
LIW Bootcamp

Date: 6/18/2009 11:09:26 AM
Author: Lekde
So, last night was a good night!! I walked 2.5 miles at work (lunch time) and then after dinner, which was a grilled pork chop and salad with a tbsp of greek dressing, we took the dog for a 2 mile walk. When we got home, FF and the dog went in, I continued on up the hill - jogging! Man, it felt great!

I want to make an appt with a trainer at the gym we just joined so I can un-flab myself. I need to focus on my hips, thighs, and arms - they are my WORST areas. But, I am afraid that if I weight lift too much, I will look like a football player (like I did in high school and college - for swimming).

For bfast this AM I had a toasted english muffin and 2 cups of coffee (no sugar). I had a few frosted mini wheats and have a peach and a 1/2 tbsp PB on an english muffin. If it EVER STOPS RAINING I will go for another 2.5mile walk. Dinner is still in the air.

ETA: and I have been drinking a lot of water, but I think I need to drink more. How much is a really good happy medium? Right now each day I''m doing about 5-7 big glasses...maybe 16oz''ers. Should I be drinking more?
Lekde: One of my friends is a personal trainer, and she trained me for a few months and I still work out with her sometimes, if you want to lift weights and not look bulky, then make sure you do a lower weight, and more reps. The guys that get huge, put on a ton of weight, and only lift the bar or weight like 5 times. So if you do a much lower weight, and do 15-20 reps or something like that...and three sets of it, it will help tone you up and define your muscles rather than making you look like a body builder :)

Also, as far as the water goes, I think the recommended water intake is around 64 oz a day. So thats like 2 nalgene bottle''s worth, if you have the big nalgene bottle. Otherwise, about 4 of the 16.9 oz water bottles. So if you are drinking more, then way to go!!
I guess I should *officially* join this thread since I''m commenting on everything.

Like I said:

Current Weight: 159
Goal Weight: No less than 150

Losing about 5 pounds would be a good weight for me, but no lower than 150, or I start to lose curves and look too thin. I''m mostly looking to tone and be healthier.

I''m dropping the soda, and upping the water and green tea. Trying to balance my diet and keep under 1500 calories. I have cardio kickboxing once a week, and am trying to do moderate exercising 2-3x/week.

Ever since I started on my vitamin d supplements, I''ve had a reduce appetite, so that''s helped SIGNIFICANTLY!
Date: 6/18/2009 12:32:32 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Date: 6/18/2009 12:30:00 PM

Author: LabRatPhD

Hi ladies! I would love to join this! Jessie, thanks for starting this thread!

Grad school has really been making me unhealthy lately. In the last few months, I have put on about 10 lbs because I haven''t been eating right or exercising. I was spending 10-12 hours a day in the lab and believe me, the last thing I wanted to do when I would make it home was work out! My eating has been very inconsistent too, mostly due to having to be working because of my experiments. Now that I am on a more 10-6 schedule, I really want to start working out and eating right again. I barely fit into any of my pants/skirts anymore and it''s been really frustrating when trying to get dressed because nothing fits!

Current weight: 110 lbs

Goal: between 100-105 lbs.

I know my goal seems low, but I have been between 100-105 all of my adult life. I have a very very small frame (size 2.5 finger!) so I know my ideal weight is around 100 lbs. I have never been anywhere near 110 lbs until now. I just feel really heavy and it makes me feel disgusting! Even SO has made comments that he is worried about my newly acquired unhealthy habits.

On Tuesday, I started working out with a personal trainer (thanks to my sweet SO!). I am still so sore today! I have another training session this evening that I am dreading, but I know I need to go to. I have also started keeping a food log for my trainer so it is making me more conscious about what I am eating. My goal is to do cardio on the weekdays that I am not working out with the trainer and take the weekends off. Hopefully I can get back on track very soon!

Wow, you are teeny-tiny woman! Lucky!

You obviously know a healthy weight for you. Good luck getting back on track!

