
Acinom's sapphire??

Thank you, Begonia. If you're on the west coast of Canada, maybe contact OTL through Etsy? She was previously a PS member and now in the trade, and has some top-of-the-line stuff. No blue sapphires of the type you're looking for listed in her Etsy store now, but maybe she can source you something.

Don't know if your budget is high enough if you're super-picky. Unless you're in Asia, dealing with the IG vendors that @Lilith112 has found, on the US/Canada side I suspect you're going to have to pay $6k/ct at least for an Acinom-quality sapphire.

I think you are right about those prices voce. I'll have to save for a few more years.

Thanks for the tips!!!
Thank you for all your efforts Lilith! The effort put into sourcing a small stone on a limited budget has always overwhelmed me, and your efforts to help me were so kind.

I'm realizing that I like premium colors on a shoestring budget. Not easy to do. Additionally for a stone that small, I'm attracted to a squarish cushion (not common that small?), or a round.

Going online is tough cuz you can't get a good bead on color/performance and I'm not sure I'm up to the challenge of buying/returning.

I'm still without a stone, and not sure if my dream stone and I will ever get together, but I sure appreciate your help girl :geek2:

Of course! Are there any sapphire sellers near or around you? It might help to go see a few in person and see what to expect in real life as well as how to judge vendor pictures.

For example, I learned to always ask for photos w/the gem on someone's hands because 1). closer to real life that way and 2). skin tone saturation can give away PS.

Regarding price, I think it just depends on whether or not you're okay with heat only sapphires. I agree with @voce that unheated U.S./Canada prices will be a bit over budget, but heated and under 2ct. should be doable

For example, there's this 2ct, heat-only round from TheGemProject (in Washington state):

There's also this slightly silky sapphire: Seller's also willing to open an AGL certificate.

Just my two cents. I think a bigger budget would most likely open up more options and expedite the process, but it's still doable within the 3000CAD range-- just might take longer.
Not many sellers, no, in my area. I'm okay with heat. It's that elusive color and glow that I'm after. I may have to wait longer and save up, and then wait longer for that stone. That's ok.

I'm not sure this is doable for me, without going thru the kind of process you do for your stones: order, and return if they aren't quite right. So, I have some thinking to do. That's ok, learning more today and every day.

You're a good PS friend Lilith :)
Why don't you reach out to CDGEMSTONES on etsy. It is run by a PSer called OTL who is located in Vancouver. She has an excellent eye for a great stone and may be able to find you a sapphire.
Hi @Acinom!!!
I'm so bored right now, and delighted you dropped in LOL.

I put my search on hold, although I do have my eye on a pretty little thing. It's not going anywhere, so I'll be patient. My budget tanked, as I'm facing a lay off. Sigh.

If you're cooped up and wondering if anyone is interested in seeing more photos of that one of a kind stone of yours...wonder no further! I'd sure be interested. Would you be hurt if I say it's my favorite of your rings?? Hands down favorite. Do people compliment you when you wear it?? I'm not about compliments in life but come on! That stone deserves some sugar!

I always love the stories when holy grails are found: you and the sapphire, missy and bubbalah, that gal who got that honking yellow OEC from an aunt (I think it was?), the big ole marquis from the the stories.

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