
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....


Nov 4, 2018
My husband and I have been seeing fertility specialists for 4 years, and no luck. I wanted to stop trying last year, but he pushes and pushes and guilts me into continuing. I'm so over the constant appointments, and injections. I've never wanted a child as badly as he does, and I know that if we have a kid, I will be doing the majority of the child-rearing. I'm just so over it all. Why would I want to have a kid at 45???? I'm ready to ****ing retire, not become a first time mother!


Apr 17, 2008
My body is just falling apart. My rheumatologist thinks I have psoriatic arthritis without the rash, and wants me to take Humira. I’m 50, but I feel 80.

My husband is working way too hard, and really long hours, and I’m worried about his health. And he works in a hospital, so I’m worried he’s going to get Covid.

And I’m so upset about the division of our country, and I’m afraid we will never be the United States of America again.


Apr 17, 2008
Oh, I know what I came here to say. I hate it when men tell me to smile. I once had a random man come up to me when I was at dinner with my family and he told me that he had been watching me and that I was much prettier when I smiled so I should do it more often. And then he walked away like he did a good deed. Like WTF.

That’s the one good thing about masks - no one knows that you are actually scowling at them:lol:


Sep 5, 2015
Due to the slipped disc @ L5S1, my lower back constantly gives me discomfort everyday, not a day has gone by w/o any discomfort, just different degree! Cervical & Thoracic spines do act up too! Sleeping & sitting are no longer an ultimate pleasure......Been seeing a private physiotherapist twice monthly (supposed to be weekly but due to cost.....) & the number of daily stretching & exercises are killing me too....
No one in the house seems to care about cooking & cleaning.....

I am totally disgusted by people wearing face masks under the nose, just because wearing is mandatory they wear to avoid getting fined. Truly angry especially seeing people in F&B do so.....


Oct 2, 2020
My dh and I will be isolating for Christmas & New Year’s.

Hundreds of millions of American COVIDIOTS will be partying.

Because of them my needed surgery will likely be postponed.

Or I’ll get the surgery and risk COVID and/or medical errors because of the chaos in our hospitals now.

Also, the politicians who made this crisis 100 times worse than it had to be will be the 1st to get the vaccine.

I am p*ssed off.


Aug 4, 2008
my grump today is CVS sticking there nose into my healthcare and calling and texting me.
My doctor wanted me to try a pill to see if I tolerated it because I could not tolerate another kind.
I could not tolerate taking it every day but can take it a couple times a week. Doc says that's fine for now.
Pharmacy texts both me and my wifey because I was behind on filling that prescription, I have a 6 month supply now I dont need more. Then they start calling the first one that called my wifey gave her the wrong medicine name one that I am not on and called right at dinner time.
Next one called my phone at dinner time, missed the call so called back 2 minutes later. Got a recording they were closed. They call again and I didn't have my phone with me because I wasn't expecting a call.
So I call back and im on hold 8 min and she says oh were calling about this med.
So I explain it and she says oh we will mark it not to call but you will still get the texts and have to call the cvs 800 number to stop texts.
This is the 4 or 5 time in the last 18 months this happned with different things.
The problem is the ladies that work there are very nice and sweet and I just dont have the heart to tell them off for calling and they can't stop the texts.


Jan 14, 2003
My sister and her family said they are coming to NY for the holidays. She is in Miami on holiday from London since August.
She text me last week and said she is planning on coming to NY from Dec 21st to Dec 30th. I said great.
Now she text me and said her plan is to come to my house and stay over with us and invite my parents and my brother and his family to our house.
Umm, I live in Delaware, not NY. What happened to her plan to go to NY. I’m nowhere near NY. She said she’s more comfortable in my house than my Mom’s.
I honestly don’t want everyone in my house. It’s bad enough due to Covid but I also don’t feel like entertaining, cooking or cleaning for a bunch of people. Also I will now have to get gifts for a lot more people than I intended. She doesn’t celebrate Christmas but I would feel bad having everyone’s kids at my house on Christmas without getting them gifts.
I just wanted to relax with my kids and husband for the holidays, plus I’m working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day nightshift. I can’t entertain when I’ll be so tired and sleepy.
Part 2 to come....


