
#JOTW 6+ ct Antique EC with FC Baguettes - Kama’s 10yr Anni Upgrade!

@kama_s LOVE your fabulous ring! It is amazing! When you found it from the second dealer, was the price even more? I am so glad you were able to find your perfect stone. The “one that got away” is something that can drive you crazy for years. What serendipity that you were able to make that stone your own. It looks beautiful on you, the perfect size on your hand.

Unfortunately I paid around 10% more for the stone. One of the reasons why I turned it down initially was because it was double my upgrade budget. And I ended up paying even more to get it back - that was an expensive mistake, but it makes for a lovely story and I now know for certain that this is my HG stone. I’m not sure if I would have necessarily felt the same way had I got the stone the first time around, I think at the back of my mind I would have always wondered what else was out there and whether I made an impulse buy. So I think the premium was well worth it!!
Takes my breath away, congratulations!

Mine too, still :-)

Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary! :appl:

And congratulations on the AMAZING FABULOUS BLINGBOMB OF A RING! :dance::clap::dance:

She is GORGEOUS. Droolworthy. I love emerald cuts just like yours, its perfect. And the flanking stones? GAH. :love: Those colors it throws. I'd be so mesmerized by it all.

Classic, elegant, and youthful. Combined with your pretty hands too? Knockout.

Best diamond ring evah!

I LOVE the colours she throws! That’s the one aspect I was worried about because I LOVE old cuts and this, while still an antique, doesn’t have the same facets that I love in my OMC. But she is full of BIG colourful spunk! Thank you for your kind words!

Wow that's gorgeous, congrats!!!


How did your manicurist get anything done when you have that gorgeous bling on your finger??? If it was me I’ll be too distracted and probably get paint all over your finger instead lol.

That stone and you have a mystic connection. Congrats on being reunited with the one. :appl::appl::appl:

Haha I’ve been going to my nail person for a while now and she’s like, two back to back manicures?! I don’t usually get manicures, usually just a pedicure. She took one look at my hands and said, yup, I get why! It certainly feels good to be reunited, thank you!

Without doubt - one of the BEST I've ever seen on PS. This is an utter delight, a marvel, a sensational ring! :love: Congratulations...

Thank you!!!! ❤️
This is an insane story, and insane stone and an insane ring

I feel quite light-headed and my heart is beating too must be love

Aww shucks, thank you!!

It's absolutely beautiful @kama_s!!! Truly a dream ring, it looks fabulous on you! Congrats and enjoy having this beauty on your finger!

Thanks so much!!!

Wow, what an awesome story! Your ring is outrageously gorgeous!!! :love::eek2::love:

Thank you!!

Thank you so much for taking time to share pictures and stories of each piece. You have an outstanding and enviable collection. Congratulations again on the amazing step cut.

Thank you so much ❤️. I’m so thankful for this community where I can post as many pics and write details accounts of jewelry, because no one IRL fully understands our obsession!

I'm in love with the stone, the story - everything! It is exquisite! I also love that your DH was like, yep, let's get it! AWESOME! It's just stunning.

Right?! Isn’t he amazing? He did good, I’m so glad he pushed me to get it! He also was the one to open the box and see the ring first because I was too nervous and anxious!
Unfortunately I paid around 10% more for the stone. One of the reasons why I turned it down initially was because it was double my upgrade budget. And I ended up paying even more to get it back - that was an expensive mistake, but it makes for a lovely story and I now know for certain that this is my HG stone. I’m not sure if I would have necessarily felt the same way had I got the stone the first time around, I think at the back of my mind I would have always wondered what else was out there and whether I made an impulse buy. So I think the premium was well worth it!!

Well, at least it wasn't more than that! It was definitely worth it, it is truly a one of a kind beauty. I am glad it wasn't more than that. You can't predict how much the mark-up will be. I agree with you, about wondering if it was an impulse buy-that would have been me too! No you have confidence that it was the stone for you. I am so happy for you that it worked out!
Don't ever give this up - it is amazing! And it was meant for you because it came back!!!
Love everything about this thread kama_s. Your stone, your ring, your story, and your pics. Thrilled for you! Enjoy! :appl:
Wow that’s incredible! I think that’s the most jaw dropping ring I’ve ever seen! And what a story!
Absolutely Stunning. I'd never take if off!
So this is going to be a long one...

So when I was at the Miami antique show in February, I saw a beautiful 6.38ct J VVS2 emerald cut diamond. It was Jogani’s, who I met through Grace (Jewels by Grace). If you don’t know Jogani, he has the most amazing selection of beautiful antique high carat and colour stones. But, I was actually looking for a cushion to upgrade to, and hadn’t even considered emerald cuts. Plus it was the very first stone I saw and my original intention was to upgrade for our 10 year anni next year, and hadn’t expected to find a stone I liked so soon. I was also unsure about the size as I was initially looking for something under 4cts. Due to the reasons above, I let it go.

