
Actress Natasha Richardson Severely Injured

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We now know the official cause of death, a New York medical examiner has just released a statement, saying that Natasha's death was due to "blunt trauma".
She suffered an "epidural hematoma due to blunt impact to the head".

"Richardson was not wearing a helmet and the death was ruled an accident."
(Taken from the Globe & Mail)
Richardson's shocking death greatly heightened the debate over skiing safety. Quebec, for instance, is considering making helmets mandatory on ski hills. Jean-Pascal Bernier, a spokesman for Quebec Sport and Leisure Minister Michelle Courchesne, said Thursday the death of Richardson at a Quebec resort has added impetus to plans but says they it was already on the table.

"Bernier says the minister met with emergency room doctors this week and will meet with Quebec ski hill owners and operators in the coming weeks."

"Emergency room doctors in the province first called for mandatory use of helmets three weeks ago."

Date: 3/19/2009 6:15:59 PM
Author: beau13
We now know the official cause of death, a New York medical examiner has just released a statement, saying that Natasha''s death was due to ''blunt trauma''.

She suffered an ''epidural hematoma due to blunt impact to the head''.

''Richardson was not wearing a helmet and the death was ruled an accident.''


Richardson''s shocking death greatly heightened the debate over skiing safety. Quebec, for instance, is considering making helmets mandatory on ski hills. Jean-Pascal Bernier, a spokesman for Quebec Sport and Leisure Minister Michelle Courchesne, said Thursday the death of Richardson at a Quebec resort has added impetus to plans but says they it was already on the table.

''Bernier says the minister met with emergency room doctors this week and will meet with Quebec ski hill owners and operators in the coming weeks.''

''Emergency room doctors in the province first called for mandatory use of helmets three weeks ago.''

It may be best to leave that out the condolence card to her devastated husband and sons.
I am just heartsick for both the Redgrave and Neeson families. What a terrible, terrible tradgedy.

I agree, today is not the day for reasoning Beau, although I have no doubt your intentions are good and your feelings are as traumatised as everyone else''s.

Today is a day to reflect on the waste of a beautiful young woman in the prime of her life and to hope and pray for her family to come through this.

It''s also a day to hug the ones you love just a little bit more and to be thankful you have them.
Very well said Gailey..I couldn''t agree more!
Date: 3/19/2009 7:34:01 PM
Author: beau13
Very well said Gailey..I couldn''t agree more!

When I replied to your post beau, it was the first page I had read.
I went back and read the entire thread and realized that you were actually gloating about a previous post.
That just made it more vile.
I don''t believe I have ever responded negatively to you before, so I am not one of those "usual posters" you are talking about.
Just calling it as i see it.

But this thread is really about a wonderful, talented loved woman,daughter, wife and mother who is now dead.
Everything is not always about you.
I''m still feeling so sad about this tragedy. It is so difficult to accept the death of a young, vibrant individual. My heart goes out to her family and friends.


I appreciate Beau''s post about safety, and I saw nothing malicious in it. Are we unable to take the horror we feel in response to this tragedy and turn it into an opportunity to prevent future tragedies? Is it so unreasonable to lament the death of a wonderful young woman, especially if it may have been preventable? I only saw humanity in Beau''s post, not malice.

For what it''s worth, I''ve never seen or heard of wearing a helmet while skiing, but I will definitely start doing so next ski season.
Date: 3/17/2009 5:51:36 PM
Author: AGBF

3/17/2009 5:03:12 PM
Author: simplysplendid

I thought she played the dad''s new girlfriend which the twins was trying to break up?

No, no! The wicked Vicky is played by someone far less distinguished! Miss Richardson is very funny and charming as well as beautiful! Vicky cannot hold a candle to her!

I think I got confused with her role in Maid in Manhattan. I liked her and feel very sorry for her family, especially her two young sons..
Date: 3/19/2009 7:34:01 PM
Author: beau13
Very well said Gailey..I couldn''t agree more!
Thanks Beau,

I know Canadians feel absolutely gutted by Natasha''s death and hate to have had this tragedy occur on their watch so to speak. It''s a double whammy for me because Vanessa and Corin lived in the town where I grew up. We are all terribly fond and protective of the whole Redgrave clan. It''s awful, just awful.
Date: 3/19/2009 7:47:40 PM
Author: iluvcarats

Date: 3/19/2009 7:34:01 PM
Author: beau13
Very well said Gailey..I couldn''t agree more!

When I replied to your post beau, it was the first page I had read.
I went back and read the entire thread and realized that you were actually gloating about a previous post.
That just made it more vile.
I don''t believe I have ever responded negatively to you before, so I am not one of those ''usual posters'' you are talking about.
Just calling it as i see it.