Oct 2, 2020
My sister and her family said they are coming to NY for the holidays. She is in Miami on holiday from London since August.
She text me last week and said she is planning on coming to NY from Dec 21st to Dec 30th. I said great.
Now she text me and said her plan is to come to my house and stay over with us and invite my parents and my brother and his family to our house.
Umm, I live in Delaware, not NY. What happened to her plan to go to NY. I’m nowhere near NY. She said she’s more comfortable in my house than my Mom’s.
I honestly don’t want everyone in my house. It’s bad enough due to Covid but I also don’t feel like entertaining, cooking or cleaning for a bunch of people. Also I will now have to get gifts for a lot more people than I intended. She doesn’t celebrate Christmas but I would feel bad having everyone’s kids at my house on Christmas without getting them gifts.
I just wanted to relax with my kids and husband for the holidays, plus I’m working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day nightshift. I can’t entertain when I’ll be so tired and sleepy.
Part 2 to come....

Sounds like a potential superspreader event to me.


Sep 1, 2009
I am so frustrated with DH only getting half the information. He did a bit of looking into something we want at the new house. Said he talked with a guy who can do X and Y for $25,000 or less at the size we are looking at. Oops. Actually, that is only for X and a smaller X than we were talking. The actual project is in the $60-80k range. Big difference. Plus, it doesn't work the way DH said it could be set up which means we also need to add a Z.

It doesn't matter what X, Y, and Z are because it happens every time I ask him to look into a project he is interested in. My general rule of thumb is to take his estimated cost for the project and triple it to get to realistic. I'm usually pretty close that way.

I'm also sick of being the bad guy who won't let him do whatever because I insist on making a plan before just jumping in and buying the stuff to get started. Yes, we have tried him having $$ to spend and me having $$ to spend but this is mostly stuff he seems "necessary to have for work" so shouldn't fall in that category and ought to come out of the joint expenses budget as a bill rather than a choice. (Which is just credible enough to be fair.) It isn't even the $$$ that is an issue (well, except the $60,000 difference in this project...). It is the complete lack of any planning ahead. So many details neglected that it is chaotic to finish and takes longer to complete plus additional $$ as each cable or bag of screw or whatever.jas to be shipped separately.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I’m lonely. I have my husband and son with me all of the time right now and I am grateful for that but I am lonely for friends. I don’t have many friends. To be honest, of the few friends I have, most of them have made me feel alienated during this pandemic or personally responsible for the depression I am experiencing. I’ve been told I should just go for a walk. Who knew that was the cure, but I’m going to let my psychiatrist know the next time I talk to he’s recommending ketamine treatments to me.

I’ve been depressed for too long. Five years. I’ve done TMS twice, tried a bunch of meds, been in therapy for years. My team of professionals tell me that I can’t work any harder. But I am a shell of myself. I worry I’m going to lose everything because no one wants to love a chronically depressed person for the rest of their lives.

Spring Day

Jun 21, 2020
I’m lonely. I have my husband and son with me all of the time right now and I am grateful for that but I am lonely for friends. I don’t have many friends. To be honest, of the few friends I have, most of them have made me feel alienated during this pandemic or personally responsible for the depression I am experiencing. I’ve been told I should just go for a walk. Who knew that was the cure, but I’m going to let my psychiatrist know the next time I talk to he’s recommending ketamine treatments to me.

I’ve been depressed for too long. Five years. I’ve done TMS twice, tried a bunch of meds, been in therapy for years. My team of professionals tell me that I can’t work any harder. But I am a shell of myself. I worry I’m going to lose everything because no one wants to love a chronically depressed person for the rest of their lives.

