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I don''t think anyone''s ganging up on you, but after a decade of online message board experience, an overwhelming # of people who agree with something certainly can *feel* like you''re ganged up on. I didn''t even read any other responses before I posted mine. I thought it was out of place to ask but not "rude" ness. so I just left my thougths on that out. I still think for one bouquet and 10 other flower thingies you''re paying way way way too much. Even if that amount is for every flower in two different venues, I think its too much LOL But what do I know about flowers?Date: 6/15/2007 5:30:33 PM
Author: MustangFan
Wow okay, I guess I''m in the wrong.. I don''t really appreciate everyone ganging up on me, I don''t think that''s fair, espeically since it was my FI''s idea to ask them and I was trying to figure out a way of doing it nicely. Never once in his life did he ask for his parents help, paid for his own new bicycle at age 10, paid for his first car, they never had to pay for college, and he helped his parents out by buying their house when they wanted to get out for full market value, he gave them extra because it''s his parents!!! and he just wanted them to give a little more ti return the favor which I don''t think is really rude, it''s just asking.
thank you gypsy LOL No one else mentioned it and I started thinking 3k for flowers was typical nowadays and I thought woah, crazy. I had daisies. I think it cost $50 and we had daisies coming out our ears LOL And they lasted a month at home in the arrangements my aunt made LOLDate: 6/15/2007 6:38:46 PM
Author: Gypsy
I agree with surfgirl, that you need to work the other way around.. budget first then vendors etc.
With regard to the above. Your flower budget seems to be someplace where you can cut back. Do you mind if I ask what exactly it is you are getting for that money. And maybe we can help you cut a few hundred down from that?
Also your invitations might be another place we can help you find lower cost alternatives. Why don''t you post what you have found, and at what price (how many guests) and we''ll see if we can silm things down for you.
If your FI wants more money from his parents, you stay entirely out of it. Don''t even be in the same vicinity when he approaches them. Leave it all up to him, how he asks, what he says. This is his family, his idea, and his responsibility as a result. Don''t get involved. And make sure your FI doesn''t mention you in anyway shape or form.
Date: 6/15/2007 4:28:05 PM
A&M (FI Parents)
Church Fee, Officiant fee, site rental, music etc. church programs $950
Half of reception Approx $2650
Bride''s Bouquet and Brides Maids, Corsage $450
Invitations and Thanks You cards $350
Half of Rehearsal Dinner $500
Approx: $4,900.00
S&M (Me and FI)
Cake Topper
Gifts for attendants
Approx: $5,000.00
S&W (My parents)
W Dress, Veil and Shoes and alterations
Half of Reception cost The
Music & DJ
Candles, pictures, card place holders etc.
Half of rehearsal Dinner
Video Camera
Approx Total:
Date: 6/16/2007 12:49:53 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
thank you gypsy LOL No one else mentioned it and I started thinking 3k for flowers was typical nowadays and I thought woah, crazy. I had daisies. I think it cost $50 and we had daisies coming out our ears LOL And they lasted a month at home in the arrangements my aunt made LOLDate: 6/15/2007 6:38:46 PM
Author: Gypsy
I agree with surfgirl, that you need to work the other way around.. budget first then vendors etc.
With regard to the above. Your flower budget seems to be someplace where you can cut back. Do you mind if I ask what exactly it is you are getting for that money. And maybe we can help you cut a few hundred down from that?
Also your invitations might be another place we can help you find lower cost alternatives. Why don''t you post what you have found, and at what price (how many guests) and we''ll see if we can silm things down for you.
If your FI wants more money from his parents, you stay entirely out of it. Don''t even be in the same vicinity when he approaches them. Leave it all up to him, how he asks, what he says. This is his family, his idea, and his responsibility as a result. Don''t get involved. And make sure your FI doesn''t mention you in anyway shape or form.
haha, so did firegoddess, Finding_Neverland, bee* and surfgirl (and others in passing). We're all Jan Bradys on these boards 80% of the time!!Date: 6/16/2007 1:42:03 PM
Author: luckystar112
I mentioned the flowers! Why do I feel like Jan Brady? lol.
Date: 6/15/2007 6:38:46 PM
Author: Gypsy
I agree with surfgirl, that you need to work the other way around.. budget first then vendors etc.
Date: 6/15/2007 8:04:22 PM
Author: luckystar112
Hi guys!
I''ll admit...I thought you guys were ganging up on her too. I just think things can be said in a way that leaves no room for misinterpretation. For instance, ''Hi Mustang. I don''t know if it''s a good idea for you to bring it up to your FMIL at all. If she can only contribute $3000, you might embaress her by asking for more, not to mention she might think you guys are rude for implying $3000 isn''t enough.'' See...YOU don''t think she''s rude...her MOTHER IN LAW might though!
Anyway Mustang,
If I were you I would have a meeting with all future in-laws where you guys just casually discuss the wedding without pointing fingers at who isn''t contributing enough. I think that I would just show both families what you''re hoping to achieve and ask for their help in making it happen...even if some things are DIY. I do think that if your FI''s parents have the extra money they are being kind of stingy considering all that your FI has done for them.I guess that''s life.![]()
I can believe some of the costs! Bride bouquet and bm''s corsages.....$2650....ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? I really hope that isn''t the average or I''ll be taking dandelions down the aisle. I bet you can do those yourself with the right instructions! And you''re going to spend $5000 on attendant gifts....is that normal? What are you getting them, new washer/dryer sets? lol.![]()
Maybe you can skimp on the DJ too and just use an Ipod and pay a teenager $100 bux or something.
