
Actress Natasha Richardson Severely Injured

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So very just breaks my heart.

Off topic a little, but do you think that she had a DNR wish? It just seems like it happened so fast....perhaps more details will come out later.

Date: 3/18/2009 10:58:21 PM
Author: beau13
Yes Italia..tragic indeed. Especially sad, since this tragedy could have been prevented.

In Canada, it''s mandatory to wear a helmet while biking, playing hockey, ice skating (public arenas), baseball ,and most wear one to snowboard, ski, and skateboard as well. I guess it takes a few tragedies , to push for stricter policies, and mandate the use of helmets. (13 yr old died last month while skiing with his class in Ontario, when he hit his head, he wasn''t wearing a helmet).
I wondered the same thing about helmets, Beau. DH said that people typically don''t wear them while they ski? I don''t ski, so I wouldn''t know, but I did try to find out why. I did a little research and found this link, which says that helmets have been shown to protect skiers going from 12-17 mph, but not those that are going at higher speeds. I have no idea how fast she was going, but you don''t even have to be moving to slip and hit your head, especially if you''re just learning.

So, I guess I''m with you, that I truly wish she would have wore a helmet.
So tragic.
This is terrible news...
Natasha Richardson and her husband, Liam Neeson, starred in a 1992 Broadway production of, "Anna Christie" for which they were nominated for Tony awards.


A tragic loss of a gifted individual, wife and mother
Its shocking how something like that can kill someone. I feel so very sad for her family.
I feel terrible for her family as well, she seemed to be a wonderful wife and mother. This is just so sad.
Date: 3/19/2009 1:01:06 AM
Author: luckystar112
So very just breaks my heart.

Off topic a little, but do you think that she had a DNR wish? It just seems like it happened so fast....perhaps more details will come out later.

Date: 3/18/2009 10:58:21 PM
Author: beau13
Yes Italia..tragic indeed. Especially sad, since this tragedy could have been prevented.

In Canada, it''s mandatory to wear a helmet while biking, playing hockey, ice skating (public arenas), baseball ,and most wear one to snowboard, ski, and skateboard as well. I guess it takes a few tragedies , to push for stricter policies, and mandate the use of helmets. (13 yr old died last month while skiing with his class in Ontario, when he hit his head, he wasn''t wearing a helmet).
I wondered the same thing about helmets, Beau. DH said that people typically don''t wear them while they ski? I don''t ski, so I wouldn''t know, but I did try to find out why. I did a little research and found this link, which says that helmets have been shown to protect skiers going from 12-17 mph, but not those that are going at higher speeds. I have no idea how fast she was going, but you don''t even have to be moving to slip and hit your head, especially if you''re just learning.

So, I guess I''m with you, that I truly wish she would have wore a helmet.
So tragic.
Hey Lucky.. I do believe had she been wearing a helmet, the outcome MAY have been different.( like wearing a seatbealt versus not having one on, in a car accident) I wouldn''t dream of allowing my kids to ski/snowboard without a helmet...around here...90% of children wear them on the slopes...I think that even adults (especially beginners) should have to wear one.(Of course this is just my opinion). It could mean the difference between life & death in certain cases. Hopefully, in this particular case, the medical examiner will reveal why Natasha sucummed to her injuries.
I agree that right now probably isn''t the best time to debate what could be done differently. Sensitivity needs to be projected towards her family and friends during this time...even though it''s a safe bet that none of us are directly effected, her loss is still very much real and should be respected 100%.

However, I understand where Beau was coming from and the frusteration she must feel seeing a huge gap in safety regulations. I do believe her heart was in the right place and she was simply trying to educated us all on an ongoing issue.
I''m really sorry to hear that Natasha Richardson has died. Very upsetting news.

I am not the most careful person in the world...just this past weekend, I tripped and fell on my friend''s sidewalk and split my chin open. I was wearing 4" stilettos and no helmet. If I had died from a head injury induced by my fall, I wonder if people would have come to my funeral and said "well, she shouldn''t have been wearing those shoes--just goes to show, safety first, blah blah blah?" Beau, I find your post utterly disrespectful and totally inappropriate. Just my opinion, though.
So so sad I was really hoping that the press was being sensationalistic and her injury was not that severe, so my sadness reading the news today
. It hits close because I am a 40 something woman with two kids with the man I love, not intending on going anywhere! I would not think skiing on a bunny hill (even without a helmet) would be life threatening.
This is really so sad. I love Liam Neeson. I am heartbroken for him and their two boys.

On 11/12/04 this was posted in a controversial thread:

De mortuis nihil nisi bene



I wonder if everyone posting can try to remember that a really wonderful woman died, but that even if she made mistakes we do not need to speak ill of the dead here. Nor do we need to engage in controversy. Let us assume that everyone comes with a good heart, but refrain from speaking ill of the dead. I am invoking Leonid...or , of course, it might have been Irina. One never knew in those days!

Unbelievably sad... Like previously mentioned I don''t think that any of us actually knew her, therefore aren''t directly affected by this tragedy. Although for those of us that enjoy the mountain it seems it may hit home a little more. I have always said that the Bunny Hill is the scariest place on the mountain.
Such a sad story. My thoughts are with her Husband and children.
This is so sad.
I am very sad for her family and loved ones, including her fans. I know she will be missed. This is terribly sad and tragic.
I hadn''t read this thread until I just heard the news on the morning news...and, wow, it really hit me hard! I''m so sad right now. She was truly a beautiful woman and I am so sad for her family right now.