It really bothers me when people that have never experienced depression or any other kind of mental illness give advice. Who knew that taking a walk would cure everything! You mean you’ve been depressed this whole time but if only you had gone for a walk, all would be grand and chipper??? I once had a friend that I would confide in but promptly stopped when her advice for my depression was “maybe just try being happy.” Oh! Thank you so much! I should just do that then!


Mar 26, 2006
My sister and her family said they are coming to NY for the holidays. She is in Miami on holiday from London since August.
She text me last week and said she is planning on coming to NY from Dec 21st to Dec 30th. I said great.
Now she text me and said her plan is to come to my house and stay over with us and invite my parents and my brother and his family to our house.
Umm, I live in Delaware, not NY. What happened to her plan to go to NY. I’m nowhere near NY. She said she’s more comfortable in my house than my Mom’s.
I honestly don’t want everyone in my house. It’s bad enough due to Covid but I also don’t feel like entertaining, cooking or cleaning for a bunch of people. Also I will now have to get gifts for a lot more people than I intended. She doesn’t celebrate Christmas but I would feel bad having everyone’s kids at my house on Christmas without getting them gifts.
I just wanted to relax with my kids and husband for the holidays, plus I’m working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day nightshift. I can’t entertain when I’ll be so tired and sleepy.
Part 2 to come....

Sounds to me like... um... maybe you've been exposed to covid and can't have anyone outside your own current household come in contact with you for the next two weeks... cough cough.

Oh. And your phone is on the blink so you're not getting all your calls. For some reason it's not ringing and the calls are going straight to voicemail. And your texts are not showing up timely, but coming through in batches several hours later. Especially when you *should be working, but aren't, due to the covid exposure." Of course you will get this looked at... two weeks from now when you're in the clear.

Just sayin'.

Diagnosis and medical direction (including in this instance tech support) given by Dr. Dee. :mrgreen:


Jun 1, 2015
I’m angry because my husband and I caught Covid in spite of being so careful and following all of the social distancing rules etc. on top of that, I am still working remotely and work has been nuts. I am in quality and we have had 3 grueling audits in a row. I AM DONE!! I want to crawl up fetal style in a corner and never come out.


May 11, 2020
I'm a RN and currently I work in a clinic with elderly. I've had this looming feeling for a while that soon it'll be my turn to work in a Covid-19 ward. My friend from a different unit was told out of the blue on Friday that it was her turn to work with Covid-19 patients... I'm anxious and scared. And I'm tired of being anxious and scared.


Sep 1, 2009
This thread has me thinking about the world. I am so completely sick of having to be cheery and positive all the time. Sometimes I am just tired and frustrated. If I dare let my guard down to say that I am frustrated that this or that has come up at an already stressful time, I get told to either cheer up because no one like to hear someone complain or reminded that I have it much better than many and should just be grateful. So instead of dealing with that anymore, I am always told how I have such a positive attitude even in situations others would be upset. Great.

Thanks to shingles and the doctors (another rant for another day), I have left pain every time I go pee. What is worse is the severe spasm up the length of my spine and into my neck every time I poop. Really!?! (Shingles follow the L2 nerve so symptoms are similar to when I had herniated my disc and impinged sciatica.)


Jan 4, 2019
It’s too cold and wet right now. It gets dark super early too and the combo of all 3 means I can’t go out to my fave park to walk.

I gained 2 lbs. I previously lost almost 30 lbs cause my dr said I needed to before getting pregnant.

My dog and I would do 2-8 miles/ day (depending on the day) and now instead I have to watch what I eat. I’m not tall so I already can’t eat very many calories to maintain my weight. I rather walk 8 miles/ day.


Oct 2, 2020
I woke up and couldn’t resist going to TMZ. I found this story that completely enrages me:
These people should be denied access to hospitals if they contract COVID. And Kirk Cameron should serve a long prison sentence if contact tracing reveals the event causes deaths.

