
another Kindle question

monarch64|1290502311|2776512 said:
TravelingGal|1290499441|2776449 said:
monarch64|1290498025|2776416 said:
Lulu, yeah, you guys have me convinced for sure! It's FI who needs to be presented with all sorts of research from me (which is totally fine, I'd do the same to him if he'd asked for some gadget about which I knew nothing!)

Thank you so much, LULU for posting this thread!!! :appl: :wavey:

So, all I need in addition to the K3 (which is the one I'm hoping 'MIGHT' be purchased for me this season) is a cover which can be found on Etsy? I remember Haven's thread about Kindle covers so I have no problem going there for recs or scoping out sellers. Are there any additional add-ons I'm going to NEED? (need vs. want, please) Thank you for posting this thread!

TGal, thanks for all of your knowledge, it is very much appreciated.

I look forward to gaining even more tidbits here about the Kindle. Thank you.

Books. You need books. :tongue:

Seriously though, something else you should know...Kindle books can be returned within 7 days of purchase (although it's kind of hard to figure out on the site how to accomplish this). Nice policy, however...

There was an article awhile back which told the story of a Kindle owner who became the proud owner of a brick - i.e. a Kindle without an Amazon account. Apparently too many book returns...and Amazon opted to say bye bye to him.

Anyway, other than a cover, I say that's pretty much all you need. You'll need light because it's not backlight, but a pre-owned lamp in your house can supply this need. ::)

Gotcha. Kindle, Cover, Books, Light . (And don't let your Kindle become a brick.) Ok.

Now, how in the world do you keep your SO from instigating adult activities while you are reading in bed? I know--I know--get him his own Kindle? :twisted: :roll:

No. Have children.
monarch64|1290498025|2776416 said:
Lulu, yeah, you guys have me convinced for sure! It's FI who needs to be presented with all sorts of research from me (which is totally fine, I'd do the same to him if he'd asked for some gadget about which I knew nothing!)

Thank you so much, LULU for posting this thread!!! :appl: :wavey:

So, all I need in addition to the K3 (which is the one I'm hoping 'MIGHT' be purchased for me this season) is a cover which can be found on Etsy? I remember Haven's thread about Kindle covers so I have no problem going there for recs or scoping out sellers. Are there any additional add-ons I'm going to NEED? (need vs. want, please) Thank you for posting this thread!

TGal, thanks for all of your knowledge, it is very much appreciated.

I look forward to gaining even more tidbits here about the Kindle. Thank you.

monarch are you thinking about getting the WI-FI or the WI-FI/3g version? i'm leaning toward the WI-FI only for myself but still a bit on the fence.
lulu66|1290503503|2776519 said:
monarch64|1290498025|2776416 said:
Lulu, yeah, you guys have me convinced for sure! It's FI who needs to be presented with all sorts of research from me (which is totally fine, I'd do the same to him if he'd asked for some gadget about which I knew nothing!)

Thank you so much, LULU for posting this thread!!! :appl: :wavey:

So, all I need in addition to the K3 (which is the one I'm hoping 'MIGHT' be purchased for me this season) is a cover which can be found on Etsy? I remember Haven's thread about Kindle covers so I have no problem going there for recs or scoping out sellers. Are there any additional add-ons I'm going to NEED? (need vs. want, please) Thank you for posting this thread!

TGal, thanks for all of your knowledge, it is very much appreciated.

I look forward to gaining even more tidbits here about the Kindle. Thank you.

monarch are you thinking about getting the WI-FI or the WI-FI/3g version? i'm leaning toward the WI-FI only for myself but still a bit on the fence.

Um, I just want the $139 version? I suppose that is the 3g version not the WiFi only version? Sorry, I am not very clued into these tech thingies. I am still using an iPod that only holds 4g's from 4 years ago! LOL! I would probably like the Wi-Fi only but it's about $100 difference in price, right? I gather that I wouldn't need that sort of contraption or electronic ability. I wish you the best in your pursuit towards a great e-reader!
I also thank everyone for the info. I'm loving the Kindle threads!

