On 8/13/2004 5:25:32 PM Rank Amateur wrote:
By those numbers, the poorest 20% received a 22% tax cut. Not bad for a group who hardly pays any taxes to begin with.
On 8/16/2004 3:32:51 AM chris-uk04 wrote:
The next night the richest man didn't show up for dinner, so now the nine men sat down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something very important. They were $52 short!
And that, boys, girls and college professors, is how America's tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up at the table any more. $ $ $
On 8/16/2004 11:29:10 AM kkeen15 wrote:
I think its a great one too, Chris.----------------
On 8/12/2004 11:39:26 AM Rank Amateur wrote:
These two won't evoke much laughter, but take a look at:
On 8/17/2004 12:37:57 AM Rank Amateur wrote:
If you owe $0 dollars in federal tax because of your low income you still need to fill out a tax return.
Because you can get free money. You get the Earned Income Tax Credit!! Perhaps the most mis-named program the Feds have ever devised, it is neither earned income nor a tax refund. It is simply additional welfare $$. Try to calculate the tax cut on THAT.
Is this a great country or what? ----------------
On 8/17/2004 3:47:06 AM chris-uk04 wrote:
I know Navy guys and there is nothing they would like more than to see a fellow officer running for President, unless there was something very wrong about him. Although one or two could be partisan, there is no way that so many of his fellow officers would speak out against Kerry solely on the basis of partisan politics.
There's no way partisanship is responsible for this smear campaign? Sorry, but that's totally naive.
From an article in the Toronto Star:
The smear campaign began in March. After Kerry wrapped up the Democratic nomination, a Texas-based group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth formed to challenge his account of his service and his later anti-war pronouncements.
Supposedly non-partisan, it later emerged that the group was, in fact, funded mainly by millionaire Houston developer Bob R. Perry, the biggest Republican party donor in Texas and a long-time friend of Bush political director Karl Rove, whom critics regard as the administration's Machiavelli.
A second initial funder was lawyer and author John O'Neill, who replaced Kerry as commander of the swift boat and a Republican Party activist since the Nixon administration.
... on Aug. 5, it began airing a TV ad that calls Kerry a liar and a coward. A parade of 13 Swift Boat Veterans — none of whom served on Kerry's boat and in direct contradiction to the recollections of those who did [say disparaging things about Kerry]
Reading this article in its entirety, I am dumbstruck at how low the Republican campaign is stooping. Sen. John McCain (Rep) has denounced the ad and rightly so, imo.
On 8/17/2004 6:30:04 PM Maria D wrote:
--------------There's no way partisanship is responsible for this smear campaign? Sorry, but that's totally naive.
What I was saying is that. I really can’t see that the vast majority of Kerry’s colleagues attacking him if Kerry is the war hero he says he is, solely on the grounds that he is running with the Democratic party (as opposed to the Republican party: this is what I meant by partisanship). Almost all of the men in the Armed Forces that I know have honor and character and I doubt that so many Navy officers would slander a fellow officer solely on the fact that he is running with the Democratic party. Not to mention, most real heroes are a bit more modest about their heroics. Of course, if Kerry was truly the man he would fully open his records.
He is running on a 4 months stint as a LT jg over 30 years ago. He wasn’t exactly Eisenhower, who’s experience as a top general would be relevant to a president. Now, normally, general veteran status shows character, but Kerry eliminated that through his bravado.
I don’t rubber stamp a lot of things Bush does, but Kerry seems so spineless that I can’t respect him as a man or a leader.
On 8/19/2004 9:37:08 AM Maria D wrote:
Chris-UK, ..... Just take a look at www.georgewbush.com and you will be struck by how the content is predominantly anti-Kerry rather than telling us why we should be pro-Bush. Perhaps you see those kind of tactics as 'having a spine' but I don't.
On 8/21/2004 4:08:09 PM flowergurl wrote:
I'm voting for who ever has the wife with the bigger diamond. ----------------
On 8/22/2004 11:37:30 PM Rank Amateur wrote:
Or is it just anybody but Bush? Just admit it if it is.
On 8/25/2004 8:39:58 AM AGBF wrote:
This quotation was cited as coming from, 'The Wall Street Journal':
'In any case, anyone who spends five minutes reading the Swift Boat Veterans' book ('Unfit for Command') will quickly realize that their attack has nothing to do with Mr. Bush. This is all about Mr. Kerry and what the veterans believe was his blood libel against their service when he told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the spring of 1971 that all American soldiers had committed war crimes as a matter of official policy.
On 8/25/2004 8:39:58 AM AGBF wrote:
This quotation was cited as coming from, 'The Wall Street Journal':
.... Where was the threat to the US? Vietnam simply wanted to unify under Ho Chi Minh. Even President Eisenhower said (I believe in 1954) that if a popular election were to be held that Ho Chi Minh would have been elected President.
I question why Kerry served in it at all more than anything else. What on earth has this country come to when a Democrat has to flaunt his war service in a disgusting war like the war in Vietnam in order to persuade the American people that they shouldn't re-elect the most stupid and conservative Republican ever to sit in the Oval Office?
The Democrats should stop acting as if Vietnam was some sacred mission on the part of the US and just admit that Kerry made a mistake by joining up, but that he was young and hadn't yet seen the reality of the war.....