
And in really exciting news...

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Medical science has come a long way since he adopted those children with Nicole K. It is possible that they had infertility treatments, though why you would if you were engaged and planning on getting married not wait until afterwards is beyond me. Still is it possible
Date: 4/18/2006 11:26:34 AM
Author: Lorelei
Little Tidbit in my daily paper today entitled...

Tom Chews!

He is reported saying that he will eat the cord and placenta after the birth and is saying he thought it would be '' very nutritious.''

'' I am gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I''m gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there.''

Words fail me.....
OMG - that is SOOO sick!!!! Is there any end to his madness?!?!?!?!?
Obviously he has no intention of at least COOKING it first!
Okay, he''s over-the-top NUTS.
Date: 4/18/2006 11:26:34 AM
Author: Lorelei
Little Tidbit in my daily paper today entitled...

Tom Chews!

He is reported saying that he will eat the cord and placenta after the birth and is saying he thought it would be '' very nutritious.''

'' I am gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I''m gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there.''

Words fail me.....
Oh heavens, please tell me that he did not say that.
That cord blood could save his baby''s life at some point or could be used for is not a meal!
Honestly Mat - according to my paper it''s true! As you say apart from the revoltingness of his intentions, the cord could be invaluable TO HIS CHILD!!! Takes all sorts to make a world...
When my friend was pregnant, she wore regular jeans. She just bought them in a much larger size than she usually wore and buttoned them under her belly. It's possible. She is also similar height/shape as Katie Holmes.

I don't think she's faking her pregnancy....
I just know from my friends experience and what they say. It''s her first, your belly doesn''t manifest itself in this way. Second pregnancy - yes - not the first.

Don''t know - the whole thing is just bizaare. Maybe we should make signs for her to be like a normal women giving birth. "If you do this to me again, I will cut your penis off!"
Date: 4/17/2006 10:53:37 PM
Author: sarita
Well, the belly looks natural at least in these pics as opposed to the perfect beach-ball round belly she had in the other pics... which only begs the question as to how her belly is getting smaller as she''s now closer to her due date.
With my 3rd baby, I remember looking in the mirror one day in my last month of pregnancy and thinking my belly looked smaller. What happened was my baby had "dropped" into the birth canal and made me look smaller than the previous day. My little bundle of joy was actually born 3 weeks early. It might be birthing time for Katie.
Date: 4/18/2006 11:26:34 AM
Author: Lorelei
Little Tidbit in my daily paper today entitled...

Tom Chews!

He is reported saying that he will eat the cord and placenta after the birth and is saying he thought it would be '' very nutritious.''

'' I am gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I''m gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there.''

Words fail me.....
That can''t be for real

I''m sure this guy just trys to wind-up the media....

Is he having it with fries or on a bap
Eww ewwww ewwwwwww. I don't know whether to take him seriously anymore. Does he actually believe what he's saying? Or is it for media attention and a misguided attempt to promote his new movie? If the latter, it's backfiring. There's evidently a very large group of people publicly boycotting it, even though it hasn't hit the theaters yet.
I remember reading that when Nicole and Tom got seperated she was pregnant but had a miscarriage.
Date: 4/18/2006 12:24:57 PM
Author: AmandaPanda
I remember reading that when Nicole and Tom got seperated she was pregnant but had a miscarriage.
Yes and supposedly they separated because the Baby wasn''t his ...COULDN''T BE, because he was infertile from childhood mumps (or scarlet fever?) and that is how he knew she was cheating on him supposedly. All rumor of course.
Date: 4/18/2006 11:26:34 AM
Author: Lorelei
Little Tidbit in my daily paper today entitled...

Tom Chews!

He is reported saying that he will eat the cord and placenta after the birth and is saying he thought it would be '' very nutritious.''

'' I am gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I''m gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there.''