FI and I are getting Kindles for each other for Christmas. And I'm having the same dilemma as you ladies on Wifi-only vs. 3g. I was going to shell out the extra $50 and just get the 3g, but now I'm having second thoughts. I think we'll definitely just get wifi for FI, but I tend to go through books a lot more quickly than he does and I'd hate to get stranded without something!
Here are some cool thing about the Kindle to consider...

If you're not covered by 3g then don't plunk down the extra cash for it (or, rather, don't have your Mom spend the extra $$$). WiFi is great, and if you're able to preload yourself for travel or whatever, you're covered and you'll be fine. Kindle grabs the wifi really well, I've never had an issue with that. But, please know, that you're going with the K3 wifi then you'll have the option of black in color. Not a big deal really, and it has been the more preferable choice (I've noticed on my Kindle forum). The only issue people are having with the black is the clay style keys. They are softer plastic, not the hard type that come with the K3 3g/wifi in white. The softer plastic, over extended use, has had some wearing. That's divided, not all the devices have this occur, but it's something to think about. If it does happen, you can reach out to Amazon CS and they will promptly overnight you another device.

Rather, consider using the overage to get a great cover. If you're into the tactile part of reading--the feel--then this will be very important to you. I've owned several Kindles, and I always love a good splurge on a nice cover--it's very important to me. Usually I'm a huge fan of Octovo, but they are SLOW in releasing the K3 accessories, and I ended up buying the Cole Haan cover. I LOVE it, can't say that enough. It's supple, soft, and really does give the holder the feeling of having a book in hand...or, probably, an old time worn, well loved journal. It's pricey, but if you're saving $50+ on the device, then it's doable. Another great resource are sites like Etsy, or even just googling Kindle 3 covers...there are plenty of smaller businesses or those that aren't associated with Amazon pre-say that offer amazing covers. Oberon (not my style) tends to be one of the most them.

Kindle 3 font is a nice right out of the box, but you can adjust the size if you need too. Another option is to font hack the device. This is easily done, and allows you to find the print and size that works best for you...just a thought. This is also an option for screen savers if you're bored with the "dead author club". I have the SS hack and it's really a fun and simple way to make the device yours. I love to upload the covers of my favorite books--just another way to get the experience. The hacks are easy to remove if you need to later on.

On the Kindle forum I belong to, a lot of people own multiple devices for various stages of their day. The DX tends to be most popular for at home reading. It's heavy, bulky and not easily carried around in comparison to it's lighter counterpart. It's perfect for magazines or newspapers because you can rotate the device and move the image from vertical to horizontal, not to mention that the larger screen provides more real estate for text and images. But, honestly, if you're just going to be reading books, you'd be so happy with the Kinde 6".

As far borrowing books from sites like ePub, Kindle doesn't support that. With the newest software update coming soon, we'll be able to share books for 14 days with another Kindle owner, however, you won't be able to read that book during the extent of the loan. If you're really looking for a library-like experience on an eReader, you do have options. B&N nook as well as Sony support ePub and allow you to rent books or borrow them. Exclusive to the B&N Nook right now, you're also able to share your content with other Nooks for an unlimited (I think) period of time. However, you are only able to loan book once.

On a side note, I really want to say that Kindle is my most favorite gadget of all time. I never read DTB anymore, never need too. Kindle gets context so quickly and you even the pre-ordering allows a book to get to you at midnight of release day. I love creating collections, sharing fun quotes or passages on Facebook. I've been so in love that I bought one for everyone I practically know this upcoming Christmas. I really recommend getting one, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
italia, thank you for your great, thorough response! you've solidified my decision to go w/the WI-FI only version.
lulu66|1290548010|2777137 said:
italia, thank you for your great, thorough response! you've solidified my decision to go w/the WI-FI only version.

