
Carat, Carat, Carat!


Dec 9, 2008
Pre-pricescope I wanted a 0.30ct princess.

Shortly after joining PS we got a 0.73ct pear three stone 1.09ctw (I think).

......Now I kinda want a 1.20ct pear in a three stone or a 1.20ct+ cushion or oval, but SHHHHHH, don't tell BF I'm already planning my upgrade.


Apr 21, 2010
Wow - I want to move to America, the land of huge bling.

Dancing Fire said:
i want a well cut G SI1 2.5ct RB.

DF, you could ask your wife if you could borrow hers?


Mar 14, 2009
Interesting topic!

Before PS I arbitraraly decided that 1ct was the way to go mostly due to diamond advertizing (1ct was marketed as the "perfect size" for a lady's hand). In my small town .25-.5 is about average with the occasional larger stones and smaller stones.

After coming to PS and looking at all the gorgeous bling here, I decided that at least a 1.5ct would be a fine substantial size for my hand as the biggest upgrade possible.

My financial realities lead me to get a .77 F VS2 AVC as the best option at this time (a nice balance of good color and clarity).
Which looks fairly substantial on my size 4 finger (where the stone sits is probably more like 3.75).

Honestly I'm still getting used to the size of the stone - at times it flops to the side a little (I think I need a wedding band to make it fit a little tighter). Sometimes I feel like the diamond is a bit too big and that I should have gone with something more dainty, or something smaller in a bezel.

I went to a wedding recently at a posh location in a larger town, and most of the ladies (owners of 2-3 million dollar houses) had smaller(.25-.5ct) diamond rings than mine and they all seemed so elegant in their delicacy. I even spoke to BF briely about maybe getting a smaller ring but he said "that ship has sailed". I was brought up in the "If you've got it, don't flaunt it" tradition so I actualy feel a bit weird having a "larger" diamond on my finger.

(Don't laugh, .77 is about 3x the size of my mother's ring and my sister thought at first that it was a 2ct stone)

I'm moving to "The Big City" in September, so I wonder if I'll feel differently about my ring when surrounded by different diamond sizes.


Feb 11, 2010
Originally I wanted at least a 1ct cause that is the norm around here I'd guess. As I started looking I wanted bigger 1.12-1.20. But in the end I finally decided on a 0.90 because it was a compromise of getting the GIA ex-ex-ex that I wanted that fit into our budget. Although I don't have it yet, I won't really notice the 0.10 difference between what I got and what I originally wanted. Still adjusting to the mind clean aspect of not being able to say "its a carat" but it's beautiful regardless.

So I guess I'm against the norm where PS caused me to get a smaller stone that was better cut than what I probably would have gotten before.


Dec 13, 2009
Well, in the area I live in, most married women have between a 0.5-0.75 carat solitaire. Most girls my age are getting bigger diamonds though, easily 0.75-1.5 carats. When I first started looking at rings I thought that a 0.75 solitaire would be perfect. I had seen one in person, though not on my hand, and I thought it just looked perfect. It wasn't too big and wasn't too small.

Then I found PS. Suddenly, everyone has huge diamonds! At first, it didn't really bother me. But, the more I looked at Ltlfirecracker's 1.14 F and Dreamer's 1.17 K and her 1.2 G, I really wanted something in that size range. They both have the same finger size as I do and I thought those sizes simply looked wonderful on their hands.

Of course, a 1.15 simply didn't fit in BF's original budget. So, with a little convincing, he has expanded his budget :devil: and it will probably expand just a little more ;-) .

But I'm sure whatever I get will be perfect! :halo:


May 28, 2010
PS actually made me readjust my budget closer up to where my FF would want to spend( edit= or rather thought it was normal to spend). I think his friends all spend WAY too much, to each their own but I wouldn't want that much money riding along with me everywhere, so I used to think some pretty sapphire ring from Angara would be more than enough (like 1,500). I'm glad I found pricescope because I know now I can get something fabulous from one of the popular gem cutters, and spend maybe 3k tops. Still a third of the budget that our friends have paid, but a lot nicer than what I was thinking before.