I also wonder, too, if it wasn''t sort of preexisting or something. I was just skiing this past weekend, so it is hitting a little close to home. I was really affected by the altitude, and not in ways you would normally think. It got me thinking what goes on inside our bodies when the forces of physics change sea level and within a few hours at 8000 feet. Similar idea when you scuba dive and come up too fast. How does this effect our blood? I wonder if possibly she did have some type of blod clot...or something strange like that prior to the fall.

Gosh...just so makes me sadder when it is such a freak accident that takes a life like this.
This is just so devastating. I am absolutely heartbroken for her family, especially those two little boys. Once again, we see how precious life is and how it can be over in an instant. It''s just too painful to think about. I hope her family will one day be able to find peace. Such a tragedy.
I don''t think there is anything insensitive about discussing it now at all. We can discuss it and still show respect for her. I think learning from this accident is the silver lining in the situation. Beau didn''t say, "What a dolt! Wasn''t even wearing a helmet!" She strictly pointed out that wearing one could have prevented the accident. There is nothing wrong with that. But It''s starting to become obvious that some posters will find any excuse to put her in her place. JMO.
Date: 3/19/2009 11:55:02 AM
Author: luckystar112
I don''t think there is anything insensitive about discussing it now at all. We can discuss it and still show respect for her. I think learning from this accident is the silver lining in the situation. Beau didn''t say, ''What a dolt! Wasn''t even wearing a helmet!'' She strictly pointed out that wearing one could have prevented the accident. There is nothing wrong with that. But It''s starting to become obvious that some posters will find any excuse to put her in her place. JMO.
I agree... I didn''t think there was anything controversial or disrespectful about the post

Date: 3/19/2009 11:55:02 AM
Author: luckystar112
I don't think there is anything insensitive about discussing it now at all. We can discuss it and still show respect for her. I think learning from this accident is the silver lining in the situation. Beau didn't say, 'What a dolt! Wasn't even wearing a helmet!' She strictly pointed out that wearing one could have prevented the accident. There is nothing wrong with that. But It's starting to become obvious that some posters will find any excuse to put her in her place. JMO.
THANK YOU, Lucky & Indecisive. So glad to see that others are catching on..always the same group of posters..who go into attack mode!!
For the record..I WAS just stating a fact! Helmets (in any sport) protect the head from severe trauma, and in this case it was unfortunate she wasn't wearing one.
I don''t see why it''s insensitive or disrespectful to talk about helmets and safety laws. To me, beau''s post was really just stating a fact that more should be done to enforce wearing didn''t seem to me the post was implying "oh well she deserved it, she wasn''t wearing a helmet." And the fact was stated after expressing that it was indeed a tragedy...

It had not crossed my mind that she wasn''t wearing a helmet, I''ve gone skiing a few times and never worn one or seen anybody wear when she pointed that out, it made me think that perhaps helmets should be mandatory...whether or not they would have helped in this particular situation.
Date: 3/19/2009 12:29:07 PM
Author: CJ2008
I don't see why it's insensitive or disrespectful to talk about helmets and safety laws. To me, beau's post was really just stating a fact that more should be done to enforce wearing didn't seem to me the post was implying 'oh well she deserved it, she wasn't wearing a helmet.' And the fact was stated after expressing that it was indeed a tragedy...

It had not crossed my mind that she wasn't wearing a helmet, I've gone skiing a few times and never worn one or seen anybody wear when she pointed that out, it made me think that perhaps helmets should be mandatory...whether or not they would have helped in this particular situation.
It's NOT !! (as Lucky said, "some posters will find any excuse...")
CJ...I'm glad to see others on board who have a similar thought process!
Hey, accidents happen all the time. Helmets or no helmets. You can trip on a broken pavement and crack your head on the sidewalk on the way down and that's the end of life as you know it. Or get electrocuted while fixing your tv. That's life. If your time is up, it's up. But I do hope she's had time to consider an AMD and organ donation options while she was still alive.

I feel sorry for the kids to lose their mother at that age. It's painful but time will heal.
So very sad. My first thought in all this (I'm embarrassed to admit) was Neeson's incredibly touching performance in Love Actually, in which his character's wife had just passed away. I cannot stop picturing his heartbroken face at her funeral. That image has made Ms. Richardson's death all the more 'real' to me, someone who has never met either of them.

My heart goes out to her family, especially her children. What a terrible thing to go through, with absolutely no warning at all.

As for the helmet vs. no helmet, from what I've heard of her injuries and the circumstances, I sincerely doubt it would have made a difference. Who knows, though.
I''ve been wondering too about organ donation.
Date: 3/19/2009 12:38:07 PM
Author: musey
So very sad. My first thought in all this (I''m embarrassed to admit) was Neeson''s incredibly touching performance in Love Actually, in which his character''s wife had just passed away. I cannot stop picturing his heartbroken face at her funeral. That image has made Ms. Richardson''s death all the more ''real'' to me, someone who has never met either of them.
Me too.
Date: 3/19/2009 12:45:39 PM
Author: Bia
Date: 3/19/2009 12:38:07 PM

Author: musey

So very sad. My first thought in all this (I''m embarrassed to admit) was Neeson''s incredibly touching performance in Love Actually, in which his character''s wife had just passed away. I cannot stop picturing his heartbroken face at her funeral. That image has made Ms. Richardson''s death all the more ''real'' to me, someone who has never met either of them.
Me too.

Musey and Bia, I had the very same thought. I''m so sad for all of them
SDL, that picture is beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.
That''s awful news. Really sad.
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