
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....


Sep 10, 2003

1. Post no judgments or I shall delete the thread;

2. Post no cutesy uplifting well-intentioned memes or I shall delete the thread. This thread is specifically for folks to get all the dirt out of their systems without being subjected to trite expressions of how we shall overcome if only we love one another. Barf.

3. No armchair psychology or advice unless a poster specifically asks for it.
Current whine is that all of the bathrooms are closed. Okay, maybe not ALL, but the very few places I have been in the last couple of months have no restroom. I am two hours from our current home (sitting at the new house) and have been waiting for a solar designer for two hours. (He is on his way.)

I need a bathroom and don't have access to one. Contemplating just going in the yard. Of course the guy will show up as soon as I drop my pants....
My first one is that:

I've prepared meals for others for 48 years, more than 20 of which were daily dinners and most weekend meals. I'm tired of it. My DH's palate registers everything as either tasting like chicken or fish so I don't make much effort anymore preparing meals. Because of his clinic and hospital rounds schedule, he doesn't come home for dinner and I refused long ago to make 7 individual dinners for him. He gets a casserole each week.

Two weeks ago he bought 6 "hot and spicy" meal cookbooks. But he doesn't want them hot, only spicy. That's ok, but he'll eat only chicken and fish. The recipes are geared toward normal eaters. My DH eats enough each meal to feed 4 people. Adapting recipes to a casserole under those circumstances is challenging.

My 2nd whine is that I'm tired of life maintenance. This started happening 2 yrs ago. I found myself getting angry and resentful of doing laundry, cleaning, shopping, cooking and, in general, tired of looking after others. Maybe this is a normal evolution that comes with getting older. Maybe I'm just capitulating all of my power to my inner bitch.
Current whine is that all of the bathrooms are closed. Okay, maybe not ALL, but the very few places I have been in the last couple of months have no restroom. I am two hours from our current home (sitting at the new house) and have been waiting for a solar designer for two hours. (He is on his way.)

I need a bathroom and don't have access to one. Contemplating just going in the yard. Of course the guy will show up as soon as I drop my pants....

Boo hiss the woolworths bladder :x2 - i have one too
its all very well being allowed out for a walk during lockdown but no blinkin' good if one needs a wee
Gary's grown up kids came to visit last weekend
We had planned to go get dish and chips for lunch and eat it by the mole (river mouth)
It was a windy day and Meanie didn't want to
these people have no sence of adventure.
It was such a small thing but we rearly eat takeaways any more and i was really looking forward to it
dont visit us at 10am if your not staying for lunch
We were starving by 2pm when they left

Marriage is a huge struggle for me. My DH doesn't cook, shop or clean. I have been taken for granted for decades and I resent his dependence on me.

Current whine is that all of the bathrooms are closed.

Lack of flush toilets and TP is in the top 5 reasons why I wouldn't want to survive an apocalypse. Had to use leaves during hikes in the Amazon jungle. Forgetting to check for fire ants and a zillion other critters that want to do harm to sensitive flesh was essential but not always possible in emergencies, LOL, and ick.
My first one is that:

I've prepared meals for others for 48 years, more than 20 of which were daily dinners and most weekend meals. I'm tired of it. My DH's palate registers everything as either tasting like chicken or fish so I don't make much effort anymore preparing meals. Because of his clinic and hospital rounds schedule, he doesn't come home for dinner and I refused long ago to make 7 individual dinners for him. He gets a casserole each week.

Two weeks ago he bought 6 "hot and spicy" meal cookbooks. But he doesn't want them hot, only spicy. That's ok, but he'll eat only chicken and fish. The recipes are geared toward normal eaters. My DH eats enough each meal to feed 4 people. Adapting recipes to a casserole under those circumstances is challenging.

My 2nd whine is that I'm tired of life maintenance. This started happening 2 yrs ago. I found myself getting angry and resentful of doing laundry, cleaning, shopping, cooking and, in general, tired of looking after others. Maybe this is a normal evolution that comes with getting older. Maybe I'm just capitulating all of my power to my inner bitch.