I still couldn’t stop thinking about it and hubby finally said I really should stop analyzing and just get it. Unfortunately, by the time I went back to get it, he ended up selling it at the Hong Kong show a few weeks later. It was sold to an European dealer who had planned to recut the stone because he thought he could get a higher colour (it is super white facing).

I was really heart broken. Grace, my bling pusher and a dear friend, sent me some killer stones to consider after that, and while they were stunning, I couldn’t stop thinking of the one that got away. I (virtually) cried on her shoulders a hundred times about missing out on that stone. It was my HG and I lost it.

Then in May, Sam at Icerock diamonds, was going to Geneva to a show and he said this show has many big antique stones. I had been following him on IG and met him once briefly. I showed him a video of my HG and asked him to keep an eye out for me if he came across anything that fit my very detailed search criteria. Now, I have very specific taste and am very particular about my old cuts. Sam instantly understood exactly what I was looking for, which blew my mind. Towards the end of Day 1, he sent me a video of a beautiful 6.2ct J VVS2 stone. I absolutely LOVED the facets and thought it was incredibly insanely close to my HG stone.

Here is where things get interesting. I sent a video to @Resonance.Of.Life and @ForteKitty , and both of them instantly said that it was the exact same stone from Miami...

And sure enough, Jogani later confirmed that it was indeed the very same stone!!! The only difference was the shape (and minor weight difference) - the stone now had these beautiful clipped edges as the dealer tried to recut it slightly. The dealer also mentioned that GIA will likely reclassify as an I, but alphabets don’t matter much to me. So of course I bought it fact, I had confirmed it even before I knew it was the exact same stone!

I can’t believe my stone finally made its way to me after an exciting round trip across the world!!! LA -> Miami -> Hong Kong -> somewhere in Europe -> Geneva -> LA -> Napa ->Toronto.

It was meant to be mine.

ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!! Your new EC IS BEYOND!!! I loved reading your backstory and all the comments from other PSers! I'm also an EC lover! Enjoy your beauty and wear it in good health!
Are you familiar with the term, "Beschert"? That's Yiddish for "Meant To Be"! This stone and you were "Beschert"!!! ❤️❤️❤️:love::love::love:
By the way, we also were in Napa around the same time as you! From August 26th until September 3rd (celebrating our 1st anniversary!) so Happy 10th Anniversary to you!!! I hope you had a wonderful time! Certainly you had a beautiful gift waiting for you when you got home! Wishing you the very best and many, many happy years together!!!
@kama_s I wanted to add that the setting of your ring is amazing. Delicate prongs which enable to showcase the clipped corners. :love:
I absolutely love the cut of your facets and the small culet! I looked at Icerock's wonderful Instagram and I noticed that he has several EC's of varying sizes all cut similarly to the way yours is-very much like an elongated Asscher! BTW, is your stone GIA certed? :)
A beautiful diamond w/a beautiful, & amazing story.:kiss2: Definitely meant to be!
That is absolutely gorgeous beautiful awesome ring. I know you are over the moon. Congratulations. That is amazing. Love it. Like really.
my new favorite ring on PS. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

oh my goodness... so many steps!
Love your dress, too! But I’m pretty sure you could even wear a potato sack with that ring and no one would notice...:lol:
Wow, that is stunning! :D congrats and happy anniversary!
What a gorgeous diamond!
okay Karma enough is enough, I know you like my ring but send it back.... asap!!!

oops sorry about that, that was one of the many people who live in me :)

I cannot really say enough about your stone to do it justice or the setting.. Like @missy a stone just calls you. I cannot say enough also about all your rings. When I try to explain to a friend why I love diamonds.. well of course it's the sparkle, the color, the draw, we all who post or lurk here know this. The bigger the diamond isn't always about the status/cost it is about the sparkle, bling, the mesmerize. I would like to wish you a very happy anniversary, belated bday to the hubster and to say with all honesty.. your ring is magnificent and the mesmerize is perfect. :)
So this is going to be a long one...

So when I was at the Miami antique show in February, I saw a beautiful 6.38ct J VVS2 emerald cut diamond. It was Jogani’s, who I met through Grace (Jewels by Grace). If you don’t know Jogani, he has the most amazing selection of beautiful antique high carat and colour stones. But, I was actually looking for a cushion to upgrade to, and hadn’t even considered emerald cuts. Plus it was the very first stone I saw and my original intention was to upgrade for our 10 year anni next year, and hadn’t expected to find a stone I liked so soon. I was also unsure about the size as I was initially looking for something under 4cts. Due to the reasons above, I let it go.