Words fail me.....
That is the SICKEST thing I have ever heard!!!! Please excuse me while I barf my breakfast all over my cubicle.
Date: 4/18/2006 11:26:59 AM
Author: Matatora
Medical science has come a long way since he adopted those children with Nicole K. It is possible that they had infertility treatments, though why you would if you were engaged and planning on getting married not wait until afterwards is beyond me. Still is it possible
I totally agree with this! I''ve seen a procedure with infertile men where they take sperm from the testicles and can impregnate with that. They''ve definitely got the money so it wouldn''t surprise me. However it would also not surprise me if he wasn''t the father...maybe she had IVF with a sperm donor. I thought she was ''saving herself for marriage'' anyway so I was kind of shocked to hear she was pregnant. However I''m sure dating Tom Cruise changed her waiting theory IF they actually are a couple.

And ewwwwww about the cord placenta...has anyone ever seen what the placenta looks like??? The thought of that makes me want to puke...that''s just disgusting!
That is the sickest thing I have ever heard. Yuck!!!
ummmmm...maybe he is tired of the media attention and is kidding? I hope so!

As for the kids "running in shifts," ack that makes me MAD. It is totally a Scientology thing where children have to contribute like tiny adults in children''s bodies and their "stats" are marked each day and they get punished depending on if they are up or down.
It''s not that different from regular chores except the child is a little more like an employee and LESS like a kid, its just objectified and made too numerical if you get what I mean.

I blew up at my father at dinner once because he said "Gee honey, your cooking stats are really up!" Just...ahhhh!!!!!!
Date: 4/17/2006 6:30:43 PM
Author: Blenheim

I''ve never been pregnant myself, but had another question for our PS mommies and mommies to be. I thought that your feet swell during pregnancy? Would you have considered daily shoe shopping a good idea? Cause that''s what Katie''s doing, and I''m getting a little confused.

I didn''t swell with my kids at all. I even taught spinning classes up to 2 weeks before I delivered my first. Oh, and I wore lowrise jeans, i couldn''t stand anything around my belly

Tom Cruise is just plain icky
I was just reminiscing....thinking about 20 years ago when Top Gun came out he was considered to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and now......most folk think he is barking ( mad!)
i know i used to LOVE tom...for years i adored him. then he got divorced and i started losing respect for him the way he was acting with nicole...and then this ? now i can''t even stand to see his commercial for MI3 on the TV. we''re SO not going to see that movie. all i can think of is ... YOU ARE WACKO.
It's a shame, I thought his first wife Mimi Rogers was lovely, but after he left her it all seemed to go downhill...all I think of now when I hear TC mentioned is " oh what has he done now???
He makes me cringe. I won't be bothering with his movie either, I would rather watch paint dry.
I think they are faking her pregnancy...the latest issue of US has her belly fluctuating all over the place. Mine would fluctuate at 4 or 5 months, some days I looked pg, some days I looked chubby, but when I hit 6 months, I definitely looked consistent for the rest of the time.

As for shoe buying ,I just had a baby last year, and I purposely stayed away from shoe depts & just prayed my feet wouldn''t grow (I have an expensive shoe collection) I bought UGG boots to wear...cuz I could slip them on w/o tying.

As for "resting"..ah hell no...I was remodeling, going to basketball games, nice dinners... shopping, taking long walks, going to a "clogging" workshop & dancing for 3 hours straight when 8 mos pg in TAP SHOES with another preggo dancer friend, scrubbing every inch of my home, putting together baby stuff, carrying laundry up all 3 stories of my house....ANYTHING to induce labor. The days of women having to rest when pg are over (unless you are on bedrest from your doc), unless you are tired and want to of course! :-)

I really don''t think she''s prego...her arms & face didn''t get fat yet either. My arms blew up (and I''m a skinny girl normally) my face got fuller, and the skinnier you are the more weight your body has to gain. Even Gwenneth Paltrow, Gwen Stefani, Heidi Klum, Debra Messing, Kate Hudson..all got fuller during pg. It just happens...

Tom''s a FREAK!

oH, my friend''s friends with Tom Cruises old PR person (I think he uses his sister now) so I have it on good authority what happened with the Nicole Kidman miscarriage debaucle.