Ummm.. yep. 100% to all of this. I'm sick of cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, rearranging the dishes in the dishwasher so they get clean, putting the dishes left on the counter or sink in said dishwasher that is right next to the sink and counter, picking up after anyone else, picking up after myself, making decisions about what to eat for someone who says they will anything but really won't (and he knows and good naturedly admits he's a jerk, lol) brushing my teeth, washing my hair, I could go on and on.. hehehe .. I chalk it up to age. Familiarity breeds contempt. Also, sick of people who don't wear a face mask properly.. referred to as mask rage
I know Gary is unwell and can't see good but im sick of the housework
All the housework
And his nit picking about it

he is such a fussy eatter and he gets bored with the same things
Im just sick of cooking.
Its really hard on a budget to make things interesting and nutritious and i think im doing ok
but i feel very unappreciated
The question - What's for dinner??????? In a house of four humans with two almost grown adults yet no one has any ideas and only wants it to magically appear. Yet when you say, dinner is such & such... Oh I don't want that. Feed yo damn self then

This morning I wrote on our glass wall calendar what the menu is for today. Lunch and dinner. If you object, call grubhub!
This is SUCH a small thing, but my family is doing secret santa again this year, so instead of getting smallish presents for everyone you have a larger budget for one person. Someone suggested that we increase the (already sizeable) budget by $50, and we all agreed. My husband told me that the person who suggested the increased amount is the one who got my name, and the gifts they purchased for me are about $100 under the budget. I've been irritated since I found out, but am hoping to be over it by Christmas.
To one and all, I recommend Zoo Doo. It is bags of mixed crap from various exotic zoo animals, and you can have it shipped to anyone, anywhere in the world!

Please don't delete the thread! I know it's advice but I promise that my intentions are not good!
I have become one with my recliner and electric blanket. I was supposed to do this at 80 years old, not 46.

Also, I just had to use a calculator to remember my age.
Current frustrations all have to do with healthcare.
I’ve only been caring for others for 18 years and can’t imagine how I’ll feel at scares me! I could have written every word of all of the meal type posts. If I never had to plan, shop, cook and clean up again, it would be too soon! Especially when the whole fam is rarely enthusiastic about what appears on the table. I can usually please half of my “guests”, lol
I'm paranoid that I look old and ugly because I'm very stressed about my son's big exam next year. My face looks old!!! I need to stop stressing because it's probably making me look older!!!!!

On that note I think I'm too focussed on my kid and really need to get a life. Actually I can't work out if I'm too obsessed with him because I have nothing better to do or because this is just my current life phase and once this exam is over I'll have some semblance of peace until the next big exam.
It is hard being fat. I have been everything from super fit to mildly overweight but never this bad, like I actually qualify for unemployment due to my weight. Talk about embarrassing!

The thing is when I lost weight before I didn’t have any issues so although it wasn’t easy, it was doable. Now I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot as well as a hip problem on my left side so it’s a lot harder to move enough to make any progress. Also I have no motivation, apart from being less aerodynamic in the bedroomthis really doesn’t bother me enough to do anything about it.

Not working doesn’t help because now that the kids are fully remote I sit with our youngest all day to do Zoom meetings and assignments. Sitting plus food plus more sitting...ugh! It’s just a big pain being fat and letting yourself get to this point where you feel like you will never dig yourself out of the hole you’ve created.

1. Post no judgments or I shall delete the thread;

2. Post no cutesy uplifting well-intentioned memes or I shall delete the thread. This thread is specifically for folks to get all the dirt out of their systems without being subjected to trite expressions of how we shall overcome if only we love one another. Barf.

3. No armchair psychology or advice unless a poster specifically asks for it.

Hahaha!! I came here to whine but after opening the thread and reading your rules it gave me a great chuckle! Love it! I especially enjoyed the part where you said barf to how we shall overcome if we only love one another! Hahah! Oh man. Good good.
Oh, I know what I came here to say. I hate it when men tell me to smile. I once had a random man come up to me when I was at dinner with my family and he told me that he had been watching me and that I was much prettier when I smiled so I should do it more often. And then he walked away like he did a good deed. Like WTF.
To one and all, I recommend Zoo Doo. It is bags of mixed crap from various exotic zoo animals, and you can have it shipped to anyone, anywhere in the world!