Jun 18, 2010
I am probably going to end up with something right around 2ct. I've always liked larger diamonds, so that's a good size for me. My friends all have pretty large rings, anywhere from 1.5-3ct (on of my friends has a 3 stone with a 2ct center with 1ct sides...that thing is massive!). I think I have only one friend with less than a 1ct, and that's just because she wanted it to be from Tiffany. These friends are all in CA- some in the Bay Area and others in San Diego. Now that I'm in NV, I don't see the big stones as often...but I'll be perfectly happy wearing mine :)

On the same note, if you want to get a good idea for local trends, go to a Costco. I've noticed that those Costcos in really nice/expensive areas have HUGE diamonds...whereas my local Costco here doesn't have much about 1ct. I've always found that interesting.
Mar 23, 2008
Before meeting FI- I always thought I would get a 2+ carat ;-)

When he got laid off... poof! We ended up with a .70 oec :)

When I inherited the 3.18 it seemed huge. If it wasn't sentimental to me (which it is, so I will never get rid of it)... I could easily see a 3.50-4ct RB on my finger (and upgrade the side stones which are .73 each to 1ct each) It's ok though. I have wide fingers :)


Dec 16, 2007
I always wanted a big diamond! Way before PS. I think that PS just helped me to give myself permission to get what I wanted :Up_to_something:


Dec 12, 2006
When I first got engaged in 1983, I wanted about .50, back then diamonds were VERY expensive, but I ended up with a very small band of rubies and diamonds and I do mean small, lol, then after we got married he bought me a very pretty sparkly .18 round, I wore it for years and then after awhile I decided the idea size would be a 1ct, well I got one finally, but is a princess cut so it faces up I think the perfect size would be 1.5 round...but I can't justify spending the money for it. ;(


May 27, 2010
O man I have changed my mind several times due to pricescope, similar websites and my FF and my dad. Originally I probably would have been happy with a 1 carat. Then my FF suggested a 2-2.5 and the more research I did on Pricescope I decided that I would be happy with that range. Then I saw a 3 carat diamond on here and was hooked. After visiting my local jeweler and seeing the HoF diamonds I have finally decided on a 2.055 HoF that looks like 2.25. To me the brilliance of the HoF was worth going from a 3 to a little over 2ct.


Apr 2, 2010
before PS: 1 to 1.5 center stone

after PS: 1 to 1.5 center stone surrounded by a million carats of Leon Mege sidestones and settings ;))


Feb 3, 2010
Well, before PS I wanted around a 1ct diamond but figured .50ct would be more realistic.

Now, after PS my dream size is 1.50ct but more realistically it will probably be around .50ct. PS didn't really help me in that department, now I'm even further from my dream ring! oh well :shock: :lol:

Just wanted to edit to say that I'm really fine with whatever size I get as long as it is well cut and sparkly! I'll love it forever just because he got it for me and what it represents :bigsmile:


Jan 7, 2010
Well, having lots of gemstones in the 2-3 ct range has warped by perception of diamond size. :rolleyes:

Expecting your diamonds to be the same size as your spinels; yeah right!!


Jun 28, 2010
Before PS I really didn't know anything about diamond prices and what a carat looked like, I still remember when my SO asked me what size carat I think would be good, and I seriously looked at him and said atleast 3 or 4 :D ! I took that as a cue to investigate diamonds and visited some maul stores to get a general idea of what size I liked. My finger size is 7.5 and decided that a .75 - 1 carat would be suitable.

Since joining I have come such a long way, found this site researching asscher cuts, but decided I didn't want one since they face up smaller and don't have the same sparkle effect as a RB. I think RB's are to typical though and all my married/engaged friends have one, which lead me to the OMC and OEC's :love: I'm currently in love with a 1.6 OMC at a local jeweller, I don't think I would consider anything under 1 carat after have that on my finger for half an hour in the store lol. I carry that size really well on my 7.5 finger, it's 1.6 carat but faces up closer to a 2 carat (7.85mm) because of the way it was cut.

Before PS - .75 - 1 carat
Now - 1.25 - Unlimited :naughty: !