But this thread is really about a wonderful, talented loved woman,daughter, wife and mother who is now dead.
Everything is not always about you.

Two wrongs don''t make a right. Please leave it.
I do not normally follow so closely when a celebrity has such a tragic accident but for some reason I followed the news coverage of Natasha''s accident very closely. For those poor boys to lose their mother is just awful!

I feel that beau is being attacked. She was clearly upset in her first post because there was evidence to suggest (which was later proven to be true) that Natasha''s tragic death MAY have been prevented through helmet usage if the law required them. At no point in her post did she imply that Natasha was at fault rather she cited the legalities of Canadian sports equipment requirements and implied that maybe it was time for governmental intervention to ensure that this was not repeated. These boys have lost their mother and a loving husband has lost his wife and I think that beau was simply trying to say that it is especially tragic because a simple piece of plastic rented for $11.50/day could have saved her. All the loving words in this post cannot bring her back but constructive discussion (which I think was Beau''s real intent) can help save somebody else''s mother/ wife. Already her having brought up this discussion has changed some people''s views on helmet usage as they have said that they will now consider wearing a helmet. I think that beau posted the cause of death to show that her point was valid and that people should consider wearing helmets not to say ''hahah I was right''. Unfortunately it appears that Natasha may become the catalyst for change in the helmet/ ski arena.

I think that this post has room for both condolences and considerate discussion about how to prevent furthur tragedy. Let''s try to assume the best instead of the worst about posters words.

:) Alice
Date: 3/19/2009 7:47:46 PM
Author: Haven
I''m still feeling so sad about this tragedy. It is so difficult to accept the death of a young, vibrant individual. My heart goes out to her family and friends.


I appreciate Beau''s post about safety, and I saw nothing malicious in it. Are we unable to take the horror we feel in response to this tragedy and turn it into an opportunity to prevent future tragedies? Is it so unreasonable to lament the death of a wonderful young woman, especially if it may have been preventable? I only saw humanity in Beau''s post, not malice.

For what it''s worth, I''ve never seen or heard of wearing a helmet while skiing, but I will definitely start doing so next ski season.

When DH told me that skiers don''t typically wear helmets, I was astounded. Every other sport requires one, so it surprised me that most skiers don''t wear one. While a helmet won''t protect you past a certain speed of impact, if she simply slipped and banged her head perhaps a helmet could have saved her. By pointing this out, I don''t think that anyone is trying to be insensitive. Obviously this is an extremely TRAGIC loss to her family and the community, and I''m sure she thought just like any other skier that a helmet was unecessary. I have never gone skiing, but I will definetely wear a helmet if I ever do in the future.
Date: 3/19/2009 12:29:07 PM
Author: CJ2008
I don''t see why it''s insensitive or disrespectful to talk about helmets and safety laws. To me, beau''s post was really just stating a fact that more should be done to enforce wearing didn''t seem to me the post was implying ''oh well she deserved it, she wasn''t wearing a helmet.'' And the fact was stated after expressing that it was indeed a tragedy...

It had not crossed my mind that she wasn''t wearing a helmet, I''ve gone skiing a few times and never worn one or seen anybody wear when she pointed that out, it made me think that perhaps helmets should be mandatory...whether or not they would have helped in this particular situation.

I think the issue people are having is more about the time/place of the comment. This is a thread about expressing condolences, not debating an issue. Start another thread if you want to debate wearing helmets and the difference between Canadian and American laws (which BTW, good luck mandating helmets for adults in the US-such is the freedom we''ve been granted)
I think this is just so incredibly sad.

I don''t ski but I do ride a bike and have often gone on a ride with my kids without a helmet. This is a good reminder to me to be sure to wear one and make sure my kids wear theirs even when bike riding!!
Date: 3/18/2009 10:58:21 PM
Author: beau13
Date: 3/18/2009 9:33:44 PM

Author: Italiahaircolor

Oh no. I am so sad. Just tragic, absolutely tragic.
Yes Italia..tragic indeed. Especially sad, since this tragedy could have been prevented.

In Canada, it''s mandatory to wear a helmet while biking, playing hockey, ice skating (public arenas), baseball ,and most wear one to snowboard, ski, and skateboard as well. I guess it takes a few tragedies , to push for stricter policies, and mandate the use of helmets. (13 yr old died last month while skiing with his class in Ontario, when he hit his head, he wasn''t wearing a helmet).

And didn''t the accident occur in Quebec? If this is mandatory (which it may be for children), then clearly the law isn''t being upheld.
I''ve been following her case on another forum and it is so incredibly sad for everyone involved.