I still couldn’t stop thinking about it and hubby finally said I really should stop analyzing and just get it. Unfortunately, by the time I went back to get it, he ended up selling it at the Hong Kong show a few weeks later. It was sold to an European dealer who had planned to recut the stone because he thought he could get a higher colour (it is super white facing).

I was really heart broken. Grace, my bling pusher and a dear friend, sent me some killer stones to consider after that, and while they were stunning, I couldn’t stop thinking of the one that got away. I (virtually) cried on her shoulders a hundred times about missing out on that stone. It was my HG and I lost it.

Then in May, Sam at Icerock diamonds, was going to Geneva to a show and he said this show has many big antique stones. I had been following him on IG and met him once briefly. I showed him a video of my HG and asked him to keep an eye out for me if he came across anything that fit my very detailed search criteria. Now, I have very specific taste and am very particular about my old cuts. Sam instantly understood exactly what I was looking for, which blew my mind. Towards the end of Day 1, he sent me a video of a beautiful 6.2ct J VVS2 stone. I absolutely LOVED the facets and thought it was incredibly insanely close to my HG stone.

Here is where things get interesting. I sent a video to @Resonance.Of.Life and @ForteKitty , and both of them instantly said that it was the exact same stone from Miami...

And sure enough, Jogani later confirmed that it was indeed the very same stone!!! The only difference was the shape (and minor weight difference) - the stone now had these beautiful clipped edges as the dealer tried to recut it slightly. The dealer also mentioned that GIA will likely reclassify as an I, but alphabets don’t matter much to me. So of course I bought it fact, I had confirmed it even before I knew it was the exact same stone!

I can’t believe my stone finally made its way to me after an exciting round trip across the world!!! LA -> Miami -> Hong Kong -> somewhere in Europe -> Geneva -> LA -> Napa ->Toronto.

It was meant to be mine.


Wow I’m a believer of what’s meant to be yours will be even if it takes time. So happy for you, the stone is gorgeous!
Late to this story but it’s such a beautiful story of things that are meant to be! 10% is indeed a small price to pay to have the chance again to get the one that got away. It is the most beautiful emerald cut indeed.
Yes, thanks for drawing me back to this wonderful ring @Tekate and I have to chime in again because not only is this ring TDF Amazbling in every way but it really is meant to be...your ring b'shert. And this is what it is all about. How our bling makes us feel. Good karma and all. :kiss2::appl:
What an amazing ring and an incredible story to go with it! :love: Karma indeed! Please feel free to post as many photos of this beauty as you'd like, and most of all, enjoy!! And happy anniversary!!
So this is going to be a long one...

So when I was at the Miami antique show in February, I saw a beautiful 6.38ct J VVS2 emerald cut diamond. It was Jogani’s, who I met through Grace (Jewels by Grace). If you don’t know Jogani, he has the most amazing selection of beautiful antique high carat and colour stones. But, I was actually looking for a cushion to upgrade to, and hadn’t even considered emerald cuts. Plus it was the very first stone I saw and my original intention was to upgrade for our 10 year anni next year, and hadn’t expected to find a stone I liked so soon. I was also unsure about the size as I was initially looking for something under 4cts. Due to the reasons above, I let it go.

I still couldn’t stop thinking about it and hubby finally said I really should stop analyzing and just get it. Unfortunately, by the time I went back to get it, he ended up selling it at the Hong Kong show a few weeks later. It was sold to an European dealer who had planned to recut the stone because he thought he could get a higher colour (it is super white facing).

I was really heart broken. Grace, my bling pusher and a dear friend, sent me some killer stones to consider after that, and while they were stunning, I couldn’t stop thinking of the one that got away. I (virtually) cried on her shoulders a hundred times about missing out on that stone. It was my HG and I lost it.

Then in May, Sam at Icerock diamonds, was going to Geneva to a show and he said this show has many big antique stones. I had been following him on IG and met him once briefly. I showed him a video of my HG and asked him to keep an eye out for me if he came across anything that fit my very detailed search criteria. Now, I have very specific taste and am very particular about my old cuts. Sam instantly understood exactly what I was looking for, which blew my mind. Towards the end of Day 1, he sent me a video of a beautiful 6.2ct J VVS2 stone. I absolutely LOVED the facets and thought it was incredibly insanely close to my HG stone.

Here is where things get interesting. I sent a video to @Resonance.Of.Life and @ForteKitty , and both of them instantly said that it was the exact same stone from Miami...

And sure enough, Jogani later confirmed that it was indeed the very same stone!!! The only difference was the shape (and minor weight difference) - the stone now had these beautiful clipped edges as the dealer tried to recut it slightly. The dealer also mentioned that GIA will likely reclassify as an I, but alphabets don’t matter much to me. So of course I bought it fact, I had confirmed it even before I knew it was the exact same stone!

