
Leakage in Table?


May 15, 2024
Forgive me these are my first attempts on taking ideal scope photos.
There is a pinkish halo in the table, does that mean there is significant leakage under the table? And why are the arrows grey instead of black?

And is the digging and painting severe?



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Was it @0-0-0 who said that you need to judge the table in relation to the very center portion of the image? I think the back lighting has something to do with this, too.

I don’t think home grown ideal scope images show black necessarily.

@Garry H (Cut Nut) are you able to comment on these images? Since your trade, I know you may not be able to.

I think these look great, but I am a real newbie when it comes to ideal scope images.
Yes reading some more posts and I feel more like a newbie. Please help
Any thoughts on this?
Was it @0-0-0 who said that you need to judge the table in relation to the very center portion of the image? I think the back lighting has something to do with this, too.

I don’t think home grown ideal scope images show black necessarily.

@Garry H (Cut Nut) are you able to comment on these images? Since your trade, I know you may not be able to.

I think these look great, but I am a real newbie when it comes to ideal scope images.
The lightest part in the center becomes your reference for leakage, this compensates for different backlighting.
Grey arrows are usually light leakage at the top of the scope or an alignment issue.
You did a great job taking the pics and it passes the IS test with flying colors.
You did a great job taking the pics and it passes the IS test with flying colors.

Thank you!!
What do you think about the degree of digging/painting around the diamond?
What do you think about the degree of digging/painting around the diamond?
Did you suspect painting/digging from your ideal scope image or the 360 video? Or did somebody tell you there was painting/digging?

I’m asking because I didn’t suspect much from the images you gave. Just trying to educate my eye if I missed something.
Did you suspect painting/digging from your ideal scope image or the 360 video? Or did somebody tell you there was painting/digging?

I’m asking because I didn’t suspect much from the images you gave. Just trying to educate my eye if I missed something.

I just read a post about someone’s diamond and saw this image as a reply and thought it looked like my diamond.

I heard that serious digging and painting could lead to watery scintillation (not sure what that means either)?

I just read a post about someone’s diamond and saw this image as a reply and thought it looked like my diamond.

I heard that serious digging and painting could lead to watery scintillation (not sure what that means either)?


Whats funny is that pic totally misses the most significant cut issue and over states minor ones.
Your stone is fine.
Whats funny is that pic totally misses the most significant cut issue and over states minor ones.
Your stone is fine.

Thanks. I am curious as to what the significant cut issue is in the image above, is it pavilion twists?
So I put my diamond on a bright yellow clip and the yellow kind of shows through the diamond. Is this leakage, and would that mean I shouldn’t set this diamond on a yellow gold setting?



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Pavillion twist is another one of those concepts I still don't fully understand! Are the yellow arrows pointing to how we would see pavilion twist in this image?


Also, why do we not care? Hahaha ;)
You can see pavilion twist in images as differences in patterns between the arrows not explained by tilt or lighting.
The differences can be black in IS the majority of the time or lighter areas some times, or both.
Regular pics and spin videos are much harder to see small amounts.
Some common spin vids setups will give a false twist reading face up but you can rotate it slightly back and forth and see there is little to none.
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Yes to the yellow arrows.
The area at 3oclock has both black and light twist defects.
Very interesting! I get it now! Thank you!
I'd be reluctant to call twist from that photo. The resolution isn't good enough. To my eye, it looks fine in there.
I'd be reluctant to call twist from that photo. The resolution isn't good enough. To my eye, it looks fine in there.

I agree. If there is some its minor enough not to worry about unless its being billed as a top of the line H&A stone.
In that case it needs better images to prove that.

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