Can you borrow a video camera from someone? Or rent one?
lol thank you!! yes this is what I meantDate: 6/16/2007 12:58:27 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
So maybe this is how it works???:
A&M (FI Parents)
$950 Church Fee, Officiant fee, site rental, music etc. church programs
$2650 Half of reception Approx
$450 Bride’s Bouquet and Bride’s Maids, Corsage
$350 Invitations and Thanks You cards
$500 Half of Rehearsal Dinner
TOTAL: $4,900.00
Date: 6/17/2007 10:31:27 AM
Author: MustangFan
My floral budget is no way $2650! lol I''m not an impractical person. Somehow the prices got misalligned, sorry about that---disregard
For me and my bride''s maids and crosages for everyone around $500? I don''t really care about flowers, but FI doesn''t think it''s something to worry about the night before either, to save $200 it''s not worth the aggervation. We will be paying $75 per head and that''s the cheapest I can find for a nice place and good food. THIS IS NEW JERSEY AFTER ALL, so I''m not really being unreasonable with that and we are not inviting 200+ just 75 people and that''s it!! Which works out to be $5350 that is the brunt of the cost and the photographer, I don''t really want to sacrifice on that since this will be are memories and $2500 is pretty average anyway for THIS AREA.
Unfortunately NJ is one of those states where is very hard to live and everything is on credit.
I have to DITTO neatfreak's entire post. And door knob solitaire's (but her posts are way too long to quote!)...Mustang, you've simply got to get off this "this is what it costs in NJ" trip and come back to reality. Nobody wants to be told they cant do it their way for their wedding but you also cant go into debt for a wedding. Well, you CAN, but it's not a very smart way to start a marriage, IMO. We are all trying to help you to realize that your expectations and wants are not in line with your real life budget - and this is reinforced by the fact that you cannot afford this wedding you're already planning. Heck, you cant even afford a honeymoon. And you seem to have unrealistic expectations on what people are going to "give you" just because you're getting married. I wanted to do a honeymoon registry but I'm not going to because I think it will offend the older folks who dont "get it." So I would never assume my hmoon will be covered by a hmoon registry. Nor would I assume that "oh well, people will either give us money on the hmoon registry or they'll give us cash." Cash? Seriously? I don't know a lot of folks who give cash unless they are immediate family. I just think you need to stop planning, look at your budget, and adjust your expectations from there. You've gotten some great advice here that's been echoed many times - draft a list of priorities and start taking off what you dont absolutely need. Yes, you might have to change your venue. Yes, you might have to change the food you're offering at the meal, and you might have to go with less expensive options on other aspects. But nobody said you HAVE to have a $25k wedding if you cannot afford it. And based on what you've told us, you cannot afford what you are planning. I grew up in NJ and it's no more expensive than SoCal. Weddings are expensive no matter where you are. You have to do the best you can within your own budget.Date: 6/17/2007 10:53:04 AM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 6/17/2007 10:31:27 AM
Author: MustangFan
My floral budget is no way $2650! lol I'm not an impractical person. Somehow the prices got misalligned, sorry about that---disregard
For me and my bride's maids and crosages for everyone around $500? I don't really care about flowers, but FI doesn't think it's something to worry about the night before either, to save $200 it's not worth the aggervation. We will be paying $75 per head and that's the cheapest I can find for a nice place and good food. THIS IS NEW JERSEY AFTER ALL, so I'm not really being unreasonable with that and we are not inviting 200+ just 75 people and that's it!! Which works out to be $5350 that is the brunt of the cost and the photographer, I don't really want to sacrifice on that since this will be are memories and $2500 is pretty average anyway for THIS AREA.
Unfortunately NJ is one of those states where is very hard to live and everything is on credit.
While I understand that NJ is an expensive area, believe me you do not need to spend $16,000 on a wedding to have an elegant affair. We're having our wedding in San Francisco, another crazily expensive area, for 45 people for less than $5,000. Granted this does not include our rings or my dress, but it includes EVERYTHING else. We're doing an outside ceremony, lunch, and even rented a cable car for 3 hours.
Trust me, it can be done for less, even for 75 people in NJ. All we're trying to tell you here is that it isn't really fair (unless you're paying) to set the budget for your inlaws. Really, you should figure out how much $ you have, then find a location, etc. that can fall within that budget. That's it.
Date: 6/17/2007 1:44:02 PM
Author: rainbowtrout
OK, I might have missed something...
It isn't that she is doing the honeymoon thing specifically bc she cant afford a honeymoon, she just wants to do a honeymoon registery. Which isn't necessarily saying 'I can't afford a honeymoon,' it's saying 'this would be a gift I would love if you care to give it to me.'
Is 'expecting' guests to pay for a honeymoon more or less rude than 'expecting' them to pay for your sheets and china and silverware? I just don't see how a honeymoon registery is different from a regular one.
And she isn't going into debt for the wedding, she's only paying 5k? Only thing I saw maybe going into debt was the honeymoon. That, I wouldn't do myself, but as you like...
I thought I read the whole thread, maybe I missed a post?
Date: 6/17/2007 1:44:02 PM
Author: rainbowtrout
And she isn't going into debt for the wedding, she's only paying 5k? Only thing I saw maybe going into debt was the honeymoon. That, I wouldn't do myself, but as you like...
Date: 6/17/2007 1:03:51 PM
Author: Maisie
MustangFan - I won''t comment on what has been said before but I have to agree with one point you made. Don''t scrimp on your photographer. We made that mistake and we don''t have any nice wedding photos at all. Its so sad. The day flies by so quickly that you only have your photos to help you remember.![]()