Date: 3/19/2009 8:38:27 PM
Author: aliceinwonderland
I do not normally follow so closely when a celebrity has such a tragic accident but for some reason I followed the news coverage of Natasha''s accident very closely. For those poor boys to lose their mother is just awful!

I feel that beau is being attacked. She was clearly upset in her first post because there was evidence to suggest (which was later proven to be true) that Natasha''s tragic death MAY have been prevented through helmet usage if the law required them. At no point in her post did she imply that Natasha was at fault rather she cited the legalities of Canadian sports equipment requirements and implied that maybe it was time for governmental intervention to ensure that this was not repeated. These boys have lost their mother and a loving husband has lost his wife and I think that beau was simply trying to say that it is especially tragic because a simple piece of plastic rented for $11.50/day could have saved her. All the loving words in this post cannot bring her back but constructive discussion (which I think was Beau''s real intent) can help save somebody else''s mother/ wife. Already her having brought up this discussion has changed some people''s views on helmet usage as they have said that they will now consider wearing a helmet. I think that beau posted the cause of death to show that her point was valid and that people should consider wearing helmets not to say ''hahah I was right''. Unfortunately it appears that Natasha may become the catalyst for change in the helmet/ ski arena.

I think that this post has room for both condolences and considerate discussion about how to prevent furthur tragedy. Let''s try to assume the best instead of the worst about posters words.

:) Alice
So incredibly well said.
Date: 3/19/2009 8:49:57 PM
Author: Upgradable
I just get tired of every ttime beau posts it has to be her. This thread is an example of how every thread beau posts in becomes about beau. It is fatiguing.

Aaaaaaah, I understand it all, now. It appears that some posters are bringing baggage to their reading of Beau''s posts. I must have missed that drama, because I wasn''t aware of the stigma attached to her posts. How unfortunate.

Ms. Richardson''s death is a horrible and tragic thing. There is no debating that. I cannot imagine a more devastating thing for her family, and my thoughts have been with them since I first heard the news. What a wonderful thing if her death can raise awareness about a serious safety issue. It doesn''t make the loss feel any less, but perhaps it can serve as a precaution for others, and maybe even save a life or two.
Do not use the forum for personal issues or attacks on other members. If anyone questions a post or the direction of the thread, use the "Report Concern" button to let us know about it.
Very sad news.
What a terrible tragedy to such a fine woman. What is also terrible to know that if she had seen a doctor immediately she might have been saved. I read this is the paper this morning.

I don''t think wearing helmets while skiing/snowboarding is manadatory in the US, but I do know that when my daughter took ski lessons when she was younger (about 6 years ago) she had to wear a helmet. Also, my neigbor is a iceskater and teaches now and her students must wear helmets as well. I am not sure, but I think the "wearing helmets while skiing" began after the death of Sonny Bono (I believe he also hit his head while skiing). And later Tony Danza was very seriously injured in a skiing accident, but he recovered because he was in such great physical shape.
Very sad to lose a fellow Brit. A beautiful, talented woman- praying for her family.

I wonder if she had a brain clot prior to the accident causing the fall in the first place. Just curious.

To address the tone on this post- there is a natural tendency after loss to cycle through the "what if''s", but in my experience it does help the process, it meerly spawns discontent. No harm no foul.
Very sad, very tragic. My prayers go out to Liam and the little ones.
I''d like to share this beautiful photograph -- in memory of the talented and beautiful Natasha Richardson. The photo shows Vanessa Redgrave with Natasha Richardson (left) and her new sister, Joely Richardson, in 1960.

Natasha Richardson.jpg

3/21/2009 4:59:17 PM
Author: AGSHF

I''d like to share this beautiful photograph -- in memory of the talented and beautiful Natasha Richardson. The photo shows Vanessa Redgrave with Natasha Richardson (left) and her new sister, Joely Richardson, in 1960.

Thank you for sharing that photograph, AGSHF. I have never seen it before and it is really beautiful. I am surprised that it has not been more widely circulated, given how lovely it is. Wow.



You are most welcome. It is heartbreakingly beautiful, especially because of the close resemblance between Vanessa Redgrave, as she looked then, and how Natasha Richardson looked as an adult.


3/22/2009 2:27:52 PM
Author: Ellen

There''s some really pretty pictures in here.

Thanks for that link, Ellen, some of those photos were magnificent! They were really treasures! Thank you for sharing those!

Deb and Gailey, weren''t some of those stunning? Such a lovely person....
Date: 3/23/2009 8:29:40 AM
Author: Ellen
Deb and Gailey, weren''t some of those stunning? Such a lovely person....
Those were wonderful pics El, this is so sad....She was in her prime.
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