She got pg & miscarried..he believed himself infertile & left her. She had an autopsy done on the miscarried tissue & DNA tests proved he was indeed the father. He thought she cheated with her Moulin Rouge co-star, but she didnt'', but by the time the DNA results came back in, the damage had been done. He''s a big fat jerk.

and eating the hospital doesn''t do cord blood banking, (I looked into to it, even to just donate, since saving it is very expensive..thousands of dollars & then storage fees) and only 1 hosp in Portland does it (or at least did it in 2004) so its still not a prevalent practive everywhere.

Date: 4/18/2006 3:38:12 PM
Author: Lorelei
I won''t be bothering with his movie either, I would rather watch paint dry.
me too- I have no desire to support his craziness. I feel terrible for his children!
Well I do have to disagree about the body weight thing.
For both of my younger siblings pregnancies, my mothers face grew even thinner, and her breasts were the only sign that she was preggers until about 4 or 5 months. Her arms and legs never got any larger, the only thing most people noticed was that my mother all of a sudden had longer nails, and her hair was growing abnormally quickly from the end of the first trimester on.
Not all woman carry the same way, I think my mother would have rather looked all round and rosy checked rather then like she had not eaten for year…I am so never having children.
Date: 4/18/2006 3:52:05 PM
Author: divergrrl

and eating the hospital doesn''t do cord blood banking, (I looked into to it, even to just donate, since saving it is very expensive..thousands of dollars & then storage fees) and only 1 hosp in Portland does it (or at least did it in 2004) so its still not a prevalent practive everywhere.

anyone know why he decided that it was a good idea to eat a placenta/cord? the thought makes me want to VOMIT..

and as an aside, the medical community does not currently support banking cord blood, so I really would not worry about it if they don''t do it at your hopsital.
I have heard that some WOMEN have eaten the placenta - generally cooked - as it is a very rich source of nutrients for the Mother and child ( through the breast milk.) Why he would want to do it, goodness only knows, maybe he still think's he is Lestat....
Blimey, give me a vitamin pill any day of the week - oh I forgot - he thinks they are a cure for post partum depression doesn't he?
Date: 4/17/2006 10:53:37 PM
Author: sarita
Well, the belly looks natural at least in these pics as opposed to the perfect beach-ball round belly she had in the other pics... which only begs the question as to how her belly is getting smaller as she''s now closer to her due date.
I thought I''d address the appearance that K''s belly is getting smaller as she is now so close to delivery...

SInce I can speak with major experience having 9 seperate pregancies, your body definitely changes not only with each pregnancy, but most certainly day to day. As you approach the final days towards delivery, the baby settles lower in your belly more towards your pelvic area, allowing the outer look of your belly to appear a tad smaller. The baby moves more in position to engage for birth.

Walking very far after this takes full hold is killer and not comfortable AT ALL. You get little shooting feelings as the baby gets in there that are sometimes quite uncomfortable, not painful per se, but just uncomfortable. Sitting becomes a change cuz you feel like you will squash the baby...yet standing or walking for long is also not an option due to the weight of you, the baby, just this whole stage of things.
Date: 4/18/2006 1:15:17 AM
Author: diamondfan
Mara, I actually heard it was because he bats for the other team...and therefore could not consumate things. Look, maybe he managed so he would quiet the rumors, (it might only take one time) and she could genuinely be pregnant...bellies can shape shift with babies in them...but it seems so WEIRD still. I also recall a rumor that Nicole miscarried his baby right before he dumped her but do not know it to be true...
I heard that too, and on some cable interview awhile back I recall her copping to admit that it was Tom''s baby...I also think its weird that suddenly he can like BAM, impregnate Katie after such a short time, considering what has been heard about Tom for so long...Nonetheless, I hope it really is his.

As weird as Tom appears to be, maybe a child would table him a little...things wouldn''t be so much all about him anymore. He would have to share the spotlight with his natural biological child...
Date: 4/18/2006 11:26:34 AM
Author: Lorelei
Little Tidbit in my daily paper today entitled...

Tom Chews!

He is reported saying that he will eat the cord and placenta after the birth and is saying he thought it would be '' very nutritious.''

'' I am gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I''m gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there.''

Words fail me.....
I heard Tom totally discredited that rumor and is definitely NOT intending on consuming the afterbirth...just a rumor, as usual...
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