Hehe, yeah. I have very thin fingers, wrists, ankles, and feet. It''s been frustrating most of the time because I can''t really ever just buy and wear bracelets or rings. I guess I get my frame from my dad. He is 6 ft tall but very thin/lanky. Unfortunately, when I put on weight, it seems to all go to my stomach/hips. I''m sportin a well-endowed muffin-top these days
Thanks for the support!
Does anyone know of a good way to bump up the energy levels in the afternoon that does not involve caffeine? I am trying to cut out my afternoon coffee but it is so hard for me to get anything done if I don''t drink it. If I do drink it, I have a hard time sleeping at night, which in turn makes me so tired the next day (and makes me not want to go to the gym!)
Date: 6/18/2009 1:08:01 PM
Author: LabRatPhD
Does anyone know of a good way to bump up the energy levels in the afternoon that does not involve caffeine? I am trying to cut out my afternoon coffee but it is so hard for me to get anything done if I don''t drink it. If I do drink it, I have a hard time sleeping at night, which in turn makes me so tired the next day (and makes me not want to go to the gym!)

Honestly, I listen to high energy music late in the afternoon. If I go all day at work without listening to music, but then put in my headphones for the last couple hours at work (and jam to some old school NSYNC, Britney, etc) then I feel like I have a lot more energy and desire to keep moving.

If I''m getting really drowsy at the end of the day and I''m getting a headache, I pop an Excedrin. There''s enough caffeine to wake me up without keeping me awake all night or making me jittery. I''d love to hear anybody else''s opinions on this too!

Maybe eating Almonds? At least that''s what the marketing department at Emerald Nuts would have us believe.
Sorry i havent been able to drop in today yet, but its been super busy at i wont need to workout busy!

Welcome aboard to all the new ladies....this will be super exciting to all of us.

No i havent officially posted a weigh in day for the week, so...lets make it Wedensday. I only say this, because its the middle of the week, so its not a frantic, and its not the weekend and wont cut into plans.

I have heard Almonds are great. Very filling and good for engery and protein.

Pluck- i hope you eat some food tonight for dinner. Not very good to know eat. According tot he doctors, you should have 4 to 5 small meals a day!

Lekde-Super job yesturday. Trainers are super scary. I just check on getting one.....they are a bit pricey too.Hmmmm maybe a new trade for me after weight loss?

Welcome aboard Travel can get to that size 4...i believe in you

Just like i believe in all of you ladies.

So i have been kind of bad today....i had a slimfast for breakfast and a bottle of water. Thats it, not really hungry, but i guess ill eat a early dinner when i get home. Im sipping on my slushie!

Lets finish off day 2 ladies....and have a great day 3 tommorow. Just so you know, i will not be posting on saturday...its my one day with bf but ill be back on sunday.
o did we get this stickied???
Date: 6/18/2009 3:13:31 PM
Author: Jessie702
o did we get this stickied???
Just hit the "Message Admins" button on the screen above the photo gallery on the upper right side. Next to "New Topic." Ask them if they could make it a sticky.
Date: 6/18/2009 1:08:01 PM
Author: LabRatPhD
Does anyone know of a good way to bump up the energy levels in the afternoon that does not involve caffeine? I am trying to cut out my afternoon coffee but it is so hard for me to get anything done if I don''t drink it. If I do drink it, I have a hard time sleeping at night, which in turn makes me so tired the next day (and makes me not want to go to the gym!)

B-12 supplements give me a major energy boost, and they boost metabolism. all without caffeine

i take the sublingual dots and they taste like cherries

and every time i type that to someone i think about schnozberries tasting like schnozberries.

today was good, although i didn''t get my lunchtime walk in. i had to run to the library and send an email. so far 2 slimfast shakes, 34 oz of water with appropriate orangey fiber amounts, a nectarine and 2/3rds of my supplements. supper will be spaghetti with garlic bread, more water, and the rest o my pills (who knew making sure i get all my vitamins would make me look like a junkie).

pedometer says 6531 steps so far today. i guess pulling the bin o spuds and then loading spud bags onto carts might have made up for that walk. i''ll shred again tonight if my muscles will let me

and on the plain water topic, i used to hate it, then my first summer job was on an assembly line and all we could have with us on the line in the windowless, ac-less box was water, so i started getting that lovely fruit2O stuff, but once it got hotter my thirst outweighed my dislike of the plain water i could get from the fountain to refill my bottles and i''ve been drinking the plain stuff ever since, except for my fiber supplements nowadays.
Good evening ladies!! Whew! What a day!! Busy busy busy! I am a special Ed teacher and my kids had their final exam in math today, yikes it was hard...however the trident peppermint gum I chewed today really kept me on track. I''m not much of a gum chewer, but I''ll tell ya it was sooo good and kept its flavor for the full 3 hours of the test! I believe it also cubed my appetite, which is good because I had to take my mom to birthday lunch this afternoon. Overall I stayed on plan and because I went to the city (I live in New York, grew up in Manhattan and moved in with BF in burbs), I walked all over, even in this CRAZY rain!! Also, I went to Tiffany''s with mom, she picked out a b''day gift and I got a graduation present
!!! **sigh** don''t care how much I pay for the blue box, I love it! Anyway that’s about it for me! Have a fantastic night all!!

