds for engagement? Always good to check.


Apr 15, 2024
@Dreamer_D Once she found out they aren't imitating diamonds, but are in fact chemically diamonds she was on board. At the same time though (not that I have the money anyways) I didn't want to get a diamond big enough that her friends would question it. My hope is they don't even ask the question. Even if my girlfriend is on board nobody would probably like it if someone in their friend group brought that up in a negative way. They all have diamonds from .8 ct to 1.6 ct. I feel like in a decade more people will have LGD than natural once the stigma is gone. I feel like in this past 5 years even the feel for LGD have changed.
Thanks for your input.

@0-0-0 I checked whiteflash but everything that was in the "ideal" proportions was about the same price as what I found. I do like the imaging though. It is really cool. Can you find one that is better proportioned there than the one I found on JA at the same pricepoint and explain what makes it better? I always love to learn and I would have time to switch diamonds at this point. I actually saw a few "ideal" cut diamonds on whiteflash that were outside of what most websites show as the ideal proportions.
From what i've found averaging about 20 different sites listing perfect proportions is table:55-57 Crown angle: 34-35 pavillion 40.3-40.8 lower girdle: 75-80. There were some variations but this was the average. Do you agree with these measurments or is it not all about fitting into these?


Jul 30, 2010
At the highest level of cut precision, it’s not just about the averaged and rounded proportions noted on the reports. That is only the start.

For the same price I would much rather get one backed by advanced images to show that it is in fact among one of the best cut.

I posted a comparison between a pair of 1.7 carats and a 1.3 carat that have similar proportions as noted on the reports, but the ASET images show that the 1.7 carat pair was not cut as precisely. The difference is noticeable to me in person, the 1.3 carat looks more lively in motion even though it’s smaller.



Apr 15, 2024
At the highest level of cut precision, it’s not just about the averaged and rounded proportions noted on the reports. That is only the start.

For the same price I would much rather get one backed by advanced images to show that it is in fact among one of the best cut.

I posted a comparison between a pair of 1.7 carats and a 1.3 carat that have similar proportions as noted on the reports, but the ASET images show that the 1.7 carat pair was not cut as precisely. The difference is noticeable to me in person, the 1.3 carat looks more lively in motion even though it’s smaller.

@0-0-0 That is very interesting. I unfortunately would have no idea what I'm looking for in those images. I will read your post and try to do some research though. Is whiteflash as reputable as james allen? Pretty much every site/forum i went to recommended james allen but I don't see those colored photos for their diamonds. Also I strictly was going with GIA diamonds since they are documented as being the most precise/stringent in their certifications.


Jul 31, 2014
I think JA is very overpriced for lab diamonds. I don't see any huge issues with it, but I definitely think you could have found one as good or even better for less money.


Jul 30, 2010
I have not personally purchased from Whiteflash, but there are many happy Whiteflash customers on Pricescope. I have purchased from and returned items to James Allen and Brian Gavin, and both are easy vendors to work with.


Apr 15, 2024
@lovedogs Thanks for the input. Going with 0-0-0 and your input I will shop around other websites, just to see at least if I can find a significantly better deal. I do wish I had those light imaging colored images whiteflash has on james allen. 0-0-0 post was very interesting that they all had similar proportions but the one diamond definitely did sparkle more on just an eye test. Makes me very curious as to why. Probably a rabbit hole that would take yeaaars of experience.

If I can't find one significantly better though Idk if it's enough to make me make the switch.


Jul 31, 2014
What's your max budget?


Jul 30, 2010


Apr 15, 2024
@lovedogs and @0-0-0
Ok I'll seriously look at those suggestions when I get home. Just to be clear on the info you are giving me though I have quick question. You saying these diamonds are better cut than the one i picked because of what criteria? Is it purely because you can't know how good the light does in it because I don't have the ASET images for mine or is it because of the numbers on the angles/table/etc? So it's possible the one i have could be perfect but theres just no way to know bc no imaging? I read I can request the ASET Images from JA


Jul 30, 2010
Yes inconclusive without similar photo/video setup. Advanced images help narrow the gap between different photo/video setups.


Jul 31, 2014
Yes inconclusive without similar photo/video setup. Advanced images help narrow the gap between different photo/video setups.



Jul 31, 2014
@lovedogs and @0-0-0
Ok I'll seriously look at those suggestions when I get home. Just to be clear on the info you are giving me though I have quick question. You saying these diamonds are better cut than the one i picked because of what criteria? Is it purely because you can't know how good the light does in it because I don't have the ASET images for mine or is it because of the numbers on the angles/table/etc? So it's possible the one i have could be perfect but theres just no way to know bc no imaging? I read I can request the ASET Images from JA

for me it's also the principle of the matter. Why would you over pay for something with less info when you could pay less for something GUARANTEED to be best qualify with more info?


Feb 23, 2014
for me it's also the principle of the matter. Why would you over pay for something with less info when you could pay less for something GUARANTEED to be best qualify with more info?

