
#TBT An M OEC, A Vintage Setting, and Breakfast At Tiffanys

Thank y'all Lorissey and Gemfever!

I had so much fun with my Lady Banksia, I had to go do it again with the other ring! :) I'm really beginning to dig the slight contrast in the 2 yellow rings against the white one. Hopefully the white gold head ties it together a little bit.

Gemfever- the center pinky ring is mokume gane. I had a pair made when hubby gave me a promise ring, and jokingly bemoaned the fact that menzes get no promise ring or engagement ring. So I fixed that! And got myself a little matching 2mm one to go with his bigger one. The ones on either side are very simple and made from 18g wire that I hammered a little bit. They don't seem to go out of round but the mokume one does. I think part of the reason is I ordered it too big.

Where do you get those cool emoticons???
Cool mokume gane!

I just learned how to use the cool emoties today. To do it, go to Hangout and to the sticky thread at the top called "Emoticons." Pick the one you like, right click on it and select "Copy image location." Then go to the thread you want to post in, and when you make your post, click on the button with the diamond symbol (under the "Insert" section). It may take a few seconds to load, but when it does, paste the image location under "add url," then click add url, and voila! The emotie should be there.


Or you could just type

[ img]PASTE IMAGE LOCATION HERE[ /img]. That might work. Only take out the spaces within the brackets.

Sorry for the threadjack 8)

Hi Bastecat, I see that you liked the Tiff narrow band.....I am getting rid of several Tiff pieces and one of them is that ring. It is white gold with slim yg bands top and bottom. If you were interested, I could list it on looptroupe and post it on the preloved section. I hope it is ok to say that. :twirl:
I love it. The diamond looks great in its new home!
Wow, it looks amazing in it's new setting! I always thought that more bling was the way to go, but the new setting really compliments your diamond.
Had to go get one!!!!

Thank you Zarina, Pregcurious and Dreamer!

Pregcurious- I'm generally all about the bling, and I think it would be possible, with the right setting for it, probably some sort of halo which is basically what I just put it in. :) But I like it where it is so I'm gonna call it DONE for now. Wait...let me go find another one of those....
Beautiful combination, bastecat!!! :love: :appl: I am glad you are working it out to wear your gorgeous VC band with it!
Thank you Diamondseeker! I'm glad I was able to find something that can I can wear it with because it turns out I was hardly wearing it at all with the halo ring. Now I like wearing these together. =)

I'm trying to keep anything I put with it in the "retro" looking category. It's already a little "larger than life" and would be way too easy to get out of control with it. :lol:

Zarina- I forgot to answer your question. I love the narrow Tiff band and bet it would be a really great low key match for it, but I am pretty certain anything Tiffany's is going to be out of my current budget! Let me ponder on it a bit. It's so pretty!
I love your new pictures! This setting was made for your M!
YT|1363793640|3409564 said:
I love your new pictures! This setting was made for your M!

Thank you YT! I do think this setting was a really good match for the stone! And I'm so glad I took pictures with my Lady B these last couple of days because the hail storm we had last night has left all my pretty yellow blossoms in really sad shape. ;( Now I know what it means when color weather radar shows almost black....
bastetcat said:
YT|1363793640|3409564 said:
I love your new pictures! This setting was made for your M!

Thank you YT! I do think this setting was a really good match for the stone! And I'm so glad I took pictures with my Lady B these last couple of days because the hail storm we had last night has left all my pretty yellow blossoms in really sad shape. ;( Now I know what it means when color weather radar shows almost black....
Oh no! Your poor poor flowers! We have had weird weather too. Last week it was in the high 60's low 70's and so flowers started to bloom, and now it's back to 40 degree weather and my cherry blossom is like WTF? Hahaha
YT|1363795067|3409588 said:
bastetcat said:
YT|1363793640|3409564 said:
I love your new pictures! This setting was made for your M!

Thank you YT! I do think this setting was a really good match for the stone! And I'm so glad I took pictures with my Lady B these last couple of days because the hail storm we had last night has left all my pretty yellow blossoms in really sad shape. ;( Now I know what it means when color weather radar shows almost black....
Oh no! Your poor poor flowers! We have had weird weather too. Last week it was in the high 60's low 70's and so flowers started to bloom, and now it's back to 40 degree weather and my cherry blossom is like WTF? Hahaha

No joke! The day before yesterday the AC was running and this morning its the heater! The cats are still wigged out too. The sound of all that hail has still got them spooked. It went on and on for about 15-20 minutes. Granted, it was pea sized, but there was enough to cover the ground!
Hi bastetcat! Lula and Mae look perfect together, a match made in heaven!! And with your bands... :love: I think your set looks amazing and tied together as is but I hope you can find a two toned band that you like.

By strange coincidence I chose the illusion box setting in white gold from Stuller through my local jeweler for my OEC. My mom also wears her mother's true antique ring in yellow & white gold just like yours and I have always loved the look although her stone is a RB. I don't know where LulaMae lives but she will have a couple of sisters on the East coast!

Wear her proudly and in good health!!
Absolutely beautiful! :love: This is the first two tone ring I've seen in a while and I'm really diggin' it! :naughty:
Thank you GJ and Summerlove!!!! :wavey:

I've got a firm TT band idea now so I'll be back with some pics soon! I hope it works....I'm going to try to do it myself. :naughty: