
Antique Cushion - What do you think?

I agree, try cleaning it if you havent already and see if that makes a different. I wouldnt describe my stone as chaotic at all. I honestly cant say anything about the stone, dont know if it is leakage, but if it doesnt speak to you perhaps it simply isnt the right one for you!
Arkieb, I'm pretty sure I had just wiped it clean prior to those photos but I'll try again today and make sure. It may be that what you're seeing are the little pinpoint sparkles and it didn't photograph well, that's what I was trying to capture when I took pictures yesterday.

Were you able to see the stone holder through the facets of your AVC like this? With the yellow holder it's pretty pronounced.

Aca, Do you get the little pinpoint sparkles in your stone? Or is it all chunky facet flashes. I'm trying to determine if this is a hallmark of antique style cushions in general, or just this specific diamond. If it's this specific diamond then I can still try AVC/CAC, but if it's standard then I need to reevaluate if this cut is what I want.

It's a gorgeous stone, it really is. It has a lot of really lovely qualities, I love the shape and even the color, all the crazy rainbow flashes, and indoors it has this lovely limpid glow. But I'm not sure if the pinpoint sparkles are my cup of tea. I was also expecting more pastel reflections than what I'm observing.

I have about 5 years of expectations built up here, so I'm trying to be mindful of that and be realistic, but at the same time I do want it to "speak" to me like you say! It's a big purchase that I likely won't do again, at least not for another 10-15 years, so I want to get it right.

Hey Cookie,
Not sure if this will help but I can share a video of how mine behaves/flashes. Maybe this will help you have a comparison at the same size?
My facet pattern is below and is a 1.04 VS1, I

moneymeister|1459694383|4014875 said:
Hey Cookie,
Not sure if this will help but I can share a video of how mine behaves/flashes. Maybe this will help you have a comparison at the same size?
My facet pattern is below and is a 1.04 VS1, I


Beautiful!! :appl: :love:
cookiebuttermonster|1459689989|4014865 said:
Aha, this video shows it. The little crushed ice quality around the outer rim. But in my stone they are much smaller so it becomes very pinpoint.

Well, I wouldnt say my cushion has a crushed ice effect or pinpoint flashes, but maybe we see things differently. I have seen crushed ice cushions IRL and to me that look is completely different (center or edges) than the flashes in my cushion. As you of course know, the facets of a 1ct stone are a lot smaller than what they may look in a blown up picture, is this what you mean with pinfire? :confused: The video in your link isnt clear enough on my screen to really show any details... Also, the gold reflecting in my stone only shows from the side view and not top down...

Not sure this helps you, sorry.
Money and Cookie, Thank you that does help a lot!

I found the same phenomenon on this AVC. So it doesn't seem to be totally unusual. Since it's happening on AVCs and CACs then it doesn't seem likely to be a symptom of a poor cut in and of itself.

At this point I just need to be patient until the aset scope gets in and I have a chance to use it and see if there are any windows/leaks. Seeing the stone holder from the top down is still a concern.

The tiny sparkles only seem to happen when the diamond is backlit...up on the steering wheel or in front of the computer monitor. The rest of the time it behaves very similar to your OMC Money.

20160403_105842_0.jpg 20160403_105838.jpg
Thanks aca :) I really enjoy my engagement ring!

Cookie, I can try to take a backlit picture and see what happens, but I don't remember seeing a pattern on my finger like you have.
No reflections on my finger - probably blocked by the halo :)
I think it's super pretty!! But it sounds like you're not all that in love with it? You are the one who has to love it. If it doesn't blow you away, maybe it's not the One. To my eyes, it sure seems like a nice stone though.
Thanks Laila! Yeah it's performing much differently than I expected. The sheer number of tiny sparkles behind the big chunky facets are really throwing me, I was expecting more uniform big chunky sparkles. They make for a very lively stone, but I spend a lot of time in lighting that brings out the tiny sparkles and it looks like any other cushion because the tiny pinpoint sparkles overwhelm the big facets.