If I were the girlfriend I'd be happy my boyfriend saved money and still got me something incredible, money saved can be spent on more fun things! Vacation, things for the wedding, a nicer ring setting, I mean the list goes on. I'm sure you both have things on a list you'd like to get/upgrade.


Dec 16, 2007
Your next steps are up to you and depend on your priorities for your time spent looking and how sure you want to be that the cut is as precise as you can find or whether you are happy with more precise than the vast majority of diamonds! You might also look at the settings that the companies offer and let that help inform your choice.


Dec 16, 2007
@lovedogs and @0-0-0
Ok I'll seriously look at those suggestions when I get home. Just to be clear on the info you are giving me though I have quick question. You saying these diamonds are better cut than the one i picked because of what criteria? Is it purely because you can't know how good the light does in it because I don't have the ASET images for mine or is it because of the numbers on the angles/table/etc? So it's possible the one i have could be perfect but theres just no way to know bc no imaging? I read I can request the ASET Images from JA

Whether you want to use these tools is up to you. Depends a little on whether it’s important to you to know the diamond is as precisely cut as you can find or whether you are happy with the steps you already took to find a well cut stone. You did a great job narrowing the field. You can likely find something a little more perfectly cut, a little less expensive, a little bigger… or what have you. Or stick with what you have. I don’t think there is a wrong choice per se. You did not choose a dog!


Apr 15, 2024
I requested the ASET images from James Allen. I will post them when they get to me.

I am going with solitaire for the ring. Because of her work she will only be able to wear the wedding band on the daily so I am planning on making that purchase with her input after we are engaged.

I appreciate everyones input. Y'all are very kind to offer so much help to a stranger. I did not expect this amount of generosity in helping me with this.

A new turn of events; Our trip to Greece I am proposing on just got pushed a week sooner tonight. We had decided we couldnt go an extra week because of her work but she was able to get off.
I say this to say our trip is now May 3rd so idk
If I'll have time to switch if these images don't look great. It may not turn out to be the best but I gave it a lot of effort and I feel good about it.
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Nov 17, 2009
I requested the ASET images from James Allen. I will post them when they get to me.

I am going with solitaire for the ring. Because of her work she will only be able to wear the wedding band on the daily so I am planning on making that purchase with her input after we are engaged.

I appreciate everyones input. Y'all are very kind to offer so much help to a stranger. I did not expect this amount of generosity in helping me with this.

A new turn of events; Our trip to Greece I am proposing on just got pushed a week sooner tonight. We had decided we couldnt go an extra week because of her work but she was able to get off.
I say this to say our trip is now May 3rd so idk
If I'll have time to switch if these images don't look great. It may not turn out to be the best but I gave it a lot of effort and I feel good about it.

A ring with so much thought and love invested in it and a proposal trip to Greece! She is one lucky lady!


Dec 16, 2007
Will you propose with a loose diamond then? Consider putting it in an inexpensive solitaire mount so she can wear it while you decide on its final home. It’s nice to wear the diamond right after getting engaged. James Allen is having a sale now and it looks like their least expensive mounting is $465, which seems a small investment so she can enjoy the diamond and savour being engaged on your trip. You can also insure the ring if you want, if it’s set, but not a loose stone.

EDIT sorry I misread your post and I see you do plan to set it and buy the wedding rings later together. Proceed as planned lol


Feb 5, 2024
Big Congrats!! Your trip to Greece sounds amazing!! Just a thought, my DH and I picked out my upgraded wedding band while on a trip to Venice, Italy. We were in San Marco Square and there were so many beautiful jewelry stores, and a Roberto Coin ring stole my heart. It paired with my engagement ring like it was always meant to be. We had them special make my ring to my size and my gold choice, then it was shipped to us back in the States. It's such a special memory every time I look at my rings. Maybe it'll be too soon, totally understandable, but it could also be kinda fun to start the wedding band hunt while sight seeing. You may stumble across something special even if you wait to order later.

Have a wonderful time, hope to see more pics, especially after the engagement!!


Apr 15, 2024
@Frenchieglitter That is such a great idea. I was thinking of proposing towards the end of the trip but it might be better to do it early??


Feb 5, 2024
Oh big decision!! I wouldn't want to be the reason you change your plans, but (assuming you can still achieve the special moment/place etc. that you may have in mind for the proposal) it sure would be a lot of fun to wear the ring and bask in being newly engaged during the some of the trip, maybe split the difference and go for mid-trip?? But again, you know your plans and your lovely lady, so follow your instincts. I could definitely see the topping off the end of an amazing vacation with the engagement as well, especially if you have a special place in mind that requires you to wait. I'm sure it'll be magical whatever you decide and you both will have that moment to always cherish. Really excited for you, can't wait to hear how it all goes, she's a lucky lady!!


Dec 16, 2007
Do it right away so you can both bask in the glow of engagement on your trip! So much better than waiting!
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