Jun 30, 2010
I know what you mean about princesses (and most of the fancy shapes) facing up smaller than rounds, and I find it to be so frustrating! I really, truly love princesses. Rounds are my second favorite, and I think they are pretty, but nothing takes my breath away like a beautiful princess.

When I learned that rounds face up larger and sparkle more, and also when I learned that princesses are supposedly a big fad right now (I never knew this before - I thought that all of the shapes have been around for years and years, and I just seriously like the princesses the most), I tried to make myself really like them. They are very pretty, but I just can't make myself love them as much as I love princesses.


Nov 30, 2009
i was actually already engaged by the time i found PS, so can't comment on what i wanted before browsing the site.

but, the site definitely causes me to really understand DSS. sometimes my stone feels large, other times not so much. so odd!


Mar 13, 2004
Trekkie said:
Wow - I want to move to America, the land of huge bling.

Dancing Fire said:
i want a well cut G SI1 2.5ct RB.

DF, you could ask your wife if you could borrow hers?

Sorry thread highjack:

Trekkie: I thought I read somewhere that you were South African? Isn't that the land of the huge bling? At least that was the case back in the days when we lived there in the 80's-90, My mom got all her diamonds in South Africa due to "peer pressure". She wasn't even into diamonds that much, but married woman in my mom'd circle had a 1-2 carat rock.


Mar 13, 2004
Sorry another thread highjack...

For the Fancy Shape lovers...yes rounds do face up larger in most cases, but fancies are less expensive due to less demand, so if say you could afford a 1 carat round in a certain color, clarity, you'd probably be able to get a 1.25-1.4 in a fancy cut (depending on the shape of course) for the same price, so it all evens out!


Jun 25, 2010
jaysonsmom said:
Trekkie said:
Wow - I want to move to America, the land of huge bling.

Dancing Fire said:
i want a well cut G SI1 2.5ct RB.

DF, you could ask your wife if you could borrow hers?

Sorry thread highjack:

Trekkie: I thought I read somewhere that you were South African? Isn't that the land of the huge bling? At least that was the case back in the days when we lived there in the 80's-90, My mom got all her diamonds in South Africa due to "peer pressure". She wasn't even into diamonds that much, but married woman in my mom'd circle had a 1-2 carat rock.

Hi jaysonsmom. Sorry, I know you were speaking to Trekkie but I'm from South Africa and thought I'd chime in.

Diamonds are very expensive here! For example, I checked a few USA websites to compare prices with similar diamonds to what we eventually bought here (1.2ct pear) and I could've gotten a much bigger diamond (at least 0.5ct more) if we had bought it in America.

We mine the diamonds here but as far as I know they are then sent to other parts of the world to be cut. So by the time we get the cut diamonds here it costs us a fortune. Apparently, we don't have many decent diamond cutters around here. I could be wrong but that's how I understand the whole process.

By the way, a 1.2ct is considered huge around here. Most people generally only have 0.5ct, sometimes smaller. You occasionally see a 1ct or similar sized diamond here but not often.


Apr 21, 2010
Hey Jaysonsmom and Diamondbuggy!

Yes, I live in SA, but sadly, no bling where I live. Jaysonsmom, your family was in Pretoria, I believe? Lots of bling up north! (Btw, did you attend the International School or Crawford while you were here?)

I live in a tiny university town called Grahamstown. The closest I get to bling is the De Beers res - the De Beers company built it, placed a diamond in the foyer and called it decor.

Where are you based, Diamondbuggy?


May 16, 2006
Before DH and I started talking engagement (4 years ago), I didn't know what 1, 2, 3 carats looked like. I was in law school at the time and didn't have any friends who were engaged. But then a couple girls got engaged and I really loved the size of their rings (not knowing how many carats they were). I thought they looked spectacular and was the size that I could love forever and never wish to upgrade and also never envy anyone else with a bigger stone.