Date: 6/18/2009 1:08:01 PM
Author: LabRatPhD
Does anyone know of a good way to bump up the energy levels in the afternoon that does not involve caffeine? I am trying to cut out my afternoon coffee but it is so hard for me to get anything done if I don''t drink it. If I do drink it, I have a hard time sleeping at night, which in turn makes me so tired the next day (and makes me not want to go to the gym!)

Maybe a light protein snack? Or you could try switching to green tea, much lighter and really healthy too.
Not really getting engaged soon, but I have definitely let myself go some since I''ve been in college. BF has an internship in California for the summer, so the next time I''ll be seeing him is in August! While I am not really doing this for him as much as I am for me, I would like to accomplish my goal by the end of August so that I can give myself a rough time=line to work with.

I am:
126.5 lbs
I''m not too heavy, but I am
pretty dang soft.

My goal is to:
Banish/diminish love handles.
Work up a little bit of muscle tone,
feel nice in a bathing suit.
Get to around 119-120 pounds.

I''ve been working out/drinking green tea/watching what I eat a little bit, but I am definitely going to ramp up my efforts now! I am so happy this thread was made.

Related news: I don''t really have cellulite, but I have been using "L''Oreal Sublime Slim, Anti-Cellulite + Skin Sculpting, Body Firming Gel for the Day" for about a week and I have seriously seen a very noticeable decrease in my love handles!! My skin feels a lot tighter and my muffin top is the is the smallest I think I have ever seen it! I really didn''t even think it would work, but it was on sale at the drug store and I tossed it into my cart and thought why not. I did a little research into it, and there''s this stuff that''s similar (but more expensive) at Sephora called "Fat Girl Slim" and I saw that they had a "massager" for $22 that was suggested to use to rub in the cream. Being a poor and inventive college student, I''ve been using an old hair brush to rub in the gel and I think its working out just fine. Not sure if I need to keep using it to keep the results.

Good luck ladies!!
LabRatPhD- Apples. Apples wake you better than coffee-I used to work at Starbucks, and I learned from a doctor that came in there that apples work just as well or better than coffee- but she was allergic, so coffee for her it was!

Kind of a crummy diet day, me and the FF are sick so we layed in bed till work and had free steak and a brownie for dinner

BUT! no fast food yet, which is still part of my goal, and I''ve been drinking WAY tons of water (which I had fallen out of the habit before- I still drank water, but not as much)

Here''s a tip-- if you want to know if you''re drinking enough water in a day, your pee should be clear (theatre tip)
might sound weird, but it''s true!
Morning, all.

Had a solid day yesterday - drank a ridiculous amount of water - I think I had 6-16 oz bottles! Had a disciplined eating day - stuck to my regular weekday diet (I pretty much have the same thing every day - boring, but I actually like it):

Special K Bar
Lo-fat yogurt smoothie
100-calorie pack of craisins

2 pcs lo-fat string cheese

Half of a turkey sandwich (wheat bread/mustard/turkey)
Baggie full of raw baby carrots and grape tomatoes
100-calorie pack of cookies

So during the day, I am usually around 800 calories or so, leaving me some flexibility for dinner.

My dinner was pretty random - I had leftover pork tenderloin - it was probably about two servings, just eyeballing it. And then I had about two servings of some trail mix for dessert - I need to check the calorie content on that to make sure I am not overdoing it.

I had planned to go to bed early so I could get up early to go for a walk, but for whatever reason, I couldn''t fall asleep until after midnight, so there was no way I was getting out of bed at 5 to work out. Thankfully, BF and I have a lot of work to do on the house, so I''ll have some heavy lifting to do and will be active tonight. Then tomorrow, I will be spending about three hours packing and cleaning the apartment I''m moving out of, so... again, I should get a decent amount of activity in.

Goal for the day is to NOT visit the vending machine to supplement my lunch if I get hungry today.