Indoors, it is total perfection with the big flowery facets, it's so delicious and just glows even in the lowest lighting. So I'm really undecided. I'm trying to decide if I would be happier with an avc/avr or if this stone is as close as it comes to what I want.

I'm also concerned about being able to see the stone holder from the top down, that seems like a defect in the cut doesn't it? I've never noticed that in pictures here. I'm paying a premium for the cut style over standard cushions, and for the price I don't want any problems.

Another factor is that JA has a really really restrictive upgrade policy, the upgrade stone has to be double the cost of the original. So basically if I keep this stone there won't be any upgrades through JA lol, and it's giving me commitment phobia.
Well this explains why you can see the stone-holder ;(

20160404_195609.jpg 20160404_195716.jpg

Btw the ASET scope kit is amazing and super easy to use straight out of the box. And I took these photos with my cell phone camera. Easy peasy. I'm impressed.
Well, it's not usually super easy-peasy right off the bat ;)) -- see, e.g., this thread initiated by Kenny who has mad photography skills, fine equipment, and was bamboozled by his initial efforts for an explanation as to why, for example, he wasn't getting consistent results & there can be a surprising amount of red, that isn't due to the stone itself:
Oh dear, maybe I need to give it another go then. :wall: The leakage looks pretty consistent with where I see the stone holder though.

eta, Here's take two.
cookiebuttermonster said:
Oh dear, maybe I need to give it another go then. :wall: The leakage looks pretty consistent with where I see the stone holder though.

eta, Here's take two.

I think this simply shows that your gut feeling was right all along. No matter how hard it is to photograph, the aset is saying the same thing as you have been describing. I am also thinking that maybe the leakage/cut problems are related to the tiny sparkles that you are seeing. I have thought about my own cushion in this regard and honestly dont think I have any tiny sparkles to speak of, and no leakage. I dont have it with me now so cant say for sure re tiny sparkles, but I dont think the they are due to the cut style itself.

Re the holder showing from top down: I would return that stone!

I really dont like recommending anything, but it seems like you need to se an avc IRL to decide.

Hunting for diamonds isnt the easiest thing to do but it is rewarding when you find the one you like! I just want to encourage you not to settle with something that you will regret later (especially with an expensive upgrade policy!). :wavey:
aca|1459837859|4015579 said:
I think this simply shows that your gut feeling was right all along. No matter how hard it is to photograph, the aset is saying the same thing as you have been describing. I am also thinking that maybe the leakage/cut problems are related to the tiny sparkles that you are seeing. I have thought about my own cushion in this regard and honestly dont think I have any tiny sparkles to speak of, and no leakage. I dont have it with me now so cant say for sure re tiny sparkles, but I dont think the they are due to the cut style itself.

Re the holder showing from top down: I would return that stone!

I really dont like recommending anything, but it seems like you need to se an avc IRL to decide.

Hunting for diamonds isnt the easiest thing to do but it is rewarding when you find the one you like! I just want to encourage you not to settle with something that you will regret later (especially with an expensive upgrade policy!). :wavey:

I really agree on needing to see an AVC in person, I sent GoG an email last night so hopefully will hear from them soon. There's a stone of similar size/specs/price in their inventory right now that has a beautiful cut.

I wish I did like the tiny sparkles! If I did, I would stick this stone in a platinum head and be happy, because when it's in the silver holder you can't even tell. That one center facet still manages to sparkle, it's not dead. But combine the tiny sparkles with the window/leakage and the upgrade policy and it doesn't feel like the right purchase to make. Plus I have loved dealing with GoG and was looking forward to getting my stone from them.

Aca I can't thank you enough for all your feedback! With our stones being so similar especially, it's been invaluable.
cookiebuttermonster|1459826325|4015532 said:
Well this explains why you can see the stone-holder ;(

20160404_195609.jpg 20160404_195716.jpg

Btw the ASET scope kit is amazing and super easy to use straight out of the box. And I took these photos with my cell phone camera. Easy peasy. I'm impressed.