I can’t believe my stone finally made its way to me after an exciting round trip across the world!!! LA -> Miami -> Hong Kong -> somewhere in Europe -> Geneva -> LA -> Napa ->Toronto.

It was meant to be mine.


This is THE BEST jewel of the weeks story I have read. Kissmet! It belongs to you and was meant to be. Congratulations!! Somehow I missed this when you posted it.

The stone is amazing :love::love::love:
GREAT story. AMAZING ring. :appl::appl::appl:

Happy Anniversary!

What made you go with brushed yellow gold? Had you seen it on another ring?
Well, at least it wasn't more than that! It was definitely worth it, it is truly a one of a kind beauty. I am glad it wasn't more than that. You can't predict how much the mark-up will be. I agree with you, about wondering if it was an impulse buy-that would have been me too! No you have confidence that it was the stone for you. I am so happy for you that it worked out!

Yes, very true. Looking back, the 10% now seems like a minor detail although at that time I was kicking myself. Absolutely could have gone for much more too. I think that extra confidence in my decision was worth the small increase in price!

Don't ever give this up - it is amazing! And it was meant for you because it came back!!!

It did! Thanks!

Love everything about this thread kama_s. Your stone, your ring, your story, and your pics. Thrilled for you! Enjoy! :appl:

Thank you!!

Wow that’s incredible! I think that’s the most jaw dropping ring I’ve ever seen! And what a story!

Thanks!! I love the story behind it too!

Absolutely Stunning. I'd never take if off!

It’s drfinitely a constant presence on my hand!

Congrats on Jewel of the Week! Very well deserved. Your ring is iconic

Whoa neat! Thanks!!

ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!! Your new EC IS BEYOND!!! I loved reading your backstory and all the comments from other PSers! I'm also an EC lover! Enjoy your beauty and wear it in good health!
Are you familiar with the term, "Beschert"? That's Yiddish for "Meant To Be"! This stone and you were "Beschert"!!! ❤️❤️❤️:love::love::love:

By the way, we also were in Napa around the same time as you! From August 26th until September 3rd (celebrating our 1st anniversary!) so Happy 10th Anniversary to you!!! I hope you had a wonderful time! Certainly you had a beautiful gift waiting for you when you got home! Wishing you the very best and many, many happy years together!!!

I absolutely love the cut of your facets and the small culet! I looked at Icerock's wonderful Instagram and I noticed that he has several EC's of varying sizes all cut similarly to the way yours is-very much like an elongated Asscher! BTW, is your stone GIA certed? :)

Thank you!! I have never heard that word before, but it defines my story so perfectly! Happy 1st anni to you guys!

Yes, I had very specific requirements when I messaged him to find me a stone. Actually my requirements were based on this stone - I wanted to get something as close as possible to it. The fact that he picked up on every single element and then found MY OWN STONE for me is just incredulous! Yes, the stone is GIA certed - would have it no other way for a stone this large! Need it for insurance as well.
@kama_s I wanted to add that the setting of your ring is amazing. Delicate prongs which enable to showcase the clipped corners. :love:

You have a great eye for detail! I debated about the prongs because a part of me wanted to be more careful about the corners given that I am a klutz with a baby, but the other impractical part of me would not allow it! I love that Molly made the most perfectly balanced prongs for me so I got to be somewhere between the two options.

A beautiful diamond w/a beautiful, & amazing story.:kiss2: Definitely meant to be!

Thank you!!

That is absolutely gorgeous beautiful awesome ring. I know you are over the moon. Congratulations. That is amazing. Love it. Like really.

Thanks so much!

my new favorite ring on PS. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Wow, that quite the compliment! Thanks!


oh my goodness... so many steps!

Allllll the steps in the world!

Love your dress, too! But I’m pretty sure you could even wear a potato sack with that ring and no one would notice...:lol:

Bahahahahaha!!! The ring does get a lot of attention!

Wow, that is stunning! :D congrats and happy anniversary!

Thank you!!

What a gorgeous diamond!


okay Karma enough is enough, I know you like my ring but send it back.... asap!!!

oops sorry about that, that was one of the many people who live in me :)

I cannot really say enough about your stone to do it justice or the setting.. Like @missy a stone just calls you. I cannot say enough also about all your rings. When I try to explain to a friend why I love diamonds.. well of course it's the sparkle, the color, the draw, we all who post or lurk here know this. The bigger the diamond isn't always about the status/cost it is about the sparkle, bling, the mesmerize. I would like to wish you a very happy anniversary, belated bday to the hubster and to say with all honesty.. your ring is magnificent and the mesmerize is perfect. :)

You nailed it so perfectly!! It’s about falling in love with a stone - with every aspect of it, all of its perfection and its imperfections. Thank you so much for letting me borrow your ring ;)