When we started ring shopping, I tried on stones that looked about the size of the ones I saw on my classmates and discovered it was about 2 carat. We both had a bit of a sticker shock that something so little can cost so much. But DH wound up getting a 2.03 carat round brilliant. I just love it. It is my ideal size and I wouldn't even want anything bigger. I have many colleagues now with larger stones. I admire them for their beauty but never wish I had anything other than my own.


Jun 25, 2010
Trekkie said:
Hey Jaysonsmom and Diamondbuggy!

Yes, I live in SA, but sadly, no bling where I live. Jaysonsmom, your family was in Pretoria, I believe? Lots of bling up north! (Btw, did you attend the International School or Crawford while you were here?)

I live in a tiny university town called Grahamstown. The closest I get to bling is the De Beers res - the De Beers company built it, placed a diamond in the foyer and called it decor.

Where are you based, Diamondbuggy?

Hi Trekkie!

I grew up in Jo'burg but I've been living in Pretoria for the past few years because I studied at the University of Pretoria. My BF is now busy with his articles here and I'm hoping we move back to Johannesburg when he's done (I'm a Jo'burg girl through and through! :D ).

I guess another reason I don't see lots of bling around here is because Pretoria is mostly students and old people. People in Jo'burg definitely have bigger diamonds but still nothing like PS standards!

I actually have family that live in Grahamstown. It's a small world!


Apr 21, 2010
Cool! I know Jo'burg quite well. Lived there when I was very young and worked there a few years ago. I love Jo'burg - great place to spot bling! Grahamstown has rather limited opportunities for that. Too many students and old people!
Nice meeting a fellow Saffa! Hope your stay on the LIW list is short but sweet!
Sorry for the threadjack, Mashira - it was just so exciting seeing another South African on the list!


Jun 25, 2010
Ja Trekkie, it's so cool seeing another South African on PS! I wonder how many others there are on here... :wacko:
And yes, Mashira, sorry for the threadjack. 8)


Mar 25, 2010
I always wanted 1 carat, I just loved how it looked on my hand. I ended up with a .79 carat RB and DSS sunk in right away.

I have a 1.0 carat RB now and DSS is also being a nuisance, but I'm keeping this one anyway. I have it being re-set by BGD right now and hopefully the setting I've picked will make it look big.

My dream ring would be 1.5-2ct, but that won't ever happen unless I win loto. My fiancee has zero interest in jewelry or diamonds so she would never understand me spending money on a bigger diamond when I have my kids' college accounts to be thinking about ;-)


May 2, 2008
For a long time, I had no idea what a 1 ct or 2 ct or 3 ct looked like IRL. They were just numbers to me at that point. Since 1 ct seemed to be a sort of "magic number," I remember being sort of underwhelmed when I saw a friend's new engagement ring in college and she told us it was a carat. Another friend remarked in an unrelated conversation that she wouldn't accept a marriage proposal unless the diamond was at least 3 carats. I remember thinking that was totally reasonable. Boy, did I need a reality check!

By the time I discovered PS, I wanted something in the neighborhood of 1.5 ct, with more being better, of course! I received my 2.12 ct EC not too long after I joined, and I love the size. I think it's just right for me, but PS has me convinced that I could go up to 4 or 5 carats, no problem. I don't really have any plans for upgrading 'cause I really like the ring I have, but I certainly wouldn't turn down a nice 4 ct Royal Asscher or EC if someone gave it to me.


May 20, 2008
PS honestly hasn't warped my perception. I have an heirloom stone from DH's family. When he was first telling me about it, he thought it was 5cts :o :o

Then his mom said she thought it was "only" 3cts :o

Turns out it's a 1.7ct OEC (though it faces up at 2cts, it's very shallow). I love the size, and am very proud to own it, but I honestly feel self-conscious about it sometimes so I definitely wouldn't want anything larger. When I'm not feeling self-conscious, I look down and think it's absolutely the perfect size and I adore it. I feel very lucky, since we're cheapskates and we wouldn't have purchased something this size whether we could afford it or not.

When I was assuming DH would buy the stone himself I was thinking 1ct and I think I would've been happy with 1ct. PS probably would've influenced me to want 1.5cts and I think that might be a happy medium for me. But I'll never know because I'm not giving up my OEC! ::)
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