You're very welcome. I'm so excited for you! Enjoy!!!
ummmm, my kindle's in the house :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

however, i was a good daughter & wrapped up up & stuck in under the tree (as it is a christmas gift from my mother). sure was (and probably will continue to be) tempting me to open it right on up :devil:

now, to pick out which cover i really want. i love the look of the kate spade book cover ones on amazon, but don't like that it doesn't really close tight. i'm going to check out some of your brand suggestions, italiahaircolor!
lulu - a quick q, I just got my DH one of these - does it come with *any* sort of case, so he can pick out his own later? It doesn't need to be a nice case, it just needs to be something that will protect the thing for a couple of weeks 'til we can go shopping for one!
Yssie|1291169458|2783647 said:
lulu - a quick q, I just got my DH one of these - does it come with *any* sort of case, so he can pick out his own later? It doesn't need to be a nice case, it just needs to be something that will protect the thing for a couple of weeks 'til we can go shopping for one!

The first Kindle did come with a basic case...however that was done away with in the 2nd and now the 3rd generation. I would strongly suggest getting something to keep it in initially, even a cheap sleeve.
Sorry I didn't read the whole thread, only the first post, but wanted to quickly pop in and say YES the Kindle would accomodate your Husband's low vision. It gets as large as a standard low vision aid. (I worked in optometrists' office for years). The only downfall to using it for low vision is there won't be much on the screen at one time due to the size of the screen.
You could make a cover :) I plan to do this when I get one.
Italiahaircolor|1291176705|2783783 said:
Yssie|1291169458|2783647 said:
lulu - a quick q, I just got my DH one of these - does it come with *any* sort of case, so he can pick out his own later? It doesn't need to be a nice case, it just needs to be something that will protect the thing for a couple of weeks 'til we can go shopping for one!

The first Kindle did come with a basic case...however that was done away with in the 2nd and now the 3rd generation. I would strongly suggest getting something to keep it in initially, even a cheap sleeve.

yssie, i literally have not opened the box, so i'm not sure but have no reason to doubt italiahaircolor! i'm shopping for one for mine now, so that i can have it when i open it up on christmas!
somethingshiny, thanks for the info! beg (i believe it was w/o looking back) posted pic of the different font sizes for me.

MonkeyPie|1291179962|2783804 said:
You could make a cover :) I plan to do this when I get one.

i'm seriously considering this too. i love to sew & found a pattern on etsy but i kinda want both a fabric one & more of a book-style one. are you using a pattern or can you make your own?
ah, thanks for the info :))

will go shopping now.
lulu66|1291183267|2783836 said:
somethingshiny, thanks for the info! beg (i believe it was w/o looking back) posted pic of the different font sizes for me.

MonkeyPie|1291179962|2783804 said:
You could make a cover :) I plan to do this when I get one.

i'm seriously considering this too. i love to sew & found a pattern on etsy but i kinda want both a fabric one & more of a book-style one. are you using a pattern or can you make your own?

I plan to try out this one: because it looks pretty easy!

I want to use Calibre to take advantage of some of the free context out there, does anyone have suggestions on where I should start?

Edit: I don't want to do anything illegal, but I understand that Calibre will help me somehow read e-library books on my Kindle. TGal if you are out there, can you shed any light on this?
lulu66|1291183267|2783836 said:
MonkeyPie|1291179962|2783804 said:
You could make a cover :) I plan to do this when I get one.

i'm seriously considering this too. i love to sew & found a pattern on etsy but i kinda want both a fabric one & more of a book-style one. are you using a pattern or can you make your own?

I'm going to try this one:
I prefer the book style, but I want a skin, too.
Galateia|1291194402|2783918 said:
lulu66|1291183267|2783836 said:
somethingshiny, thanks for the info! beg (i believe it was w/o looking back) posted pic of the different font sizes for me.

MonkeyPie|1291179962|2783804 said:
You could make a cover :) I plan to do this when I get one.

i'm seriously considering this too. i love to sew & found a pattern on etsy but i kinda want both a fabric one & more of a book-style one. are you using a pattern or can you make your own?

