
Your opinion on best value freshwater pearls (The Pearl Source/Pearl Paradise/Pearls of Joy/ Pure Pearls)

Seeking Advice

Nov 24, 2023
Hello, I want to buy a strand of white freshwater pearls, for my gf, probably together with earrings. Can you recommend what would be the best value offering? I'm looking to buy from EU or buy from US and import to EU. She's in her late twenties, I want it to make a nice gift that she could appreciate for the rest of her life. I want to spend around 600 EUR.

I keep looking at images, and see how Freshadamas are head and shoulders above other types of AAAA/Top Gem offerings from other companies. However, when I look at the price, it's also higher than others. 8.5-9.0 mm 18 Inch necklace is like 880 EUR which is above my budget and it's even without earrings. I could consider it but then buy earrings at a later stage.

Alternatively, if looking at freshadamas 7.5-8.0 mm necklace is 400 EUR, and then I could pick up 10-11mm Freshadamas (or AAA) Stud earrings for another 390 EUR. It's also a bit over my budget but the discounts are tempting. I am just worried that 7.5-8.0 mm necklace is going to be too small. I am also looking at offerings from Pearl Source/Pearls of Joy/ Pure Pearls or just get AAA from Pearl Paradise, however, I am afraid that they won't be as impressive as the Freshadamas. What are your opinions?

What would be some considerations to think about? I just want some experienced people who know better and can advice a guy who doesn't know much. She appreciates the size of the pearls and she already has some fake pearl earrings that are 12mm size that are nice but she really likes pearls and I she would appreciate real pearls. She dones't have any expensive jewelry.

Also, when ordering what kind of comment I should leave? Like please match the earrings, or please find the most creamy necklace (not sure what it means).


Oct 3, 2013
If you want the earrings to match, then please yes, aim to get them at the time.

(and yes, I have had emails saying ' that necklace I bought two years ago, can I get the earrings to match now :twirl:)

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
there is nothing wrong with smaller pearls
yes we all love and want the big ones, but the smaller ones are lovely too
i think this is just the most lovely gift that will be useful for a lifetime
good luck shopping


Sep 28, 2020
This is so sweet of you!!

Unless your girlfriend is tall or has a larger frame, 7.5 - 8.0 mm or 8.0 - 8.5 mm sounds like the perfect size.

When I bought a Freshadama strand from Pearl Paradise about a decade ago, I was very happy with it. I specified creamy-rose overtones because I was into the vintage look then.

Check out Ocean Rhyme on Etsy. She has a sale going on right now. She may have some larger Edison/Freshwater pearl studs available and they'll definitely be less than 390 EUR.

You might also wish to consider the Tahitian studs that Ocean Rhyme carries because those come in the larger sizes that you are looking for, and in the right color for your girlfriend's skin tone, Tahitians can look very elegant and striking. (Also runs less than 390 EUR).


Jul 7, 2013
I have purchased gem quality CFWP from The Pearl Outlet (TPO), Pearl of Joy (POJ) and Pearl Paradise (PP).

The ones from POJ and PP were branded generics, however, POJ only offers "gem quality" now and not "Gem Fresh" which was the name of their branded generics.

PP have their own Freshadamas, of course.

I would recommend PP not just for their products, but also their customer services.

Jeremy did a big favour for me when I needed it most, hand-picked a couple strands of Freshies for a double strand, turned around a custom order in no time, and arranged for the finished necklace to be delivered so that I could go to FedEx's depot to collect in person, in time for a very important funeral, GREAT JOB and I am forever grateful for his help and kindness.

I had visited their shop and bought more items in 2016 when I was in LA, including double strand of smaller Freshies etc...

PP would be my go-to pearl vendor for gem-quality CFWPs for certain due to my long and good dealings with them.

DK :))
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