Last edited:


Mar 30, 2018
Life is so hard right now. A year ago my family (of origin) exploded. I wrote out a long synopsis, but I can’t bring myself to put it all out there. Even written vaguely there’s so much that would be identifying if anyone stumbled across it.

Short story shorter, I feel like I’m caught in the middle with my loving mom and sibling on one side and a sibling with cancer on the other side with a**hole stepdad.

2020 was set to be one of the hardest years on record before Covid. With the pandemic, comes complications impacting every situation making things so much harder.


Sep 10, 2003
I'm tired of willful stupidity, of the hateful voices of Limbaugh, Carlson, racists, neo nazis and their ilk, of conspiracy theories and lies, of humans who have embraced their dark/brutal/animalistic natures and revel in it.


Apr 17, 2008
This thread has me thinking about the world. I am so completely sick of having to be cheery and positive all the time. Sometimes I am just tired and frustrated. If I dare let my guard down to say that I am frustrated that this or that has come up at an already stressful time, I get told to either cheer up because no one like to hear someone complain or reminded that I have it much better than many and should just be grateful. So instead of dealing with that anymore, I am always told how I have such a positive attitude even in situations others would be upset. Great.

Thanks to shingles and the doctors (another rant for another day), I have left pain every time I go pee. What is worse is the severe spasm up the length of my spine and into my neck every time I poop. Really!?! (Shingles follow the L2 nerve so symptoms are similar to when I had herniated my disc and impinged sciatica.)

I’m so sorry. I had shingles too, and it is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced! I’ve passed several kidney stones, my daughter was born posterior w/o an epidural, and shingles was far worse. Just this morning I had a radio frequency ablation on 4 levels of my spine and it was a breeze compared to that dreaded disease. I too, had it across my bladder. OMG so painful. I sincerely hope that you are at the end and get some relief soon!!

Anyone over 50 who hasn’t had the vaccine, RUN to your pharmacy ASAP.


Jul 27, 2007
I'm tired of willful stupidity, of the hateful voices of Limbaugh, Carlson, racists, neo nazis and their ilk, of conspiracy theories and lies, of humans who have embraced their dark/brutal/animalistic natures and revel in it.



Jun 8, 2008
I’m so sorry. I had shingles too, and it is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced! I’ve passed several kidney stones, my daughter was born posterior w/o an epidural, and shingles was far worse. Just this morning I had a radio frequency ablation on 4 levels of my spine and it was a breeze compared to that dreaded disease. I too, had it across my bladder. OMG so painful. I sincerely hope that you are at the end and get some relief soon!!

Anyone over 50 who hasn’t had the vaccine, RUN to your pharmacy ASAP.

I have to say I think my episode with Shingles started a whole array of issues for me. No evidence and the doctors refute it but my gut says yes.


Jun 8, 2008

2020 has been to date the hardest year yet for us and 2019 was a B***h of a year so that's saying something. Greg will have had 5 surgeries over a 13 month period. Four of them during the Covid 19 pandemic.

We both have something weird happening and not sure if it is due to exposure to radiation but further investigation is necessary. Once Greg has his next (and please let it be his last surgery for a long while please) surgery to take care of thyroid cancer and possible hyperparathyroidism. Then I have to get evaluated. So crazy.

And everything requires a Covid test. Greg had three Covid tests in 9 days because of the doctor's policy before seeing patients. And then that doctor was exposed to Covid in his personal life so is now quarantining for 2 weeks. Cannot make this stuff up.

But we are with a new surgeon now who seems highly skilled and compassionate so that is great.

But omg please please please let this horrible year end on a good note and may 2021 be better for everyone.

In the meantime I am exhausted and Greg is exhausted and thanks for having this thread so we can vent and just get it out.



Jan 7, 2009
some moron left a brick in the bike path, which I hit, causing me to fly off the bike.
Maybe a few things messed up in my left hand- I'm a lefty.
It could have been worse.....but OUCHY!!!!!
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