Please don't delete the thread! I know it's advice but I promise that my intentions are not good!
We have that here too !p18443enz-3-large-8761a994.jpg

If anyone needs something smaller and smellier (of carnivore origin) our kitty Borris is more than happy to provide you with a small paper bag full of goodies - just don't forget the match when you go to deliver it !
Oh, I know what I came here to say. I hate it when men tell me to smile. I once had a random man come up to me when I was at dinner with my family and he told me that he had been watching me and that I was much prettier when I smiled so I should do it more often. And then he walked away like he did a good deed. Like WTF.
Serously WTF ???? slapthe-relationship-men-women-harrassment-260nw-1055277776.jpg
Oh, I know what I came here to say. I hate it when men tell me to smile. I once had a random man come up to me when I was at dinner with my family and he told me that he had been watching me and that I was much prettier when I smiled so I should do it more often. And then he walked away like he did a good deed. Like WTF.

I used to get this all the time, too. You shoulda smacked that idiot for saying that to you. Like @Daisys and Diamonds said!!
1) I hate anything that's not my idea. Seriously.

2) My body is falling apart the more I age. My skin is dry, my eye is red, my ears ring all the time. My hands look like ugly wrinkled claws. My earlobes are limp and my new pearl earrings sag if I don't use jumbo earring backs. My eyes are rebelling against me, as I need reader glasses for EVERYTHING

3) I hate TV. Almost all the shows are idiotic. Thank goodness for PBS.

4) I'm super tired of coming up with dinner ideas. DH can cook, but chooses not to.

5) I really despise rap music. And the stupid young boys who blast it from their cars so loud that it vibrates the pavement at the red light.
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Sh#t a f#*#ing brick :x2
Im making chillie for tea and i forgot the tomatoes
Now ive added them its become soup
its like 400 degreee outside today
not soup weather
my G*d - there better be no bl##dy complaining at the dinner table tonight !
*My migraines have been a big challenge for me these past months, and I hate that every morning I wake up wondering if I will have another migraine that will make my day miserable. Why can't there be a freaking cure for this that doesn't involve medicine with side effects that make it almost worse than the migraine???

*Also... I'm so beyond fed up with aggressive drivers on the road that make it downright dangerous for the rest of us.

*My male cat that likes to stand up and pee in the litter box making a mess! I have a huge plastic bin that they use, and fortunately the side of it is two inches taller than his top peeing record... but seriously, the side of the box has to be wiped down almost daily with Nature's Miracle.

This is all pretty stupid because life could be so much worse, but thanks so letting me vent!
And why doesn't plastic wrap cling anymore???
I recently read that the manufacturers removed an ingredient that was toxic when burned. And this has reduced the clinginess.
I keep buying it, and I am repeatedly annoyed.

And the hole in the toilet paper roll has gotten bigger. And the roll is shorter. It bounces all around on the spindle.
We consumers are getting screwed left and right.
OK, I'm back! How could I resist a thread like this?!

I have sooooo many things I'd like to bitch about, but I'm going to try to be civil. That was not part of the rules, but I think for the safety of all involved I'll impose it upon myself (until this second big glass of wine kicks in anyway).

My weight is at an all time high. My patience is at an all time low.

If someone were to make even a quasi-decent offer I'd sell TR's children into white slavery without a moment's hesitation. I'd take even less than a quasi-decent offer for TR himself.

My lemon of a three year old Lexus tried to kill me for the third time, so I drove straight from the dealer (please bend over and give us $1,986 because you are now 2,000 miles out of warranty) and traded it for a 2021 Audi SUV that I think is ugly.

Last week I missed out on a 4.39 ct UNOILED emerald at an amazing price because I decided to think about it overnight and it was sold to a wholesaler in Austria. To be clear, I need a big emerald like I need a third t!t... but still...

Oh -- and while I was on hiatus I turned 50. So now on top of everything else I feel OLD.

So there!