That is very nice for a generic 8 main cushion better than most, the edges are almost completely red which makes for a nice lively stone. Sure two leaves of the maltese cross are leaking but 'flaws' are to be expected unless you buy a branded one.

You are having trouble centering and keeping the table parallel to the scope the ASET and Idealscope don't match, in one you have a lot more leakage than the other in the maltese cross which should not be the case.
Thank you cookie! :appl: Happy to help, but I am no expert really.
I hope the avc will be "the one"!! I look forward to seeing it if you want to share! If it doesnt speak to you either, the you know for sure that the typ of cut is wrong, but I hope that wont happen.
Best of luck! :wavey:
Hi again cookie!
I just recieved my new ring today and wanted to say that I do (!!!) see some tiny sparkles when looking at the stone from an angle. In some lighting situations I do see it and so *maybe* its related to the cut style. It is basically impossible to photograph but I tried... this is also a sneak peak of my new ring, I will post a thread in smtb when I have more time to take better photos of it.
I couldnt even remember the tiny sparkles so they are obviously not something that I have been bothered by or even thought of, but I really wanted to share this with you now that I see it! Maybe this makes your decision harder though, sorry..!

Tiny sparkles from an angle:

It is basically impossible to show how this stone looks by using pictures... but I love it. Not sure you would though! Choosing the type of cut is such a personal decision and so when shopping online its really good to be able to return something that doesnt sing to you.

/aca :wavey:
Below is a photo of the AVC I owned and I don't remember seeing any super fine sparkles with it even on a tilt angle. It had a broader scintillation pattern even with it's tiny .99 carat size. There was never a crushed ice effect in it ever.

I agree with the other poster you probably need to get an AVC from GOG or a Canera Antique Cushion (and tell them both what you do and don't like) so you can get a chunky cut one with minimal leakage. And if you don't like them then you either need to go for a totally different cut or think about saving up to purchase a larger stone, because the larger the stone the broader the scintillation pattern IMHO in these type of cuts.

I think you're doing the right thing by looking for another option. You really should love your stone!

I have an OMB and I wanted to say that I don't see any of the small chaotic sparkles or fire that is bothering you about this stone, so there is definitely hope!
Sorry it's been so long since I checked in! I've been sick and my girl suddenly started having separation anxiety again so it's been hard to get spare computer time in.

So I am still waffling about this JA stone! It really is super gorgeous. Part of the problem is that I am seeing it the most in the car, and it hates my car lol. My interior is all black and gray so it picks up those colors,and it hates the lighting in my car too. Or more accurately, I don't like the way it performs in the car! When I'm at home it's just stunning and perfect.

The performance and color are not exactly what I was looking for. I had set out looking for a softer color and performance. But it is so lovely it's tempting me to embrace it as serendipity and roll with it lol.

In the process of picking out an AVC to see in person. Nothing they have is quite what I'm looking for though so it will just be a trial. The custom cut has fallen through because it turns out that the cutter doesn't have precise control over inner facet aesthetics, which I'm really picky about. :oops:

Sharon that makes me happy to learn that I picked a good one! It really is a very lively stone. The more I look the more I realize how rare it is to find a stone like this. Which doesn't make the decision any easier lol.

Aca Your ring turned out so lovely! I love the yellow gold and the white prongs. How funny that your stone performs similarly to the JA stone, thank you so much for letting me know because I was starting to feel a little crazy trying to describe it lol. I wonder if they were cut by the same person because they are so similar. There was another stone at JA that was very close to this one, and they had the same date on their certificate,David at GoG theorized that they were from the same batch.

Arkie and Haven Thank you for weighing in! That's good to know that the type of performance I had expected does exist if I keep looking. I didn't expect this decision to be so hard lol.
Bummer about the custom cut option- thanks for sharing that information... Does their lack of control of the facet shape apply to all diamonds, not just AVCs? What sort of facet shape are you looking for?

Btw, did Grace ever get back to you regarding differentiating new vs old cuts? Thank you again!