
The Zircon thread

Would you try a spess Autumn? Orange and untreated!

Oh yes, spess is the king of orange gems in my book! So I guess that would make yours the emperor? :lol: I do actually have a spess already, so I was hoping to add another untreated orange to my collection. Actually, you mentioning zircon in your thread sort of gave me the idea. I do have an unheated imperial topaz, which might have to do the trick. I've found that the nicer shades of orange sapphire tend to be heated (and/or diffused), so that one is out.

3ct. spess (but a wee babe compared to yours!)

6.19ct. imperial topaz
Hey guys - Is orange zircon always heated or does it occur naturally as well? I wanted to add zircon to my collection, and thought the orange might be a nice option. But I don't typically buy treated gems. TIA!

It can be both. I've had Mandarin color Zircon from very reliable sources that was unheated by man, though it was heated in the ground naturally.

The thing with heated Zircon treatment is it is undetectable by a lab and since there is no fancy man enhancements to it other than light heating. In a way it is just turning another natural color when heated as the coloring agents are already in the stone.

True Mandarin color orange Zircon is harder to come by than green Zircon, only color that is more rare is true purple.
It can be both. I've had Mandarin color Zircon from very reliable sources that was unheated by man, though it was heated in the ground naturally.

The thing with heated Zircon treatment is it is undetectable by a lab and since there is no fancy man enhancements to it other than light heating. In a way it is just turning another natural color when heated as the coloring agents are already in the stone.

True Mandarin color orange Zircon is harder to come by than green Zircon, only color that is more rare is true purple.

I appreciate the insight, fred. 1f91d (2).jpg
Zircon tends to be brittle and have facet abrasion, so yes, I will be careful. I do not plan on wearing it very often. It’s a rare shade of zircon and I want it to last. It’s made it billions of years thus far, so I hope it has further longevity, lol!

Of course be careful course zircon is brittle and it would be a shame if this beautiful gem would be damaged. But you love your love your jewelry so no doubt you will be careful.
It doesn't take much heat to heat a zircon. About 20 years ago I got some brown zircons from Nigeria. These were kind of a root beer color. Not much to look at. One day I put one on a coffee cut hot plate I used to use to warm my transfer fixture, and the zircon turned a fantastic bright orange. I was thrilled until about 15 minutes after it cooled it went back to brown. I tried heating them at all different temperatures but the bright orange always drifted back. A little warmer, and they would go very light almost colorless.
It doesn't take much heat to heat a zircon. About 20 years ago I got some brown zircons from Nigeria. These were kind of a root beer color. Not much to look at. One day I put one on a coffee cut hot plate I used to use to warm my transfer fixture, and the zircon turned a fantastic bright orange. I was thrilled until about 15 minutes after it cooled it went back to brown. I tried heating them at all different temperatures but the bright orange always drifted back. A little warmer, and they would go very light almost colorless.

I wonder how they stabilize the heated color. Do you think they use radiation like with topaz? Or perhaps they heat it at a low temp but for longer. :think:
I wonder how they stabilize the heated color. Do you think they use radiation like with topaz? Or perhaps they heat it at a low temp but for longer. :think:

It depends on the location. The very dark red zircons from East Africa, lighten nicely with heat, and don't drift. I find that the honey brown zircons from Tanzania will often heat to a very nice yellow and stay that way, others from Tanzania will drift back a bit, but still stay yellow. The brown zircons I had from Nigeria were the first that totally went back to brown. There are some zircons from Nigeria that are being heated that go blue, but no close to the nice blue of the Cambodia zircons, which also start out as a brown stone.
A guy I know who sells Cambodia blue zircon told me that some cookers there are doing more than just heating. I can't remember what he said, but I think he indicated that it wasn't permanent and they color would drift over time.
It depends on the location. The very dark red zircons from East Africa, lighten nicely with heat, and don't drift. I find that the honey brown zircons from Tanzania will often heat to a very nice yellow and stay that way, others from Tanzania will drift back a bit, but still stay yellow. The brown zircons I had from Nigeria were the first that totally went back to brown. There are some zircons from Nigeria that are being heated that go blue, but no close to the nice blue of the Cambodia zircons, which also start out as a brown stone.
A guy I know who sells Cambodia blue zircon told me that some cookers there are doing more than just heating. I can't remember what he said, but I think he indicated that it wasn't permanent and they color would drift over time.

Wow... interesting. This post reminds me that there is still so much I don't know about treatments. :read:
I just ordered this from Litnon. 7+ carats, 10mm. Just thought it looked sparkly and fun and "only" $500 so decided to take a chance. I have no idea what I'm doing though. I hope it doesn't look like a mess in real life lol. All thoughts are welcome, positive, negative or other! :)

I just ordered this from Litnon. 7+ carats, 10mm. Just thought it looked sparkly and fun and "only" $500 so decided to take a chance. I have no idea what I'm doing though. I hope it doesn't look like a mess in real life lol. All thoughts are welcome, positive, negative or other! :)


Beautiful cut! Might have some zoning but I am a fan of this color. The lighter color zircons are sparkle bombs! Please post when you get it :)
I just ordered this from Litnon. 7+ carats, 10mm. Just thought it looked sparkly and fun and "only" $500 so decided to take a chance. I have no idea what I'm doing though. I hope it doesn't look like a mess in real life lol. All thoughts are welcome, positive, negative or other! :)


I think this is so pretty. I don't know anything about zircons but this reminds me of the shimmering sea on a hot summer's day. Love it
I just ordered this from Litnon. 7+ carats, 10mm. Just thought it looked sparkly and fun and "only" $500 so decided to take a chance. I have no idea what I'm doing though. I hope it doesn't look like a mess in real life lol. All thoughts are welcome, positive, negative or other! :)


Good for you!

No color zoning in this stone. Relections of light and the camera with skin touching parts of the pavilion, make it look color zoned.

I'm sure this will look good in person.
I just ordered this from Litnon. 7+ carats, 10mm. Just thought it looked sparkly and fun and "only" $500 so decided to take a chance. I have no idea what I'm doing though. I hope it doesn't look like a mess in real life lol. All thoughts are welcome, positive, negative or other! :)


I love the chunky faceting a whole lot. I can't wait to see it in hand.
I just ordered this from Litnon. 7+ carats, 10mm. Just thought it looked sparkly and fun and "only" $500 so decided to take a chance. I have no idea what I'm doing though. I hope it doesn't look like a mess in real life lol. All thoughts are welcome, positive, negative or other! :)


I think it’s beautiful, and I love the chunky facets like an old mine cut Diamond. Good price!!
I love it! Who made the setting? I bought a silver cz setting plated with rose gold, and just replaced the existing stones with these. The stones were inexpensive, so I didn’t opt for gold. Thanks!
So very pretty!!!!! Can't wait to see you set it!!!