Have a great day!
good morning!
so my plan yesterday changed some, i ended up with a cheese quesidilla, chips and salsa, and half a piece of colby for supper. tonight will be spaghetti

no shred either, i ate and then crashed. second night in a row i''ve fallen asleep on the phone with M, at least he thinks i''m cute

today''s plan:

breakfast: shake and nectarine
lunch: spinach salad
dinner: spaghetti and garlic bread!
snacks: possibly another nectarine and my fibrous water

exercise wise: swim for at least 2 hours today, possibly 4, walk around downtown some if i get down there today, stretching will be in the form of attempting to get dresses back over my shoulders later today.
Good morning LsIW! Yesterday was a good eating day for me, slacked on the cardio some, but I was super busy cause I''m packing up for my vacation! I won''t be able to post until around the 1st of July, I''m going out to Tennessee on a houseboat trip for a week with FF''s whoooole family. Aunts, uncles, cousins......... I''m the only person thats not related yet :-P so as you can imagine, I''m somewhat nervous!! I''m sure it''ll be awesome though, and at least I''ll get a break from work.

I will miss all you ladies, and reading your successes from day to day. Keep up the good work and I will post again as soon as I get back!!!
Squirrly - I am impressed that you swim for TWO HOURS. I tried to get into swimming last year and just couldn''t do it. And I swear, after about 20 minutes, I was just exhausted.

Question - "shred" - what is that? I''ve heard people say that before and have no idea what they are talking about.
Date: 6/19/2009 11:04:31 AM
Author: CurlySue
Squirrly - I am impressed that you swim for TWO HOURS. I tried to get into swimming last year and just couldn''t do it. And I swear, after about 20 minutes, I was just exhausted.

Question - ''shred'' - what is that? I''ve heard people say that before and have no idea what they are talking about.
Are you sure you want to know?

Only the strong survive.
elle- that is a wonderful description! except the cop-out girl does make me mad.

curly- thanks
the way i get around it is if i start to tire out i grab onto the wall and kick, my arms tire out way before my legs ever do!

and shred is jillian michaels'' 30 day shred video/torture (your pick
it''s good!
Good afternoon Ladies... Im glad to see so many are doing well. Its nice to know there are others who are trying to be healthy!

lil-its okat to hvae a bad day every once in awhile. Its not gonna ruin your week. If you dont have a bad day every now and than you will get burnt out, and give up. So its okay, just get back on the horse today!

CurlySue- its okay, i didnt work out yesturday either, BUT, i did do like 10 flights of stairs at work, so i guess that makes up for it.

Squirry- I see you love the protien shakes, i have never been a fan, can you tell me your secrets to make it good, i would like to start! O and have a good swim.

Pluck- have a great vacation and have fun! Maybe you will get your ring during it.

So today has been just okay. I had a small cup of coffe and a low-fat coffe cake. See, on fridays i have a weekly meeting with my boss and he brings breakfast. So because of the coffe cake, ill have a peach for lunch and than probably a salad with some meat for dinner. I didnt do too bad yesturday. 2 slm-fast, a thing of yogurt, and than left over rice,beans and chicken, and about 3 small cupcakes.....hey! they were 280 calories for all of them, and i have a sweet tooth

Lets have a great weekend Ladies, by upping the water, watching what we eat and trying to be active. Ill see you all on Sunday and remeber Wensday is are weigh-in day....if others are okay with it.
Cheers to a good day! (The FF and I are bringing my younger sister [and future MOH]) to 6 flags, but we''re packing our own food to bring and leave in the car, and when we''re there all we''ll drink is water from the fountains.

Hope all the ladies have a great day!
wow, I don''t think I even logged in yesterday, I was very busy...

6:45 - 4:15 work (including travel, 30 mins both ways)
-down time- cleaned the kitchen and put away some laundry
6:15 - 7:30 fit camp (what a work out, and I ran a 8:23 min mile!) (did this on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I''m feeling a bit sore from the intense workout three days in a row...)

Dinner when I got home,

Wii, mini golf with parents and BF after dinner...

went to bed at 10...

My eating was good except for the chocolate I ate while playing mini golf at my parents house... i feel as though I can eat the chocolate because my workout was super good, burned 730 calories in 75 mins...

