Date: 2/16/2006 6:57:32 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
So now that I''ve actually made a decision about my name, I''l post here!
I''m going to be Mrs. Obousy when we get married, but I will remain Dr. Whitney professionally. I had thought about hyphenating, or having 2 last names, but I was kinda worried about it being such a mouthful (it would be 5 syllables, after all!) So I was talking to one of my attendings the other day, and mentioned that I might hyphenate, but wasn''t sure, just that I wanted to keep my maiden name involved, and she said that she just kept her maiden name professionally but used her married name for everything else, and that it didn''t cause any problems or anything with legal issues and whatnot.
So I thought about it, and once I decided that yes, it was OK to only use my maiden name professionally, and made sure it was OK with my FI, I started to feel really good about it!! I am very close to my family, and I still want to identify strongly with where I came from. The best part was telling my dad about my decision...he was THRILLED. He got a little teary-eyed telling me how much it meant to him that I wanted to do that...I''ll be the first doctor in my family, and my dad is soooo proud of me...really makes me feel good to use my maiden name professionally, partly as a tribute to my parents and where I came from, since without them I would never have been who I am today!
So that said, I have a question. Does anyone know how exactly to make this work? Do I legally change my name and use his last name, and then just use my maiden name ''unofficially'' for work-related things? How does this all work, as far as legality and government requirements and getting paid and whatnot?
Date: 2/16/2006 8:21:25 PM
Author: Mandarine
I haven't decided...but I'm leaning towards taking his last name. I guess I would want everyone in 'our family' to share the same name. My BF once mentioned that he didn't think it was necessary...but then I told him I would be the only one in our family with a different last he agreed on that. I have thought about the myfirstname mylastname-hislastname combo...
So either his last name or a combo....I guess it is one of the 'symbols' I'm looking forward to in terms of getting married and forming a new family![]()
German also! What is it with those crazy German names. Kevin also has a rare German last name. I''m half German but it''s just so different from most names.Date: 2/16/2006 10:51:45 PM
Author: ~*Alexis*~
I have thought about this idea for quite sometime and I have always been conflicted. I have a prominent name back where my dad was born. If I go there and use my last name, I am recognized (for good things) my great grandfather helped found the city and we have a city park named after us. However, my boyfriend has a last name that is very rare, and its german. So I thought about hyphenating my last name by then again that is my 7 letters and then his 10. So i have no diea. But my idea is that I will keep my maiden name for work and my boyfriends for the personal reasons. That is what people around my area do. So I guess time will tell....
Amy, the middle name switch is a good idea.Date: 2/16/2006 4:41:50 PM
Author: amy94
Thanks for the input. It's good to hear from others who have experience w/the situation. My son is pre-teen so I think it matters more to me than to him. Of course, i'll talk w/him more as time approaches but I may be making nothing into something. We'll see.I just want to do what makes him most comforatable. I wouldn't want him to feel left out or anything negative.![]()
I never thought of switching out my middle name w/my maiden name. I don't think I like my last name enough to switch it. That's a good idea though for those who want both.