I plan to try out this one: because it looks pretty easy!

I want to use Calibre to take advantage of some of the free context out there, does anyone have suggestions on where I should start?

Edit: I don't want to do anything illegal, but I understand that Calibre will help me somehow read e-library books on my Kindle. TGal if you are out there, can you shed any light on this?

Hi Galateia!

I haven't looked into this at all. If you get more information, I'd love to know myself!
MonkeyPie|1291212360|2784029 said:
lulu66|1291183267|2783836 said:
MonkeyPie|1291179962|2783804 said:
You could make a cover :) I plan to do this when I get one.

i'm seriously considering this too. i love to sew & found a pattern on etsy but i kinda want both a fabric one & more of a book-style one. are you using a pattern or can you make your own?

I'm going to try this one:
I prefer the book style, but I want a skin, too.

that's the pattern i found. i'm going to try making this one but would still like to purchase a case in case a) this pattern turns out to be beyond my sewing skill level or b) i never actually get around to making it.

and galateia, i don't know either. but as TG said, i would love for you to share any info you find.
I have the Kindle 3 and can't say enough good things about it. I take it everywhere. I got it with 3G because I don't want to find myself in a situation where I can't download books. I have the basic Kindle cover with the light in the corner. It does help me see better when the light in the room is not quite bright enough. A nice feature for us is that my DH and I are on one account. Whatever each of us buys shows up in the others archived material. We each have a permanent copy. The only "books" I purchase are those which are primarily art or photographic material and don't lend themselves to Kindle viewing.
Haven|1291225659|2784191 said:
Yay for more PSers with Kindles!

I bought my cover from Elizabeth David Designs on It looks like she's charging much more now, but it really is beautiful:

(What a fancy formatting bar we have on PS now. Fancy shmancy.)

Part of me wants a kindle just so that I can get one of these covers! I love Etsy and pretty things!
MonkeyPie|1291179962|2783804 said:
You could make a cover :) I plan to do this when I get one.

please post your cover when you make it!! when do you plan on getting your kindle?
I bought this thing *yesterday morning* and it's here now! Talk about fast shipping.. and I'm having a tough time keeping my paws to myself :bigsmile:

Those covers are gorgeous Haven!! Sadly I don't think my DH would appreciate it, he always picks plain boring black leather everything :rolleyes:
yssie, mine was ordered the night of black friday & was here mon or tues. i couldn't believe the shipping either!

you gonna get one for yourself now ;)
lulu66|1291257730|2784760 said:
MonkeyPie|1291179962|2783804 said:
You could make a cover :) I plan to do this when I get one.

please post your cover when you make it!! when do you plan on getting your kindle?

I'm thinking with our income tax return :naughty:
Congrats on your new Kindle! FI and I are getting them for each other for Christmas. We're probably going to order ours after I get paid on Friday. Eeeee! The hardest part will be waiting until Christmas to bust it open though.
lulu66|1291259772|2784788 said:
yssie, mine was ordered the night of black friday & was here mon or tues. i couldn't believe the shipping either!

you gonna get one for yourself now ;)

Haha oh, I want! right now it's between that and a pair of earrings I really, really really *need*.. something tells me the earrings are gonna win - for now, anyway. Ask again in a few months...
merilenda, i feel ya. mine's under the tree taunting me right now!

yssie, yea, the earrings might win for me too ;)

oh, i ordered my cover last night. i ended up ordering a leather slip-cover type case; i might later attempt to sew a book-type one using the pattern monkeypie listed.

here's what i ended up choosing & he's going to leather stamp my 3 initial monogram at the bottom right.
Wow, that shipping is SUPER fast!

I brought my Kindle to work today to show my reading and writing students. Most of them are reluctant readers, and most of them went GA GA over the Kindle.

I wish I could list "Kindle" as my required textbook--the gadget aspect alone seems to be enough to make them want to read. They were genuinely excited about it.