Congrats to everyone who has done so good with their healthy choices, and exercise programs

My plan for exercise today is run around the block (about 2 miles) and tomorrow I plan on spending a lot of time yard sale"ing", so a lot of walking around... :) Have a good day!!!
i think i burned more calories in the time i spent trying on dresses than i did swimming!
definitely starving right now, can''t wait for that spaghetti

oh and jesse, get vanilla soy powder, use milk instead of water and blend in with ice, fruit of your choice, and vanilla extract if necessary. that should be sufficiently sweet, if not there''s always splenda!
i''m pretty lucky that i''m able to force myself to like things i suppose. if i decide it''s good for me and necessary to my goal it becomes yummy
mind over tummy i suppose.
sheesh! What a LONG day!! just got home from a full day with the kiddies. joy. Had a very on-plan day today, speaking weight watchers wise. Stuck to my points and even had a soft pretzel at the baseball game (i love weight watchers! and baseball!!). so tired! hope you all had a great day ladies, off to bed!

Happy weekend Ladies. Mine ended way too soon! So i did okay. Actually tum tum was kind of sick. So friday night i had half a bunless burger and the boyfreind and i went out for drinks so i ended up dancing off of all my calories for the day. Than sautrday we slept in, than we went out for lunch at a buffet, and i had salas soup and 2 slices of pizza. Than watermelon for desert, i didnt even go to the desert station. For my exercise we went to lowes and checked out and pivked out patio funirture, our first pieece of funiture together! But we ended up walking around lowes a couple of times waiting on his friend to come get the funiture. Than on the way home we passed a yard sale, and had to stop because i saw a fish tank and we need one for our turtle and she is getting big. So not only did i walk around lowes, but i walked around the yard sale, and than moved everything in to the house. Than for dinner, we went to cici''s pizza, and i had a huge salad and like two slices of pizza. So i did good.

For today, its slim-fast, and than steaks for dinner. Yum, lets have a good week this week. Cant wait to hear about weigh-ins and how we do!
Woo! Lost 2.8 pounds this week!! wow! I have been so true to weight watchers and its really working for me!! Can''t wait to see where this new lifestyle takes me! Thanks for that support ladies!

Congrats on the 2.8 Lbs this week. Its always great when you can see the weightloss in front of you. It makes you want to stick to it! Have a good week this week and keep up the good work
A suggestion for an afternoon pick me up : get some sun :) Standing outside for 5-10 minutes when it's sunny just does wonders for waking me up! (Just don't forget the sunblock).

I thought I should join this thread
Height 5'4
Weight: 132
Goal weight: 129
Measurements: 34-26-37
Goal measurements: 34-26-35 ('s mostly my booty)

I know 129 is a weird number, it's because I'm trying to get back to what I weighed when I had my reception dress made (which is currently too snug on me). Hehe.

I used to jog 3 miles in 30 minutes everyday, but since I'm back to being a student, I don't have the time or energy lately. I still go to the gym and get in 25 minutes of cardio, and do 20 of strength when I can, but my endurance has gone
and my schedule is not as regular.

But, my last exam for this year is tomorrow, so after that I'm getting back to training mode! Wish me luck!

If I have to, I'll go buy spanx to fit into my reception dress, but I'd rather just get back into shape!
Hello, ladies. Just checking in after a busy weekend.

I can''t say I ate particularly well (went to a bbq where we had delicious pork tacos and a few too many margaritas), but I definitely didn''t eat horribly either. Even if I ate fattening food, I kept my servings pretty small. I did get a lot of activity in - I spent four hours packing and cleaning my apartment on Saturday (I am moving this Saturday), and then yesterday, I moved cabinets and did tons of cleaning in the kitchen (we are preparing for some renovations). So I am actually sore today from all the lifting, bending, and scrubbing!

We are unfortunately now without a sink, due to the renovations, so it will be a little rough to eat healthful dinners for the next few weeks.

Ditto to the suggestion by MakingtheGrade on getting sunshine for a pick me up. Even five minutes does wonders for me!

Hope everyone''s weeks are off to a good start!
Good Afternoon was your weekend? Any rings this weekend?

Curlysue-thats not too bad, espically with the packing. Gotta love having exercise like that

I have not done too bad today, i had a slim-fast, and i had a thing of oatmeal for lunch. Not that hungry today, so ill probably have a very light dinner. As far as working out goes, i think its gonna be a cardio day, maybe a nice walk around the neighborhood.

Well cant wait to here from all of you, i like when we get good updates